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Journal of Drug Abuse

ISSN: 2471-853X

Open Access Research Article

Does the Assertiveness Skills Training Program Affect the

Development of Sobering Behavior Among Drug Abusers? A Quasi-
Experimental Study
Amal I Khalil1*, Eman A Shoker2, Safaa E Shatlah3
1Department of Health Sciences, King Saud bin Abdelaziz University for Health Sciences, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
2Department of Family and Community Health Nursing, Menoufia University, Menofia Governorate, Egypt
3Department of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Menoufia University, Menofia Governorate, Egypt

Background: Losing control over drug use and using excessive amounts of drugs without thinking
about the repercussions is known as substance misuse. The ability to articulate thoughts and feelings
in a certain way can be enhanced via the use of developed and created assertiveness skills training
programs, which will significantly improve drug users' capacity to say no and make the right choices.

Aim: Investigating the effectiveness of assertiveness skills training programs in developing sober
behavior among drug abusers.

Methods: One group underwent a pre-and post-test under a quasi-experimental design. A purposeful
sample of 90 male patients with substance use problems participated in the study at the psychiatric
and addiction treatment hospital in Meet-Khalaf, which is associated with the Ministry of Health in
the Menoufia Governorate, Egypt. Three valid and reliable instruments were used to achieve the
objectives of the current study, including demographic and personal data, assertion behavior, Zagers’s
addiction potential scale and relationship inventory.

Results: There was a highly statistically significant improvement in the level of assertiveness skills in
drug use post-intervention than before at p ≤ 0.001, and there was a highly statistically significant
improvement in all dimensions of assertion in drug use. Also, there was a highly statistically significant
reduction in the potential for addiction among the participants post-intervention compared to pre-
intervention at P ≤ 0.01.

Conclusion and recommendations: The assertiveness training in this study positively affected the
reduction of drug use propensity, leading to meaningful improvement in the level of assertiveness
skills of the studied participants post-intervention. Therefore, it is recommended that assertiveness

Received: 21-September-2022 Manuscript No: IPJDA-22-14409

Editorassigned: 23-September-2022 PreQC No: IPJDA-22-14409 (PQ)
Reviewed: 07-October-2022 QC No: IPJDA-22-14409
Revised: 02-February-2023 Manuscript No: IPJDA-22-14409 (R);
Published: 09-February-2023 DOI: 10.36648/2471-853X.23.9.07

Corresponding author: Amal I Khalil, Department of Health Sciences, King Saud bin Abdelaziz University for Health Sciences,
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; E-mail:
Citation: Khalil AI, Shoker EA, Shatlah SE (2023) Does the Assertiveness Skills Training Program Affect the Development of Sobering
Behavior Among Drug Abusers? A Quasi-Experimental Study. J Drug Abuse. 9:07.
Copyright: © 2023 Khalil AI, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are

© Under License of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License

This article is available in: Volume 09 • Issue 02 • 07
Page 2
Khalil AI, et al.

skills training programs must be disseminated to all psychiatric hospitals and addiction treatment
centers. Assertiveness training for nurses should be continuous, on a regular basis in order to
empower them with the skills necessary to detect, prevent, and treat drug abuse as early as possible.
The communities that make an effort to come together in the fight against drugs are sure to make an
impact on the prevention of drug abuse. There are many places to establish these prevention
programs, including schools, churches and community based clubs.

