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Diseases of the Esophagus (2017) 30, 1–12

DOI: 10.1111/dote.12514

Review Article

The physiotherapist and the esophageal cancer patient: from prehabilitation to


E. M. Guinan,1 J. Dowds,2 C. Donohoe,3 J. V. Reynolds,3,4 J. Hussey1

Discipline of Physiotherapy, School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 2 Department of Physio-

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therapy, St James’s Hospital, Dublin, Ireland, 3 Department of Surgery, St James’s Hospital Dublin, Dublin, Ireland,
and 4 Trinity Translational Medicine Institute, Department of Surgery, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

SUMMARY. Esophageal cancer is a serious malignancy often treated with multimodal interventions and complex
surgical resection. As treatment moves to centers of excellence with emphasis on enhanced recovery approaches,
the role of the physiotherapist has expanded. The aim of this review is to discuss the rationale behind both the
evolving prehabilitative role of the physiotherapist and more established postoperative interventions for patients with
esophageal cancer. While a weak association between preoperative cardiopulmonary fitness and post-esophagectomy
outcome is reported, cardiotoxicity during neoadjuvant chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy may heighten postoper-
ative risk. Preliminary studies suggest that prehabilitative inspiratory muscle training may improve postoperative
outcome. Weight and muscle loss are a recognized sequelae of esophageal cancer and the functional consequences
of this should be assessed. Postoperative physiotherapy priorities include effective airway clearance and early mobi-
lization. The benefits of respiratory physiotherapy post-esophagectomy are described by a small number of studies,
however, practice increasingly recognizes the importance of early mobilization as a key component of postoperative
recovery. The benefits of exercise training in patients with contraindications to mobilization remain to be explored.
While there is a strong basis for tailored physiotherapy interventions in the management of patients with esophageal
cancer, this review highlights the need for studies to inform prehabilitative and postoperative interventions.
KEY WORDS: esophageal cancer, physical therapy modalities, postoperative complications, rehabilitation.


Esophageal cancer is a debilitating disease, frequently

diagnosed at an advanced stage and traditionally
Address correspondence to: Dr Emer Guinan, BSc, PhD,
Discipline of Physiotherapy, Trintiy Centre for Health Sciences, St
associated with poor outcomes. Despite considerable
James’s Hospital, Dublin 8, Ireland. Email: advances, surgical resection remains the mainstay of
J. V. Reynolds and J. Hussey are joint senior authors. treatment with curative intent. Surgery carries signif-
Author contributions: Dr Emer Guinan is a research fellow and
physiotherapist specializing in exercise oncology and works
icant risks of major morbidity, and in-hospital mor-
predominantly with the esophageal cancer clinical trials tality up to 5%, consequently strategies to reduce
programme at St James’s Hospital. She completed the literature postoperative complication are of considerable impor-
review for this paper and led the drafting of the manuscript
through all stages. Ms Joanne Dowds is a clinical specialists
physiotherapist in respiratory with expertise in postoperative Physiotherapists play a key role in enhancing car-
management of patients undergoing esophagectomy. She was diopulmonary function and managing pulmonary
involved with drafting the manuscript with particular emphasis on
postoperative management and clinical practice points. Dr Clare
complications following esophagectomy.2 Tradition-
Donohoe is a specialist registrar in upper gastrointestinal surgery ally, physiotherapy focused on postoperative care,
at St James’s Hospital and Professor John Reynolds is the but the role is evolving to include surgical pre-
Professor of surgery at St James’s Hospital and the national lead
for the management of esophageal cancer in Ireland. They both
habilitation and Enhanced Recovery After Surgery
provided surgical expertise for the content of the manuscript and (ERAS). ERAS provides a multidisciplinary, stan-
contributed to the manuscript development. Professor Juliette dardized postoperative pathway for the management
Hussey is a Professor in Physiotherapy at Trinity College Dublin
with a special interest in exercise oncology. She is principle
of patients on a common clinical course.3 A meta-
investigator for a number of exercise trials in esophageal cancer St analysis of ERAS pathways in colorectal surgery
James’s Hospital. She provided expertise for the content of the reported reduced hospital stay (−2.55 [95% CI −3.24,
manuscript and contributed to manuscript development.

