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Project title

Strengthening Gender-based Violence (GBV) prevention and lifesaving responses for women and girls
through an integrated GBV GBV/SRHR approach

Key Results

Sl Indicator Achievements
Number of • Total 17530 dignity kits have been distributed in five districts of Bangladesh
women and girls during emergencies in 2020 and 2021. Among those, total 9916 kits were
received age- distributed to flood affected people and 7614 to cyclone affected people. Among
appropriate them, 230 were from transgender community and 50 of them were acid survivors.
Dignity kits. • 7744 dignity kits were distributed to flood affected people in Jamalpur and
Kurigram in 2020.
• 2172 to flood affected people in Gaibandha in 2021.
• 7614 to Amphan affected people in Shatkhira and Barguna in 2020.
Number of • 8 WFSs are functional in four implementing districts (Jamalpur, Kurigram,
Women Friendly Khulna and Shatkhira) where GBV case management, PSS service, integrated
Spaces (WFS) are SRHR components are available for women and girls.
functional in four • Jamalpur has a significant number of population living in vulnerable char
cyclone and flood- islands of Jamuna River.
affected districts • Kurigram is not only vulnerable to flooding but river bank erosion - the
aftermath of flood.
• Satkhira and Khulna in the southern part of Bangladesh vulnerable to cyclones.
Number of Total 15644, women (10,211) and girls (3181) including pregnant mothers (2252)
women and girls and lactating mothers accessed to 8 WFSs and received midwifery, PSS, PFA,
accessing 8 WFSs GBV case management and referral services from the WFSs in 2022. The
breakdown is given below -
• Case Management: 766
• PSS: 1828
• PFA: 6458
• Midwifery Service: 9264
Number of women Total of 3,371 women (1903), girls (375), and pregnant mother (1093) have been
supported with referred to access safe referral services. Among them 636 women and girls
safe referral received referral costs.
• GBV Referral: 836
• Midwifery Referral: 2535
Number of women Total 836 women (725), girls (43), pregnant mother (68) received lifesaving GBV
and girls referred related multi-sectoral services from 8 WFSs to get protection from violence,
to GBV related ensure dignity and assist to return in a normal life.
services from 8
Number of 945 outreach sessions were organized to raise awareness on the services of WFSs.
outreach • 639 outreach sessions were organized to aware women and girls on GBV service
information availability and 306 outreach sessions were organized to aware men and boys on
session conducted negative social norms, Gender based violence and the necessity of availing GBV
for community services.
mobilisation on • A total of 19297 women and girls and a total of 9362 men and boys were
GBV prevention reached by 945 outreach sessions.
and response
service and safe

Number of men 306 outreach sessions were organized to raise awareness on the services of WFSs.
and boys engaged • Total 9,362 men (7173) and boys (2189) participated in awareness sessions of
7 in GBV prevention GBV prevention and SRHR programmes through community outreach.
and SRH
Number of GBV Total 37 GBV actors, case workers and case coordinators (Male – 9, Female – 28)
actor/case workers received trainings on integrated SRHR and GBV services including safe referral
and Case
Coordinators and
non-GBV actors
8 received refreshers
training on
integrated SRHR
and GBV services
including safe
Number of local Total 160 local NGO workers (Female: 83, Male: 77) received ToT on GBV,
NGO workers are Guiding Principles, survivor centered support, PSEA & safe referral services.
capitated on PSS,
referral, dignity kit
distribution and
WFS to act as first
responder to
prevent and
response GBV
during emergency
Number of bi- 24 bi-monthly GBV network meetings were organized in Khulna, Shatkhira,
monthly GBV Barguna and Noakhali.
network meetings Total 45 Male and 26 Female participated in these meetings.
organized and
action points
Number of • Total 41 campaign events organized and 300K women, boys and girls were
campaign and reached in seven districts (Jamalpur, Kurigram, Shatkhira, Noakhali, Khulna,
advocacy meetings Gaibandha and Dhaka).
and events • Total 12 campaign events organized to celebrate International Women’s Day by
organized in the the local implementation partners and the network members to raise mass
occasions of GBV awareness on Gender Equality.
11 related day • Total 29 campaign events organized to observe sixteen days of activism by the
observance local implementation partners and the network members to raise mass awareness
on Gender Equality.

A Three- generation dialogue was held with the collaboration of Pragrashor - a

feminist training and resource center. The majority of the audiences were from
different national universities, cultural groups, transgenders, and cultural activists.
Through this dialogue AAB reached 300 audiences. In addition, AAB organized a
10 day long Radio program to raise awareness against GBV in emergency with
the implementing partner SKS and reached three lakh individuals. A colorful
cycle rally was organized in Shatkhira to promote gender equity where 10000
individuals had been reached. A medical camp was organized in Satkhira to
promote health rights of women and girls and reached 2000 women and
adolescent girls. Moreover, a AAB organized a Football match in Shatkhira
engaging adolescent girls, reached 700 individuals.

In Jamalpur, Shatkhira, Kurigram and Khulna, 16 safety audits have been

Number of Safety
12 conducted engaging women, men, and girls to identify potential risks of GBV and
Audit conducted
mitigation measures

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