Keywords: Drugs; Abuse; Assertiveness; Sobering; Program

essential to regularly update the prevalence studies on mental

INTRODUCTION illnesses, including substance use disorders, so that
Substance abuse can be described as losing control over prevention and management plans can be adjusted
substance consumption, involving an extreme amount of drug accordingly. The escalating substance abuse and addiction
use without considering the negative consequences. The issues emulating from Egypt are fast-becoming well-known
drugs mainly affect the reward system in the brain by sending issues, which can no longer be swept under the rug by
2 to 10 times more dopamine than what is usually produced Egyptian officials and decision-makers. Although Egyptian
in the receptors and synapses. Consequently, a substance drug addicts are on the rise, recent reports confirm there is a
abuser will not experience pleasure with the normal amount rise in those seeking treatment [4]. The percentage of
of dopamine and the abuser’s body will be dependent on the patients who had been treated previously and readmitted
illegal substances, which is a severe form of substance use again was 82%, which indicates an increased number of
disorder characterized by chronic drug seeking and drug use relapses among drug users, which is more than new detected
resulting in dysregulation of the reward system [1]. situations. In addition, despite the increasing efforts of the
Egyptian government, which are aligned with preventing and
Ten percent of Egyptians use drugs, 27.5% are females, and treating drug abuse, there is growing evidence indicating that
24% are drivers who rely on drugs to stay awake. Children or drug users are increasing [5]. Additionally, there are, however,
young people between the ages of 12 and 19 are many rehab centers in Egypt that are illegal, unqualified and
disproportionately affected by drug use. Around 38% do so unsupervised by the government. To the best of our
for experimentation and 25% do so for creativity. Peer knowledge, the drug users treated in governmental addiction
pressure is another factor, with 36.6% abusing drugs for social hospitals didn’t wait to complete the rehabilitation program
acceptance and 29% because they are dared by others [2]. To during their hospitalization. Besides, a few research studies
our knowledge, there were a few pieces of research that were were conducted in Egypt to assess the social and assertive
done in the field of psychosocial interventions, including skills of drug users. Additionally, the results of previous
assertiveness training as a part of rehabilitation for drug studies confirmed that training social skills contributed
abusers to develop sobriety behaviors. Research identifies effectively to reducing the number of patients admitted and
several risk factors that contribute to substance abuse and preventing relapse. Therefore, we looked into investigating
dependence, which are mostly curiosity, peer pressure, the effectiveness of the assertiveness training program in
loneliness and a dysfunctional family system. According to the developing assertive behavior among drug users at the
psychosocial developmental stage, the adolescent age of the psychiatric and addiction treatment hospital in Meet-Khalaf
substance abuser is among the factors that interfere with the affiliated with the Egyptian general secretariat of mental
initiation of drug abuse as adolescents in this stage go health, Menoufia Governorate, Egypt [6].
through experiencing new and different roles, activities and
behaviors with a full sense of curiosity seeking the formation Aim of the Study
of their identities. In the same line, found that the adolescent
age of first use ranges from 13.2 years for alcohol to 15.2 An evaluation of the effectiveness of assertiveness skills
years for cocaine, which confirms that psychosocial training programs in developing sobering behavior among
development of identity as a virtue occurs between the ages drug abusers. More specifically:
of 12 to 18 years old. Furthermore, many substance abusers • Assess participants’ assertiveness behaviors pre/post
begin abusing in their early adulthood, making it difficult for interventions.
them to maintain positive relationships with others and to
• Assess participants' quality of their relationships and the
feel lonely. Furthermore, peer pressure plays an important
support received from the key relationships in life to check
role in this stage where an adolescent gets affected by their
their eligibility to participate in the study. (Pre only).
peers and tries the same things to keep up their relationships
[3]. • Find the association between the participants’
demographic background and their social skills in pre/post
Significant of the Study
Over the last few decades, substance abuse has become one
of the world's most serious and rapidly growing problems. It is

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Research questions [10]. Once the necessary coordination was made

and permission was obtained from the Manager of the
• What is the participant's level of knowledge concerning hospital, the study's participants were asked to sign up
assertive behavior? voluntarily. About 5 addicts refused to participate in the data
• What is their relationship quality and the support they collection, 4 patients left the study after finishing the study
receive from their key relationships? instruments, and 9 addicts had their data missing, thus
• Is there any association between the participants’ they were not included in the analysis. A non-
demographic background and their social skills? probability convenient sampling technique was employed
to select a group of drug abusers who were admitted to the
Hypothesis hospital setting and agreed to participate in the study out
of all patients who met the inclusion criteria and
The study tried to test the following two hypotheses:
consented to do so [11]. 90 male patients with
• Teaching assertive programming skills is effective in substance use disorders made up the final sample, which
developing sobering behavior among study participants. was chosen on purpose. All patients who met the inclusion
• Teaching assertive programming skills is not effective in criteria and agreed to take part in the study were
developing sobering behavior among study participants. contacted. A purposeful sample of 90 male patients with
substance use problems made up the final sample (Figure 1).


Study Design
The research design for this study is a quasi-experimental
one-group with a pre and post-test [7].