C 2016 International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus 1
2 Diseases of the Esophagus

−1.85] days) and overall complication rates (rela- MAGIC10 protocols the most common approaches
tive risk 0.53 [95% CI 0.44, 0.64]) with standardized for each, respectively.
protocols. In esophagectomy, length of stay (LOS) Preoperative assessment aims to determine surgical
studies report a difference of up to 3 days in hos- candidacy, anticipate postoperative care require-
pital in patients on ERAS versus non-ERAS path- ments, and reduce postoperative complications.
ways,4–6 largely driven by a reduction in minor and Physiotherapists have a role in evaluating pre-
serious complication rates. Prehabilitation and early operative cardiopulmonary fitness and physical
mobilization are two key components of ERAS in functioning, established predictors of major surgical
which physiotherapy plays a key role. The aim of this outcome,11 that are amenable to prehabilitative
paper is to review the literature describing the ratio- interventions.
nale for physiotherapy interventions in the manage-
ment of patients undergoing esophagectomy.

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Cardiopulmonary function
Perhaps surprisingly, a relatively weak association
METHODS has been reported between cardiopulmonary exer-
cise testing (CPET) and esophagectomy outcome
This paper provides a narrative review of the literature
(Table 1). In 81 patients undergoing thoraco-
examining the role of the physiotherapist through
abdominal resection, patients aged 65 years with a
the management of patients with esophageal cancer.
working capacity <80W experienced highest post-
The review discusses the complete patient journey,
operative mortality.12 In a cohort of 91 patients
from diagnosis, through neoadjuvant treatment and
undergoing transthoracic esophagectomy (TTE)
post-esophagectomy. The role of exercise manage-
VO2 max correlated with cardiopulmonary complica-
ment and physiotherapy interventions in this complex
tions and a preoperative VO2 max >800 mL/min/m2
cancer are considered from a multiple literature
cut-point to determine surgical candidacy was pro-
sources and in addition to esophageal cancer specific
posed,13 however, this value requires independent
work. Studies specific to esophageal cancer were
validation. Two further studies, however, reported no
identified through a search of the key databases
association between VO2 peak and postoperative out-
EMBASE, PubMed, CINAHL, and Scopus using a
come. In a cohort of 78 patients, while preoperative
combination of key terms including ‘o/esophageal
VO2 peak was lower in patients who developed PPCs,
cancer’, ‘o/esophagectomy’,’ ‘o/esophageal surgery’,
AT <11 mL/min/kg did not predict morbidity and
‘neoadjuvant treatment’, ‘chemotherapy’, ‘radio-
no other predictive value could be determined.14 A
therapy’, ‘radiation therapy’, ‘chemoradiotherapy’,
study on 108 patients undergoing esophago-gastric
‘multimodal treatment’, ‘physical therapy modali-
resection suggested that AT <9 mL/kg/min may
ties’, ‘chest physiotherapy’, ‘chest physical therapy’,
predict cardiopulmonary complications, although
‘physical function/ing’, ‘postoperative pulmonary
weak sensitivity (74%) and specificity (57%) limits
complications’, ‘physical activity’, ‘fitness’, ‘phys-
clinical application. Field tests can also estimate
ical performance’, ‘physical capacity’, ‘exercise’,
cardiopulmonary fitness and correlate with VO2 max
‘strength’, ‘cachexia’, and ‘functional status’. A
in thoracic surgery.15 In 51 patients undergoing
manual search of relevant reference lists was also
esophageal resections, all patients who completed
completed. All papers in the English language pub-
340 m walking preoperative were alive at day 30 post-
lished up until August 2015 were considered for
operatively (median distance 470 m, n = 5 deaths),16
however, further work in this area is required.
While cardiopulmonary function is a relatively
weak independent predictor of esophagectomy out-
EMERGING ROLE FOR PHYSIOTHERAPY come, the well-established role of CPET in predicting
PRE-ESOPHAGECTOMY outcome in other major surgery15,17 justifies the need
to explore methods of optimizing cardiopulmonary
Esophagectomy remains one of the most complex fitness pre-esophagectomy. Studies in thoracic surgery
cancer surgical procedures. Postoperative pulmonary suggest that while preoperative moderate-to-vigorous
complications (PPC) are the most serious morbidity intensity aerobic exercise program improve aerobic
following esophagectomy with rates as high as 45%7 capacity in patients awaiting pulmonary resec-
and are the leading cause of postoperative mortality, tion,18,19 feasibility issues exist due to the need for
accounting for over 50% of in-hospital deaths.8 Cura- multiple supervised classes (5–6 classes/week) between
tive treatment can involve either surgical resection diagnosis and surgery limiting their success.19 In
only or multimodality involving esophagectomy and contrast, in patients (n = 39) with rectal cancer,
either neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy or periopera- 6-weeks aerobic exercise training, completed
tive chemotherapy protocols, with the CROSS9 and during the recovery period between neoadjuvant
Table 1 Cardiopulmonary fitness as a predictor of outcome following esophagectomy

