Tanan Sourcesesses in Oed-3rd and 4th Quarter

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Og wa gae mo gawas pag search nimo ang last
nga sentence copyha ayaw tanan!!!!!!
Professional Profile is also the most flexible of the three styles as it can be formatted as
short paragraph of bullet-point list.
The correct answer is 'True kasi ito ay tama sa tagalog
This is the more traditional format of a resume and is flexible and can be used for
applicants with any level of experience.
The correct answer is: Reverse-Chronological
A behavior of a single individual or a group that has led to a systematic lack of productivity,
reliability, accountability and a growing sphere of unprofessional/unhealthy relationships.
The correct answer is: Negative Work ethic
A portfolio is a set of pictures by someone, or photographs of examples of their work, which
they use when entering competitions or applying for work.
The correct answer is 'True'.
A belief that work, hard work and diligence has a moral benefit and an inherent ability, virtue
or value to strengthen character.
The correct answer is: Work ethic
He revised the notion of work ethic as a means of management control that delude workers
about the actual reality for accumulated advantage, which is a form of avarice.
The correct answer is: Frederick Winslow Taylor
Functional format is flexible and can be used for applicants with any level of experience.
The correct answer is 'False kasi ito ay di mao sa bisaya
The_________governs employment practices and labor relations in the Philippines.
The correct answer is: Labor Code of the Philippines
Include your GPA from 5.0, round up to the first decimal place, and use this format: GPA:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Make sure that the portfolio is carefully laid out and in the correct order.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Credentials are documents that state the abilities and experience of a person and show that
the person is qualified for a particular job or activity.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Under whose regime the Labor Code of the Philippines does took effect?
The correct answer is: Ferdinand Marcos
Overconfidence is not bad if you are putting on a performance to demonstrate your ability.
The correct answer is 'False'.
When creating a portfolio, go for quantity not quality.
The correct answer is 'False kasi ito ay mali
He states that "what was once understood as the work ethic—not just hard work but also a
set of accompanying virtues, whose crucial role in the development and sustaining of free
markets too few now recall".
The correct answer is: Steven Malanga
Chronological format is more of traditional format and is what you are most likely to come
The correct answer is 'False'.
When Labor Code of the Philippines was promulgated?
The correct answer is: May 1, 1974
Functional format is more suitable for those with an expert level of experience.
The correct answer is 'True'.
A combination of both the career objective and qualifications summary.
The correct answer is: Professional Profile
All items need to be clear and easy to understand.
The correct answer is 'True'.
It is a set of pictures by someone, or photographs of examples of their work, which they use
when entering competitions or applying for work.
The correct answer is: Portfolio
The qualifications summary is a bullet point list (ranging from 4 to 6 points) of your most
outstanding career achievements.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Defined as “the place where work immersion of students is done".
The correct answer is: Workplace Immersion Venue
A resume is a means of not advertising yourself to get a job that you want and will give a
short impression about you to the employers whether you attain their standards or not.
The correct answer is 'False'.
The normal hours of work of any employee.
The correct answer is: Eight
During interview, asking question is not wrong because it also gives you the opportunity to
find out if this is the right place for you.
The correct answer is 'True'.
If an item is too large to take to the interview you can bring it to show with close ups to elicit
The correct answer is 'False'.
A resume is a written statement of your educational and work experience.
The correct answer is 'True'.
As for overseas employment of Filipinos, foreign employers are not allowed to directly hire
Philippine nationals except through board and entities authorized by the
The correct answer is: Secretary of Labor
A good portfolio should have an index of the contents.
The correct answer is 'True'.
It is important to know what to wear to an interview and to be well-groomed.
The correct answer is 'True'.
The curriculum vitae including your interests and any evidence of project management
skills can be included in a portfolio.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Don’t put your portfolio on a web site if possible as it is so easy to access.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Having a solid education section doesn’t helps to display the foundation of your knowledge
and expertise.
The correct answer is 'False'.
All employees have the right to have a__________consecutive hours of rest day after every 6
days of work.
The correct answer is: Twenty-four
focuses on your abilities and skills and is more suitable for those with an expert level of
The correct answer is: Functional format
can also include budget sheets, idea pitches and marketing materials.
The correct answer is: Production Portfolio
While chronological places emphasis on career progression, a functional format focuses on
your abilities and skills.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Remember to list your work experiences in reverse chronological order and only list
experience that is relevant to the job you are applying for.
The correct answer is 'True'.
The duty of every employer to give his employees not less than_____ minutes time-off for
their regular meals.
The correct answer is: Sixty
It is important to bring energy and enthusiasm to the interview and to ask questions and it
is about making a new friend.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Practice good nonverbal communication is one of the necessary skills on job interview.
The correct answer is 'True'.
On job interview, it is important to be aware of any inappropriate slang words or references
to age, race, religion, politics or sexual orientation—these topics could send you out the
door very quickly.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Production portfolios cannot be included such as budget sheets, idea pitches and
marketing materials.
The correct answer is 'False'.
The date where Labor Code of the Philippines took effect.
The correct answer is: November 1, 1974
Combination format is generally reserved for beginners with less experience in a particular
The correct answer is 'False'.
A written statement of your educational and work experience.
The correct answer is: Resume
The Php 426 combined rate is locally referred to in the Philippines as "_______”due to this
regional disparity.
The correct answer is: Manila Rate
Place the best and most relevant work first and start and finish with strong pieces of work
on your portfolio.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Personal experience can also be referred as a career objective.
The correct answer is 'False'.

BAED-RSCH2122-2022S WEEK 11-19

Find the median of the following: 42,71,39,76,39,10,25,38
The correct answer is: 39
590 ABM students
The correct answer is: 238
600 STEM students
The correct answer is: 240
Look for the mode: 6,6,6,6,6,6,5,5,5,5,7,7,7,7,7,7,9,9,9,9,8,8,8,8
The correct answer is: 6 and 7
Find the median: 70,81,82,55,62,79,68,58,55,63
The correct answer is: 69
The correct answer is: 24
What is the mean of the ff. numbers? 10,39,71,39,76,38,25
The correct answer is: 42.5
The correct answer is: 222
The correct answer is: 199
Determine the mean of the ff. set of numbers: 40, 61, 95,79, 9,50, 80,63, 109, 42.
The correct answer is: 62.8
Find the median: 9,4,5,6,8,3,12
The correct answer is: 6

A group of customer service surveys were sent out of random. The scores were 90,
50,70,80, 70,60, 20,30, 80, 90, and 20.
The correct answer is: 60
What number would you divide by to calculate the mean of 3,4,5,6?
The correct answer is: 4
The correct answer is: 255
1500 SHS
The correct answer is: 316
Find the mode of the following set: 0,12,15,15,13,19,16,13,16,16
The correct answer is: 16
It is a process of bringing order, structure and meaning to the mass of collected data.
The correct answer is: Data Analysis
It is the process of organizing data into logical, sequential and meaningful categories and
classifications to make them amenable to study and interpretation.
The correct answer is: Interpretation
It answers the question "So What?" in relation to the result of the study.
The correct answer is: Interpretation
Under the ways of presenting data, it is a statements with numerals or numbers that serve
as supplements to tabular presentation.
The correct answer is: Textual
What is a chart presenting the quantitative variations of changes of variables in pictorial or
diagrammatic form?
The correct answer is: Graphical
These include a complete list of all quoted and paraphrased works that the researcher
actually used in completing the study.
The correct answer is: References
What is the document that ultimately represents the research?
The correct answer is: Final Report
What is the record of the research content, process and analyses as reported by the
The correct answer is: Report
The _______________ should clarify concepts defines within the scope of the study.
The correct answer is: Conclusion
It is a type or graph/chart that presents categorical data with rectangular bars with heights
or lengths proportional to the values that they represent.
The correct answer is: Bar graph

BAED-PROG3116 Programming (.Net

Technology) NC III Part 2 WEEK 11-20
C# code is case insensitive
The correct answer is 'False'.
A while loop begins with the while keyword, followed by parentheses, where you specify
how long the loop continues, then a block to repeat.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Strings are enclosed with grave accent(`) marks
The correct answer is 'False'.
Variables are declared with the let keyword
The correct answer is 'False'.
Razor code blocks are enclosed in @[ ... ]
The correct answer is 'False'.
Statements can be executed repeatedly in loops.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Code statements end with semicolon
The correct answer is 'True'.
# files have the extension .csphtml
The correct answer is 'False'.
is a markup syntax that lets you embed server-based code (Visual Basic and C#) into web
The correct answer is: Razor
Inline expressions (variables and functions) start with @
The correct answer is 'True'.
loops while or until a conditionis true
The correct answer is: Do...Loop statement
The default scripting language in ASP is C++.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Choose The Rules for VBScript variable names
The correct answers are: Must begin with a letter, Cannot contain a period (.), Cannot
exceed 255 characters
executes a set of code when a condition is true
The correct answer is: If statement
select one of two sets of lines to execute
The correct answer is: If...Then...Else statement
Creating variables in VBScript is most often referred to as "declaring" variables.
The correct answer is 'False'.

runs code for each item in a collection or each element of an array

The correct answer is: For Each...Next statement
runs code a specified number of times
The correct answer is: For...Next statement
select one of many sets of lines to execute
The correct answers are: If...Then...ElseIf statement, Select Case statement
VBScript is a light version of Microsoft's Visual Studio.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Code statements end with semicolon
The correct answer is 'True'.
executes a set of code when a condition is true
The correct answer is: If statement
Indicates whether string comparisons within the data tables are case-sensitive.
The correct answer is: CaseSensitive
The default scripting language in ASP is C++.
The correct answer is 'False'.
he DataSet contains DataTable objects and DataRelation objects.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Variables are declared with the let keyword
The correct answer is 'False'.
The ADO.NET objects encapsulate all the data access operations and the controls interact
with these objects to display data, thus hiding the details of movement of data
The correct answer is 'True'.
Gets the container for the component.
The correct answer is: CaseSensitive
VBScript is a light version of Microsoft's Visual Studio.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Returns a view of data in the data set.
The correct answer is: DefaultViewManager
Gets or sets the name of the current data set.
The correct answer is: DataSetName.
Indicates whether the component is currently in design mode.
The correct answer is: DesignMode
The DataRelation objects represent the relationship between two tables.
The correct answer is 'True'.
is a markup syntax that lets you embed server-based code (Visual Basic and C#) into web
The correct answer is: Razor

The dataset represents a subset of the database. It does not have a continuous connection
to the database
The correct answer is 'True'.
Razor code blocks are enclosed in @[ ... ]
The correct answer is 'False'.
Inline expressions (variables and functions) start with @
The correct answer is 'True'.
ADO.NET provides a bridge between the front end controls and the back end database.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Choose The Rules for VBScript variable names
The correct answers are: Must begin with a letter, Cannot contain a period (.), Cannot
exceed 255 characters
Accepts all changes made since the DataSet was loaded or this method was called.
The correct answer is: AcceptChanges
loops while or until a conditionis true
The correct answer is: Do...Loop statement
Statements can be executed repeatedly in loops.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Copies both structure and data
The correct answer is: Copy
runs code for each item in a collection or each element of an array
The correct answer is: For Each...Next statement
Ends the initialization of the data set
The correct answer is: EndInit
Returns a DataTableReader with one result set per DataTable, in the same sequence as the
tables appear in the Tables collection
The correct answer is: CreateDataReader()
Strings are enclosed with grave accent(`) marks
The correct answer is 'False'.
Free resources and perform other cleanups
The correct answer is: Finalize
C# code is case insensitive
The correct answer is 'False'.
Begins the initialization of the DataSet. The initialization occurs at run time
The correct answer is: BeginInit
# files have the extension .csphtml
The correct answer is 'False'.

A while loop begins with the while keyword, followed by parentheses, where you specify
how long the loop continues, then a block to repeat.
The correct answer is 'True'.
select one of two sets of lines to execute
The correct answer is: If...Then...Else statement
Gets a copy of DataSet with all changes made since it was loaded or the AcceptChanges
method was called, filtered by DataRowState
The correct answer is: GetChanges(DataRowState)
Returns a copy of the DataSet with all changes made since it was loaded or the
AcceptChanges method was called
The correct answer is: GetChanges
Returns a DataTableReader with one result set per DataTable
The correct answer is: CreateDataReader(DataTable[])
runs code a specified number of times
The correct answer is: For...Next statement
select one of many sets of lines to execute
The correct answers are: If...Then...ElseIf statement, Select Case statement
Copies the structure of the DataSet, including all DataTable schemas, relations, and
constraints. Does not copy any data
The correct answer is: Clone

BAED-PROG3112B Programming (Java) NCIII

Part 2


String val_1 = "foobar";

String val_2 = "fudgee chocolate";
val_1 = val_2.substring(val_1.length()/2,6);
val_2 = val_2.substring(0,(val_2.length()/2)-1);
String val_3 = val_2 + val_1;

Output: fudgee gee

String val_1 = "hot";
String val_2 = "dog";
String val_3 = val_1 + val_2;
Answer: val_1 + val_2
int num = 0;
if (num <= 0){
num = 0;
num = num + 43210;
int x = -77;

int z = 43;
System.out.println(x * x);
System.out.println(z * z);
String val_1 = "123";
int num = 0;
num = num + Integer.valueOf(val_1.substring(0,1));
num = num + Integer.valueOf(val_1.substring(1,2));
num = num + Integer.valueOf(val_1.substring(2,3));
int counter = 19;
int answer = 10;
boolean result;

counter *= 9;
counter /= 10;
result = ! (counter > 20);
result = (counter % 3) == 0;
answer = (counter % 4) * (counter-1);
answer = (counter * 123) / 7 + (90 % 4);
Line 22 answer:18
String val_1 = "foobar";
String val_2 = val_1;
val_1 = String.valueOf(val_1.indexOf("b"));
String val_3 = val_2.substring(0,Integer.valueOf(val_1));
String val_1 = "foobar";
val_1 = val_1 + val_1;
String val_1 = "foobar";
String temp = val_1;
val_1 = val_1.substring(3,6);
val_1 = val_1 + temp.substring(0,3);
String val_1 = "foo";
String val_2 = val_1.substring(0,1) + val_1.substring(1,2);

val_2 = val_2 + val_1.substring(4,5);

int counter = 19;
int answer = 10;
boolean result;
counter *= 9;
counter /= 10;
result = ! (counter > 20);
result = (counter % 3) == 0;
answer = (counter % 4) * (counter-1);
answer = (counter * 123) / 7 + (90 % 4);
Answer:line 20 false
String val_1 = "100";
String val_2 = "200";
int num_1 = Integer.valueOf(val_1);
int num_2 = Integer.valueOf(val_2.substring(0,1));
val_1 = String.valueOf(num_1 * num_2);
String val_1 = "foobar";
String val_2 = "fudgee chocolate";

val_1 = val_1.substring(val_1.length()/2, val_1.length());

val_2 = val_2.substring((val_2.length()/2)-1,16);
String val_3 = val_2 + "" + val_1;
Answer:chocolate bar
String val_1 = "Foobar";
String val_2 = "hotdog";
String val_3 = String.valueOf(val_1.length()+ val_2.length());
String val_1 = "25";
String val_2 = "80";
int num1 = Integer.valueOf(val_1);
int num2 = Integer.valueOf(val_2.substring(0,1));
val_1 = String.valueOf(num1 * num2);
String val_1 = "foo";
String val_2 = "bar";
String val_3 = val_2;
val_2 = val_1;
val_1 = val_3;

result = 90 < x || -1 < z;

