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Waves Sl and Hl structured Ms

1. (a) (i) the amplitude is constant; 1

(ii) period is 0.20s;

  2π  2 
amax =    x 0  31.4 2  2.0 10 2  = 19.7 ≈ 20 m s–2;
 T  
 
Award [2] for correct bald answer and ignore any negative
signs in answer.

(iii) displacement at t = 0.12 cm is (–)1.62 cm;

 2π 
v  x 0  x 2   31 .4 (2.0 10  2 ) 2  (1.62 10  2 ) 2 = 0.37 m s–1;

 T 
Accept displacement in range 1.60 to 1.70 cm for an answer
in range 0.33 m s–1 to 0.38 m s–1.

v0 = x0 = 0.628 m s–1;
  2  
v    v 0 sin  t   v   0.628 sin[ 31.4  0.12]  0.37  = 0.37 m s–1;
 T  
drawing a tangent at 0.12 s;
measurement of slope of tangent; 2
Accept answer in range 0.33 m s–1 to 0.38 m s–1.

(iv) to the right; 1

(b) (i) use of f = ;
 1 
and so f    = 5.0 Hz; 2
 0.20 

(ii) wavelength is 16 cm;

and so speed is v(= f λ = 5.0 × 0.16) = 0.80 m s–1; 2

(c) (i) points at 0, 8 and 16 cm stay in the same place;

points at 4 and 20 cm move 2 cm to the right;
point at 12 cm moves 2 cm to the left; 3

IB Questionbank Physics 1
(ii) the point at 8 cm; 1

2. (a) the maximum displacement of the system from equilibrium/

from centre of motion / OWTTE; 1

(b) (i) the amplitude of the oscillations/(total) energy decreases

(with time);
because a force always opposes direction of motion/there
is a resistive force/there is a friction force; 2
Do not allow bald “friction”.

(ii) the displacement and acceleration/force acting on (the surface)

are in opposite directions; 2

(iii) ω= ;
T = 2π ;
2  9.81
= 0.80 s; 3

(c) (i) upwards; 1

(ii) y0 = 0.050(m) and y = 0.030(m);

 2π 
ω=    7.85 (rad s–1);
 0.80 
v = 7.85 [0.05 ] 2  [0.03] 2 ;
= 0.31 m s–1; (allow working in cm to give 31cm s–1) 4

(iii) λ = 4.0 m;
recognition that f = (= 1.25);
(f λ =)v = 1.25 × 4.0;
(= 5.0 m s–1) 3

(iv) y = –3.0 cm, d = 0.6m ; 1

IB Questionbank Physics 2
(d) (i) wave reflects at ends (of string);
interference/superposition occurs (between waves);
regions of maximum displacement/zero displacement
form (that do not move)(*);
one region of max displacement/antinode forms at
centre with zero displacement/node at each end(*);
(* allow these marking points from a clear diagram ) 3 max

(ii) the waves (in a string) are transverse and vibrate only
in one plane;
light waves are transverse electromagnetic waves;
(and) for polarized light the electric field vector vibrates
only in one plane; 3

(e) Brewster angle = tan–1[1.3] = 52°;

θ = (90 – 52 =) 38°; 2

3. (a) (a wave) that transfers energy between points (in a medium); 1

(b) (i) 1.0 mm; 1

(ii) 6.0 mm; 1

(iii) 37 Hz; 1

(iv) 0.22 m s–1; 1

IB Questionbank Physics 3
(c) (i) wavefronts continuous at boundary and parallel;
wavefronts closer together and equally spaced by eye and in
the correct direction; 2

(ii)  1.4 ;
d 
  a  ;
 db 
 2.0 ; 3

(d) (i) reference to superposition/interference;

waves (almost) cancel to give zero/small displacement;
where waves arrive out of phase/180° out/π out; 3

(ii) position of any one minimum closer to centre / minima closer together;
frequency increased so wavelength decreased / correct
explanation in terms of double-slit equation; 2

4. (a) (i) upwards; 1

(ii) the acceleration is proportional to the displacement from equilibrium;

and is directed towards equilibrium / opposite to displacement; 2

IB Questionbank Physics 4
(iii) ω2 = ;
4π 2
ω2 = :
14  1.4 2
l= ;
= 0.70m 3

(b) sine curve / negative sine curve; 1

(c) (i) ω2 = = 20 rad–1;
max acceleration = (20 × 0.12 =) 2.4 m s–2; 2

(ii) any point where v = 0; 1

(d) (i) period = 1.4 s;

