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Natasha Palana

Professor Marlise Edwards

English 001A

11 October 2022

James Baldwin’s Experience of Racism

Racism is the unjust hatred towards any individuals who are just different from one

another for a wide range of reasons. We will always be surrounded by racism but does not give

us the right to ignore it. A problem that has long been the subject of contentious discussions,

elicits strong feelings in many individuals and is still up for debate. Every race in the world

experiences racism at some point, but African Americans are the race that experiences most

frequently. The essay Notes of a Native Son by James Baldwin is followed by a discussion of his

father's life and death, their tense relationship, and the difficult sense of belonging that African

Americans experience. Baldwin debates what it means to be an African American in terms of

one's own identity, as well as the political, social, and cultural identities of one's community.

Ignorance is the main source of racism, as it leads both ignorant and uninformed individuals to

support such prejudice. Indeed, it is evident that James Baldwin's experiences as an African

American nationality have significantly contributed to the components of racism and injustice

through his policies, ideas, and writings.

When we encounter an unexpected situation when someone we value or love is in danger,

we get afraid. As James Baldwin discover the meaning of his father’s warnings after his death:

I had discovered the weight of white people in the world. I saw that this had been

for my ancestors and now would be for me an awful thing to live with and

that the bitterness which had helped to kill my father could also kill me. (589)
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In other words, Baldwin interprets the "weight of white people in the world" to refer to the

prejudice and superiority he experiences from them. I agree that white supremacy expresses

bitterness and is terrible for all races, a point that needs emphasizing since so many people

believe they have privilege because of their white or light skin color, but they are unaware of

how deeply systemic racism affects their perspectives and causes trauma for non-white people.

In conclusion, racism has a long history on our planet. Though not nearly as prominent as

it once was, racism still exists and must be stopped in its hateful and destructive ways. James

Baldwin's quote made us realize that one racial supremacy over other races expresses negative

outcomes and bigotry. Given that, people must learn that no one is born to be hated for his/her

race, background, and religion. This helps to justify the issue that people should all be considered

equal regardless of what they look like, talk like, or even do that makes them who they are.

Stereotypes and discrimination play a massive impact in racism within society. We get frustrated

when people want to blame the issue on racism because it is wrong and makes people feel

terrible about who they are. We might be able to learn new ideas and improve society if everyone

is treated equally and without fear of mockery from others.

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Works Cited

Baldwin, James. “Note of a Native Son.” California State University, Dominguez Hills, Accessed 12 Oct. 2022.

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