True or False: Syntax is basically the spelling and grammar errors compiled in a Java
programming language. It should be avoided in writing apps and applets.
True or False: Many programmers can be literate with Java programming language for it is
intended to be that way.
There are keywords found in line 7.
The first line of the code should have either a yes or no value.
If you run this program, the second line of output will read Your score is:

There are two types of comments used in the program above – end of line and Javadoc
There are also punctuators used in line 10, in between System, out and println, the
parentheses and semicolon.
Line 11 will display____on the screen.
Line 7 will display_______on the screen..
An inner class can be constructed directly without reference to the outer class.
Constructors can have ________ overloads
-any number
A nested class is not an inner class.
The _______ method can copy one array to another.
All possible data types of an array can be retuned as a string by the toString()method.
Abstracted classes can contain 1 or more abstract methods.
Nested classes causes them to become abstracted
The limit of dimensions an array can have without errors is
A subclass constructor cannot invoke a superclass constructor.
A constructor can only have 1-2 overloads or parameters.
Abstract classes cannot have nested classes.
If you want some variables and methods hidden from other classes, you could implement
encapsulation where these variables and methods are wrapped in a single unit.
A class acquiring fields and methods of another class is called inheritance.
Constructors have 3 basic rules to follow.

Abstracted classes can be nested.

Arrays can be read backwards
Subclasses or child classes could have different behaviors but still share the same
functions from their parent class.
Abstraction shows the every bit of detail and implementation on how an application does
The default syntax of a constructor is <class_name>(parameter, parameter){ }
An abstract class must not contain abstract methods.
There are no bugs and errors in the program.
Procedural programming will be tricky for____applications.
The equivalent of clauses in coding is?
Int num = 1; for(num=num;num&lt;=10;num++) is an acceptable code snippet.
Loop that has a pre-determined number of iterations
An int can be used even if it is declared outside a for-loop.
Overload methods must be the same name as the class
What the break statement in this example does is .
-Ends the whole instance of the loop
The random( ) method sorts the array randomly.
The last part in a for loop setup can be an .
- both
The “1” in arrayName[1] is called an .
The continue; statement ends all the iterations of a loop.
- False
Which is not a proper increment?
- n+-;
Infine for-loops can be declared as for( ){ }.
- False
If-if is more logical than else-if.
- False
The else statement can be removed if not needed.
Expressions, Statements and Blocks are like composing sentences and paragraphs.
You can declare a new method in the subclass which is not declared in the superclass.
The return value of the equals( ) method is .
-None of the choices
The Arrays.sort( ) method sorts an array into order.
This type of declaration is discouraged: “int myArray[ ]”
- True
An if-else-if-else statement is a block.
If the increment num=num+2 is changed to num++, the final value of num will be
The term of each pass through a loop makes is called?

Loops must always have a continue or break statement.
1+2+3/4*5 is an unambiguous expression
Conditional statements can contain more conditional statements.
- True
int num = 1;
if(num==1 &amp;&amp; num&lt;=1){
The conditional statement will .
- execute the body
byte( ][ ][ ) myArray; is an example of .
- An error
An array hold objects.
- can
A reference variable can be reassigned to other objects provided that it is not declared
- final
The test expression of conditional statement cannot contain
Each pass through of a loop is called a cycle.
- True
If the increment “num = num + 2” is changed to “num = num + 1” the final output will be
Ifs and else-ifs test expressions return true or false.
- True
classes increase the encapsulation of you methods and data.
- nesting
Constructed methods are initialized with 0 or null depending on the data type.
- true
The else statement catches whatever argument the if and else-if didn’t
- True
An iteration of a loop is equivalent to one pass through.
- true
38. If we change the initial value of num in line 6 to “num = 0”, the println output will be
The else-if statement can be used alone.
- false
Abstract methods need sub-classes to contain their implementations.
The method arraycopy( ) does what?
- Copies the contents of an array to a destination array.
An array can be infinitely long.
- False
A loop can contain no expressions or statements inside.
- true
Conditional statements are the same as declaration statements.
- False
You cannot use inherited methods directly in a child class.
- False
The equals( ) method compares 2 arrays.
- True

Method invocations are statements

- True
There are no errors on line 11 but the variable ageFuture is not used in the program.
To implement encapsulation, you have to declare class variables with the private
- True
Inner class methods can be called by constructing the inner class.
- False
Encapsulated data are hidden from other classes.
- True
The file is accurately named – Students.java.

There are three (3) separators found in line 13.
There is an error in line 9.
result = 90 &lt; x || -1 &lt; z;
The last line of code, with a close brace { symbol, is properly indented.
Assuming there are no errors in the code, line 13 would display When I graduate, I’d be 18.
Figure 2 shows the Netbeans Integrated Development Environment.
The last line of code will output 100.0.
True or False: An exclamation point in Java means NOT. Therefore, != means not equal to.
There are two types of comments used in the program above – end of line and Javadoc
result = (z &lt; x &amp;&amp; 1 != 10) ? true : false;
There are keywords found in line 7.
In line 11, the value of personage is 18.
If there are no errors in the program, the first line of output would read Hi, I’m a normal
result = (x * z + (z += 7)) &gt;= 100;
True or False: Logical OR operator will result to false if one of the expressions is false.
True or False: Semicolon (;) is a separator used to end a Java statement.
True or False: There are five types of integer data types – byte, short, int, long and float.

True or False: Single equal sign (=) is used for assigning values while double equal sign (==)
is used in
comparing values.
True or False: Java’s ternary operator is a short hand for the if-then-else statement which
uses a
question mark and a colon.
True or False: JDK or Java Design Kit is required to compile and run Java apps and applets.
On line 6, average is equal to 0. But on line 9, average will be equal to 100.
True or False: Identifiers in Java are, in simple words, name that you give to Java class,
variables and
True or False: When you run javac in a command line interface, it will automatically create
another file
with a filename extension .class.
Line 9 uses a traditional comment which uses double forward slash.
There are five (5) separators used in line 8.
There are no errors on line 8.
True or False: Syntax is basically the spelling and grammar errors compiled in a Java
language. It should be avoided in writing apps and applets.
True or False: Operators, in Java programming language, use special symbols to call
methods and their
If you run this program, the second line of output will read Your score is:.
True or False: Java is a low level programming language.
There are also punctuators used in line 10, in between System, out and println, the
parentheses and
If there are no errors and this simple program runs through CLI, the first line will display: Hi,

True or False: Brackets [] are also separators used in declaring arrays.

Substrings can contain 1 or 2 arguments.
Determine the output.
The index of the letter “y” in string “Doggy” is 5.
Determine the output.
TRUE OR FALSE: The value “val_3” is a white space “ “.
True or False: Variable 1st_num is a good variable name in Java programming.
TRUE OR FALSE: “val_2” contains “The”
True or False: Instance variables are declared inside a method but outside a class.
True or False: Variable names in Java are not necessarily case sensitive.
Determine the output
True or False: Public, private and protected are some of the return types used in Java
True or False: Divide and conquer strategy, in programming, is also known as the top-down
If there are no errors in the program, line 9 would display I weigh 160.
True or False: A boolean variable can only have two values; it is either true or false.
result = !((x * 10) &lt; z);
result = -(-z) == 43;

True or False: If you get an error while running the javac command in the CLI, it could be
resolved by
editing the Path value in Environment Variables.
True or False: The subtraction assignment operator subtracts the left and right operand and
assigns the
difference to the operand at the right.
x += x;
result = x == 154;
The second line of output will be: You are in Year 11.
True or False: The conditional AND operator uses two ampersand (&amp;&amp;) symbols.
result = 43 &lt;= z;
True or False: You’ll know that a variable is a class variable when you see that variable
inside a class
with the word static.
The string method “length( )” returns the number of characters within a string.
A string can contain numbers.
TRUE OR FALSE: This is an example of concatenation.
TRUE OR FALSE: The value of “val_4” is “fox”
TRUE OR FALSE: “val_2” contains “The”.
Determine the output.
Languages which use procedural programming include C, (Answer) FORTRAN, Pascal and
True or False: Local variables are declared inside the default method.
True or False: Procedural programming involves instructing the system as to how to
complete a task.
TRUE OR FALSE: The output of this code is “The quick brown fox”
Among the expressions below which is a statement?
Expressions can be long and complex.
number++; is an expression
For-loops has a set number of iterations before starting.
The equals( ) method can compare more than 2 arrays.
While loops can use Booleans at test expressions.
The test expression of the if statement is
-less than or equal to
There are four (4) major features of an object-oriented programming language –
inheritance, polymorphism and abstraction.
Using a break; statement causes the loop to jump to the next iteration.
x+1 is example of a statement.
number++; is a block
Arrays are
The operator “new” allocates a memory block the size of what is declared.
A class block can be an expression

Integer arrays can be populated with characters.

Declaration clauses are declared as “number + 1”.
Loops can be stopped with a break; statement.
The equivalent of Paragraphs in coding is?
If statements cannot be nested in switches
The length( ) method returns the size (number of indices) has.
When polymorphism is used, the Java object can only take one form. Subclasses should
have the same
function with the parent class.
Arrays can contain (Answer) number of elements.
“||” and “&amp;&amp;” can be used in conditional statements.
A class statement has three (3) major parts – declaration, initialization and instantiation.
Declaring an object in Java uses the new keyword to create a new object.
Please refer to Figure 2 to answer the question below: If the expression “num = 0” is
changed to
“num = 5” the final output will be
Expressions can be statements.
Blocks can contain more blocks of code.
If-else statements can be nested in?
-All of the choices
Statements are equivalent to paragraphs.

A (answer) array is an array containing true or false values.

Switches are always used with if-else statements
True or False: The modulus operator returns the remainder of a division operation instead
of the
Determine the output.
String val_1 = “564298”;
Determine the output.
String val_1 = “35”;
The return value of the length( ) method is an integer
A superclass is also known as a parent class.
For-loops can be nested in while loops.
In instantiating an object, the keyword instance is used.
Object oriented programming utilizes the top down method
Expressions are like clauses.
The sort( ) method is always ascending.
Arrays are data types.
Variables must be declared as (Answer) for it to be fully hidden.
While statements check the test expression at the end.
The else statement can be used alone.
The fill( ) method (Answer) the array with specific values.
The output of println is
The person’s weight is declared correctly with the correct data type (byte) and value (160).
Determine the output.
String val_1 = “foo”
String val_2 = “bar”
val_2 = val_1; val_1 =
Determine the output.
String val_1 = “foo”
String val_2 = “bar”
val_2 = val_1; val_1 =
Switches can work properly even without the “break” expression.
Blocks can be one liner or huge classes.
The test expressions in conditional statements can be left empty.
Abstraction works by hiding the implementation details and showing only the functions
A single array can hold multiple data types
A polymorphic object can pass more than one Is-a test.
Another loop can be used as test expression.

True or False: Public, static and void are sample of Java reserved keywords.
The value of “pStr” in line 24 is
The default syntax of a constructor is &lt;class_name&gt;(parameter, parameter){ }
A nested class is not an inner class.
Nested classes causes them to become abstracted
A nested class is also called
-inner class
If you want some variables and methods hidden from other classes, you could implement
encapsulation where these variables and methods are wrapped in a single unit.
A constructor can only have 1-2 overloads or parameters.
All possible data types of an array can be retuned as a string by the toString( ) method.
Abstracted classes can contain 1 or more abstract methods.
Abstraction shows the every bit of detail and implementation on how an application does
Initialization is a process where the constructor is called for.
The default syntax of a constructor is &lt;class_name&gt;( ){ }
Classes cannot be nested.
Abstract classes cannot have nested classes.
The parent class of a nested class is called an outer class

An inner class can be constructed directly without reference to the outer class.
Arrays can be read backwards
A single array can hold
-One data type
Abstracted methods already have implementations inside.
are special methods to initialize objects.
Constructors have 3 basic rules to follow.
Nesting classes increases encapsulation.
Each index can only contain (Answer) element.
The sort( ) method can be set to sort only a part of an array.
Subclasses or child classes could have different behaviors but still share the same
functions from their
parent class.
Abstract methods must have an explicit return value
An abstract class must not contain abstract methods.
Abstracted classes can be nested.
A subclass constructor cannot invoke a superclass constructor.
A class acquiring fields and methods of another class is called inheritance.
Parallelsorting utilizes
-More cpu processing cores
method can copy one array to another.

Conditional test expressions can contain declarations
A child class inherits all the methods of every other class.
f the value of “pStr” in line 7 is changed to then the value of “pStr” in line 24 will be changed
as well.
The type of loop that checks the test expression at the end.
An array of integers should be declared as
A class which contains the abstract keyword in its declaration is known as an
-abstract class
Please refer to figure 1 to answer the question below: In figure 1 if(x==5) is
The first line of the code should have either a yes or no value.
Determine the output.
String val_1 = “25”;
String val_2 = “80”;
What does ‘new’ in int[ ] myArray = new int[n] do?
-Assigns memory for the array
is also known as a parent class.
-Super class
Determine the output.
String val_1 = “foobar”;
String val_2 = “”;
Polymorphic objects can pass (answer) Is-a test.
-More than one
True or False: Traditional comments start with /** (forward slash and two asterisks) and
ends with
*/ (asterisk and forward slash).