N (male/female) Age
Study (SD) Characteristics Preoperative Assessment Results

Liedman et al. 81 (64/16) Age not Patients undergoing combined Cardiopulmonary exercise test Age In a multi-variate model, middle aged patients
(1995) reported thoracoabdominal resection Pre-existing lung condition (65 years) had an increased risk of postoperative
mortality at a working capacity of ≤ 80W while older
patients (75 years) were at increased risk ≤100W.
Patients with a history of pulmonary disease, had a
higher postoperative mortality across all age groups
at a working capacity ≤ 80W.
Nagamatsu et al. 91 (88/3) 59 (range Patients undergoing curative Cardiopulmonary exercise test Significantly lower VO2 max/m2 in patients who
(2001) 38–74) years esophagectomy with developed cardiopulmonary complications
cervicothoracoabdominal 3-field (P < 0.0001). ROC curve analysis identify that a
lymphadenectomy via right VO2 max of 800 mL/min/m2 was associated with
thoracotomy for squamous cell cardiopulmonary complications. The rate of
carcinoma cardiopulmonary complications was 86% in patients
with a VO2 max < 699 mL/min/m2 , 44% with a
VO2 max 700–799 mL/min/m2 , 10% with a VO2 max
800–1099 mL/min/m2 and 0% with a
VO2 max > 1100 mL/min/m2 AT/m2 was not
associated with cardiopulmonary complications
(P = 0.12).
Murray et al. 51 Age and gender Patients undergoing ISWT monitoring heart rate and Median distance achieved during ISWT was 470 m
(2007) not reported esophagogastrectomy oxygen saturation All patients who completed 340m were alive at day
30. Five patients who completed a distance of
<340 m died within 30 days post-surgery.
Forshaw et al. 78 (64/14) 65 (9) Consecutive patients undergoing Cardiopulmonary exercise test Significantly lower VO2 peak (P = 0.04) in patients
(2008) years esophagectomy who developed cardiopulmonary complications [19.2
(5.1) mL/kg/min vs. 21.4 (4.8) mL/kg/min].
Moyes et al. 108 (83/25) 66 (9) High risk patients undergoing Cardiopulmonary exercise test Mean AT in patients with cardiopulmonary
(2013) years esophagogastric cancer resection complications was 9.9 mL/min/kg vs.
11.2 mL/min/kg in patients with no cardiopulmonary
complications (P = 0.05) Mean VO2 peak in patients
with cardiopulmonary complications was
14.6 mL/min/kg vs. 16.6 mL/min/kg in patients with
no cardiopulmonary complications (P = 0.07) ROC
curve analysis identified that an AT of 9 mL/min/kg
predicted cardiopulmonary complications (sensitivity
74%, specificity 57%) (P = 0.04)

AT, anaerobic threshold; ISWT, incremental shuttle walk test; ROC, receiver operator curve; SD, standard deviation.
Physiotherapy and esophageal cancer 3

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4 Diseases of the Esophagus

chemoradiotherapy and surgery, ameliorated aerobic survival at 1 year post-esophagectomy was associated
fitness levels to pre-chemoradiotherapy levels.20 There with prechemotherapy fitness but only in patients
are no similar trials pre-esophagectomy. who completed all prescribed chemotherapy (n = 39)
Inspiratory muscle training (IMT) involves (hazard ratio 0.84, 95% CI 0.73–0.97) suggesting
breathing exercise designed to improve inspiratory that higher baseline fitness is required to cope with
muscle function and strength and represents an multimodal interventions.28 In a cohort treated with
emerging preoperative intervention. Preoperatively, chemoradiotherapy (n = 26), patients who experi-
IMT demonstrates better feasibility than aerobic enced a reduction in fitness to ≤ 80W experienced
training and may reduce PPCs through improve- higher postoperative mortality (n = 5/6) compared to
ments in preoperative maximum inspiratory pressure post-treatment fitness >100W (n = 0/11).29 This area
(PImax).21,22 A landmark study prescribing 2 weeks will require ongoing investigation and consideration
low intensity (30% PImax) prior to cardiac surgery as use of multimodal treatment approaches increases.
(n = 279) reduced the incidence of PPCs by 50%