Study Area/Setting
The study was conducted in the psychiatric and addiction
treatment hospital in Meet-Khalaf affiliated with the ministry
of health at Menoufia Governorate, Egypt. The hospital is
located in the Meet Khalaf village, Menoufia Governorate and
has 300 beds dealing for both genders [8]. The hospital has 25
beds reserved for emergency cases that are severe and Figure 1: Sample size calculations (Consort study flow
advanced in addition to the outpatient department. Due to diagram).
the increasing number of patients, the priority of admission is
usually given to severe urgent cases. All admitted patients go Data Collection Instruments and Measurements
through many stages starting with detoxification, which is Personal information: Sheet which enquires the
mandatory, while other stages of rehabilitation are optional. subjects about their level of education, job, age, and duration
The hospital received patients either through the secure ward of drug dependency, did they attend any workshops before,
or they have referred by the anti-drugs directorate or police. type of drug dependency, etc. [12].
On the other hand, some patients admit themselves or are
admitted by their families [9]. The Zager’s addiction: Potential scale is a self-reported
tool for assessing an individual's sensitivity or
Study Subjects and Sample Size Calculation vulnerability to Substance Abuse (SA), whether they are
actively abusing or not. The scale was created by Wade and
The study population was a non-probability sample Boucher and efforts have been made to ascertain its
(convenient technique) of male drug addicts who were reliability in Iran. Based on the social and psychological
referred to the psychiatric and addiction treatment hospital in background of Iranian society, Zarger developed the Iranian
Meet-Khalaf affiliated to the ministry of health in Menoufia Addiction Potential Scale (IAPS). The scale consists of 36
Governorate, Egypt during a period of data collection. The items, each of which is scored on a four-point scale (being
following inclusion criteria were used to choose the absolutely disagreed to 3 being completely agreed), as
participants: Being at least 18 years old, having a history of well as five lie detector statements questions 12, 13, 15,
drug addiction as determined by a nurse or doctor based on a 21, and 33 that are reverse-scored. The IAPS evaluates two
drug test and being past the point of recovery from factors: the first is active potential which measures antisocial
withdrawal symptoms having no psychotic symptoms, giving conduct, drug usage propensity, positive attitudes about
informed consent, being willing to engage, scoring low or substances, and excitement (28 items). The second factor is
below average on Pierce's social relationship inventory and the negative potential (9 items) is related to lack of self-
expressing informed permission. The individuals were assertion and depression. The total points of each question
questioned after the required coordination was completed on the questionnaire, ranging from 1 to 118 (excluding
and approval was secured from the hospital management the lie detector scale), must be added together. The
likelihood of the respondent becoming addicted increases

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with higher scores and vice versa. Prior studies found that the mother tongue is already the Arabic language. After that, a
scale has a good level of internal consistency (Cronbach >0.90, peer review for the Arabic version was done by distributing it
for active potential >0.91 and for passive potential >0.75). to a panel of experts in psychiatric nursing, psychology and
Good psychometric qualities for the entire scale were also social sciences. The reliability of the tool is ensured through
observed by Zarger and Ghaffari (Cronbach >0.90; 0.91 and conducting a pilot study, which might reflect the clarity of the
0.75 for active and passive potential, respectively). According statements, the needed time to fulfill the tools and any
to a study, the active and passive potentials for the entire ambiguities in understanding and comprehension [17].
scale have Cronbach alpha values of 0.87, 0.85 and 0.70,
respectively [13]. Data Collection Procedure
Assertion Questionnaire in Drug use (AQ-D): It was utilized to Permission to conduct the study was attained from the
evaluate assertiveness in refusing drugs. The questionnaire directors of the psychiatric and addiction treatment hospital
has 40 items and six subscales, including: General in Meet-Khalaf, Menoufia, Egypt. Informed consent was
assertiveness (items 5,11,17,23,30,35); good feedback (items obtained from each participant after receiving detailed
1,7,13,19,26,32); negative feedback (items 2,8,14,20,27,33); information about the purpose of the study. The study was
drugs (items 3,9,15,21,28,37); authority (items carried out from the beginning of December 2021 to the end
4,10,16,22,29,38) and heterosexual (items 4,10,16,22,29, of June 2022 [18].
(items 6,12,18,24,25,31,34,36,39,40). When working with
substance abusers, where assertiveness or social skills training Assertiveness Training Program Description
is a key intervention, this metric is seen to be especially
helpful. It was scored on a scale of 1 to 4 with 1 being the The assertiveness training program is a type of behavior
least complimentary to me (always descriptive of me). The therapy that teaches patients how to assert their rights and
sum of the 40 item scores represented the final score. The empower themselves to manage various social relationships.
lowest and highest scores were 40 and 160 respectively. The The primary goals were to teach patients the necessary skills
remaining content sections (each with six items) varied from for defending their rights to say "No" to drug abuser peers,
10 to 40 on the general subscale [14]. communicating their needs and opinions while remaining
respectful of others and assisting patients in initiating and
Quality of Relationship Inventory (QRI): It is a self- maintaining communication with others [19].
assessment questionnaire developed by Pierce and Sarason to
measure the support received from key relationships in life. General Objectives of the Program
This inventory consists of 25 questions with three subscales of
social support, depth of relationships, and conflicting By the end of the training program the patients will be
relationships: support (7 items), depth (6 items) and conflict expected to:
(12 items). The support subscale assesses the perceived • Learn communication skills that are necessary for initiating
availability of social support from specific relationships. While and maintaining communication with others.
the depth subscale measures the extent to which the
• Utilize self-assertive behaviors to solve their social
relationship is perceived as positive and important. In
addition to the conflict subscale, which was used to
• Apply stress management techniques and anger control
determine whether the relationships were conflictual or
strategies when handling stressful life situations.
ambivalent, the following variables were considered. Each
item is assessed on a 4-point likert scale ranging from 1 (not Data collection proceeded in 3 main phases as the followings:
at all) to 4 (very much) [15]. Scores are obtained through their
subscales, by calculating the means of the items that 1st Phase: Introduction and Informed Consent
constitute each subscale. Higher scores in the support and
depth dimensions mean better quality of the relationship, Following study approval, all participants who met the
whereas higher scores in the conflict dimension are inclusion criteria and were hospitalized at the psychiatric and
interpreted in terms of lower quality of the relationship. addiction treatment hospital in Meet-Khalaf affiliated with the
Pierce and Sarason reported the reliability of the tool as ministry of health in Menoufia Governorate, Egypt, were
Cronbach's alpha of the subscales of social support, depth of contacted and asked to complete a demographics
relationship, and conflicting relationships as 0.83, 0.88 and questionnaire sheet. The participants were given an overview
0.86, respectively. The questionnaire was translated into of the study and asked to sign an informed consent form. The
Arabic and a back translation will be used to verify the validity participants were then asked to complete the pre-assessment
of the Arabic version, and then reliability will be reported inventory and the assertiveness scale. Before completing the
after piloting [16]. quality of relationship inventory, participants were asked to
consider some of their friends (including those with positive
Validity and reliability of the scale: To ensure the content and negative influences on their lives).
validity of the scales, a back translation was done from
Persian to English The back translation was used to verify the 2nd phase: Implementations of the Program
used tool as it will be translated into the Arabic language to
ensure its easy understanding by the participants whose Preparation of the content: The program's content was
created using other related literature. The program strategy