True or False: Netbeans is one of the IDEs or Integrated Development Environment to run
For-loops can check the test expression at the end.
Polymorphism is the ability of a Java object to take
Constructors can have
-any number
When the program runs, and assuming there are no errors, its first line will be begin printing.
Which of these is a proper decrement?
All are methods of the array class except
The error in Figure 2 is
A constructor (answer) contain an explicit return type
Abstracted methods need (answer) for implementations.
Line 14 will yield an error. It will be corrected if you place */ after the method.
The name of a constructor must be (answer) as your class.
The limit of dimensions an array can have without errors is
This type of declaration is discouraged.
-String myArray[ ];
The following figure shows the Netbeans Integrated Development Environment.
The equivalent of clauses in coding is?
Int num = 1; for(num=num;num&lt;=10;num++) is an acceptable code snippet.
Loop that has a pre-determined number of iterations
An int can be used even if it is declared outside a for-loop.
Overload methods must be the same name as the class
What the break statement in this example does is .
-Ends the whole instance of the loop
The random( ) method sorts the array randomly.
The last part in a for loop setup can be an .
- both
The “1” in arrayName[1] is called an .
The continue; statement ends all the iterations of a loop.
- False
Which is not a proper increment?
- n+-;
Infine for-loops can be declared as for( ){ }.
- False
If-if is more logical than else-if.
- False
The else statement can be removed if not needed.
Expressions, Statements and Blocks are like composing sentences and paragraphs.
You can declare a new method in the subclass which is not declared in the superclass.
The return value of the equals( ) method is .
-None of the choices
The Arrays.sort( ) method sorts an array into order.
This type of declaration is discouraged: “int myArray[ ]”
- True
An if-else-if-else statement is a block.
If the increment num=num+2 is changed to num++, the final value of num will be
The term of each pass through a loop makes is called?
Loops must always have a continue or break statement.
1+2+3/4*5 is an unambiguous expression
Conditional statements can contain more conditional statements.
- True
int num = 1;
if(num==1 &amp;&amp; num&lt;=1){
The conditional statement will .
- execute the body

byte( ][ ][ ) myArray; is an example of .

- An error
An array hold objects.
- can
A reference variable can be reassigned to other objects provided that it is not declared
- final
The test expression of conditional statement cannot contain
Each pass through of a loop is called a cycle.
- True
If the increment “num = num + 2” is changed to “num = num + 1” the final output will be
Ifs and else-ifs test expressions return true or false.
- True
classes increase the encapsulation of you methods and data.
- nesting
Constructed methods are initialized with 0 or null depending on the data type.
- true
The else statement catches whatever argument the if and else-if didn’t
- True
An iteration of a loop is equivalent to one pass through.
- true
38. If we change the initial value of num in line 6 to “num = 0”, the println output will be
The else-if statement can be used alone.
- false
Abstract methods need sub-classes to contain their implementations.
The method arraycopy( ) does what?
- Copies the contents of an array to a destination array. An
array can be infinitely long.
- False
A loop can contain no expressions or statements inside.
- true
Conditional statements are the same as declaration statements.
- False
You cannot use inherited methods directly in a child class.
- False
The equals( ) method compares 2 arrays.
Strings can directly concatenated to an int.
Infine for-loops can be declared as for
GIVEN: public int getArea
-Method Name
True or False: A method could be declared without any parameters.
Constructed methods are initialized with 0 or null depending on the data type.
True or False: After compiling a Java program through the CLI, run it using the java and
press Enter.
Loop that has a pre-determined number of iterations
The equals method compares 2 arrays.
The test expression of conditional statement cannot contain _______

True or False: There are standard naming convention for Java classes, methods, variables
and constants.
An iteration of a loop is equivalent to one pass through.
There are no errors in line 11.
GIVEN: private class EmployeeRecord
access modifier
An if-else-if-else statement is a block.
1+2+3/4*5 is an unambiguous expression
You cannot use inherited methods directly in a child class.
Method invocations are statements
TRUE OR FALSE: The assigned values of “val_1” & “val_2” are integers.
True or False: When you run javac in a command line interface, it will automatically
create another file with a filename extension .class.
Nonprocedural programming, on the other hand, are limited to small &lt;blank&gt; and the
scope of tasks they can do.
True or False: You&#39;ll know that a variable is a class variable when you see that variable
inside a class with the word static.
Strings can be declared with str.
Determine the output.
String val = &quot;foobar&quot;;
val_1 = val_1.substring(4,7);
True or False: Divide and conquer strategy, in programming, is also known as the top-
down design.
Determine the output.
String val_1 = &quot;54174&quot;;
int num = 0
num= num + Integer.valueOf(val_1.substring(0,2));
num= num + Integer.valueOf(val_1.substring(3,6));
num= num + Integer.valueOf(val_1.substring(1,3));
In top down approach, problems are broken down into smaller
True or False: Procedural programming involves instructing the system as to how to
complete a task.
please refer to the figure 2....
TRUE OR FALSE: The value &quot;val_3&quot; is a white space &quot; &quot;.
Determine the output.
String val_1 = &quot;35&quot;;
int num = 1;
val_1 = Val_1.substring(0,1);
num = num + Integer.valueOf(val_1);
A Java &lt;blank&gt; is simply a storage with a name.

Please refer to figure 2.
TRUE OR FALSE: &quot;val_2&quot; contains &quot;The&quot;.
Determine the output.
String val_1 = &quot;foobar&quot;;
String val_2 = &quot;&quot;;
char ch = val_1.charAt(3);
val_2 = String.valueOf(ch);
ch = val_1.charAt(1);
val_2 = val_2 + ch;
val_2 = val_2 + val_1.substring(4,6);
Determine the output.
String val_1 = &quot;25&quot;;
String val_2 = &quot;80&quot;;
int num_1 = Integer.valueOf(val_1);
int num_2 = Integer.valueOf(val_2.substring(0,1));
val_1= String.valueOf(num_1 * num_2);
Determine the output
String val = &quot;foobar&quot;;
int num = val_1.length( );
val_1 = val_1 + Integer.valueOf(num);
val_1 = val_1.substring(0,1) + val_1.substring(7,8);
In procedural programming, a step-by-step sequence of instructions is followed to
perform a &lt;blank&gt;
Fill in the blank: In procedural programming, a step-by-step sequence of instructions is
followed to perform a &lt;blank&gt;
True or False: Local variables are declared inside the default method.
Determine the output
String val = &quot;foobar&quot;;
int num = val_1.length( );
val_1 = val_1 + Integer.valueOf(num);
val_1 = val_1.substring(0,1) + val_1.substring(6,7);

Determine the output.

String val_1 = &quot;foo&quot;;
String val_2 = &quot;bar&quot;;
String val_3 = val_2;
val_2 = val_1;
val_1 = val_3;
The string method &quot;length( )&quot; returns the number of characters within a string.
True or False: Variable 1st_num is a good variable name in Java programming
A string can contain numbers.
Please refer to figure 2.
TRUE OR FALSE: The value of &quot;val_4&quot; is &quot;fox&quot;
Determine the output.
String val_1 = &quot;564298&quot;;
String temp = val_1;
val_1 = val_1.substring(4,6);
val_1 = val_1 + temp.substring(0,2);
True or False: Instance variables are declared inside a method but outside a class.
Languages which use procedural programming include C, &lt;blank&gt; FORTRAN, Pascal
and BASIC.
Substrings can contain 1 or 2 arguments.
True or False: Public, private and protected are some of the return types used in Java
Determine the output.
String val_1 = &quot;foo&quot;;
String val_2 = &quot;bar&quot;;
String val_3 = val_2;
val_2 = val_1;
val_1 = val_3;

Please refer to figure 2...

TRUE OR FALSE: The value &quot;val_3&quot; is a white space &quot; &quot;.
Fill in the blank: In programming, another term for method is &lt;blank&gt; But Java uses the
term &quot;method&quot;.
Please refer to figure 2...
TRUE OR FALSE: The output of this code is &quot;The quick brown fox&quot;
Fill in the blank: In designing the program specification, determine first the input, then
the &lt;blank&gt; and then analyze the problem.
The index of the letter &quot;y&quot; in string &quot;Doggy&quot; is 5
True or False: Variable names in Java are not necessarily case sensitive.
Refer to the program below. Read each statement carefully and write the output for
each line specified. Line 9 will display &lt;blank&gt; on the screen.
Refer to the program below. Read each statement carefully and write the output for
each line specified.
Line 15 will display &lt;blank&gt; on the screen.
Refer to the block of codes below. Read each statement carefully and decide whether
it&#39;s TRUE or FALSE. There are two types of comments used in the program above - end
of line and Javadoc comments.
Refer to the block of codes below. Read each statement carefully and decide whether
it&#39;s TRUE or FALSE. There are three (3) separators found in line 13.
Refer to the block of codes below. Read each statement carefully and decide whether
it&#39;s TRUE or FALSE. There are five (5) separators used in line 8.
True or False: Syntax is basically the spelling and grammar errors compiled in a Java
programming language. It should be avoided in writing apps and applets.
Read each statement carefully and decide whether it&#39;s TRUE or FALSE.
The file is accurately named - Students.java.
True or False: An exclamation point in Java means NOT. Therefore, != means not equal

True or False: Single equal sign (=) is used for assigning values while double equal sign
(==) is used in comparing values.

Read each statement carefully and decide whether it&#39;s TRUE or FALSE.
Refer to the program below. Read each statement carefully and write the output for
each line specified. Line 7 will display &lt;blank&gt; on the screen.
Observe the following statements and decide whether the variable result&#39;s value is
result = (x * z + (z += 7)) &gt;= 100;
Refer to the block of codes below. Read each statement carefully and decide whether
it&#39;s TRUE or FALSE. The person&#39;s weight is declared correctly with the correct data
type (byte) and value (160).
Refer to the block of codes below. Read each statement carefully and decide whether
it&#39;s TRUE or FALSE. The first line of the code should have either a yes or no value.
Read each statement carefully and decide whether it&#39;s TRUE or FALSE.If you run this
program, the second line of output will read Your score is:
Observe the following statements and decide whether the variable result&#39;s value is
x += x;
result = x == 154;
Refer to the block of codes below. Read each statement carefully and decide whether
it&#39;s TRUE or FALSE.

There are also punctuators used in line 10, in between System, out and println, the
parentheses and semicolon.
Refer to the block of codes below. Read each statement carefully and decide whether
it&#39;s TRUE or FALSE.

If there are no errors in the program, the first line of output would read Hi, I&#39;m a normal
Refer to the block of codes below. Read each statement carefully and decide whether
it&#39;s TRUE or FALSE.

In line 11, the value of personage is 18.

The following figure shows the Netbeans Integrated Development Environment.
True or False: Java is a low level programming language.
Line 9 uses a traditional comment which uses double forward slash.
Assuming there are no errors in the code, line 13 would display When I graduate, I&#39;d be
Line 11 will display &lt;blank&gt; on the screen.
True or False: You&#39;ll know there&#39;s an error if you see a red circle with an exclamation
point in Netbeans IDE.
Line 13 will display &lt;blank&gt; on the screen.
result = 43 &lt;= z;
If there are no errors in the program, line 9 would display I weigh 160.
Line 17 will display &lt;blank&gt; on the screen.

Question text Observe the following statements and decide whether the variable result’s value is
Given that: int x = -77; int z = 43; result = (z &lt; x &amp;&amp; 1 != 10) ? true : false; result =
(z != 43) ? true : false;
Select one: False
Question text Read each statement carefully and decide whether it’s TRUE or FALSE. The last
line of code,
with a close brace { symbol, is properly indented. Select one: False
Question text True or False: Brackets [] are also separators used in declaring arrays. Answer:
Question text Refer to the block of codes below. Read each statement carefully and decide
whether it’s TRUE
or FALSE. There is an error in line 9. Answer: TRUE
Question text True or False: Operators, in Java programming language, use special symbols to
call methods
and their objects. Answer: False
Question text Read each statement carefully and decide whether it’s TRUE or FALSE. There are
no errors in
the program. Select one: False
Question text Refer to the block of codes below. Read each statement carefully and decide
whether it’s TRUE
or FALSE. Line 9 uses a traditional comment which uses double forward slash. Answer: False
Question text True or False: Many programmers can be literate with Java programming language
for it is
intended to be that way. Answer: True
Question text True or False: You’ll know there’s an error if you see a red circle with an
exclamation point in
Netbeans IDE. Answer: True
Question text Observe the following statements and decide whether the variable result’s value is
Given that: int x = -77; int z = 43; result = (z &lt; x &amp;&amp; 1 != 10) ? true : false; result =
(x = 100) &gt;= z; Select one:
The file is accurately named – Students.java.
There are three (3) separators found in line 13.

There is an error in line 9.
result = 90 &lt; x || -1 &lt; z;
The last line of code, with a close brace { symbol, is properly indented.
Assuming there are no errors in the code, line 13 would display When I graduate, I’d be 18.
Figure 2 shows the Netbeans Integrated Development Environment.
The last line of code will output 100.0.
True or False: An exclamation point in Java means NOT. Therefore, != means not equal to.
There are two types of comments used in the program above – end of line and Javadoc
result = (z &lt; x &amp;&amp; 1 != 10) ? true : false;
There are keywords found in line 7.
In line 11, the value of personage is 18.
If there are no errors in the program, the first line of output would read Hi, I’m a normal person.
result = (x * z + (z += 7)) &gt;= 100;
True or False: Logical OR operator will result to false if one of the expressions is false.
True or False: Semicolon (;) is a separator used to end a Java statement.
True or False: There are five types of integer data types – byte, short, int, long and float.

True or False: Single equal sign (=) is used for assigning values while double equal sign (==) is
in comparing values.
True or False: Java’s ternary operator is a short hand for the if-then-else statement which uses a
question mark and a colon.
True or False: JDK or Java Design Kit is required to compile and run Java apps and applets.
On line 6, average is equal to 0. But on line 9, average will be equal to 100.
True or False: Identifiers in Java are, in simple words, name that you give to Java class, variables
and methods.
True or False: When you run javac in a command line interface, it will automatically create
file with a filename extension .class.
Line 9 uses a traditional comment which uses double forward slash.
There are five (5) separators used in line 8.
There are no errors on line 8.
True or False: Syntax is basically the spelling and grammar errors compiled in a Java
language. It should be avoided in writing apps and applets.
True or False: Operators, in Java programming language, use special symbols to call methods
their objects.
If you run this program, the second line of output will read Your score is:.
True or False: Java is a low level programming language.
There are also punctuators used in line 10, in between System, out and println, the parentheses
If there are no errors and this simple program runs through CLI, the first line will display: Hi,

True or False: Brackets [] are also separators used in declaring arrays.