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(n = 25/139 intervention vs. n = 48/137 control).21
The same IMT prescription improved inspiratory Functional performance
muscle strength and endurance in 83 patients under- Loss of weight and muscle mass can present at diag-
going esophagectomy but did not impact PPC rates.23 nosis and progress during neoadjuvant therapy30 with
In a separate study, however, higher intensity training patients at risk of developing sarcopenia and cancer
(60–80% PImax) reduced hospital LOS by a median cachexia.31 Weight loss during neoadjuvant treatment
of 4.5 days following esophagectomy (n = 39).22 predicts survival.32 Poor performance status including
In this study, while all patients experienced some low activity participation adversely impacts postoper-
PPC, the high intensity training group experienced ative risk.11,33 Subjectively, patients report a decline
more low grade PPCs (n = 16/20 patients) than high in functional performance during treatment and into
grade PPCs (n = 4/20) compared to a lower intensity survivorship,34,35 however, objective quantification to
protocol (n = 8/19 low grade and n = 11/19 high inform rehabilitation needs is lacking.31
grade). These results suggest that while low intensity Several algorithms exist for sarcopenia, typically
training improves inspiratory muscle function,22,23 quantifying muscle mass from staging computerized
higher intensity training may be required to optimize tomography scans,36 in addition to clinical measures
esophagectomy outcomes22 (Table 2). The ongoing of muscle strength and physical performance.37,38
PREPARE trial is prescribing high intensity IMT Muscle mass can also be estimated from bioelectrical
(60% PImax) in a large cohort pre-esophagectomy impedance analysis and anthropometry, including
(target n = 248) which will provide further insight mid-arm circumference.39 Hand grip strength <30 kg
into the prehabilitative application of IMT.24 in men and <20 kg in women characterize sar-
Of note, advances in multimodal treatment copenia.37 Walking speeds <1.0 m/s or walking dis-
approaches to esophageal cancer, such as the tance <400 m (6-minute walk test) suggest mobility
CROSS9 and MAGIC trials10 may establish these restrictions.38 The Short Physical Performance Bat-
regimens as standard of care for locally advanced tery (SPPB), which assesses lower limb strength,
cancers, however, cardiopulmonary toxicities exist for dynamic balance, and gait, is widely used in the assess-
both treatment modalities. Lung tissue damage is a ment of functional deficits with sarcopenia.37 Other
recognized sequelae of thoracic radiation25 associated performance measures include the Timed Up and Go
with higher postoperative mortality.26 Specialists or Stairs Climb test.
centers report higher PPC rates following chemora- Suboptimal handgrip strength (<25 kg)40 and sar-
diotherapy, particularly in patients with greatest copenia36 are both associated with greater mor-
lung tissue damage,25 however, this has not been tality, morbidity, LOS, and slower progression to
reflected to date in clinical trials.26 A retrospective oral intake following esophagectomy.40 Furthermore,
review at our center reported that patients treated muscle wasting during neoadjuvant chemoradio-
with chemoradiotherapy and surgery experienced a therapy predicts postoperative mortality41 and corre-
higher incidence of postoperative adult respiratory lates with chemotherapy toxicity.36 In a heterogeneous
distress syndrome (ARDS) (n = 9/88 vs. 1/98) and sample of cancer survivors, patients with SPPB scores
respiratory failure (n = 12/88 vs. 4/98) compared of 7–9 and ≥10 median survival of 10.5 and 13.4 years,
with surgical intervention alone.27 Furthermore, respectively, compared to 5.0 years in patients with
declines in cardiopulmonary fitness are reported SPPB scores ≤6.42
with chemotherapy [2.5 mL/kg/min (95% CI 1.55, Interventions for sarcopenia and cachexia tra-
3.47 mL/kg/min decline in VO2 peak)]28 and chemora- ditionally take a nutritional approach.43 However,
diotherapy (30W decline in working capacity).29 exercise training combined with nutritional sup-
Cardiopulmonary toxicity may preclude surgery port during neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for
and impact outcome in patients receiving multiple esophageal cancer is reported to maintain fitness
toxic agents or with borderline fitness. In one report, and body composition.44 In animal models, exercise
Table 2 Preoperative physiotherapy interventions for esophagectomy

Population Intervention
N (male/female) Age
Study Study Design (SD) Characteristics Intervention Group Control Group Results