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(timetable, teaching methods, and participant assignments Implementation Phase

based on each skill given) were all part of the planning phase.
The program covered topics such as assertiveness, problem- • The researchers presented all of the training materials to
solving, stress management, and giving and receiving praise all groups using various instructional methods such as
[20]. lectures in the form of PowerPoint presentations,
brainstorming, demonstrations and giving examples. Also,
Preparing the patients: The researchers established a media, videos, and brochures were used. Furthermore,
protocol for preparing patients to participate in the study the materials were distributed to all participants in the
during an introductory phase. Establishing rapport with form of brochures.
patients is accomplished by assuring them of their • Each group received instruction in life and social skills such
confidentiality and anonymity and researchers facilitate a as assertiveness, anger management and how to
sense of warmth and security. communicate and develop positive relationships with
others during these sessions. Problem-solving, stress
Conducting Pre-Test Assessment and Data Collection management and giving and receiving praise are also
Before the program began, all participants were required to important skills. The final 10 minutes of each session were
complete all pre-study tools, which included the relationship set aside for a summary, which focused on the skills
inventory, the assertion questionnaire on drug use, and the learned during that session.
Zargar scale. The researchers collected the pre-test during the • The researchers used a variety of training methods,
morning each Tuesday and Thursday from 10 AM to 2 AM for including group discussions, modelling, role-playing,
three months (from December 2021 to February 2022). feedback and presenting social situations from patients'
Before the sessions began, the participants were divided into memories.
smaller groups (eight groups) of 11-12 people each for more • Participants were asked to practice their skills by playing
effective training and practice. A schedule is created based on the role during the training sessions. Meanwhile,
the schedule of the hospital patients. During the course members of each group were instructed to practice the
(seven sessions of two hours each, divided into two groups skills in their daily living activities within the hospital
per day), the participants were instructed to attend a social setting or elsewhere to strengthen them during training
skills training course conducted in the hospital based on the sessions.
schedule provided by the author. Each meeting takes place • The sessions' content and purpose were determined using
twice weekly at the same time and in the same location over a WHO and UNICEF guidelines (Table 1).
period of four months (two days in one week) from March
to June 2022.

Table 1: Contents and objectives of the training session.

Session Topic Objectives

Session 1 Self-awareness skill Defining self-awareness, personal zones,

and psychological aspects of human beings
in a simple way.

Expressing stresses and pressures deep

inside explaining the concept of emotional
intelligence and its effect on an individual in a
simple way.

Explaining the concept of self-dignity and its

use in the way of realizing goals.

Naming different ways of self-awareness.

Session 2 Anger and emotional control skills Knowing the negative emotions,

Learning about one’s specifications in the

situations that cause anger,

Knowing the causes of anger,

Naming the situations that cause anger,

Naming the specifications of those who can

control their anger,

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Naming different ways to control one’s anger

in different situations,

Explaining the concept of determinism and

its effect on controlling anger.

Session3 Stress control skills Defining stress, perceiving personal

differences in dealing with stressors,

Expressing effects of stress on.

Human and the relationship between stress

and psychophysical diseases,

Explaining the relationship Between stress

and emotion, combined anger control and
stress coping skills,

Naming short/long-term methods to control


Session 4 Problem-solving and decision making Defining the concepts of problem and

Making familiarity with the relationship

between problem-solving and emotional self-

Explaining the concept of brainstorming and

the way of examining solutions.

Developing one's skills in choosing,

implementing, revising, and finding the best

Making familiarity with the specifications of

the people unable to make a decision (Styles
of communications).