Substrings can contain 1 or 2 arguments.
Determine the output.
The index of the letter “y” in string “Doggy” is 5.
Determine the output.
TRUE OR FALSE: The value “val_3” is a white space “ “.
True or False: Variable 1st_num is a good variable name in Java programming.
TRUE OR FALSE: “val_2” contains “The”
True or False: Instance variables are declared inside a method but outside a class.
True or False: Variable names in Java are not necessarily case sensitive.
Determine the output
True or False: Public, private and protected are some of the return types used in Java
True or False: Divide and conquer strategy, in programming, is also known as the top-down
If there are no errors in the program, line 9 would display I weigh 160.
True or False: A boolean variable can only have two values; it is either true or false.
result = !((x * 10) &lt; z);
result = -(-z) == 43;

True or False: If you get an error while running the javac command in the CLI, it could be
by editing the Path value in Environment Variables.
True or False: The subtraction assignment operator subtracts the left and right operand and
the difference to the operand at the right.
x += x;
result = x == 154;
The second line of output will be: You are in Year 11.
True or False: The conditional AND operator uses two ampersand (&amp;&amp;) symbols.
result = 43 &lt;= z;
True or False: You’ll know that a variable is a class variable when you see that variable inside a
class with the word static.
The string method “length( )” returns the number of characters within a string.
A string can contain numbers.
TRUE OR FALSE: This is an example of concatenation.
TRUE OR FALSE: The value of “val_4” is “fox”
TRUE OR FALSE: “val_2” contains “The”.
Determine the output.
Languages which use procedural programming include C, (Answer) FORTRAN, Pascal and
True or False: Local variables are declared inside the default method.
Strings can be declared with str.

True or False: Procedural programming involves instructing the system as to how to complete a
TRUE OR FALSE: The output of this code is “The quick brown fox”
Among the expressions below which is a statement?
Expressions can be long and complex.
number++; is an expression
For-loops has a set number of iterations before starting.
The equals( ) method can compare more than 2 arrays.
While loops can use Booleans at test expressions.
The test expression of the if statement is _
-less than or equal to
There are four (4) major features of an object-oriented programming language – encapsulation,
inheritance, polymorphism and abstraction.
Using a break; statement causes the loop to jump to the next iteration.
x+1 is example of a statement.
number++; is a block
Arrays are
The operator “new” allocates a memory block the size of what is declared.
A class block can be an expression
Statements can be expressions.

Integer arrays can be populated with characters.
Declaration clauses are declared as “number + 1”.
Loops can be stopped with a break; statement.
The equivalent of Paragraphs in coding is?
If statements cannot be nested in switches
The length( ) method returns the size (number of indices) has.
When polymorphism is used, the Java object can only take one form. Subclasses should have the
same function with the parent class.
Arrays can contain (Answer) number of elements.
“||” and “&amp;&amp;” can be used in conditional statements.
A class statement has three (3) major parts – declaration, initialization and instantiation.
Declaring an object in Java uses the new keyword to create a new object.
Please refer to Figure 2 to answer the question below: If the expression “num = 0” is changed to
“num = 5” the final output will be
Expressions can be statements.
Blocks can contain more blocks of code.
If-else statements can be nested in?
-All of the choices
Statements are equivalent to paragraphs.

A (answer) array is an array containing true or false values.

Switches are always used with if-else statements
True or False: The modulus operator returns the remainder of a division operation instead of the
Determine the output.
String val_1 = “564298”;
Determine the output.
String val_1 = “35”;
The return value of the length( ) method is an integer
A superclass is also known as a parent class.
For-loops can be nested in while loops.
In instantiating an object, the keyword instance is used.
Object oriented programming utilizes the top down method
Expressions are like clauses.
The sort( ) method is always ascending.
Arrays are data types.
Variables must be declared as (Answer) for it to be fully hidden.
While statements check the test expression at the end.
The else statement can be used alone.
The type of loop that checks the test expression at the end.
-do while loop
The “indexOf( )” method returns the first instance of the specified character.

The fill( ) method (Answer) the array with specific values.

The output of println is
The person’s weight is declared correctly with the correct data type (byte) and value (160).
Determine the output.
String val_1 = “foo”
String val_2 = “bar”
val_2 = val_1; val_1 =
Determine the output.
String val_1 = “foo”
String val_2 = “bar”
val_2 = val_1;
val_1 = val_3;
Switches can work properly even without the “break” expression.
Blocks can be one liner or huge classes.
The test expressions in conditional statements can be left empty.
Abstraction works by hiding the implementation details and showing only the functions
A single array can hold multiple data types
A polymorphic object can pass more than one Is-a test.
Another loop can be used as test expression.

True or False: Public, static and void are sample of Java reserved keywords.
The value of “pStr” in line 24 is
The default syntax of a constructor is &lt;class_name&gt;(parameter, parameter){ }
A nested class is not an inner class.
Nested classes causes them to become abstracted
A nested class is also called
-inner class
If you want some variables and methods hidden from other classes, you could implement
encapsulation where these variables and methods are wrapped in a single unit.
A constructor can only have 1-2 overloads or parameters.
All possible data types of an array can be retuned as a string by the toString( ) method.
Abstracted classes can contain 1 or more abstract methods.
Abstraction shows the every bit of detail and implementation on how an application does som
Initialization is a process where the constructor is called for.
The default syntax of a constructor is &lt;class_name&gt;( ){ }
Classes cannot be nested.
Abstract classes cannot have nested classes.
The parent class of a nested class is called an outer class
An inner class can be constructed directly without reference to the outer class.
A class which contains the abstract keyword in its declaration is known as an _ .
Abstract class
The limit of dimensions an array can have without errors is .

Arrays can be read backwards

A single array can hold
-One data type
Abstracted methods already have implementations inside.
Abstracted methods need for implementations.
are special methods to initialize objects.
Constructors have 3 basic rules to follow.
Nesting classes increases encapsulation.
Each index can only contain (Answer) element.
The sort( ) method can be set to sort only a part of an array.
Subclasses or child classes could have different behaviors but still share the same functions from
their parent class.
Abstract methods must have an explicit return value
An abstract class must not contain abstract methods.
Abstracted classes can be nested.
A subclass constructor cannot invoke a superclass constructor.
A class acquiring fields and methods of another class is called inheritance.
_ is the process of acquiring fields and methods of a parent class or super class.
The name of a constructor must be as your class.
Parallelsorting utilizes
-More cpu processing cores
The _ method can copy one array to another.

BAED-PHSC2112 Physical Science

1.What do you call the solid formed when a liquid solution is allowed to stand still for a long
of time.
ans. Precipitate
2.What is the proper term for catalysts involved in biological processes?
3.What is the term for the energy responsible for the variations in the reaction rates of chemical
answer:activation energy
4.What property of a material describes the compactness of the arrangement of its molecules?
5.Identify the kind of change wherein the product is the same as the reactants.
ANWER:physical change
6.In which type of covalent bonding are the shared electrons shared congruently throughout the
molecule? answer:nonpolar
7.What do you call the ability of a substance to chemically combine with other compounds?
8.Fill in the blank: The ______
property of a substance can be observed without changing the substance. answer:physical
9.What type of covalent compound is there a slight difference in the electric charge between the
opposite sides of the molecule? answer:polar covalent compound
10.Identification: This factor in a reaction rate is a consequence of the kinetic energy of the
molecules? wrong answer ako dito.
11.What kind of chemical bond involves the sharing of electrons between two atoms?
answer:covalent bond
12.What is the component of a chemical reaction that is present at its start? answer:reactant
13.Identification: Two different atoms may or may not have this type of covalent bonding.
answer:polar covalent bonding
14._____ covalent bond does not have an equal sharing of electrons. answer.Polar
15.What kind of change results to the production of a material that is entirely different from the
reactants? answer:chemical change
16.Identification: This is another term used to refer to covalent compounds. answer:molecular
17.Identification: This refers to the speed of a chemical process. answer:reaction rate
18.Which atom is more positive than the other in a molecule of dihydrogen oxide?
answer: hydrogen atom
19.Identification: These compounds are highly soluble in water. answer:ionic compounds
20.Identification: These properties can be detected using your senses. answer:Physical properties
21.What type of compound is formed by the sharing of electrons? answer:Covalent compound
22.covalent bonding exists between two identical atoms. answer: nonpolar
23.Identification: This is the force that exists between the molecules of a compound. answer:
Intermolecular force
24.What is the term for the property that makes it capable of being hammered into thin sheets?
25.In a water molecule, which atom is more frequented by the shared electrons? answer:oxygen
26.Identify the substance that hastens chemical reactions? answer:catalyst
27. In a ______
type of covalent bonding, there is equal sharing of electrons between the atoms. answer:
28.What type of covalent bonding is characterized by the incongruent sharing of electrons
the atoms? answer:polar
29.Which reaction rate factor is due to the amount of reacting substances? answer: concentration

30.Identification: This compound is formed by a cation and an anion. answer:ionic compound

Short Quiz 8:PHYSC

1. Also known as the revolution of the Earth around the sun

2. Ancient constellations related to Earth’s annual motion
Answer: ZODIAC
3. Center in Ptolemaic system of the universe
Answer: EARTH
4. Center of the universe in the Copernican system
Answer: SUN
5. Earth’s movement that results to the observation of diurnal motion
6. Event when the sun crosses the Celestial Equator
7. Line on Earth that is parallel to apparent daily paths
8. Main factor in the precession of equinoxes
9. More common term for the annual motion of the Earth
10. Type of observable motion associated with heavenly bodies
Learning Activity 8 (Physics)
Slow and continuous change in the orientation of an astronomical body’s rotational axis
Axial precession
Periodic observable motion that results from the Earth’s motion on its axis
diurnal motion
Center of the universe in Ptolemy’s model
Motion of the Earth around the sun
Motion of the Earth responsible for diurnal motion
Long Quiz 3:PHYSC

1. Identify the center in the universe model Copernicus.

Answer: SUN
2. Identify the date of the year when the Earth is at its closest from the Sun.
3. Identify the main factor in the precession of equinoxes.
4. Identify the shape of the planetary orbit based on Kepler’s third law.
5. Identify the universe’s center in Ptolemy’s model.
Answer: EARTH
6. Name the line on Earth that is parallel to apparent daily paths.

7. Name the star blamed by the Greeks for the intensity of their summer
Answer: SIRIUS
8. This ancient device aligns with the North Star and is used to determine the precise time of its
user’s location.
9. This model is the combination of two ancient models of the universe.
10. This model of the universe considered the ideas of the Earth- and Sun-centered universe
11. This motion is also called the revolution of the Earth around the sun.
12. This structure was developed by the Mayans as they observed Venus.
13. What do you call Earth’s movement that results to the observation of diurnal motion?
14. What do you call the ancient constellations that are related to Earth’s annual motion?
Answer: ZODIAC
15. What do you call the event when the sun crosses the Celestial Equator?
16. What do you call the motion of the Earth that is responsible for diurnal motion?
17. What is the center in Ptolemaic system of the universe?
Answer: EARTH
18. What is the center of the universe based on the model by Ptolemy?
Answer: EARTH
19. What is the center of the universe in the Copernican system?
Answer: SUN
20. What is the constant quantity in the universe model by Kepler?
21. What is the more common term for the annual motion of the Earth with respect to the sun?
22. What is the oldest heavenly body that has been observed and has preceded great events in
23. What is the periodic observable motion that is the result of the Earth’s movement on its axis?
24. What is the term that refers to the motion of the Earth around the sun?
25. What is the term that refers to the slow and continuous change in the orientation of an
astronomical body’s rotational axis?
26. What is the universe model that is said to be Sun-centered?
27. What is this type of observable motion that is associated with heavenly bodies?
28. What property of a planet has this property directly proportional to the cube of the semi-
axis of its orbit?
29. Where is the Sun located with respect to a planet’s elliptical orbit
30. Which model of the universe is said to be Earth-centered?

Learning Activity 9:PHYSC

1. Aligns with the North Star to determine precise time for user’s location
2. Combination of two ancient models of the universe
3. Developed by the Mayans for the observation of Venus
4. Earth-centered system of the universe
5. Sun-centered system of the universe
Short Quiz 9:PHYSC

1. Center in the model of the universe proposed by Copernicus

Answer: SUN
2. Center of the universe based on the model proposed by Ptolemy
Answer: EARTH
3. Considered the ideas of the Earth- and Sun-centered universe model
4. Constant quantity in the universe model by Kepler
5. Date of the year when the Earth is closest to the Sun
6. Location of the Sun with respect to the elliptical orbit based on Kepler’s laws
7. Oldest heavenly body observed that has preceded great events in history
8. Planet property whose square is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its
9. Shape of the orbit based on Kepler’s third law
10. Star blamed by Greeks for the intensity of summer
Answer: SIRIUS
Learning Activity 10:PHYSC

1. Constant in the motion of a falling body in vacuum

2. Description of the change in the rate of movement of a body
3. Indirect force resulting from the application of a force
4. Necessary component of motion according to Aristotle
Answer: FORCE
5. Property of a body that affects its state of motion
Short Quiz 10:PHYSC
Aside from changing the state of motion of a body, this is also an effect of applying an
force to the body.
Which can be easily affected by an unbalanced force: one cube of ice or one sack of rice?

This law implies the importance of balanced forces and what unbalanced forces are.
Which will accelerate more when the same unbalanced force is applied: pencil or cabinet?
This law of motion relates the rate of change in the movement of a body and the unbalanced
that it experiences.
Which law of motion states that a body will not change its current state of motion unless an
unbalanced force acts upon it?
If you push the wall with an amount of force, you supply the action force. What is the source of
reaction force?
What factor of a body that is at rest prevents it from moving?
What is the only factor that is constant for bodies falling in a vacuum?
Which of these has a greater inertia: fly or cat?
Learning Activity 11:PHYSC

1. Constant in a body as long as no net force acts upon it

2. Decreases as acceleration increases in Newton’s law of acceleration
Answer: MASS
3. Force involved in Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
4. Statement based on repeated experimental observations
Answer: LAW
5. Statement taken to be true since what it proposes is already evident
Answer: AXIOM
Short Quiz 11:PHYSC
1. According to Galileo, this quantity is not needed to keep a body in motion under ideal
Answer: FORCE
2. Describe the total amount of energy of a body before it falls from a height and as it hits the
Answer: EQUAL
3. In the law of acceleration, which quantity decreases as the acceleration decreases?
Answer: FORCE
4. This is also known as the “inertia in motion” of a body.
5. This kind of statement is considered true since it has been based on a series of observations.

