Soft Eng QB

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PVG’s College Of Science

Software Engineering Question Bank 22-23

Subject: Software Engineering Sem– III

Q. Multiple Choice Questions.

1. Which of the following is not the characteristic of software?

a. Software does not wear out
b. Software is not manufactured
c. Software is always correct
d. Software is flexible.
2. Which is the layered technology in bedrock that supports software engineering?
a. Methods
b. Tools
c. Process
d. Quality Focus
3. A generic process framework for software engineering encompasses five activities. What
are those activities?
a. Communication, risk management, measurement, production, deployment.
b. Communication, Planning, Modeling, construction, deployment.
c. Analysis, designing, programming, debugging, maintenance.
d. None of above.
4. Which model is also called as the classic life cycle or the waterfall model?
a. Iterative development
b. Linear sequential development
c. RAD model
d. Increment development
5. RAD software process model stands for,
a. Rapid Application Development
b. Relative Application Development.
c. Rapid Application Design
d. Recent Application Development
6. The spiral model of software development
a. Ends with the delivery of the software product.
b. Is more chaotic than the incremental model.
c. Includes project risks evaluation during each iteration
d. All of above
7. The incremental model is a result of combination of elements of which two models?
a. Build & fix model and waterfall model
b. Linear Model and RAD model
c. Linear model and Prototyping model
d. Waterfall model and RAD model.
8. Agile software development is based on
a. Incremental Development
b. Iterative Development
c. Linear Development
d. Both Incremental and Iterative Development
9. Which of the following is not an agile method?
a. XP
b. 4GT
c. AUP
d. All of mentioned
10. Which three framework activities are present in ASD?
a. Analysis, design, coding
b. Req. gathering, adaptive cycle planning, iterative development
c. Speculation, collaboration, learning
d. All of above
11. Scrum is iterative. The iteration is called as
a. Sprite
b. IT1
c. Sprint
d. Sprinte
12. Scrum principles includes,
a. Time boxes
b. Cross functional teams
c. Open communication team
d. All of above
13. Requirement engineering process includes which of these steps?
a. Feasibility study
b. Requirement gathering
c. Software req. specification and validation
d. All of above
14. The SRS document is also known as which specification
a. Black box
b. White box
c. Grey box
d. None of above
15. How many feasibility studies is conducted in Req. Analysis?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. None of above
16. Three things that make requirements elicitation difficult are problems of
a. Volatility
b. Scope
c. Understanding
d. All of above
17. In collaborative req. gathering the facilitator,
a. Arranges the meeting place
b. Cannot be a customer
c. Controls the meeting
d. Must be an outsider
18. Structural models of software display the organization of a system in terms of the
_________ that make up that system and their relationships.
a. Association
b. Components
c. Artifacts
d. All of above
19. Which of the following diagram is time oriented?
a. Sequence diagram
b. Collaboration diagram
c. Class diagram
d. Object diagram
20. Types of pattern include,
a. Architecture
b. Design
c. Idioms
d. All of above

Q. One or Two marks questions

1. Define software.
2. Define Software Engineering.
3. State umbrella framework activities.
4. List activities in spiral model.
5. Write down 3 characteristics of software.
6. List benefits of prototyping model.
7. List the primary goal of software engineering.
8. Explain the use of concurrent model.
9. Define Agility.
10. What is pair programming?
11. List any two key values, practices of XP.
12. List any two XP activities.
13. State any two human factors considered during agile software development.
14. What are the types of interview techniques?
15. List any two problems faced during requirement elicitation.
16. Define IEEE definition of requirement.
17. What do you mean by elicitation?
18. What is negotiation?
19. Define SRS.
20. What are functional and non functional requirements?
21. List any 2 components of structured analysis.
22. What is mean by structured analysis?
23. Define artifact.
24. Define class and object.
25. What is mean by deployment?
26. What is refactoring?
27. List architectural design element.
28. What is software process?
29. What is unified process?
30. What is requirement? List types of requirement.
31. Define analysis model.
32. What is analysis pattern?

Q. Long Question

1. What is waterfall model? Explain with diagram.

2. Explain spiral model in detail.
3. Explain concurrent development.
4. Explain prototype model in detail.
5. Explain umbrella activities of software engineering.
6. Write short note on concurrent development model.
7. Explain incremental model with its advantages and disadvantages.
8. Explain characteristics of software.
9. What are the human factors for agile process?
10. What is ASD? Describe diagrammatically.
11. With the help of diagram explain DSDM in detail.
12. What is scrum? Explain. Write down its advantages and disadvantages.
13. What is Extreme programming? Explain in detail.
14. Explain any five principles of achieve agility.
15. Explain agile process model in detail.
16. What is software requirement specification? Explain.
17. Compare structured interview with instructed interview.
18. State difference between structured and unstructured interviews.
19. What are goals of requirement engineering?
20. Write short note on: Analysis pattern
21. Describe the term agile requirements engineering in detail.
22. Draw use case diagram for player selection in Indian cricket team
23. What is object model? Draw object diagram for online shopping of books.
24. Draw a component diagram for online movie ticket booking.
25. Draw activity diagram for making photocopies on Xerox machine.
26. Draw sequence diagram for telephone(landline) dialing.
27. What are types of design patterns?
28. Describe software design process in detail.
29. What is modularity? Explain its benefit.
30. Explain characteristics of design classes.
31. Write a short note on refinement.
32. What is functional dependency? Explain in detail.
33. Write short note on Evolution of software design.
34. With the help of diagram explain design model.
35. What are diagrams under behavioral model? Explain any one.
36. Describe software application domain in detail.
37. With the help of diagram describe UP/RUP.
38. Describe RAD model with its advantages and disadvantages.
39. Explain the term AUP in detail.
40. How to negotiating requirements? Explain in detail.


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