Listing specifications of a good decision,

Explaining the stages of making,

implementing, and revising a proper

Learning about the specifications of the

people who cannot solve problems

Session 5 Improvement of interpersonal relationships Defining relationships,

Explaining proper relationship skills,

Explaining the importance of proper


Naming the effect of interpersonal


Teaching how to create an effective


Naming the methods to improve the quality

of relationships with others

Session 6 Practicing empathy and courage Defining empathy and how to have an
empathetic relationship with example.

Explaining the importance of sympathetic

relationships with others.

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What are the differences between empathy

and Sympathy?

Defining skills of self-expression,

determinism, and courage to deal with life
problems and hardships.

Session 7 Summarizing and reviewing the course All the topics of the past six sessions were
summarized. The training was evaluated,
and the participants' feedback and questions
were answered.

3rd Phase: Closing and post-assessment measurement

The researchers thanked all participants for attending and
completing the intervention during this phase. The Table 2 revealed that the studied patients were under the
participants were then asked to complete the (post-test) after age of 40 years; 67.8% were from cities; 40% were married,
completing the intervention, using research instruments two, and only 15.5% were divorced. The majority (75.6%) of
three and four to evaluate the intervention's effectiveness. the participants were employed. In terms of educational level,
less than half (42.2%) of the studied group had a higher
educational level, while 31.2% completed secondary school,
Data Management and Analysis Plan
and (36.6%) were literate (read and write). Only 28.9% of
The latest version of the SPSS software was used to analyze the studied group had attended workshops on addiction
the data. Descriptive statistics, including mean and standard program intervention, despite the fact that more than half of
deviation, were used to describe the variables of the the sample had sufficient income and 66.7% had a positive
inventory and scale. A paired t-test was used to compare the family history of addiction (Figure 2).
changes in the mean score of the inventory and the scale of
the participants' pre/post interventions. The test was used to
find the association between demographic characteristics of
the participants and their mean scores pre and post
interventions, and the significance level was calculated at P ≥
Table 2: Distribution of studied participants related to their socio-demographic characteristics (N=90).

Studied variables Number Percentage

Age Less than 40 79 87.78

More than 40 11 12.22

Place of living Rural 29 32.2

Urban 61 67.8

Marital status Single 33 36.7

Married 36 40

Widowed 7 7.8

Divorced 14 15.5

Occupation Worked 68 75.6

Not worked 22 24.4

Educational level High education 38 42.2

Secondary 28 31.2

Read and write 13 14.4

Illiterate 11 12.2

Attending any workshop before Yes 26 28.9

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No 64 71.1

Income Sufficient 48 53.3

Insufficient 42 46.7

Family history of addiction Positive 60 66.7

Negative 30 33.3

Table 3 illustrated that there is a highly statistically

significant reduction in the potential for addiction
among the participants post-intervention than pre-
intervention at P˂0.01.

Figure 2: Showed that an equal number (31.11%) of

the participants were using heroin and multiple drugs,
followed by (18.89%, 11.11%) and 7.78%) using hashish,
tramadol and opioids, respectively.

Table 3: Mean and SD of the quality of relationships among studied patients on pre/post interventions (N=90).

Items Type Mean Standard Degree of T-test P-value

deviation freedom

Active potential Pre 63.52 9.82 178 40.67 0

for addiction
Post 39.36 5.27

Passive potential Pre 18.78 3.46 178 52.55 0

for addiction
Post 8.84 1.59

The total Pre 82.4 11.33 178 25.13 0

potential for
addiction Post 48.1 6.27

Table 4 clarified that the increase in the mean score of relationships among participants post-intervention was greater
quality of relationship in all aspects of social than pre-intervention at P˂0.01.
support, depth of relationship, and total score of quality

Table 4: Mean and SD of the quality of relationships among studied patients on pre/post interventions (N=90).
Standard Degree of
Items Type Mean T-test P-value
deviation freedom

Social support Pre 12.08 3.64 178 17.79 0

Post 21.14 3.19

Conflicting Pre 19.62 6.49 178 12.27 0

Post 41.98 4.06

Depth of Pre 10.4 2.94 178 43.63 0

Post 19.91 2.55

Total quality of Pre 42.1 8.62 178 16.11 0

Post 83.03 7.7

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This Table 5 reflected that there is a highly statistically drug use and total score among the participants post-
significant improvement in all dimensions of assertion in intervention than pre-intervention at P˂0.01.

Table 5: Difference between pre and post assertion program in drug use of the studied patients (N=90).