Answer: LAW
6. What do you call a statement that is taken as true without scientific evidence?
Answer: AXIOM
7. What happens to energy as it is used up by different systems?
8. What happens to the magnitude of the gravitational force as the bodies become more massive?
9. What happens to the magnitude of the gravitational force as the distance between two bodies
10. What term do you use to refer to the amount of material contained by a body?
Answer: MASS
Short Quiz 12:PHYSC

1. Consider the formula for momentum. What quantity increases with the velocity of a body?:
Momentum; Velocity; Inelastic; Force; Mass; Elastic; Energy
Answer: Momentum
2. If a body has no momentum, what else does it not have?: Elastic; Inelastic; Force; Momentum;
Mass; Velocity; Energy
Answer: Velocity
3. In the formula for momentum, this quantity decreases as the body moves slower.: Elastic;
Energy; Momentum; Force; Velocity; Inelastic
Answer: Mass
4. In this type of collision, this factor is not necessarily conserved.: Energy; Elastic; Velocity;
Inelastic; Mass; Momentum
Answer: Energy
5. This quantity describes how difficult it is to stop a moving body.: Inelastic; Velocity;
Force; Energy; Mass; Elastic
Answer: Momentum
6. This quantity enables bodies to move so that they would collide.: Mass; Energy; Elastic;
Velocity; Inelastic; Momentum
Answer: Energy
7. What SI quantity is directly related and directly proportional to the mass of a body?: Inelastic;
Momentum; Velocity; Elastic; Energy; Force; Mass
Answer: Momentum
8. What type of collision is involved between two bodies that show a spark of light after
Momentum; Force; Inelastic; Mass; Elastic; Energy; Velocity
Answer: Inelastic
9. Which type of collision involves the constant sum of total kinetic energy before and after the
collision?: Momentum; Velocity; Mass; Elastic; Force; Energy; Inelastic
Answer: Elastic
10. Which will stop first when these two bodies collide: truck or bicycle?
Learning Activity 12:PHYSC

1. Collision that involves the conversion of energy into other forms outside the colliding bodies
2. Factor responsible for the movement of the bodies that are about to collide
Answer: ENERGY
3. Not necessarily conserved between colliding bodies
Answer: ENERGY
4. Quantity conserved in any collision

5. Type of collision wherein the total kinetic energy is constant before and after the collision
Short Quiz 13:PHYSC

1. Consider the wave equation. Which quantity increases with the frequency of the wave?:
Absorption; Latitudinal; Index of Refraction; Longitudinal; Wavelength; Refraction; Electron;
Transverse; Energy; Mirror; Speed; Dispersion
Answer: Speed
2. In light, this is what the photons carry enabling them to move.: Wavelength; Energy; Mirror;
Photon; Longitudinal; Dispersion; Electron; Speed; Transverse; Index of Refraction; Absorption;
Refraction; Latitudinal
Answer: Energy
3. In the wave equation, this quantity is inversely proportional to the frequency of the wave.:
Absorption; Mirror; Electron; Latitudinal; Longitudinal; Energy; Speed; Photon; Refraction;
Index of
Refraction; Dispersion; Wavelength; Transverse
Answer: Wavelength
4. Name the component of light that travels in straight lines.: Index of Refraction; Longitudinal;
Transverse; Absorption; Latitudinal; Energy; Electron; Refraction; Mirror; Photon; Dispersion;
Wavelength; Speed
Answer: Photon
5. This constant determines how much light will bend as it enters a different medium.: Electron;
Refraction; Photon; Latitudinal; Mirror; Speed; Index of Refraction; Transverse; Absorption;
Longitudinal; Dispersion; Wavelength; Energy
Answer: Index of Refraction
6. This phenomenon of light is the evidence of the energy possessed by light.: Absorption;
Energy; Dispersion; Electron; Mirror; Speed; Longitudinal; Transverse; Wavelength; Latitudinal;
Index of Refraction; Refraction
Answer: Absorption
7. This wave is produced by the disturbance of the molecules nearby its source.: Latitudinal;
Absorption; Mirror; Photon; Wavelength; Index of Refraction; Electron; Speed; Dispersion;
Longitudinal; Transverse; Refraction; Energy
Answer: Longitudinal
8. What is the optical device that is used to show the bouncing of light?: Latitudinal; Speed;
Index of
Refraction; Wavelength; Electron; Dispersion; Transverse; Absorption; Mirror; Photon;
Energy; Longitudinal
Answer: Mirror
9. What kind of wave is light?: Index of Refraction; Speed; Photon; Mirror; Absorption;
Energy; Speed; Transverse; Electron; Dispersion; Longitudinal; Transverse; Wavelength;
Answer: Transverse
10. What kind of wave is represented by a sine wave?: Dispersion; Transverse; Index of
Refraction; Mirror; Energy; Longitudinal; Electron; Absorption; Photon; Latitudinal; Speed;
Answer: Transverse
Learning Activity 13: PHYSC

1. Optical device that demonstrates bending of light

Answer: LENS
2. Particle of light that carries its energy
Answer: PHOTON
3. Path of light that makes it understood to be a particle
4. Wave that can propagate even without molecules

5. Wave that cannot exist in vacuum
Learning Activity 14:PHYSC

1. Bending of light around an edge causing umbra and penumbra in the shadow
2. Deflection of light along its path
3. Phenomenon of light wherein light waves add up
4. Phenomenon of separation of light into different colors
5. Type of mirror that shows an inverted image of you
Short Quiz 14:PHYSC
What exists between two charges in space?
Select one:
- Electrostatic force
This phenomenon of light explains how light shows different colors after passing through a
Select one:
This type of mirror shows a virtual image of the object.
Select one:
What do you call a displaced image of an object as the result of the bending of light rays?
Select one:
According to Faraday, what is produced by a changing magnetic field?
Select one:
- Induced voltage
What principle explains why it is impossible to determine experimentally both the position and
speed of an electron at the same time?
Select one:
-Heisenberg’;s uncertainty principle
How do electron orbits look like as a consequence of the uncertainty principle?
Select one:
- Electron clouds
What type of mirror shows your image in an inverted manner?
Select one:
What can electric current produce along a wire?
Select one:
- Magnetic field
What phenomenon of light is utilized to identify the wavelength of a given light ray?
Select one:
- Dispersion
Learning Activity 15:PHYSC

1. Hertz applied high voltage AC electricity across the central spark gap of the transmitter
sparks.: True; False
Answer: False

2. What digital storage oscilloscope circuit compensates for high sampling rates of high
signals?: charged-couple device; analog to digital converter
Answer: charged-couple device
3. What test equipment combines the operation of many test instruments into a single compact
Impedance meter; Communication service monitor
Answer: Communication service monitor
4. When using forward error control as a method of error correction, where does error correction
take place?: in the oscillator; receiving end
Answer: receiving end
5. What part of the pulse code modulation (PCM) process converts a continuous time signal into
discrete time signal?
Answer: Sampling
Short Quiz 15:PHYSC
Hertz found that when sparks flew across the main gap, sparks also usually glow across the
secondary gap that is between points A and B in the image.
Select one:
- True
According to Hertz, he pictured waves of electric charge moving back and forth, creating a
wave within the wire.
Select one:
- True
When reading the forward power on a wattmeter, what does two right-facing arrow heads mean?
Select one:
- Power exceeds 120 percent of the range
What are the two main types of photodetectors? (separate your answers with the word “and”)
-Positive intrinsic photodiode AND negative intrinsic photodiode
In November 1886, Heinrich Hertz became the first person to transmit and receive controlled
Select one:
If the interference can be eliminated by disconnecting the receiving antenna, the source of the
disturbance is most likely
Select one:
- External to the radio
What initial nuclear radiation components generate electromagnetic pulses? (separate your
answers with the word “and”)
-Gamma rays AND neutrons
Who discovered radio waves?
-Heinrich Hertz
What pattern simulator section of the bit error rate test set accepts a 48-bit parallel word and
generates a serial pattern?
Select one:
-48-bit transmitter only
Hertz started generating radio waves using a piece of electrical equipment called an induction
Select one:
Short Quiz 16:PHYSC

1. As measured in any inertial frame of reference, light is always propagated in empty space with
definite velocity that is independent of the state of motion of the emitting body.: False; True

Answer: True
2. Maxwell’s equations are not consistent with Galilean relativity unless one postulates the
of a physical aether.: True; False
Answer: True
3. The laws of physics are the same in all inertia frames of reference.: True; False
Answer: True
4. The postulates of special relativity can be expressed very succinctly using the mathematical
language of pseudo-Riemmannian manifolds: True; False
Answer: True
5. What is the correct expression for the amplitude of a vibrating mass? Amplitude is the:
velocity of the mass during vibration; Maximum displacement of the mass from the rest position
Answer: Maximum displacement of the mass from the rest position
6. Which of the following is not a term associated with periodic waves?: Frequency; How much
space is occupied
Answer: How much space is occupied
7. Which of the following sound wave can be heard by the human ear?: Ultrasonic sound waves;
Sound waves with frequencies between 20 hz and 20,000 hz
Answer: Sound waves with frequencies between 20 hz and 20,000 hz
8. It combines special relativity with the equivalence principle.
Answer: General relativity
9. It is the succession of methods by which astronomers determine the distances to celestial
Answer: Cosmic distance ladder
10. Known as the “dwarf planet”
Answer: Pluto
Select one:
- Can sometimes be sensed
Special relativity is a theory.
Select one:
- True
States that the net force acting on a body is equal to that body’s (inertia ) mass multiplied by its
Select one:
-Newton’s Second Law of Motion
According to this law there is a universality of free fall. The trajectory of a test body in free fall
depends only on its position and initial speed.
-Newton’s Law of Gravity
Which of the following must be satisfied for a vibration to be simple harmonic motion? The
force of the vibrating object is
Select one:

-Opposite to and proportional to a displacement

It is the passage of electromagnetic radiation through a medium.
Select one:
Answer: Transmission
This Kepler’s law states that the line joining the planet to the sun sweeps out equal areas in equal
times as it moves along its orbit.

Select one:
Answer: Second law
Which of Newton’s laws states that an object either remains at rest or continuous to move at a
constant velocity, unless acted upon by a force?
Select one:
Answer: First law
Galileo looked at the Sun and found out that it had spots.
Answer: True
Mercury and Venus are never more than 200 and 450, respectively, from the Sun.
Answer: False
The Aristotelian view of the world made the certain basic assumption that the Earth is a sphere,
fixed, and unmoving at the center of the universe.
Answer: False
Identification: Identify the substance that hastens chemical reactions?
Identification: This refers to the speed of a chemical process.
reaction rate
True or False: In determining the limiting reactant, mass quantities must be converted to moles.
What is the component of a chemical reaction that is present at its start?
True or False: Chromium is one of the soft elements.
Identification: Two different atoms may or may not have this type of covalent bonding.
polar covalent bonding
True or False: Density decreases as temperature increases.
type of covalent bonding, there is equal sharing of electrons between the atoms.
What type of compound is formed by the sharing of electrons?

Covalent compound
Identification: Reaction rate factor that is due to the movement of the molecules of the reactants.
True or False: Platinum has very high density.
helps determine how an element might be used.
True or False: Aluminum is a good conductor of heat.
type of covalent bonding, there is equal sharing of electrons
-between the atoms.
covalent bonding exists between two identical atoms.
Which atom is more positive than the other in a molecule of dihydrogen oxide?
hydrogen atom
Identification: Substance that aides any chemical reaction.
What do you call the ability of a substance to chemically combine with other compounds?
In which type of covalent bonding are the shared electrons shared congruently throughout the
What do you call the ability of a substance to chemically combine with other compounds?
Identification: Solid formed from the settling of solid particles in a liquid solution.
When the Sun moves off the main sequence, it will next become a _______________.
-c. red giant
Which of these is not a basic idea of Dalton’s atomic theory?
-e. All atoms of the same element are alike and have the same mass.
What is the temperature in kelvins of the visible surface of the Sun?
c. 6000 K
The planetary model of the atom is associated with
c. Bohr.
Who discovered the electron in 1897?
b. Thomson
True or False: The alchemists have been successful in changing lead to gold.
Nearly 100% of mass of Earth’s core is composed of the two elements
b. iron and nickel
The second most abundant element in the Earth’s atmosphere is
a. carbon dioxide.
The apparent brightness of stars is ranked according to magnitude. The brightest stars were
originally ranked as what magnitude?
c. First
The various isotopes of an element all have
a. the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.
True or False: The rate of reaction is faster if the temperature of reactants is higher.
True or False: Carbon in graphite can be described as hard as the carbon in diamond.

True or False: The catalyst brings the reactants together by permanently bonding with them.
is an enzyme found in the mouth and small intestine that hlps in the breakdown of starch to
True or False: Chemical reactions occur inside living things.
refers to the concentration of a substance.
True or False: Sodium reacts violently with water.
True or False: To Lower activation energy = more reactant particles with enough energy to
react causing the reaction ly rust.
True or False: Sodium can exist by itself.
refers to the ability of matter to burn.
Where are stars born?
-Orion Nebula
The most modern definition of element is
a. a substance that cannot be further separated by chemical methods.
The Bohr theory was developed to explain which of these phenomena?
b. The photoelectric effect
True or False: Formaldehyde is a nonpolar compound.
Thomson referred to negatively charged particles as_____before it became known as
True or False: The alchemists have been successful in changing lead to gold.
The water solubility of molecular compounds is
-very low
In 1661, who developed a definition of element that made the concept subject to
laboratory investigation?
c. Boyle
This fusion process details how helium is made in our sun.
a. CNO cycle

force refers to forces between molecules.

_____energy is the energy needed to start a reaction.
The solid that settles out of a liquid solution is called
Electrons at the outermost energy level of an atom are called
valence electrons
Sodium is an example of
What is element 61 called?
The “plum pudding model” of the atom is associated with
True or False: The Earth’;s core is is composed of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and
about 1% argon.
What was the nationality of the first persons who we know speculated about
The remaining core of a planetary nebula is called a _______________.
True or False: If the covalent bonds are polar, then the covalent compound as a whole
can be
This was one of Rutherford’s famous experiements where he used a radioactive source
to direct
alpha particles toward a very thin sheet of gold foil.
Gold foil experiment
When the absolute magnitudes, or brightnesses, of stars are plotted against their
temperatures or colors, we obtain a(n)
Hertzsprung-Russell (or H-R) diagram.
True or False: Molecular compound’s melting and boiling temperatures are generally
What is the visible surface of the Sun called?

True or False: Salt can conduct electricity in any form.