Dettling et al. (2013) Participants assigned to 83 (62/21) 66.1 (7.5) Patients scheduled for IMT at a starting load Standard preoperative MIP and inspiratory muscle
intervention or control years (intervention esophagectomy with at of 30% MIP. Resistance physiotherapy including endurance increased in the
group based on travel group) 65.5 (9.6) years least 2 weeks presurgery. increased by 10% based deep breathing, cough intervention group. No
distance to the hospital. (control group) The intervention group on BORG <5. Two techniques difference between the group
were within 40 km travel weeks of training, seven for postoperative pneumonia
distance of the hospital. times per week for (25% vs. 23%, P = 0.84) or LOS
2 weeks presurgery (13.5 days vs. 12 days,
lasting 20 minutes. Six P = 0.08).
sessions were performed
at home and one
Van Adrichem et al. RCT 39 (29/10) 62.0 (7.1) Patients with proven High intensity IMT Endurance IMT MIP increased in both the
(2014) years (total group) esophageal cancer, (IMT-H) at a starting (IMT-E) using IMT-H (12%) and IMT-E
scheduled for intensity of 60% MIP Threshold device (35%) groups. FEV1 decreased
esophagectomy, able to and progressing to 80% starting at 30% MIP and in the IMT-H group
perform a valid MIP in week 1. Three progressing by 5% based (P = 0.018) and PIF increased
spirometry test, with at supervised training on BORG <5. Seven in the IMT-E group
least 3 weeks pre surgery. sessions per week. Six training sessions per (P = 0.003). IMT-E group were
cycles of six breathes per week, three supervised 2.9 times more likely to develop
training and four unsupervised a PPC than the IMT-H group
lasting 20 minutes (57.9% vs. 20%, P = 0.015).
Shorter LOS in th eIMT-H
group (mean 13.5 day) vs.
IMT-E group (mean 18 day)
(p = 0.01).

IMT, inspiratory muscle training; MIP, maximal inspiratory pressure; RCT, randomised controlled trial; SD, standard deviation.
Physiotherapy and esophageal cancer 5

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6 Diseases of the Esophagus

training attenuates inflammation, increases oxidative include noninvasive ventilation (NIV), or mechan-
capacity, enhances protein synthesis, and improves ical ventilation while treating the underlying cause.54
body composition, however, there is limited evidence While NIV was once a contraindication it can be
in humans.45 A combination of resistance training administered with caution following esophagectomy.
to improve muscle mass and strength, and aerobic Therapeutic use of NIV for acute respiratory failure
training to optimize cardiorespiratory function are postoperatively can reduce intubation rates, incidence
recommended for age-related sarcopenia.45 In sar- of ARDS, and intensive care LOS.55 NIV has also
copenic patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary been found to reduce intubation rates in patients who
disease (COPD) 12–16 weeks of strength training, develop ARDS.56 Anastomotic leakage is the primary
with or without aerobic exercise, improves quadriceps concern using post-esophagectomy NIV use. Exces-
muscle strength46 and endurance47 and may have a sive airway pressures may lead to inhalation of intradi-
role as a preconditioning treatment to facilitate higher gestive air and it is suggested that continuous positive
intensity aerobic training in deconditioned cohorts.47 airway pressures may be preferred over pressure sup-

