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Workshop on Voltage Drop Calculations

Prepared by : Engr. Mario Solang

msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.

This workshop on Voltage Drop calculations is based on national and

applicable international standards in the state of Qatar and cable
manufacturer recommendations. the discussions will provide most, but
not all the information and requirements you will need in the calculation of
voltage drop.

The workshop mainly deals with Voltage Drop in electricity distribution

system and will help electrical practitioners improve electrical design and
quality of voltage at the utilization equipment.

The speaker would like to express his sincere thanks to the good Lord
Jesus Christ, IIEE state of Qatar, and Qatar General Electricity and Water
Corporation (KAHRAMAA).

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa

The Electricity Distribution system consist of the distribution substation
up to the customer electrical system or utilization equipment.

The purpose of this workshop is to discuss voltage drop based on:

• The principles and parameters involved in voltage drop
• Calculation Method
• Effects of voltage drop
• Recommended approach to minimize voltage drop

Moreover, we will talk about the department of Public works and Highways,
NBC memorandum circular no. 02 with the subject Electrical Design
Analysis Philippine Electrical Code compliance.

The deliverable is this presentation itself and the group works which could
be used by fellow electrical practitioners as reference for voltage drop
technical discussions and calculations.

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Weatherization training by Larry Armanda

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa

Electrical Installation – Schneider Electric

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa

Ducab Cables

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa

Alfanar Cables and Doha Cables

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Voltage Drop is Voltage Loss?

Excessive Voltage Drop leads to poor efficiency and Higher

Electricity Bill?

The larger the size of wire the lower the resistance?

Voltage drop is normally of importance with cables of voltage rating

600/1000 volts or below?

Is voltage drop calculation required when prepairing electrical


Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Design analysis showing all the calculations of short circuits,
voltage drop and other essential data as requisite for the
issuance of electrical permit.

Existing buildings, factories, and infrastructures with substantial

electrical load shall be subjected to inspections and that an
updated design analysis and calculations is required…

What is substantial electrical load?

For existing loads… How to prepare an updated design analysis?

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa

IEEE - 141

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Centroid calculation based on Latitude and Longitude

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
IEEE - 141
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
IEEE - 141
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Is IEEE formula correct?

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa

The Length of the conductor / cable

Current flowing in the conductor

Cable Derating Factor(s)

The Power Factor



The type of Circuit

For existing installations – Electrical alterations

Quality of Installation
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Cable Derating Factor(s) should be taken into account when
calculating Voltage Drop?

Voltage drop is the product of Current and Impedance?

Is it practical to calculate conductor size based on voltage drop


Is calculated Voltage Drop an approximate value?

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa

National Requirements

QCS 2014
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
National Requirements

KAHRAMAA Regulation
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
National Requirements

KAHRAMAA Distribution Planning Manual

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Applicable International Requirements

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Applicable International Requirements

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Applicable International Requirements

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Applicable International Requirements

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Applicable International Requirements

IEEE - 141

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa

Applicable International Requirements

IEEE - 141
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa


Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa


Custo Facility
mer Customer

VD ≤ 5%

VD ≤ 6%


Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa


Service Distribution
Equipment board
Customer Panel
Mains Board


VD ≤ 3% VD ≤ 3%


VD ≤ 5%

KM Regulations
VD ≤ 2.5%

National / International Requirements

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa

Sample Calculation

15 m 4CX300 mm2 X 4CX185 mm2

1000 kVA F H2
433/250 P 150 A
100 m 150 m
7-1CX630 mm2

50 m 4CX185 mm2

180 A

Equivalent Amp.
Cable Size (mm2) R (ohm/km) X (ohm/km) Circuit

630 .042 .086 3 phase - 1C parallel 2280

300 .0812 .0749 3 phase - 4C 399
185 .129 .0758 3 phase – 4C 247

1. H1 and H2 are actual Ampere readings.
2. Transformer to feeder pillar direct buried cable with 1 mtr. burial depth.
3. Feeder Pillar to point X, H1, and H2 are direct buried cable with 1 mtr. burial depth.
4. KAHRAMAA assume Power Factor = .85
5. Nominal voltage is 415 / 240 Volts.

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa

Cos ᴓ = .85, thus Sin ᴓ = .53
Let K = 1.732 (R * .85 + X * .53)

K630mm = .14078 ohms / km

K300mm = .18830 ohms / km
K185mm = .25950 ohms / km

VDtx-fp = 330 A * .015 km * 0.14078 ohms / km = .69686 volts

%VDtx-fp = .18%

VDfp-X = 330 A * .0100 km * 0.18830 ohms / km = .5649 volts

%VDfp-X = .14%

%VDX-H1 = .56%

%VDX-H2 = 1.41%

%VDH1 = .18% + .14% + .56% = .88%

%VDH2 = .18% + .14% + 1.41% = 1.73%

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Factors to be considered for the VD calculation workshop

Utility requirements / tolerance on voltage drop or applicable standards

The Length of the conductor / cable

Demand Factors for dwelling units or other facilities

Derating factors of conductor / cables

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa

Best way to present VD calculations – Design Stage

Nodal Method

Graphical representation of Load Vs. Length

Best way to present updated design analysis? (verified electrical

installation) and calculations on existing facilities

Above methods if not available

Actual graphical representation of %VD Vs. Time

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa


Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
IEEE - 141
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
IEEE - 141
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
IEEE - 141
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
IEEE - 141
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Accordingly Excessive Voltage drop causes the following:

Heat build up / Over Heating

Poor Efficiency

Shorter life span of electrical equipment

Higher electric bills

Damage to electrical equipment


Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
IEEE - 141
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Is Voltage Drop a mandatory requirement of NEC / NFPA 70?

Can the ampere rating of conductor be increased without affecting

the voltage drop?

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa

Conclusive recommendations based on the workshop are as follows:

Avoid long runs of wire

Increase size of conductor

Improve power factor

Control motor in rush current

Ensure quality electrical installation

Avoid electrical alterations

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Description Latitude Longitude X Y Z Hyp

Degrees Radian Degrees Radian

Bauang La Union 16.41548 0.286504169 120.589462 2.104683119 0.999312901 0.036724931 0.00500042

Brent Wood Apartelle 16.415854 0.286510697 120.606237 2.104975898 0.999312713 0.036730037 0.005000534

Utility road 16.405533 0.286330562 120.603932 2.104935668 0.999312754 0.036729335 0.00499739

Dahlia St. 16.406475 0.286347003 120.589412 2.104682247 0.999312915 0.036724915 0.004997677

Centroid 16.4108337 0.286423081 120.5972599 2.104819254 0.999312821 0.036727305 0.004999005 0.999987504

Midpoint Baung & Brent 16.41566694 120.5978488

Midpoint Brent & utility 16.41069252 0.286420617 120.6050816 2.104955768 0.999312734 0.036729686 0.004998962 0.999987505

Centroid (statistics) 16.4108355 120.5972608

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa

Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa
Voltage Drop Calculations msolan g@ k m. c o m. qa

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