M4 - T2 - V8 Vaccination Case Study

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A disease infects children between the age of 0 and 5 years.

On an average, for randomly selected 100 children

children are found having this disease. Company A has created a vaccine for preventing this disease. They conduc
trial on 100 children and found that out of these 100, only 4 were infected. Can we say with 99.9% confidence th
vaccine is effective based on this data?


Vaccine is not effective against the disease p>=0.16 Null Hypothesis

Vaccine is effective against the disease p<0.16 Alternative Hypothesis

Type of test One tailed - Left side

Population proportion 0.16

Sample size 100
Sample proportion 0.04
Std. dev 0.036661

Z-statistic -3.273268

p-value 0.000532

Alpha value 0.001

Check Reject Null

Verdict We are 99.9% confident that the vaccine is effective against this disease
mly selected 100 children, 16
this disease. They conducted a
with 99.9% confidence that the

Null Hypothesis To be rejected

Alternative Hypothesis To be proved

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