The greater the mass of a star, the _______________ it moves through its life cycle.
About 75% of the mass of the visible universe is composed of which element?
Who coined the term, “radioactivity”?
Marie curie
The horizontal rows of elements in the periodic table are called
True or False: When a gas is compressed, its temperature decreases.
% of the universe is hydrogen.
The Sun’s photosphere is, by mass, about 25%
The temperature of the Sun’s interior is estimated to be about how many kelvins?
When electrons are not shared equally between two atoms, it is called
Polar covalent
He invented the neutron.
James chadwick
When fast electrons strike a metal target, what are produced?
What is the name given to all matter, energy, and space?
Niels Bohr focused his attention on the element hydrogen because it
Had the simplest form

True or False: Noble gases almost never react to other substances.

True or False: Silver conducts electricity at minimal circumstances only.
By 1985, a total of
are fixed distances from the nucleus.
-Energy levels
The Sun is a(n)
The number of _______________ on the Sun varies over an 11-year cycle.
74% of the mass of the Earth’s crus is composed of only two elements. What are these?
oxygen and silicon
True or False: The matter in the early universe was not smoothly distributed across
According to the Big Bang theory, when did the universe begin?
The ancient Greek who is known for championing the concept of atom was named
is a form of carbon that is extremely hard and is one of the few materials that can
scratch glass.
This consists of fundamental particles called leptons.
True or False: Lower activation energy = more reactant particles with enough energy to
causing the reaction to occur faster.
True or False: Substances made of wood are not prone to flammability.

Identification: Factor in the rate of reaction that is caused by the amount of reactants.
Identification: What is the component of a chemical reaction that is present at its start?
True or False: The catalyst is a reactant in the chemical reaction it speeds up.
The heaviest elements are created in _______, the fantastic death of supergiant stars.
True or False: Dalton was the first to introduce the idea of the atom.

True or False: Ionic compounds are for both metals and nonmetals.
True or False: The human body is composed of 65% oxygen &amp; 18% carbon.
Who discovered the nucleus of the atom in 1911?
Ernest Rutherford
What is the formula unit of molecular compounds?
is the small, dense region at the center of an atom where protons are also found.
of an element is the average mass of all its naturally occurring isotopes.
Atomic mass
Identification: How fast or slow a chemical process takes place.
Rate of reaction
Identification: Identify the kind of change wherein the product is the same as the
Identification: What do you call the solid formed when a liquid solution is allowed to
stand still for a long amount of time?
1.What do you call the solid formed when a liquid solution is allowed to stand still
for a long amount of time.
ans. Precipitate
2.What is the proper term for catalysts involved in biological processes?
3.What is the term for the energy responsible for the variations in the reaction
rates of chemical processes?
answer:activation energy
4.What property of a material describes the compactness of the arrangement of
its molecules?
5.Identify the kind of change wherein the product is the same as the reactants.
ANWER:physical change
6.In which type of covalent bonding are the shared electrons shared congruently
throughout the molecule? answer:nonpolar
7.What do you call the ability of a substance to chemically combine with other
8.Fill in the blank: The ____
property of a substance can be observed without changing the substance.
9.What type of covalent compound is there a slight difference in the electric
charge between the opposite sides of the molecule? answer:polar covalent

10.Identification: This factor in a reaction rate is a consequence of the kinetic

energy of the reactant molecules? wrong answer ako dito.
11.What kind of chemical bond involves the sharing of electrons between two
atoms? answer:covalent bond
12.What is the component of a chemical reaction that is present at its start?
13.Identification: Two different atoms may or may not have this type of covalent
bonding. answer:polar covalent bonding
14._____ covalent bond does not have an equal sharing of electrons.
15.What kind of change results to the production of a material that is entirely
different from the reactants? answer:chemical change
16.Identification: This is another term used to refer to covalent compounds.
answer:molecular compound
17.Identification: This refers to the speed of a chemical process. answer:reaction
18.Which atom is more positive than the other in a molecule of dihydrogen
oxide? answer: hydrogen atom
19.Identification: These compounds are highly soluble in water. answer:ionic
20.Identification: These properties can be detected using your senses.
answer:Physical properties
21.What type of compound is formed by the sharing of electrons?
answer:Covalent compound
22.covalent bonding exists between two identical atoms. answer: nonpolar
23.Identification: This is the force that exists between the molecules of a
compound. answer: Intermolecular force
24.What is the term for the property that makes it capable of being hammered
into thin sheets?
25.In a water molecule, which atom is more frequented by the shared electrons?

26.Identify the substance that hastens chemical reactions? answer:catalyst

27. In a ____
type of covalent bonding, there is equal sharing of electrons between the atoms.
answer: nonpolar
28.What type of covalent bonding is characterized by the incongruent sharing of
electrons between the atoms? answer:polar
29.Which reaction rate factor is due to the amount of reacting substances?
answer: concentration
30.Identification: This compound is formed by a cation and an anion. answer:ionic
Identification: What is the proper term for catalysts involved in biological
Answer: enzyme
In a water molecule, which atom is more frequented by the shared electrons?
Answer: Oxygen
Fill in the blank: The Answer property of a substance can be observed without
changing the substance.
Answer: Physical
Refers to how fast a chemical reaction occurs.
Answer: Reaction Rate
True or False: Salt can conduct electricity in any form.
Answer: False
Identification: What is the component of a chemical reaction that is present at its
Answer: Reactant
What is the term for the property that makes it capable of being hammered into
thin sheets?
Select one:
a. Density
b. malleability CORRECT

c. no correct answer
Answer energy is the energy needed to start a reaction.
Answer: Activation
Identify the substance that hastens chemical reactions?
Answer: Catalyst
Identification: Two different atoms may or may not have this type of covalent
Answer: Polar
True or False: Tools made from iron easily rust.
refers to the concentration of a substance.
Answer: Density
The solid that settles out of a liquid solution is called
Answer: precipitate .
Fill in the blank: Answer covalent bonding exists between two identical atoms.
Answer: Non-polar
Which reaction rate factor is due to the amount of reacting substances?
Answer: concentration
True or False: Aluminum is a good conductor of heat.
Answer: True
What type of compound is formed by the sharing of electrons?
Answer: Covalent
True or False: The catalyst brings the reactants together by permanently bonding
with them.
Answer: False
Identification: This compound is formed by a cation and an anion.
Answer: Ionic compound
True or False: Chemical reactions occur inside living things.

Answer: True
True or False: Lower activation energy = more reactant particles with enough
energy to react causing the reaction to occur faster
Answer: True
True or False: Platinum has very high density
Answer: True
Refers to how fast a chemical reaction occurs
Answer: Reaction Rate
Identification: Identify the substance that hastens chemical reactions?
Answer: Catalyst
Identify the kind of change wherein the product is the same as the reactants.
Answer: Physical Change
Identification: This refers to the speed of a chemical process
Answer: Reaction Rate
True or False: Carbon in graphite can be described as hard as the carbon in
Answer: False
Refers to the ability of matter to burn.
Answer: Flammability
True or False: The catalyst brings the reactants together by permanently bonding
with them.
Answer: False
True or False: Chemical reactions occur inside living things.
Answer: True
Identification: How fast or slow a chemical process takes place.
Answer: Rate of Reaction
Identification: Identify the kind of change wherein the product is the same as the
Answer: Chemical reaction

Identification: What is the term for the energy responsible for the variations in
the reaction rates of chemical processes?
Answer: Chemical kinetics
True or False: The catalyst is a reactant in the chemical reaction it speeds up.
Answer: False
Identification: This is the force that exists between the molecules of a compound.
Answer: Intermolecular force
Identification: These properties can be detected using your senses.
Answer: Physical properties
Refers to the concentration of a substance.
Answer: Density
True or False: Chromium is one of the soft elements.
Answer: False
True or False: In determing the liming reactant, mass quantities must be
converted to moles.
Answer: True
True or False: The rate of reaction is faster if the temperature of reactants is
Answer: True

refers to an electrically neutral particle composed of two or more atoms

chemically combined.
Answer: molecule
True or False: Neutrons are found in all atoms except for most atoms of nitrogen.
Answer: False
The periodic table is most easily understood in terms of the ______________
configurations of the elements.
Answer: Electron
True or False: Diamond does not melt at all.
Answer: True
What is the temperature in kelvins of the visible surface of the Sun?
Answer: 6000 K
True or False: Diamond vaporizes to gas at temperatures above 3500 degrees
Answer: True
The number of _______________ on the Sun varies over an 11-year cycle.
Answer: sunspots
74% of the mass of the Earth’s crus is composed of only two elements. What are
Answer: Oxygen and Silicon
True or False: If the covalent bonds are polar, then the covalent compound as a
whole can be nonpolar.
Answer: True
The apparent brightness of stars is ranked according to magnitude. The brightest
stars were originally ranked as what magnitude?
Answer: First
Matter is Answer if it can be rolled and stretched to long and thin shapes.
Answer: ductile
Identification: Factor in the rate of reaction that is caused by the amount of
Answer: Concentration

Identification: Reaction rate factor that is due to the movement of the molecules
of the reactants.
Answer: Catalyst
Which of the following did not occur after the Big Bang?
Aluminum is an example of
Answer: an element
Which of these is not a basic idea of Dalton’s atomic theory?
Answer: All atoms of the same element are alike and have the same mass.
The Sun’s energy is generated from the fusion of
Answer: Hydrogen nuclei to Helium nuclei
Wilhelm Roentgen discovered
Answer: X-Rays
When fast electrons strike a metal target, what are produced?
Answer: X-Rays
The greater the mass of a star, the _______________ it moves through its life
Answer: Faster
ACTIVATION energy is the energy needed to start a reaction
A CATALYST is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction.
True or False: Density decreases as temperature increases.
Answer: True
REACTIVITY is the ability of matter to combine chemically with other substances.
True or False: Chromium is one of the soft elements.
Answer: False
True or False: Noble gases almost never react to other substances.
Answer: False
True or False: The catalyst is a reactant in the chemical reaction it speeds up.
Answer: False
True or False: Sodium can exist by itself.
Answer: False
True or False: Sodium reacts violently with water.
Answer: True
True or False: Lower activation energy = more reactant particles with enough
energy to react causing the reaction to occur faster.
Answer: True
is an enzyme found in the mouth and small intestine that hlps in the breakdown
of starch to sugar.
Answer: Amylase
True or False: Silver conducts electricity at minimal circumstances only.

Answer: False
True or False: In determining the limiting reactant, mass quantities must be
converted to moles.
Answer: True
helps determine how an element might be used.
Answer: Hardness
Catalysts in living things are called
Answer: Enzymes
True or False: Substances made of wood are not prone to flammability.
Answer: False
is occurring when gas bubbles are released during the reaction.
Answer: Chemical Reaction
True or False: Platinum has very high density.
Answer: True
Identification: What kind of change results to the production of a material that is
entirely different from the reactants?
Answer: Chemical change
Identification: This factor in a reaction rate results from the kinetic energy of the
reactant molecules?
Answer: Temperature
The nuclear model of the atom is associated with
Answer: Rutherford
The majority of stars are small, cool, type-M stars called
Answer: Red dwarfs
When the Sun moves off the main sequence, it will next become a
Answer: Red giant
What is element 61 called?
Select one:
a. francium
b. astatine
c. technetium
d. promethium CORRECT
The two types of bright nebulae are emission nebulae and _____________
Select one:
a. reflection CORRECT
b. photonic
c. absorption
d. refraction
The Sun’s photosphere is, by mass, about 25%
Select one:
a. hydrogen.
b. carbon.
c. helium. CORRECT
d. oxygen.
The temperature of the Sun’s interior is estimated to be about how many kelvins?
Select one:
a. 15 million CORRECT

b. 5 billion
c. 60,000
d. 1500
The Sun’s photosphere is, by mass, about 75%
Select one:
a. carbon.
b. helium.
c. hydrogen. CORRECT
d. oxygen.
The vertical columns of elements in the periodic table are called
Select one:
a. series.
b. groups. CORRECT
c. periods.
d. families.
Who discovered the atomic nucleus in 1911?
Select one:
a. Henri Becquerel
b. Marie and Pierre Curie
c. Ernest Rutherford CORRECT
d. Niels Bohr
Who discovered the nucleus of the atom in 1911?
Select one:
a. Thomson
b. Rutherford CORRECT
c. Dalton
d. Bohr
What is the visible surface of the Sun called?

Select one:
a. Photosphere CORRECT
b. Stratosphere
c. Atmosphere
d. Glowing sphere
The Sun is a(n)
Select one:
a. star. CORRECT
b. galaxy.
c. planet.
d. cluster.
The Sun is a(n)
Select one:
a. cluster.
b. galaxy.
c. planet.
d. star. CORRECT
According to the Big Bang theory, when did the universe begin?
Select one:
a. 15.2 billion years ago
b. 13 billion years ago
c. 13.7 billion years ago CORRECT
d. 12.8 billion years ago
When the Sun moves off the main sequence, it will next become a
Select one:
a. red giant CORRECT
b. black hole
c. white dwarf
d. dwarf star
The “billiard ball model” of the atom is associated with
Select one:
a. Thomson.
b. Rutherford.
c. Bohr.
d. Dalton. CORRECT
True or False: The alchemists have been successful in changing lead to gold.
Answer: true
What is the visible surface of the Sun called?
Select one:
a. Atmosphere
b. Glowing sphere
c. Stratosphere
d. Photosphere CORRECT
Who discovered the atomic nucleus in 1911?
Select one:
a. Marie and Pierre Curie
b. Henri Becquerel
c. Ernest Rutherford CORRECT
d. Niels Bohr
The periodic table is most easily understood in terms of the ____________
configurations of the elements.
Select one:
a. neutron
b. proton
c. periodic
d. electron CORRECT
The “plum pudding model”of the atom is associated with
Select one:
a. Dalton.
b. Bohr.
c. Thomson. CORRECT
d. Rutherford.
In 1661, who developed a definition of element that made the concept subject to
laboratory investigation?
Select one:
a. Lavoisier
b. Boyle CORRECT
c. Berzelius
d. Davy
The region where an electron is most likely to be is called an
compound's physical state at room temperature can be gas, liquid or solid.
Thomson's revision of the model of the atom into what became known as
-Plum Pudding Model
Identification: What kind of change results to the production of a material that is entirely
different from the reactants?
-Chemical Change
MEIL-122 WEEK 11-20

This poem is the inspiration for the creation of University of the Philippines, “Oblation.”
A: My Last Farewell
Which of the following statements is not true?
A: Broadsheets are often associated with sensationalism.
Which of the following is true about books?
A: It was first introduced in the 1400s
What makes magazines an effective media for advertising?
A: all of the choices
The use of medium in the visual media can influence people to incite changes.
A: False

Which of the following can be found in a website?