Items Type Mean Standard Degree of T-test P-value

deviation freedom
Positive Pre 11.68 2.83 178 25.36 0
Post 21.4 2.28
Negative Pre 19.64 2.27 30.05 0
Post 10.26 1.91
Drug Pre 11.34 2.09 178 37.84 0
Post 21.73 1.54
Authority Pre 9.6 1.89 178 28.47 0
Post 19.57 2.73
Heterosexual Pre 10.27 1.89 178 32.49 0
Post 20.81 2.43
General Pre 16.94 4.99 178 25.02 0
Post 34.06 4.14
The total Pre 79.48 8.27 178 39.16 0
assertion in drug
use Post 127.82 8.29

Figure 3 revealed that there was a highly statistically Table 6 shows at P˂0.01 there was a statistically significant
significant improvement in both the quality of the negative correlation between assertion in drug use,
relationship and the assertion of drug use among the relationship quality, and potential for addiction post-
studied patients after the intervention compared to before intervention. This means that when the patients have high
the intervention. Also, there was a highly statistically assertiveness skills and quality of the relationship, the
significant reduction in the potential for addiction among the potential for addiction will be decreased.
studied patients’ post-intervention compared to pre-

Figure 3: The difference between the total mean score of

studied groups’ potential for addiction, quality of relationships,
and assertion in drug use pre and post-intervention (N=90).

Table 6: Spearman’s correlation between the potential for addiction, quality of relationships, and assertion in drug use among
the studied patients' pre and post-intervention (N=90).

Variables Pre-total Post-total Pre-total Post-total Pre-quality of Post-quality

potential for potential for assertion in assertion in relationship of
addiction addiction drug use drug use relationship

Pre-total r 1 0.63 -0.213 -0.197 0.225 -0.012

potential for
addiction P-value 0 0.043 0.063 0.033 0.91

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Post-total r 0.63 1 -0.302 -0.362 -0.194 0.058

potential for
addiction P-value 0 0.004 0 0.067 0.585

Pre-total r -0.213 -0.302 1 0.729 0.302 0.086

assertion in
drug use P-value 0.043 0.004 0 0.004 0.419

Post-total r -0.197 -0.36 0.729 1 0.19 0.2

assertion in
drug use P-value 0.063 0 0 0.073 0.058

Pre-quality of r -0.225 -0.194 0.302 0.19 1 0.605

P-value 0.033 0.067 0.004 0.073 0

Post-quality of r -0.012 0.058 0.086 0.2 0.605 1

P-value 0.91 0.585 0.419 0.058 0

Table 7 shows there was a highly statistically significant relationship between age over 4 0, widowed, read a nd write,
relationship between age less than 40, the residence of the and illiterate and potential for addiction post-intervention.
participants, marital status, occupation, income, family history
of addiction, attending any workshop before, and potential for
addiction post-intervention at P˂ 0.01. At p-values=(0.825,
0.795, 0.105, and 0.825), there was no significant

Table 7: Relation between potential for addiction and socio-demographic characteristics of the studied patients.

Studied Variables Pre Post T-value P-value R-value P-value

Mean S.D. Mean S.D.

Age Less than 82.68 10.98 48.86 5.99 24.04 0 0.76 0


More than 80.36 14.03 42.63 5.69 8.26 0 -0.08 0.825


Place of Rural 84.97 11.06 49.34 7.26 14.92 0 0.45 0.013

Urban 81.18 11.34 47.51 5.72 20.72 0 0.74 0

Marital Single 84.67 9.86 50.76 5.34 17.37 0 0.81 0

Married 81.06 10.36 48.14 5.07 17.13 0 0.63 0

Widowed 84.43 16.58 40.86 6.23 6.51 0 0.12 0.795

Divorced 79.5 13.92 45.36 7.6 8.05 0 0.86 0

Occupation Worked 82.07 11.05 47.74 6.34 22.38 0 0.55 0

Not 83.86 12.24 49.55 6.01 11.81 0 0.91 0


Educational High 82.76 10.92 49.29 5.42 16.92 0 0.87 0

level education

Secondary 87.14 7.71 51.36 4.74 20.93 0 0.51 0.006

Read and 72.85 11.42 42.23 5.45 8.73 0 0.47 0.105


Illiterate 80.36 14.03 42.64 5.69 8.26 0 -0.08 0.825

Attending Yes 83.22 10.93 48.38 6.62 21.81 0 0.55 0

workshop No 80.38 12.22 47.42 5.39 12.57 0 0.87 0

Income Sufficient 78.67 12.16 44.81 6.12 17.23 0 0.51 0

Insufficient 86.87 8.61 51.86 3.92 23.85 0 0.71 0

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Khalil AI, et al.

Family Positive 83.48 10.19 49.53 5.39 22.8 0 0.72 0

history of
addiction Negative 80.23 13.23 45.23 6.98 12.81 0 0.51 0

Table 8 shows there was a highly statistically significant illiterate. There was no significant relationship between
relationship between all socio-demographic characteristics of them and the assertion in drug use post-intervention at p-
studied patients (age less than 40, the residence of value=(0.477, 0.863, and 0.477) respectively.
the participants, marital status, income, family history
of addiction, and attendance at any workshop before and
after the assertion in drug use post-intervention at P-
value=(0.01) except age more than 40, widowed, and

Table 8: Relation between assertion in drug use and socio-demographic characteristics of the participated patients.
Studied variables Pre Post T-value P-value R-value P-value

Mean S.D. Mean S.D.

