Monthly Report - Yunseo

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LAMP Monthly Report

Month: May 2023

Teacher’s name : Amie

Day & Time : Mon & Wed (5:30 pm - 6:30 pm)

Student's School year

Yunseo (7) Absent day 0

Name of
Grammar Lab Book Three

Yunseo tries to participate in class, but she is always exhausted which hampers her
involvement. When she is not tired, she tends to ask questions about rules or words she
did not understand and also responds to the teacher well. She has an excellent quality
of repeating the explanation for the teacher’s confirmation of her understanding. This is
something that can help her improve more in the future provided that she stays attentive
Participation and is not exhausted all the time.

. , . . .

Yunseo completes her homework usually. she missed it once but submitted the make-
up homework in the next class. However, sometimes her homework is not very accurate
due to her inattentiveness in class caused by severe exhaustion.
. ., .

Yunseo needs to get her sleep schedule proper since she is exhausted during class
which is hampering her improvement. Whenever she is being attentive, she can do the
classwork and homework without making a single error. Her main obstacle is her lack of
attentiveness caused by severe exhaustion.

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