A: all of the choices
All interpretations of visual information must overlap or must be completely similar.
A: False
Which of the following is not true about journalists?
A: They adapt a creative writing style to convey the news
Which of the following is a true example of a positive effect of people media?
A: Celebrities advocating for important causes become role models for the youth
Which of the following is not a type of zine?
A: none of the choices
Which of the following is true about zines?
A: it is a shorter term for fanzine.
In a newspaper organization, which of the following is usually on top?
A: publisher
Humans are natural olfactory learners.
A: False
Which of the following statements is the best explanation why visual information is the best
learning method for humans?
A: At 0.01 seconds, humans can make sense of any visual scene.
Guillermo Tolentino was commissioned by Rafael Palma to create a depiction of a verse in
Rizal’s famous poem, Mi Ultimo Adios.
A: True
Studies show that websites with more visual impact tend to get more traffic.
A: True
After the content of the newspaper are written and collected, the _____ are in charge of putting
it all together coherently for the people to enjoy before being sent to publishing.
A: Layout artists
Which of the following refers to text which serves as a link to access different kinds of electronic
A: hypertext
The people that facilitates the flow of the show, Umagang Kay Ganda, are the _____.
A: TV or program hosts
Which of the following is not an advantage of e-books?
A: inconvenient
Which of the following is not a responsibility of a reporter?
A: Deliver the news to the studio
A journalist has gone to Marawi to report on the crisis going on currently in the city and was
nearly caught in a crossfire. Despite this, he still continued his report on the city for the news
show the following night.
A: Dedicated and passionate

Which of the following is a reason for people&#39;s preference for text information?
A: All of the choices are correct
Text information comes in a wide range of topics. What does this imply?
A: all of the choices are correct
This illustration is used to show information depicting the changes over a certain period.
A: Line graph
Brands such as Nickelodeon, Mozilla Firefox, Fanta, Blogger and VLC Media Player depict
kind of emotion?
A: Cheerful and confidence
A sudden fire happened in Taguig and a member of the media is nearby to deliver exclusive
coverage on the incident. This person is called _____.
A: Reporter
These people take into account the photos that accompany the texts and for its appropriate
A: Photographers
Photos are pictures or likeness of an image, usually taken through photography.
A: True
This type of illustration can be useful for measuring continuous data.
A: Histogram
These are two-dimensional illustrations that are animated to create stories.
A: Cartoons
Numerous interpretations of Juan Luna’s The Parisian Life sprouted that say that the woman in
the image resembles the Philippine archipelago, and the thing around her neck is similar to a
rope that extends to one bars of the window, creating an illusion of her being hanged. With this
interpretation, how did people evaluate Juan Luna’s famous artwork?
A: Choice of subject
Which of the following is not a book publisher?
A: no correct answer
Almost 50% of our brain is involved in visual processing.
A: True
Which of the following is true about newspapers?
A: Newspapers remain large and profitable despite the crisis it currently faces.
According to the Color Emotion Guide by the Daily Infographic, which of the following
characteristics is conveyed by products such as Coca-Cola, CNN, and Nintendo?
A: Youthful and bold
The creation of a book starts with an author who would write the content. It would then go to the
editors for a review of the content, for fact-checking and error-checking. The idea for the cover
and the outer look of the book would be decided by ______.
A: The art director
Most of the earliest paintings depict human life during that period.
A: True

Rina studied journalism in college because she has always been part of the school paper staff.
When she entered the field, she has managed to get assigned to a beat which requires her to
go to events. Which of the following characteristics of people media must Rina possess to get a
good story?
A: Sociable and outgoing
According to Oxford English Dictionary, a zine is a shortened term for which of the following
A: Fanzine
Zines are used for social and political activism during which period?
A: &#39;60s
Why are university presses established?
A: all of the choices are correct
There can be various interpretations of visual information for different people.
A: True
Guillermo Tolentino was inspired by the heroic acts of the likes of Rizal and Bonifacio so he
made the Oblation with them in mind.
A: False
Which of the following is/are part of the organizational structure of a magazine?
A: all of the choices
Which of the following is the main responsibility of the director?
A: Instructs the performers on how to act according to the script
Which of the following is not true about people media in the time of Martial Law?
A: The people in media have been helpless and remained so until the end of the dictator’s rule
Which of the following is a characteristic of a zine?
A: it is self-published
Books are first introduced during which year?
A: 1400s
This refers to data in graphs that are measured in a scale.
A: Continuous data
The flow of a show would not be possible without the guide of a _____.
A: All of the choices
Which of the following statements is not true?
A: Philippine local TV offers a total of 23 channels to choose from
Which of the following materials can be used in making scuptures?
A: All of the choices
This audio file format by Microsoft has the capability for copy protection.
A: wma
Harlequin is known for publishing which genre of novels?
A: romance
Which of the following is not a vital part of a newspaper management?

A: None of the choices

The interpretation of images and photos depend on which of the following?
A: Both technical style and use of colors
The oldest radio station in the Philippines is ____.
The following choices are themes discussed and depicted in rated SPG shows except:
A: None of the choices
It is the nursery rhyme that was recorded and played back using Edison’s phonograph.
A: Mary Had a Little Lamb
The evolved phonographs have the shape of a horn as speaker.
A: True
Which of the following is not a characteristic of people media?
A: Biased and sensationalistic
Which of the following is true about the talk?
A: the speaker has a lisp but his voice carries around the hall
Which of the following is not considered a reason for people&#39;s preference towards text
A: Use of colors
The 74 minute capacity of CDs was a reference to Beethoven’s 9th Symphony.
A: True
What is the main purpose of a photographer?
A: To capture images to accompany written text or visually represent an idea.
Among 629 radio stations in the Philippines, how many are FM stations?
A: 399
According to Maslog (2015), which of the following served as source for election results in the
A: All of the choices
Da Vinci&#39;s Mona Lisa (also known as The Gioconda) is famous for the mystery
surrounding the
woman of the world-famous painting. Art critiques and other people have been trying to interpret
the enigma surrounding her mysterious smile and inscrutable expression. This portrait is being
evaluated using which of the following criteria?
A: Choice of subject
Which of the following is the proposed solution of the speaker?
A: granting ensure basic income
The standard vinyl record for Gramophones turned at ___ revolutions per minute.
A: 78
The 78rpm vinyl discs are significantly smaller than 45rpm discs.
A: False

Spoliarium, created by Filipino painter Juan Luna, is said to predominantly made use of striking
warm colors, particularly the color red. This visual information is evaluated using which of the
following criteria?
A: Use of color
He was the one who submitted the patent for the recording system on a flat disc.
A: Emile Berliner
A columnist in a famous broadsheet has written an article that criticizes the news that circulated
in social media, which is apparently fake. Which of the following characteristics of people media
is compromised by this incident?
A: Respectable and trustworthy
The use of cassettes was popularized in the 1960s when a famous band released music
through an 8-track cassette tape.
A: False
Non-commercial radio stations in the Philippines are half the number of the commercial stations.
A: False
Which of the following works is an example of a comic strip?
A: Kikomachine series
Which of the following had been the standard compact disc measurements set by Philips and
A: 4.72 inches in diameter, 0.47 inches in thickness, containing 74 minutes worth of material.
This person looks over the writer&#39;s work for review before it is sent for publishing.
A: Editors
Vincent Van Gogh&#39;s Starry Night is well known for its coloring - the bright and vivid stars
contrast to the dark tones of the night sky. This visual information is being evaluated by means
of which of the following criteria?
A: Use of colors
“dss” is the audio format used for dictation.
A: False
University Presses are known to produce which of the following?
A: Academic researches
Which of the following statements is correct?
A: Filipino children watch TV shows for more than two hours, which is the recommended time
for TV exposure.
In the talk, what was the turning point for the speaker who thought poverty is the fault of the
A: A study that tested the IQ of sugarcane farmers before and after harvest.
Which of the following is true about visual information?
A: It is the artistic and creative representation of an idea, concept, or emotion using various
media which rely on the sense of sight
Which of the following is not a type of graph?
A: None of the choices

Haley wanted to know which among a variety of amphibians is preferred by her class. Which of
the following would be the best illustration for her data?
A: Bar graph
Which of the following is not true about mp3?
A: none of the choices
Which of the following characteristics ideally defines a writer?
A: Capable of writing a variety of topics he or she is interested in or is tasked to write
There are more FM stations than AM in the Philippines.
A: True
The first ever provincial radio in the Philippines had been established in ___.
A: Cebu
Which of the following statements is not true according to the talk?
A: the basic income guarantee has not been proven before.
Ed has conducted a research on the number of people who has been watching local primetime
shows in a span of four years. Which of the following is the best way to illustrate the information
he would gather from his research?
A: Line graph
Which of the following is a criteria used to evaluate visual information?
A: All of the choices
The teacher wanted to see the frequency of scores of her students in the online exams. Which
of the following would illustrate this data the best?
A: Histogram
Which of the following is true about tabloids?
A: It is a half-sized newspaper that is easier to carry
One of the most popular paintings called Scream depicts a person with both of his palms flat
against his cheeks. While some may assume that the man himself is screaming, the actual
explanation to this man&#39;s unusual pose is that he&#39;s blocking out a loud sound and
he&#39;s actually
covering his ears. This evaluation of visual information shows the ______ of the artist.
A: Level of creativity
The narrators read the text aloud and the listeners usually know what he/she looks like.
A: True
The hosts of the longest-running variety program in the country offer different engaging
segments for the audience to enjoy and participate in. They are displaying this characteristic of
people media:
A: Creative and dynamic
According to the speaker, what do the people lose when they believe things are scarce?
A: long-term perspective
How did the media fulfill their role as watchdogs in the era of Martial Law?
A: They faithfully anticipated and reported on real-time results of the elections
Which of the following serves as a link allowing readers to access various electronic

A: Hypertext
The audio file format is used for the streamed audio on the internet.
A: ra
The process of rendering and final delivery involves which of the following?
A: Finalizing the animation after numerous changes
The Assistant Director takes part in which stage of film production?
A: Production
Which of the following is mainly a part of the post-production team in a motion picture?
A: Music Mixer
Which of the following is mainly in charge of the entire television production?
A: Executive producer
Cost per Click advertisements are paid for each transaction completed.
A: False
The details of the program is being finalized during this stage.
A: Post-production
A famous boyband has been the face of a brand of an alcoholic drink for years. This is an
example of _____.
A: Celebrity endorsements
Dove released a commercial, entitled, “Evolution” that depicts a model groomed to be the face
of an advertisement. Her face became the focal point of the whole video that you can see how
her look changed from make up to digital photo enhancements until she ended up on a billboard
ad for make-up. What type of propaganda is used for this commercial?
A: Transfer
Stop motion animation is also known as which of the following?
A: Object animation
Production scheduling and budgeting takes place during which stage of production?
A: Pre-production
President Duterte’s continuous campaign of the war against drugs is an example of
A: False
A banned Pepsi commercial made the rounds on the internet in the early 2000s. It shows a
young boy who wanted to buy soda from a vending machine. In this commercial, the kid bought
two cans of Coca-Cola. He stood on top of these cans, boosting his height for him to reach the
button for Pepsi. This commercial is an example of ____.
A: Card-stacking
Which of the following techniques makes use of a transparent sheet of paper on which objects
are drawn?
A: Cel animation
Which of the following is among the top film making studios today?
A: All of the choices
VO stands for which of the following?

A: Voice Over
This is the stage where the entire television program concept was being conceived.
A: Pre-production
Advertising agencies are dubbed as problem solvers for their clients.
A: True
The client pays the agency as soon as the assigned work has been submitted and
A: False
The World Wide Fund (WWF) for Nature have released a press release encouraging people to
turn their lights off in support of the climate action. This event was held nationwide on March
2017 from 8:30 to 9:30 pm. This media manipulation tactic is ______.
A: Crowd manipulation
Public relations mainly aim to boost sales of the product or company.
A: False
Which of the following takes place during the production stage?
A: Shooting in the location/studio
Early this year, Manulife’s new commercial went viral. It tells the story of Victor Anastacio, a
stand-up comedian who talked about how he started comedy as a job. In the video, he told his
life story in the form of a stand-up comedy act. He amused his audience and the viewers of the
video with how he described his strict-looking father who had been his loyal supporter since he
decided to change his career path. This is an example of _____.
A: Plain folks
Radio commercials are proven to be more effective advertising vehicles than other forms of
A: False
Why is the storyboard essential in animation production?
A: It gives an overview of how the animation will go together with the script.
Finalization of the television program takes place during which of the following stages?
A: Post production
Placing an ad through radio is cheaper than other options.
A: True
Public relations stunts’ objective is to persuade the masses of the good intentions of a brand,
company or individual.
A: True
Motion picture recording happens during which of the following stages of production?
A: Production
The Story Editor is part of which part of the film production process?
A: Pre-production
A life insurance company in Thailand has released an advertisement that shows the life of a
man who had nothing but had so much to give other people, even without anything in exchange.
The twist at the end revealed that the kid he gave his money to has returned to school. The

lines at the end evoked the feeling of believing in the inherent good in people. This commercial
is an example of ______.
A: Plain folks
What&#39;s the task of the Production Manager?
A: Handles all of the physical elements of production from the actors to the location
The account manager is the one who meets with the client at the beginning of the transaction
for an advertisement.
A: True
Japanese commercials are known for their absurdity and creativity. This is a sample commercial
for the famous Nissin’s Cup Noodle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuX8ZRxJIF0. Based
on how it was advertised, the commercial is an example of _____.
A: Glittering generalities
A link to a story has been shared through Facebook with the headline, “Juan Ponce Enrile has
died.” This is an example of ____.
A: Hoax
Shiseido, a famous skincare and makeup brand in Japan, launched a new commercial. It is set
in a school where the teacher and the students are made to look pretty using the brand’s famed
products. When the first part of the commercial ended, the second part begins when the video is
rewinded to show that the ladies in the beginning are actually men in drag, including the
teacher. This commercial is an example of ______.
A: Bandwagon
Which of the following is not a type of animation technique?
A: None of the choices
Which of the following people is mainly responsible for the design and construction of the set, as
well as the appearances and costumes for the actors and performers in a television program?
A: Production designer
The creative director is the one who will approve the final ideas of the team and the one who will
present these ideas to the client for approval.
A: True
A famous series of commercials had garnered the public’s attention in Japan. One example may
be found through this link: https://youtu.be/y4BjZTz3nDU. This is an example of _____.
A: Celebrity endorsement
Which of the following is an example of a Stop-motion animation?
A: Kubo and the Two Strings
According to a news report, the breakout star’s debut movie has ended shooting. The director
enlists the help of this person as he/she makes sure that the story runs coherently and smoothly
and that each scene and shot had been chosen with care and precision to suit the whole film.
Who is responsible for this?
A: Editor
A teleserye starring Marian Rivera has been set for primetime by the end of the year. People
are buzzing because the story was an adaptation of an old local novel. Before this came into
fruition, this person has approved the final report on financial expenditures of the project. Who is
responsible for this?