Age Less than 79.62 8.67 128.27 8.59 35.42 0 0.77 0

More than 78.45 4.69 124.64 4.72 23.01 0 -0.24 0.477
Place of Rural 73.24 8.18 121.45 9.69 20.48 0 0.75 0
Urban 82.44 6.52 130.85 5.4 44.65 0 0.51 0
Marital Single 77.45 9.23 127.18 8.81 22.39 0 0.82 0
Married 79.94 8.45 128.78 8.88 23.9 0 0.74 0
Widowed 76.86 5.27 126 5.48 17.1 0 -0.08 0.863
Divorced 84.36 3.61 127.79 6.94 20.77 0 0.89 0
Occupation Worked 79.81 8.21 127.84 8.24 34.31 0 0.64 0
Not 77.68 9.01 126.82 9.55 17.56 0 0.86 0
Educational High 81.11 6.87 130.21 6.46 32.13 0 0.43 0
level education
Secondary 76.46 11.12 124.75 11.51 15.97 0 0.91 0
Read and 82.08 5.29 130.15 3.05 28.35 0 0.59 0.035
Illiterate 78.45 4.69 124.64 4.72 23.01 0 -0.24 0.477
Attending Yes 79.52 8.99 126.03 8.85 29.5 0 0.79 0
workshop No 79.38 6.33 132.23 4.34 35.1 0 0.76 0
Income Sufficient 82.35 6.08 129.69 5.36 40.49 0 0.55 0
Insufficient 76.19 9.25 125.69 10.37 23.09 0 0.78 0
Family Positive 78.9 8.6 126.03 9.21 28.97 0 0.79 0
history of
addiction Negative 80.63 7.58 131.8 4.29 31.92 0 0.62 0

Table 9 shows there was a highly statistically significant relationship between age over 40, widowed,
significant relationship between age less than 40, the read and write, and illiterate and post-intervention
residence of the participants, marital status, occupation, relationship quality at p-values o f ( 0.194, 0 .444, 0 .250, and
income, family history of addiction, attending any 0.194).
workshop before and the quality of relationships post-
intervention at P-value=(0.01). While there was no

Volume 09 • Issue 02 • 07
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Khalil AI, et al.

Table 9: Relation between quality of relationships and socio-demographic characteristics of the participated patients N=90.
Studied variables Pre Post T-value P-value R-value P-value
Mean S.D. Mean S.D.

Age Less than 41.14 8.57 82.85 8.02 31.58 0 0.63 0

More than 49 5.39 84.63 4.82 16.23 0 0.424 0.194
Place of Rural 39.89 10.73 81.34 6.37 17.89 0 0.79 0
Urban 43.15 7.28 83.84 8.19 29.01 0 0.53 0
Marital Single 37.76 8.21 83.21 7.03 24.15 0 0.83 0
Married 43.38 7.42 85.06 5.94 26.32 0 0.79 0
Widowed 49 6.51 84.29 5.88 10.65 0 0.35 0.444
Divorced 45.57 9.16 76.79 10.91 8.19 0 0.71 0.004
Occupation Worked 42.77 8.55 82.78 7.76 28.79 0 0.69 0
Not 39.27 8.97 83.36 7.81 17.39 0 0.61 0
Educational High 44.84 7.27 85.66 5.65 27.34 0 0.64 0
level education
Secondary 35.25 8.63 80 8.12 19.99 0 0.73 0
Read and 43 4.32 80.77 11.11 11.42 0 0.34 0.25
Illiterate 49 5.39 84.36 4.82 16.23 0 0.42 0.194
Attending Yes 41.86 9.49 81.43 7.83 25.72 0 0.61 0
workshop No 42.69 6.06 87 5.82 26.88 0 0.77 0
Income Sufficient 44.65 6.75 83.5 8.21 25.32 0 0.42 0
Insufficient 39.19 9.63 82.5 7.13 23.42 0 0.84 0
Family Positive 41.6 9.92 83.27 6.86 26.76 0 0.67 0
history of
addiction Negative 43.1 5.12 82.57 9.27 20.41 0 0.65 0

Figure 4 revealed that there was a highly level of assertiveness skills in drug use post-intervention
statistically significant reduction in the level of potential for compared to 3.33% pre-intervention.
addiction post-intervention compared to pre-intervention
where 16.67% of the participants had a high level of
potential for addiction post-intervention compared to 84.4%
pre intervention.