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Resistance training directly promotes protein syn- port ventilation.57
thesis and muscle fiber hypertrophy and, therefore, has ARDS represents an acute inflammatory response
the potential to alleviate the catabolic effects of cancer of the lung to a direct or indirect insult,58 defined
cachexia.45 Combined nutrition and exercise pro- by hypoxaemia (Pa O2 /FiO2 < 300 mmHg), diffuse
grams may have a particular role in esophageal cancer. bilateral pulmonary infiltrates and the absence of left
Two ongoing trials are currently examining combined atrial hypertension. The incidence of mild ARDS
resistance training and eicosapentaenoic acid supple- (Pa O2 /FiO2 200–300 mmHg) post-esophagectomy is
mentation on skeletal muscle mass in cachexic cancer 25–30%59 with a devastating effects on mortality,
patients.48,49 morbidity, and quality of life (QOL).60 Factors con-
tributing to ARDS include neoadjuvant chemora-
diotherapy,27 the systematic inflammatory response
EXPANDING THE ROLE OF PHYSIOTHERAPY to surgery60 and single lung ventilation during TTE
POST-ESOPHAGECTOMY which invokes an ischeamia/reperfusion injury on the
deflated lung and oxygen toxicity and high inflation
Standardized ERAS pathways are central to post- pressures in the ventilated lung.59
esophagectomy management. The aims of ERAS
are to optimize preoperative status, reduce surgical
stress and postoperative complications, and accelerate Postoperative considerations – pain
recovery through defined, integrated multidisciplinary Postoperative pain management is an essential com-
team care. ponent of post-esophagectomy care. While physio-
The primary postoperative physiotherapy goals are: therapists do not play a direct role in pain man-
agement, inadequate pain control is often described
1. Preservation of respiratory function to maintain as a barrier to physiotherapy interventions, particu-
adequate gas exchange larly early mobilization.61 Pulmonary consequences
2. Primarily avoidance of PPCs and minimizing the of postoperative pain include impaired ventilation,
effects of PPCs when they occur reduced forced residual capacity, sputum retention,
3. Early mobilization and return to physical function rapid shallow breaths, and the development of atelec-
tasis, hypoxaemia, and ineffective coughing.62,63
Postoperative pneumonia is the most serious pul- Physiotherapists should assess and document pain
monary complication,1 adversely associated with out- levels at rest and during activities such as mobi-
come including respiratory failure, intensive care lizing64,65 using tools such as the Visual Analog
readmission, and death.8 Symptoms associated with Score (VAS) or the verbal rating scores (VRS).65
pneumonia include fever, elevated white blood cells, Adequate pain relief (VRS score <4 at rest or
infiltrative abnormalities on chest x-ray and evidence dynamic VRS score <6) allows comfortable mobi-
of bacteria growth on sputum culture.50 The incidence lization and airway clearance.66 The consequences of
of pneumonia following esophagectomy is reported inadequate pain control can include ineffective secre-
to range from 2 to 39%,51 however, reporting is con- tion clearance, failure to achieve mobility goals, and
founded by lack of standardized diagnostic criteria increased susceptibility to pulmonary complications.
in reporting outcomes.1,52 Other serious pulmonary Thoracic epidural is the most effective analgesia fol-
complications include respiratory failure requiring lowing thoracic or upper gastrointestinal surgery. It
reintubation and ARDS.1 Respiratory failure defined reduces pneumonia rates by facilitating earlier mobi-
as inspiratory muscle weakness insufficient to gen- lization, reducing opioid consumption and improving
erate pressure for alveolar ventilation and resul- cough,67 however, mild hypotension is not uncommon
tant mechanical ventilation can occur in up to 15% due to suppression of the sympathetic nervous
of esophageal resections.53 Supportive treatments system. Hypotension is usually treated with low dose
Physiotherapy and esophageal cancer 7

noradrenaline.68 While patients on low dose inotropes small group (n = 21) following cardiac surgery sup-
can be mobilized with appropriate blood pressure ported coughing, where the patient supports their sur-
monitoring it requires a high level of clinical reasoning gical wound, either through the use of their hands,
to manage the benefit versus risk and often will have or a separate support, in addition to performing
to be deferred.69 a maximal inspiration, was associated with higher
PCF [200.8 (82.4) L/minute] versus both unsupported
cough [162.9 (61.0)] and standard supported cough
without maximum inspiration [174.3 (71.0)].82 Such
Airway clearance techniques warrant further investigation post thora-
Alterations in rib cage dynamics, reductions in cotomy, laparotomy, and esophagectomy.
pulmonary function and pain post esophagectomy
impedes airway clearance, the precursor to many
PPCs.62 While chest physiotherapy is an integral com- Early mobilization