A: Unit Production Manager

The New York Times has released an article and a collection of photos entitled “They Are
Slaughtering Us Like Animals,” by Daniel Berehulak (source:
killings.html) where he showed photographs of the victims during his stay in the country. Since
was published, it has made the rounds in the internet. What kind of media manipulation is done
in this article?
A: Gatekeeping
This media tactic filters the information being released to the public, enabling them to lead
people into believing something by removing facts which may negate their objective.
A: Gatekeeping
A photo of an activist with her placard in a recent protest has been edited to look like her sign
was saying something degrading about their cause. What kind of media manipulation was done
in this situation?
A: Hoax
Which of the following is not a definition of Multimedia?
A: &quot;sensationalized information distributed digitally using social media&quot;
Which of the following elements of multimedia is defined as a series of drawn frames put
together to create an effect of movement?
A: animation
Pinoy Big Brother is one of the most famous reality TV shows in the Philippines. This show is
most popular for encouraging its audience to participate in deciding who stays in the house and
who needs to be evicted. What kind of media manipulation is at work here?
A: Crowd manipulation
What is the most common way to obtain auditory information?
A: Dialog or conversation
Which of the following is not an element of multimedia?
A: None of the choices
Which of the following individuals is responsible for delivering news or playing music via radio?
A: Disc Jockey
Which of the following is the standard audio file format used mainly for Windows?
A: Wav
Which of the following is not an example of a text?
A: None of the choices
Which of the following refers to statements of endorsement usually delivered by prominent
people who hold a good reputation to promote an individual or a company?
A: Testimonial
Which of the following is a characteristic of interactive multimedia?
A: It allows the user not just to &quot;receive&quot; information but to &quot;participate&quot;
as well.
The Production Assistant mainly works during which stage of motion picture production?
A: Production

Due to budget problems, Jaws was in the danger of not being made because of the lack of
script, cast and shark to use in the film. Spielberg resolved these problems by execution and
came through in what stage of production?
A: Production
Which of the following is true about virtual reality?
A: It combines graphics, audio, and other media components to allow people to see, hear, and
feel like they are in a different world
Which of the following individuals is in charge of providing live comments on events?
A: Commentator
When did Japan release the first ever CDs?
A: 1983
A viral article entitled, “My Family’s Slave” became the talk of the internet because of the issue
the story tackled. (source: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/06/lolas-
story/524490/) This had struck a chord in the heart of Filipino readers as the character
discussed in the story hailed from the Philippines and had been fated to serve the family of the
author for years. What kind of media manipulation was at work in this media output?
A: Gatekeeping
Which of the following is not an advantage of using audio information?
A: The listener is susceptible to noise or distraction
This year’s entry for a film festival in Berlin stars two of the famous teen actors in the
Philippines. In an interview, they said that they had trouble finding the perfect place to shoot the
movie in. There had been multiple changes in location before they decided on one in Sagada.
The actress then thanked one person from the production team for hyping up the movie in social
media. Who is the one responsible for this?
A: Unit Publicist
Which of the following is the most basic element of multimedia?
A: Text
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A: With non-interactive multimedia, viewers are able to send feedback
When Walt Disney made the animated film, Bambi, the animators decided to go to the woods to
observe the animals in that environment. Another technique they did was to bring an actual deer
to their studio as a reference. When this happened, the film’s animation production was in what
A: Design
Mary Poppins, one of the most famous movies of Walt Disney for combining live action and
animation, has undergone many changes due to P.L. Travers’, the original author of the story,
comments and suggestions, including those in the music inserts. Her approval of these falls
under the ____ stage in animation.
A: Feedback and sign-off
What is the advantage of using magazines as advertising medium?
A: All of the choices
The proprietary format wma stands for which of the following?
A: Windows Media Audio

What was said to be the first sound ever recorded and played back using the phonograph?
A: Mary Had a Little Lamb
What year were the motion pictures first developed to include sound?
A: 1927-28
Which of the following sentences is true?
A: Multimedia takes advantage of both the sense of sight and hearing to improve the amount of
information that the brain can process
Which of the following is not a basic element of multimedia?
A: computer
A drama called Quartet is a story about four people who all played string instruments and
happened to meet in a karaoke box. Their story took place in a scenic and homey villa in
Karuizawa, Japan and the whole drama occurred within the comfort of this place. Which of the
following people is responsible for grooming the place as the Quartet’s house, including the
placement of furniture?
A: Set designer
Which of the following is not a field wherein multimedia can be used?
A: None of the choices
The prices for ad space in newspapers vary depending on:
A: Both the size of the ad and the publication
A prominent blogger and supporter of the current administration has been criticized by a social
media user in one of the statuses the blogger posted which garnered a lot of likes in the
process. Irate, the blogger searched through the user’s past posts and took a screenshot of one
of her old posts that may be perceived as negative to direct the anger of people towards the
other person. What kind of media manipulation was done?
A: Propaganda
Which of the following must be considered when evaluating audio information?
A: Sound quality
Which of the following is an example of a vector graphics?
A: interface graphics
Which of the following is not a situation in which audio is required in multimedia?
A: None of the choices
A photo of a teenage celebrity was released in a tabloid that showed her on what seemed like a
date with a fairly older man from a TV show production team, with the caption pertaining to
possible relationship put at the bottom of the photo. The celebrity cleared the issue up and said
that she was actually with a group of friends when the picture was taken. The friends were just
out of the shot. What kind of media manipulation was done here?
A: Gatekeeping
Which of the following must be considered when evaluating audio information?
A: Sound quality
Which of the following is an example of a vector graphics?
A: interface graphics
Which of the following is not a situation in which audio is required in multimedia?

A: None of the choices

A photo of a teenage celebrity was released in a tabloid that showed her on what seemed like a
date with a fairly older man from a TV show production team, with the caption pertaining to
possible relationship put at the bottom of the photo. The celebrity cleared the issue up and said
that she was actually with a group of friends when the picture was taken. The friends were just
out of the shot. What kind of media manipulation was done here?
A: Gatekeeping
Which element of multimedia is divided into two types: bitmap and vector?
A: Graphics
Which of the following statements is true?
A: Reputation is important in keeping a company up and running.
Lin-Manuel Miranda, the author of the Tony Award-winning Broadway musical entitled
“Hamilton,” was of Puerto Rican descent. Recently, Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico
and Miranda was intent on helping his fellowmen. He released a song called “Almost Like
Praying” that featured Latino artists such as Jennifer Lopez, Gloria Estefan, Camila Cabello,
among others, and the sales of the single would be for the hurrican relief. What media
manipulation technique did Miranda use?
A: Celebrity Endorsement
Which of the following is not true about text?
A: It cannot be combined with other forms of media to efficiently distribute information
A visual novel is an example of which of the following?
A: interactive multimedia
What is the drawback of choosing newspaper as an advertising medium?
A: It is only accurate for the day or week, and may be discarded as soon as possible after
What is the purpose of animation in multimedia?
A: To make the message look attractive to the viewer
Which of the following is a tool used by the PR?
A: All of the choices
What makes audio an essential element of multimedia?
A: It enhances the multimedia by adding speech, music, or sound effects
What is the average diameter of a vinyl record?
A: 10 inches
Which of the following situations makes use of multimedia?
A: all of the choices
Which of the following is an example of an interactive media?
A: An educational computer game
What are the two types of graphics?
A: Raster and Vector
Which of the following brands made use of the color which, according to the Color Emotion
Guide, represents trust?

A: Wordpress
What was the first newspaper in the Philippines?
A: Successos Felices
What was the effect of communication being cheaper and better in the 1960s?
A: Information reach faster and was more widespread.
The 2012 Tim Burton film Frankenweenie made use of puppets in order to come up with
animated scenes. What kind of animation technique has been used in the creation of the film?
A: Stop-motion
Which of the following takes place during the post production of a motion picture?
A: rendering
The spread of fake news in the Philippines has led conflicts among Filipino social media users,
each arguing particularly when it comes to the current political issues in the country. These
social media users are swayed by which media manipulation technique?
A: Hoax
What is the advantage of e-books?
A: All of the choices
What makes the Kikomachine Komix a popular comic series?
A: It features scenes which reflected the relatable experiences of a Filipino
Which of the following takes place during the production stage of a motion picture?
A: Motion picture recording
Philippine elections are often associated with character assassinations, especially among the
presidential candidates. Former Presidential Candidate and Senator Grace Poe, for instance,
became a target when her citizenship was questioned. The spread of negative information
regarding Poe’s citizenship is likely an example of what media manipulation technique?
A: Propaganda
According to a study conducted by Nielsen, how many hours do Filipinos watch television
shows every week?
A: 33 hours per week
Humans are, by nature, ____ learners.
A: visual
HTML stands for?
A: Hypertext Markup Language
Millie’s daily task is to go to various locations, and report on the happenings that take place
there live. What is Millie’s job?
A: Reporter
The Birth of Venus, painted by Sandro Botticelli, is remarkable for the artist&#39;s depiction of
Roman goddess. Venus was given an idealized face, beautiful and free of blemishes. And while
nude forms were not commonly painted during his time, Botticelli was inspired by the statue of
Aphrodite of Cnidos in creating Venus’s demurely naked form. The painting is being evaluated
using which of the following criteria?
A: Choice of subject
Which of the following is not a form of proprietary audio format?
A: au
What is the purpose of new media?
A: To inform people
Leonardo Da Vinci’s The Last Supper was created using an oil/tempera mix on a dry wall in
order to mimic the look of an oil painting. The painting is being evaluated using which of the
following criteria?
A: use of medium
The Compact Disc was created with the help of which two companies?
A: Phillips and Sony
Spoliarium, created by Juan Luna, is famous for embodying the political, moral, and social lives
of the Filipino under Spanish colonization. The painting is being evaluated according to which of
the following criteria?
A: Choice of theme or message
Multimedia information can be utilized in which of the following fields?
A: all of the choices
Which of the following is true about card-stacking?
A: this is a manipulation technique which involves unfair comparison or omitting facts in order
make a product seem better than others.
The earliest dated paintings are from which of the following period?
A: Paleolithic Period
Square Enix is the company behind Final Fantasy, which is one of the most famous Role-
Playing Games of all time. It offered gorgeous 2D and later on 3D graphics, and well-animated
scenes, providing players with an immersive feeling into a new world. The Final Fantasy series
is an example of which of the following?
A: interactive multimedia
Why is it so important to cite the information used in the formation of new knowledge?
A: All of the answers are correct
What did the ancient Romans use to spread information?
A: Acta

Which of the following brands made use of the color which, according to the Color Emotion
Guide, represents Friendliness?
A: Nickelodeon
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, which of the following is a possible effect of
media violence?
A: All of the choices
Which of the following requires broadcast networks to give at least 15-minute airtime daily for
child-friendly programs?
A: Republic Act No. 8370
Kallen works for a cooking television program. Her job requires her to write things which the
host should talk about on TV. What kind of work does Kallen have?
A: She works as a scriptwriter.
Whitney Houston’s I Will Always Love You is one of the most famous love songs of all time. It
showcased the singer’s vocal ability, from her singing the soft and sentimental parts of the song
to hitting the high notes flawlessly. The song is evaluated using which of the following criteria?
A: Voice quality
Which of the following is a Sony proprietary format for compressed voice files?
A: dvf
Which of the following is said to be the traditional animation?
A: Cel animation
John Lennon’s Imagine became one of the most iconic songs of all time. It contains a strong
message that urges listeners to imagine a world at peace, without the divisions caused by
religion or race. This song is evaluated using which of the following criteria?
A: type of content
US President Donald Trump said during his campaign that &quot;People are scared,&quot;
referring to the
growing number of Americans who are afraid of rising crime rate and terrorism in the country. It
is the subtle use of this information in his speeches that helped him earn the trust of the voters.
Trump likely used which of the following media manipulation techniques?
A: Fear mongering
Which of the following statements is true?
A: Filipinos are avid television viewers.
Which of the following brands made use of the color that represents Health?
A: Animal Planet
Which of the following statements is true?
A: Themes of television shows can influence children as one of their constant source of

Which of the following is a characteristic of a fanzine?

A: all of the choices
The Dragon Age series is among the top 3D videogames of today, thanks to its intricate
character creation option, and immersive fantasy world complete with characters which you can
interact with. The Dragon Age series is an example of which types of media?
A: Multimedia
Which of the following is an example of a sculpture?
A: Guillermo Tolentin’s Oblation
What is the purpose of billboard and poster?
A: all of the choices
Which of the following is in charge of supervising and instructing the performers and hosts on
how to act according to the script provided by the scriptwriter?
A: Director
Which of the following statements is true?
A: The choice of subject will determine how the audience will react to the visual information
The Yahoo logo is color purple. In the Color Emotion Guide, this symbolizes which of the
A: Creative
The dishwashing soap brand Joy has been working with Michael V. in endorsing the product
through creative and hilarious commercials. The effectivity of these in gathering brand exposure
has earned Michael V. the position as a long time ambassador for Joy. This is an example of
which media manipulation technique?
A: Celebrity Endorsements
The earliest recorded existence of books is in the:
A: 1440s
What do the slices of a pie chart show?
A: Comparison of each part and how much they contribute to form a whole
According to the Color Emotion Guide of Daily Infographic, the color blue symbolizes the
following except:
A: wise
In the painting titled”The Parisian Life” the three gentlemen shown were said to be:
A: Juan Luna, Jose Rizal, and Ariston Bautista Lin
Which of the following is true about zines?
A: It started sometime around 1930s among science fiction fans
Mike Enriquez has been one of the most notable personalities in the local news industry because
of his quirk in delivering news. He displays this characteristic of people media.
A: Creative and dynamic
Which of the following is not produced by university presses?
A: none of the choices
Which of the following is the most plausible aim of the billboard image below?
A: Encourage people to buy the cleansing product to avoid pimples

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