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GRADE 8 – UNIT 3: ADVENTURE Name: _____________________

Date: ______________________

I. Past simple: complete the sentences using the verbs in the correct form:

buy – catch – cost – fall – hurt – sell – spend – teach – throw - write

1. Mozart _______________________ more than 600 pieces of music.

2. “How did you learn to drive?” – “My father ____________________________ me.”

3. We couldn’t afford to keep our car, so we ______________________________ it.

4. Dave ________________________ down the stairs this morning and _________________________ his leg.

5. Jim ________________________ the ball to Sue, who ___________________________ it.

6. Ann _________________ a lot of money yesterday. She ______________ a dress that ___________ $200.

II. Complete the sentences. Put the verbs into the correct form, positive (+) or negative (-):
1. It was warm, so I __________________________ off the coat. (take)

2. The movie wasn’t very good. I ________________________________________ it very much. (enjoy)

3. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I _______________________________________ her. (disturb)

4. I was very tired, so I ______________________________________ the party early. (leave)

5. The bed was very uncomfortable. I ____________________________________ very well. (sleep)

6. The window was open and a bird ____________________________ into the room. (fly)

7. The hotel wasn’t very expensive. It _______________________________________ very much. (cost)

8. I was in a hurry, so I ________________________________________ time to call you. (have)

9. It was hard carrying the bags. They _______________________________ very heavy. (be)

III. Past Continuous: use your own ideas to complete the sentences
1. Matt burned his hand while he __________________________________________________________________

2. The doorbell rang while Jane ____________________________________________________________________

3. We saw an accident while we ____________________________________________________________________

4. Lauren fell asleep while she ______________________________________________________________________

5. The television was on, but nobody ______________________________________________________________

6. I was doing my homework while my mother_____________________________________________________

7. Helen heard the news while she __________________________________________________________________

8. When I arrived, Jane ______________________________________________________________________________

9. What were you doing at 8pm last night? – I _____________________________________________________

IV. Simple past or past continuous:
1. I (see) __________________ Sue in town yesterday, but she (not see) __________________________ me.

She (look) ______________________________________ the other way.

2. I (meet) ________________ Tom and Jane at the airport a few weeks ago. They (go) _______________

to Boston and I (go) ____________________________________ to Los Angeles. We (talk) ______________

while we (wait) _____________________________________ for our flights.

3. I (ride) _________________________________ my bike yesterday when a man (step) ________________ out

into the road in front of me. I (go) ____________________________ pretty fast, but luckily I (manage)

__________________________________ to stop in time and (not/hit) _______________________________ him.

4. My cousins (wait) ______________________________________ for me when I (arrive) ___________________.

5. “What __________________________________ (you/do) at this time yesterday?” – I (sleep) ____________

6. How fast ___________________________________ (you/drive) when the accident (happen) ____________?

7. Philip (take) ________________________________ a picture of me while I (not look) ___________________

8. We were in a very difficult position. We _________________________________ (not know) what to do.

9. I haven’t seen Dave for ages. The last time I (see) ________________________ him, he (try) ____________

to find a job in Miami.

10. I (walk) ______________________________ along the street when I (hear) _____________________

footsteps behind me. Somebody (follow) ____________________________________ me. I was scared

and I (start) ______________________________ to run.

11. When I (be) ___________________ young, I (want) ____________________________ to be a pilot.

12. Last night, I (dop) _________________________ a plate while I (do) _______________________________ the
dishes. Fortunately, it (not break) ____________________________________________.

V. Simple past or present perfect:

1. I have lost my key. I can’t find it anywhere. ________________________________
2. Have you eaten a lot of candies when you were a child? ________________________________
3. I’ve bought a new car. You have to come and see it. ________________________________
4. Where have you been last night? ________________________________
5. I’ve seen a new movie last week. ________________________________
6. Maria has graduated from high school in 2000. ________________________________
7. Have you been to Paris? – Yes, many times. ________________________________
8. I’m very hungry. I haven’t eaten much today. ________________________________
9. When has this book been published? ________________________________
10. I’ve looking for Amanda. Have you seen her? ________________________________
VI. Put the verbs in the correct form, present perfect or simple past:
1. I don’t know where Lisa is. _____________________________________________ (you/see) her?

2. When I (get) __________________________ home last night, I (be) ____________________ very tired, so I
(go) _________________________ straight to bed.

3. There was a bus drivers’ strike last week. There (not be) _____________________________ any buses.

4. Mr Lee (work) __________________________________ in a bank for 10 years, then he quit.

5. Karen lives in Toronto. She (live) _______________________________________ there all her life.

6. _______________________________________ (you/go) to the movies last night?

- Yes, but it (be) __________________ a mistake. The movie (be) __________________ awful.

7. I don’t know her husband. I (never/meet) ______________________________________________ him.

8. It’s nearly lunch time. I (not see) ___________________________________ Martin all morning.

VII. Write questions with HOW LONG and WHEN:

1. It’s raining.

How long ___________________________________________________________________________________

When _______________________________________________________________________________________

2. Kate is studying Japanese.

How long ___________________________________________________________________________________

When _______________________________________________________________________________________

3. I know John.

How long ___________________________________________________________________________________

When _______________________________________________________________________________________

4. Ronaldo and Mary are married.

How long ___________________________________________________________________________________

When _______________________________________________________________________________________

VIII. Write for or since:

1. It’s been raining _________________________________ lunchtime.
2. Sarah has lived in Chicago _______________________________ 1990.
3. Joe has lived in Dallas _____________________________ 10 years.
4. I’m tired of waiting. We’ve been sitting here ________________________ 2 hours.
5. Kate has been looking for a job _________________________ she graduated.
6. I haven’t been to a party ______________________________ ages.
7. I wonder how Joe is. I haven’t seen him ____________________________ last April.
8. Jane is away at college. She’s been away ________________________ 3 months.
9. The weather is dry. It hasn’t rained __________________________ a few weeks.
10. They have worked in that hotel ________________________ last year.

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