Figure 5: levels of assertion in drug use among the studied

Figure 4: levels of potential for addiction among the studied patients’ pre and post-intervention (N= 90).
patients' pre- and post-Intervention.
Figure 5 sillustrated that there was a highly DISCUSSION
statistically significant improvement in the level of
Drug abuse is not affected only every part of the abuser's life
assertiveness skills in drug use post-intervention compared to
as social life, family life, work productivity, bodily health, and
pre-intervention, where 85.56% of the participants had a high
individual relationships but also affected all aspects of the
community. Drug abusers are experiencing problems related

Volume 09 • Issue 02 • 07
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Khalil AI, et al.

to non-assertive and aggressive behaviors. Assertiveness complications on mental health. In the end, it is suggested
training is a central component affecting the continuous that some steps should be taken toward enhancing the
sobering behavior among drug abusers and relapse awareness of people and reducing their drug use tendencies
prevention and recovery. Assertion training appears to be a by holding assertiveness skills training workshops for them.
productive drug abuse prevention strategy. The role of Further longitudinal research studies should be carried out to
assertion training as a drug abuse prevention strategy is assess the causes and cultural factors that significantly affect
restricted to that fostering the competence to say "no" in addiction and drug abuse. Further studies in different settings
peer pressure situations focused on drug use. are to be conducted, such as schools, factories, other colleges,
and institutions all over the Arab Republic of Egypt to increase
awareness about the complications and dangers of drug
The study showed that the most common types of addiction
among participants were heroin and multiple types. LIMITATIONS OF THIS STUDY
Assertiveness training in this study positively affected the
reduction of drug use tendency. It can play a significant role in Because of the small sample size and the absence of a control
the design and implementation of drug abuse prevention group, the findings cannot be generalized to the population of
training programs. There was a significant improvement in the drug users. Furthermore, no follow-up was performed in the
level of assertiveness skills for drug addicts’ post-intervention current study to confirm whether the program was effective
compared to pre-intervention, with 85.56% of participants or not to maintain sober behavior among studied participants.
having a high level of assertiveness skills post-intervention.
This indicates the efficiency of the assertiveness training
program in continuous sobering behavior among drug ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS
abusers. Moreover, the participants were satisfied as their Permission to conduct the study was obtained from the
goals and expectations were met during the training program. ethical and research committee of the Faculty of Nursing,
Therefore, the following is highly recommended: Menoufia University, who sent an official letter to the
• Assertiveness skills training programs must be Egyptian general secretariat of mental health to receive their
disseminated to all psychiatric hospitals and addiction approval to conduct the study at the psychiatric and addiction
treatment centers in Egypt. treatment hospital in Meet-Khalaf, affiliated to Menoufia
• Assertiveness training for nurses should be ongoing in Governorate, Egypt. After official approval was obtained, the
order to detect, prevent and treat drug abuse as early as letter was sent to the director of the selected setting to send
possible. the approval to conduct the study. The purpose of the study
was explained to all participants and an informed letter of
• Communities that make an effort to come together in the
consent was received. Along with an emphasis on
fight against drugs are sure to make an impact on the
confidentiality and anonymity of information, participants
prevention of drug abuse.
were informed that they would be free to withdraw from the
• Implementing the prevention and assertiveness program study at any time during the study.
in many other places, including schools, churches and
community based clubs.
Implications for Nursing Practice and Management
The authors would like to express their gratitude to the study
Great attention should be paid by society to reducing the drug participants, all nurses, and the administration of MEET-Khalaf
abuse of its citizens. There is a need for close collaboration hospital, who collaborated and contributed to this study.
between schools and the community in addressing drug
abuse. Parents and family members should thus play an
effective role in reducing drug abuse among their children. CONFLICT OF INTEREST
The ministry of primary and secondary education must The authors declared that they have no conflict of interest.
formalize and support the establishment of a vibrant guidance
and counseling system in schools. Design appropriate
assertiveness skills training to enhance life skills training and AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS:
should be applied in drug rehabilitation centers along with
• Prof. Amal Khalil: Initiated the idea of the research and
detoxification treatments to improve self-esteem and
design; wrote the background, methodology, and data
assertiveness and maintain sobriety. Assertiveness skills
collection procedure; prepared the assertiveness training
training should be given to psychiatric and community nurses
program; did a review of the whole manuscript (editing
in different psychiatric and mental health settings. A high
and paraphrasing); and formatted the manuscript for
premium should be placed on developing and mainstreaming
publication submission.
prevention programs on drug abuse into the school
curriculum for students to become more assertive and • Dr. Safaa Shatalah: Collected data, shared in preparing the
acquire more knowledge about drugs and their effects and contents of the program, conducted the training with the

Volume 09 • Issue 02 • 07
Page 14
Khalil AI, et al.

patient in the hospital setting, and added comments to 11. Ebrahem S, Radwan A, Amrosy SE (2021) The
tables. effectiveness of life skills training on assertiveness, self-
• Dr. Eman Shoker: Wrote the discussion, conclusion and esteem and aggressive behavior among patients with
recommendations. substance use disorders. Egypt. J Basic Appl Sci RES.
12. Mokadem NEL, Shokr E, Salama A, Shereda HA, Radwan
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(MRPFT) Volume 09 • Issue 02 • 07

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