14 Rectified - Water

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Chapter 14: Water

Rectified Notes
A. Key words

1. Condensation. The process by which water vapour converts into water

on cooling.
2. Transpiration. The process by which excess water comes out of the
leaves through stomata into the atmosphere in the form of vapour.
3. Evaporation . The process by which water converts into water vapour.
4. Water table. The level of groundwater is called water table.
5. Ground water. The water present below the earth’s surface is called
ground water or underground water.
6. Precipitation. The coming down of water in the form of rain, hail or
snow is called precipitation.
7. Rain water harvesting. The process of collecting rainwater from roofs
and streets and storing it for further use is called rainwater harvesting.

B. Very Short Answer Questions.

1. What is formed on (a) melting of ice (b) freezing of water (c)

evaporation of water

Ans. a) water (liquid) is formed on melting of ice

(b) ice (solid) is formed on freezing of water

(c) steam (vapour) is formed on evaporation of water

2. Name a water – borne disease.

Ans. Cholera is a water –borne


3. What is the water present below the earth’s surface called ?

Ans.The water present below the earth’s surface is called Groundwater or

underground water
4. Mention the sources of water.

Ans. Sources of water are surface water, rainwater and underground water
or subsoil water.

5. Name the process involved in water cycle.

Ans.The processes involved in water cycle are—

(a) evaporation or transpiration

(b) formation of clouds by condensation

(c) precipitation

C. Short Answer Questions.

1. Define (a) precipitation (b) rainwater harvesting

Ans.(a) Coming down of water in the form of rain, hail or snow is called

(b) The process of collecting rainwater from roofs and streets and storing it
for further use is called rainwater harvesting.

2. One day , there occurs a shortage of water in pooja’s colony . She has a
hand – pump in her house . She allows everyone to take water from there.

(a) Why do you think the problem of water shortage is increasing day by
day ?

(b) What value is shown by Pooja ?

Ans.(a) The problem of water shortage is increasing day by day due to the
following reasons

a) Number of people using water is increasing due to rising population.

b) More and more water is being used for producing food and goods in

(b) Pooja’s action shows her kind and helpful nature.

3. How is rain useful to us ?

Ans.Rain is useful to us due to the following reasons,

(a) cools the environment.

(b) supplies water for irrigation.

(c) maintains the supply of water on land and raises the water table.

4. What is drought ?

Ans. Absence of rain in a particular region for a long time leading to severe
shortage of water is called drought.

5. How do underground animals get affected by rain ?

Ans. The life of animals living in the soil gets affected by heavy rain. As the
land gets covered with water, the animals that live in soil (like snakes and
earthworms) come out in search of air as the soil gets covered with water.

6. What is the advantage of rainwater harvesting ?

Ans. The advantage of rainwater harvesting is that it increases the

availability of groundwater which helps us to overcome water scarcity
problems especially during dry seasons.

D. Long Answer Questions.

1. (a)How does flood affect vegetation ?

Ans.(a) The flood water submerges the standing crops, grasslands and
forests. Due to this, the plants do not get sufficient amount of air and
nutrients and therefore, die.

( b)What are the possible problems faced by the people of a country

after floods?

Ans(b)* Floods cause extensive damage to crops. This may cause acute
foodshortage, and deaths due to hunger.

*Floods wash away the top layer of soil resulting in soil erosion

2. (a) Why is there an increased demand of water nowadays ? (b) What are
the different methods of water conservation? (c) What are the types of
rainwater harvesting

Ans. (a) As the population is increasing rapidly, the number of people using
water is also increasing day by day. Also, more and more water is being
used in agriculture for producing food and by the industries which
manufacture a large variety of products for our use. All these factors are
leading to shortage of water in many parts of the world, including our
country. Keeping in view the shortage of usable water, it is essential that
water should be used carefully.

(b) The various methods to conserve water are—

(i) Plant more and more trees.

(ii) Use a bucket and a mug instead of shower while taking bath.

(iii) Close the taps tightly after using them.

(iv) Avoid cleaning utensils under running water.

(v) Check overflowing of water tanks.

(vi) Recycle wastewater.

(vii) Adopt rainwater harvesting to store the rainwater.

