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CuiNH SACH BAN HANG SALES POLICY Du dn / Project: ONE VERANDAH ENERAL POLICY \p dung cho céc Khach hang dat ege mua can ho One Verandah tir ngay 01/01/2022 dén 1. CHINH SACH CHUNG / + béi tugng dp dyn; ngiy 15/02/2022. Applicable object: Booking for purchasin artments in One Verandah from 1* January 2022 to 15% February IL THONG TIN CAN HO / APARTMENT INFORMATION 1, Biéu kign ban giao can ho: Can hd durge ban giao voi diéu kign hoan thign co ban (theo Danh myc Ban giao dinh kém trong Hop Déng Mua Bin) Handover condition: Aparrment Handover condition is Full finished (according to Handover List in Sales and Prchasing Agreement) 2. Tho han bio hamh cin ho: cin hd due bio hinh 24 thing ké te ngly nha nha Apartment guarantee period: 24 months from handover date IH. TIEN BQ THANH TOAN / PAYMENT PROGRESS: Khéch hing c6 thé nhn ban giao cin hd ngay sau khi thank toan cae khodn sau: 1+ 95% gid tri thuan can ho cing voi 10% VAT cia 95% gi tr thudn c&n hd ‘Phi bo tri (2% gid tr thuain cn ho) + Phi quin ly cia 3 thing du tién Customer could take over the apartment after accomplish the payments below: + 95% unit net price and 10% VAT of 95% unit net price Sinking fund ( * 3 months of management fee fe unit net price) T | DHco | C9500 000 VND Depst__| Deposit VND 50 lon + ag ag iy Way Tw ? Tihéng thir nhét | 30% gia tr thudn c&n h6 (céng VAT) Within 30 days from the Deposit date Tetrion |30%otneaespeeipis VAT) J Ry HDMBHDTDN © 65% gia tr] thudn c&n h6 (cng VAT) 6% espe is VAD snp ay + Vat in dn on ai + Hong 30 ey ey |e NATote han ve py 1903 022 4 Thang thir 3 VAT of the last payment (4" installment) Within 30 days trom signing LTLA and ‘The 3 month «# Phi bio tri (2% gi rj thudn cn h) before 15 March 2022, + Ninn ica _ ikea 2 Taeove he ont Thang thir 12 "i (ickién) | 5% gia tr thudn can ho Sau khi c6 thong bao phit hinh Gidy CNQSHNO. The 12" month | Complete 5% of net sales price | Upon notice on issuance Ownership Certifivate (estimated) \V. CHUONG TRINH UU BAI/ SALES PROMOTION 1. Chuong Trinh Hé Trg Lai Sudt Vay Ngan Hang “": Khach hang sau khi thanh todn dii 30% Gia ban can hd (g6m VAT) va ky HMB, néu c6 nhu ciu vay ngén hing dé hota thinh than tosn cho cn hd, 8 duge ép dung Chwong Trinh Hé Trg Lai Sudt Vay véi cde théng tin cy thé nhur sau: Bank Interest Absorption Program ("": After completing the payment of 30% Unit sales price (ine! VAT) and signing Sales & Purchasing Agrement (SPA), the customers could choose the Bank Interest Absorption Program with following detaits Len! a 4 ban can hd) Mi dn way tho HMB, (4a gdm VAT, khong bao gém Phi bio ti) Up to 65% Unit sales price (Inel VAT, excl Sinking Fund) Mite dung duge bung HTLS 5% Gis bin ean ho (gbm VAT, Khong bao gbm Phi bio wi) Maximnun Loan Value for Interest absorption 65% Unit sales price (Incl VAT, exe Sinking Fund) Ti sult kick hing cin ta vi thi gian HTLS Li sult] Lat sult 0% wong ving 18 thing Kd ugly gid agin Interest and applicable period 0% interest within 18 months from disbursement date [Thor gien an han ng g6c KE tingly gilt agin Gia Wen | Len i 18 thing | Principal grace period Up to 18 months | Phi tr ng tus han wong thi gian TLS Tir -2% én sa wn te baa Prepayment fee within Interest absorption period 1.2% prepayment amount + Trong truéng hop khch hing khong oé nh chu vay ngin hing, khich Gif bin can hd (khong Churong tinh TANG GOLNOTTHA ‘hing c6 thé iva chon Chiron trinh tang g6i hodn thin ndithito6 gid tr len dén 4 ‘bao gbm VAT va Phi bio tri). INTERIOR PACKAGE Promoti Interior Package Promotion with promotion value up to 4.5% Unit sales price (Exel VAT Ney 0101/2022, Thay mie Taube song (Vigt Nam) 1 Jon iverfront Ltd, Co. : at. ‘The customer who do not want to take bank loan, could choose the SP) Geheral Director WORN =H (9) Chinh sich bi hing cd thé dug du chink theo cp nh cia Chi di ow Soles policy is rjc to change a Developer discretion. (79) Cie gan hing dp dung chink sich: Chink sich Wb ry lt sube dye dp dug ni kick hing vay vin tg ede gan hing trong danh sich ng hig lien kt cia CDT: Vitcombank (Chi mhinh Thi Die vi Chi nhinh HB Chi Minh) va Ngan hang HSBC. Applicable banks: Interest Absorption Program is valid ifthe customers take the bank loan from the banks inthe provided list by the Developer: Vitcombanik (Thu Duc and Ho Chi Mink branches), and HSBC Vietnam

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