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1) Property of any kind may be transfered’. State the exceptions to this rule.
2) Define the term ‘immovable property’. State the properties which are judicially recognised as immovable
properties. ----> Important
3) Explain the ‘Rule against perpetuity’ and state whether the rule against perpetuity is applicable to contracts for
pre-emption ? ----> Important
4) What do you mean by “vested interest” and “contingent interest” ? Explain with illustration and distinguish the
two. ----> Important
5) Explain the effects of condition restraining alienation of property.

1) who is an ostensible owner? when a transfer from ostensible owner is protected against the real owner?
----> Important
2) what is lis pendens? Mention the conditions necessary before this plea can be raised. ---->
3) Discuss the provision relating to the “doctrine of election”.
4) Discuss the doctrine of fraudulent transfer under transfer of Property Act and state the exception to this
doctrine ----> Important
5) What is the effect of sale by Co-owner ? - 6marks

1)What is mortgage? Describe in brief different kinds of mortgage. ----> Important
2) "Once a mortgage is always a mortgage". Explain. ----> Important
3) Explain rights and liabilities of Mortgagor and Mortgagee. ----> Important
4) Distinguish between English Mortgage and Mortgage by conditional sale.
5) Elucidate Mortgagor’s Right of Redemption and Mortgagee’s Right of Foreclosure.
6) Write a note on Mortgagee’s power of sale without intervention of the court. -> 6 marks

1) Define Sale. Explain liabilities of seller before and after sale. ----> Important
2) What are the essentials of a valid lease ? OR what is lease? How lease can be determined? ---->
3) Define “gift”. Explain the principles relating to revocation of a gift. ----> Important
4) Write short notes on Exchange - 6marks
5) Define Sale. Distinguish it with Contract for sale.


1) Explain the rights and duties of a trustee. OR What are liabilities and duties of Trustee? ---->
2) Disabilities of Trustee - 6marks
3) Define ‘Trust’ and discuss the rights of beneficiary of trust.
4) Public Trust - 6marks
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5) Explain the essentials for creation of a Trust. ----> Important
6) Distinguish between Trust and Bailment. ----> Important
7) Define Trust. State the different kinds of Trust
8) How trustees are appointed ? - 6marks

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