(c) The two main types of rainwater harvesting are—

(i) Rooftop rainwater harvesting

(ii) Roadside rainwater harvesting

E. HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) Questions.

1. Why do prices of food grains, fruits and vegetables rise during floods or
drought ?

Ans.Floods and drought damage the crops and create acute food shortage
leading to increased prices of food grains, fruits and vegetables.

2. Give reasons for the following : (a) Our feet become wet while walking
on grass in cold winter morning . (b) Rain maintains the supply of water on

Ans.(a) Our feet become wet while walking on grass on cold winter
mornings due to the presence of tiny drops of dew on grass.

(b) Rain maintains the supply of water on land by filling lakes, ponds and
streams and raising the water table.
F. Practical Skill Based Question :

In which of the following will the rate of evaporation be higher ?

(a)Water in a plate kept in sunlight

(b)Water in a plate in shade

Give reason for the same.

Ans. a) The water in the plate kept in direct sunlight disappears first
because,it gets the heat for evaporation by the Sun directly.So the rate of
evaporation will be higher.

b) The heat required for the evaporation of water in the plate under the
shade is indirectly provided by the sun. During day time the heat given
out by the sun makes the air warm . This warm air provides heat for the
evaporation of water in the shade.

G. Extra Questions

1. What is spring water?

Ans. A part of the rainwater collects over the rocks under the earth.
Sometimes due to pressure, this water naturally comes out of the earth’s
surface in the form of a spring from any available opening. This water is
called spring water.
2. The process of condensation plays an important role in bringing water
back to the surface of earth. How does it happen?
Ans. When the air moves up, it gets cooler and cooler. At sufficient heights,
the air becomes so cool that the water vapour present in it condenses to form
tiny drops of water called droplets.These droplets of water cometogether to
form large water droplets and becomes so heavy that the air cannot hold
them therefore fall down as rain.

3. What are the effects of excess rainfall in an area?

Ans. Excess of rainfall may lead to many problems. Heavy rains may lead
to rise in the level of water in rivers, lakes and ponds. The water may then
spread over large areas causing floods. The crop fields, forests, villages, and
cities may get submerged by water. Flood cause extensive damage to crops,
domestic animals, property and human life.

4. Write two harmful effects of drought on plants?

Ans. Without adequate water, photosynthesis in plants are greatly reduced
which affects the plants growth adversely. After many weeks of such
condition, plants die out.

5. From where do water drops appear on the outer side of the glass
containing ice cubes?
Ans. The cold surface of the glass containing ice cools the air around it,
and the water vapor of the air condenses on the surface of the glass. So,
drops of water appear on outer surface of the glass containing ice.

6. How are clouds formed?

Ans. When the air moves up, it gets cooler and cooler. At sufficient heights,
the air becomes so cool that the water vapor present in it condenses to
form tiny drops of water called droplets. It is these tiny droplets that remain
floating in air and appear to us as clouds.

H. Give reason

1. Water spilled on a floor dries up after some time.

Ans. Due to evaporation, water changes into water vapor and hence water
spilled on a floor dries up after some time.
2. A mist of tiny water droplets form when we breathe out on a window in
Ans. When our warm breath touches a cold window, it condenses and
forms a mist of tiny water droplets.

3. During winter more fog occurs in areas where more trees are there.
Ans. Plants releases water in the form of water vapor into the air through the
process of transpiration. This vapor condenses to form fog. Areaswhere
more trees are there, more transpiration will occur and hence thereis more
formation of fog.

4. We see water droplets (dew) on leaves in winter.

Ans. Ans. On a warm day, water evaporates from the warm ground into the
air. In night the warm ground continues to radiate heat into the air. As the
ground begins to cool, the air will not be able to hold all the moisture. Water
vapor in the air will begin to condense. That's why we see water dropletson
leaves in winter.
5. Rain clouds look grey in colour?
Ans. As more and more water droplets gathers, clouds gets thicker, denser
and less transparent. Thus, rain clouds look grey in color.

6. First shower of rain water is not pure.

Ans. First shower of rain water is not pure because while coming down
through the air, the first showers collect dust particles, germs, bacteria and
dissolve some of the gases which are present in the atmosphere.

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