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ponent of postoperative rehabilitation, only a small Early mobilization is described as any low intensity
number of studies have examined the role of chest movement that aims to optimize cardiopulmonary
physiotherapy following esophagectomy (Table 3). function including moving in bed, sitting out of bed,
In a retrospective review of 184 patients, rates of standing, ambulating on the spot, or hallway ambu-
PPCs dropped from 26 to 8% after TTO following lation.83 Mobilization involving an upright position
the introduction of respiratory physiotherapy, with utilizing the effect of gravity increases pulmonary
patients who did not receive chest physiotherapy being function to the greatest extent,2 therefore, extended
almost four times more likely to experience PPCs periods sitting out of bed are encouraged post-
(OR 3.942 [95% CI 1.085–14.218]).70 Physiotherapy esophagectomy, with many ERAS protocols speci-
may be beneficial for both open and laparoscopic fying minimum time requirements.76,84 While in bed,
procedures.71,72 A retrospective review of 70 patients high sitting or a Fowler position where the head of
following esophagectomy reported a lower incidence bed is elevated up to 45◦ is recommended to reduce
of PPCs in those who received chest physiotherapy post-esophagectomy gastroesophageal reflux.77 Gas-
(n = 1/40 atelectasis and 1/40 pneumonia) compared troesophageal reflux is described in up to 80% of
to patients who did not receive chest physiotherapy patients post-esophagectomy, often worse in supine
(n = 1/30 atelectasis and 3/30 pneumonia).72 Another than in standing and can compromise the integrity of
study reported improvements in FEV1 immediately the anastomosis.85 High sitting and particularly sit-
post chest physiotherapy in patients following both ting out of bed optimizes basal ventilation/perfusion
thoracotomy (n = 12) and thoracoscopic (n = 22) matching86 and is therefore applied prophylactically
esophagectomy.71 Given the complexity of esophagec- post-esophagectomy to prevent postoperative compli-
tomy and the risk of PPC, better quality studies are cations including atelectasis.2
needed to inform physiotherapeutic strategies post- While early mobilization is a key element of
surgery. ERAS4,76 and a structured postoperative mobiliza-
Incentive spirometers are mechanical devices, which tion regime is recommended,87 studies examining the
encourage patients to take long deep inspirations benefits of early mobilization following esophagec-
through visual feedback of inspiratory volume or tomy are lacking and recommendations are based
flow. They are used widely clinically, however, prac- on best clinical practice. While mobilization goals
tice is unstandardized and they do not reduce PPCs vary across different clinical pathways, mobilization
following upper abdominal,73 cardiac,74 or thoracic starts early, sometimes on the day of surgery4,76,77,88
surgery including esophagectomy.75 Despite these but almost always by postoperative day (POD)#1
concerns, early use of incentive spirometry is recom- and frequent bouts of activity during the early post-
mended in several ERAS protocols.4,76,77 operative days are advised.66 Recommendations for
Adventitious breath sounds, changes in respira- POD#1 range from sitting out of bed for ≥2 hours
tory rate, dyspnoea, ineffective cough, orthopnoea, to short walks (10 m/100–200 feet). Typically, on
and restlessness are the best clinical indicators of POD#7 patients should be mobilizing independently
ineffective airway clearance.78 Cough effectiveness and suitable for discharge, however, clinician judge-
(inspiratory to near vital capacity, compression to ment should be used to alter and progress therapy
increase thoracic pressure, and fast air expulsion79 ) based on individual assessment.68
can be assessed objectively by peak cough flow Delayed mobilization increases postoperative mor-
(PCF), with healthy values ranging from 240 to bidity and complication risk.89 In 72 patients under-
500l per second varying with gender and age.80 In going abdominal surgery, PPC risk increased by three-
respiratory and neuromuscular disease values above fold (odds ratio 3.0, 95% CI 1.2–8.0) for each day
160l/second are required to clear airway secretions patients did not mobilize >10 m from the bed.89
and promote weaning from ventilation.81 Such data Others have reported low ‘uptime’ following upper
are lacking in postsurgical cohorts, however, in a abdominal surgery and thoracic surgery.61,90
Table 3 Postoperative physiotherapy interventions

Population Intervention
N (male/female) Age
8 Diseases of the Esophagus

Study Study Design (SD) Characteristics Intervention Group Control Group Results

Gosselink et al. Randomized controlled 67 (56/11) (27 for Patients undergoing Preoperative instruction Preoperative instruction No difference between
(2000) trial esophagectomy) 58 (13) elective thoracic surgery on breathing exercises, on breathing exercises, groups for recovery of
years (intervention either for either lung or uses of IS, coughing, uses of IS, coughing, pulmonary function
group) 61 (14) years esophageal resection pain management on pain management on post-surgery, occurrence
(control group) dearly mobilization. dearly mobilization. of postoperative
Postoperative Postoperative complications or
instruction to perform instruction to perform hospital LOS.
two sets of 5–10 slow two sets of 5–10 slow
maximal inspiratory maximal inspiratory
maneuvres with volume maneuvres with breath
feedback incentive holding every hour
spirometer every hour
Nakatsuchi et al. Randomized controlled 36 (34/2) (14 for Patients undergoing Thoracoscopic surgery Thoracotomy surgery Acute improvement in
(2005) trial (thorascopic thoracoscopy, 22 for esophagectomy, Preoperative chest Preoperative chest vital capacity, FEV1 and
surgery vs. thoracotomy) thoracotomy) 61.8 (8.4) three-region lymph node physiotherapy, physiotherapy, peak expiratory flow
years (thoracoscopy dissection and respiratory training and respiratory training and with postoperative chest
group) 58.9 (9.3) years reconstructive surgery respiratory muscle respiratory muscle physiotherapy in both
(thoracotomy group) for thoracic esophageal training for 1–2 weeks. training for 1–2 weeks. groups on POD3.
cancer Postoperative chest Postoperative chest Improved coughing
physiotherapy, coughing physiotherapy, coughing ability from level II to
instruction, respiratory instruction, respiratory level III in both groups.
training, inspiratory training, inspiratory
muscle training from day muscle training from day
2 and exercise therapy. 2 and exercise therapy
Nakatsuchi et al. Cohort study 184 (154/30) 64.0 (7.7) Patients with squamous Multivariate analysis of factors associated with rate of Patients who did not
(2008) years cell carcinoma of the postoperative pulmonary complications including: sex, receive chest
thoracic oesophagus age, % VC, %FEV1, respiratory physiotherapy, physiotherapy were
who underwent a corticosteroid medications, comorbid pulmonary or almost four times more
one-step subtotal cardiac disease, use of neoadjuvant therapy likely to develop PPCs
esophagectomy than patients who did
(OR 3.942 (95% CI
P = 0.0371)

