Lesson Plan

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Subject: Mathematics

Grade Level: Grade 5

Objective: Drawing Circles with Different Radii Using a Compass

Learning across curriculum:

1) Science - Understanding the concept of circles and radii can be related to the
solar system and planetary orbits. Students can explore how circles are used in
astronomy to understand the orbits of planets around the sun.

2) Physical Education - Circles can be related to sports like basketball or volleyball,

where the court markings are circular. Students can calculate the radii of circles on
the court to understand the dimensions of the playing area.

3) Technology and Livelihood Education - Circles are used in designing logos,

patterns, and structures. Students can learn how to create precise circles with
different radii using software like Adobe Illustrator.


Teaching Strategy: Brainstorming

Instructional Materials: Compass, Manila paper

Anecdote 1: In Filipino culture, circles are often used in traditional Filipino games
like "sipa" where players kick a rattan ball to keep it in the air.

Anecdote 2: Filipino folklore often features enchanted circles or "bilog" as symbols

of protection or boundaries.


Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: Compass, chart paper, markers

1) Idea - Divide students into groups, assign each group a different radius, and have
them role-play as architects designing a circular building with that specific radius.

2) Idea - Conduct an interactive quiz where students have to draw circles of varying
radii on the board using a compass within a time limit.


Activity 1: Circle Art

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Materials: Compass, colored pencils, paper

Significance: This activity allows students to express their creativity while practicing
drawing circles with different radii.


1) Instruct students to draw circles of varying radii using the compass and color them
in with different colors.

2) Encourage students to create an artwork incorporating these circles.

3) Rubric - Accuracy of circle sizes - 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1. What is the radius of a circle?

2. How can you determine the center of a circle using a compass?

3. Describe how you can draw a circle with a radius of 5 cm.


Teaching Strategy: Direct Instruction

Example 1: The teacher demonstrates how to use a compass to draw circles with
different radii on the board, explaining the steps and measurements involved.

Example 2: Students are guided through a step-by-step process of drawing circles

with specific radii on their notebooks, with the teacher providing individual feedback.


Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning

Task 1: Students are tasked with designing a circular garden with various plants,
each requiring a different amount of space based on the radius specified.

Task 2: Students collaborate in pairs to measure real-world objects in the classroom

using a compass to determine their radii and draw corresponding circles.


Teaching Strategy: Games and Gamification

Question 1: Calculate the circumference of a circle with a radius of 6 cm.

Question 2: Draw a circle with a radius of 4.5 cm using a compass.

Question 3: Explain the relationship between the radius and diameter of a circle.


Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Instructional Materials: Real-world objects, measuring tape

Students are challenged to measure various objects at home or in their

surroundings, determine the radii, and draw corresponding circles using a compass
to deepen their understanding of circles in everyday life.


1) Design a circular logo for a fictional company, incorporating circles of different


2) Measure and draw a circular pathway in your neighborhood using a compass,

including the radii of different sections.

I hope this detailed lesson plan helps you in implementing an engaging and effective
mathematics lesson for Grade 5 students focusing on drawing circles with different
radii using a compass.

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