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Physiotherapy and esophageal cancer 9

intervention group (15%) vs.

(P < 0.05), characterized by

drainage (2 days) and lower

bronchopneumonia (n = 1
intervention vs. 3 control),
Lower rate of PPCs in the

intervention vs. 2 control)

reduced right hemithorax
the control group (37%)

less antibiotics (3 days),

reintubation rate (n = 1
intervention vs. 1/30
atelectasis (n = 1/40
lower frequency of

Fig. 1 Physiotherapy practice points for interventions post-

Barriers to mobilization following complex surgery

Control Group

postoperative chest
Control group No

include pain,61 hypotension,61,89 painful or restric-

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tive attachments,91 and subconsciousness.91 Timely

FEV1, forced expiratory volume in one second; IS, incentive spirometer; LOS, length of stay; PPC, postoperative pulmonary complications; VC, vital capacity.
removal of drains and attachments and early dis-
charge to noncritical care environments are key ERAS

principles center to mobility progression. The most

common barriers following esophagectomy experi-
enced clinically are inadequate pain control, cardiac
positive airway pressures

instability, and multiple attachments, including the

early mobilization. No
clearance manoeuvres,
Intervention Group

re-expansion, airway
included respiratory
Postoperative chest

nasogastric tube and chest drains. Cardiovascular

Intervention group

physiotherapy that

exercises for lung

issues include arrhythmias, in particular, atrial fibrilla-

tion, peak in incidence at POD#3. Therapists should
carefully plan mobility practice after esophagectomy
to ensure adequate staff to support the patient, access
to portable monitoring equipment, and careful han-
dling of medical attachments.69 Equipment trolleys
may be useful. Assessment of cardiac reserve, epidural
esophagectomy within

on the introduction of
Groups formed based

physiotherapy in July

sequelae, and motor block should be recorded at base-

the 5 previous years.
Patients undergoing

postoperative chest

line. Outcomes to record during mobility include pain

(VAS) exercise intensity (BORG rate of perceived exer-
tion), and record of distance mobilized. Other phys-
iotherapy practice points post-esophagectomy are

detailed in Figure 1.

There is limited research in the acute postopera-

tive stage to inform intensity, frequency, and dura-
Intervention group 56.5
Group 53.5 (12.5) years

tion of exercise other than bedside transfers and

N (male/female) Age

hallway ambulation. As post-esophagectomy ambula-

70 (40/30) Control

tion involves multiple staff, use of equipment such as


bedside cycle erometery or upper limb arm crank to

achieve a measurable exercise response may be valu-

able, particularly for patients with barriers to mobi-

lization who would benefit from exercise therapy. In
one preliminary study in a general surgical cohort
(n = 60), patients who completed moderate inten-
(April 2005–June 2007)

group (July 2007–April

Historic control group
Retrospective analysis

sity aerobic exercise on a bedside cycle ergometer

Historic intervention
Study Design

postoperatively experienced fewer episodes of respi-

ratory tract infection (n = 2 cases vs. n = 7 con-
trols) and shorter hospital LOS [8.5 (5.0) days vs. 11
(7.5) days].92 This area requires further investigation

to establish safety and efficacy. Exercise prescription

according to the exercise principles for critically ill
Table 3 (Continued)

patients would be sensible, i.e. low-moderate intensity,

high frequency, and monitored response.69 A com-
Lunardi et al.

bined resistance training and aerobic exercise program

in 3 weeks immediately following esophagectomy can

ameliorate the known reduction in aerobic fitness with


esophagectomy and improve health related QOL.93

10 Diseases of the Esophagus


1 Low D, Alderson D, Cecconello I et al. International Con-
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of exercising patients postoperatively is warranted. As an enhanced recovery protocol in esophageal surgery. World J
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