 0.45
c=  = 0.32 m s–1; 2
T 1.4

2 .8
(ii) ;
3 .7
0.76; 2

(iii) 0.57 or 0.58; 1


5. (a) (i) one A correctly shown; 1

(ii) one V correctly shown; 1

(b) pendulum bob accelerates towards centre of circular path / OWTTE;

IB Questionbank Physics 5
therefore force upwards;
that adds to tension produced by the weight; 3

(c) (i) evidence shown of equating kinetic energy and gravitational

potential energy;
v = (2  9.8  0.025) ;
= 0.70 m s–1 2
Allow g = 10 m s–2 answer 0.71 m s–2.

 v 2  0.7 2  –2
(ii) centripetal acceleration    
  = 0.61 (m s )
 r  0.8 
net acceleration = (9.81 + 0.61 =) 10.4 (m s–2) or T – mg = m × 0.61;
tension= (ma =) 0.59 N; 3
Allow g = 10 m s–2 answer 0.60 N.

(d) (i)

one maximum shown and curve broadly similar to example above;

amplitude falls on each side as shown; 2

(ii) resonance is where driving frequency equals/close to natural

frequency; the frequency at the maximum amplitude of the graph; 2

(e) lower amplitude everywhere on graph;

with a much broader resonance peak;
maximum moves to left on graph; 2 max
Award [2] for a sketch graph.

6. (a) is proportional to the displacement/distance (of the particle) from

its equilibrium position;
is directed towards the equilibrium position; 2

IB Questionbank Physics 6
(b) (i) overall correct shape;
with max of 0.06 J at x = ± 0.05 and zero at x = 0; 2

1 2 2 2
(ii) E K max  4π mf x 0 ;
from the graph E K max = 0.06 (J);
and x0 = 0.050(m);
2 E K max
4π 2 mx02
to give f = 2.0Hz 4
2 E K max
k= ;
x 02
2  0.06
= ;
0.05 2
= 48;
1 k
use of f = ;
2π m
= 2.0 Hz

(c) (i) the energy of the wave is propagated in a direction at right angles;
to the direction of oscillation of the particles; 2

(ii) λ = 0.40 m; 1

(d) (i) use of sin θ2 = sin θ1;
v2 
 1.5this marking point is not necessary to award full credit.
v1 
θ2 = [sin–1 0.75] = 49°; 3

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any two lines as shown bending in the correct direction; 1


7. (a) displacement is proportional to acceleration / vice versa;

because graph is straight-line through origin;
displacement and acceleration in opposite directions / acceleration
always directed towards origin;
because negative gradient; 4

(b) use of ω2 = (–) ;
ω2 = ;
0.60  10 3
ω = 2πf;
1 2900
f= ;
2 0.60  10 3
(to give f = 350Hz) 4

(c) 0.60 mm; 1

(d) (i) transfer of energy by means of vibrations/oscillations;

vibrations all in one direction parallel to direction of energy transfer; 2

IB Questionbank Physics 8
(ii) or use of c = f λ;
0.94 m; 2
Award [2] for bald correct answer.

8. (a) 1. acceleration proportional to displacement from equilibrium/

centre (of motion) /mean position;
2. acceleration directed to equilibrium/centre/mean position; 2

(b) (i) ; 1

(ii) sine/cosine curve shape reasonable; 1

Do not allow semi-circle for half sine curve.

(iii) period labelled;

amplitude labelled; 2

(c) (i) v = a2πf seen/used;

3.3 m s–1; 2

(ii) acceleration = a4π2f2 seen/used;

9.2 × 103 m s–2; 2

9. (a) the force acting/accelerating (on the body) is directed towards equilibrium
and is proportional to its/the bodies displacement from equilibrium; 2

IB Questionbank Physics 9
(b) (i) 1.5  1010 m; 1
(ii) T = 1.1  1012 s;

 1 
f   ;
12 
 1.110 
= 9.1  1013 Hz 2
(iii) ω = (2f) = 5.7  1014 (rad s1);

Emax =  mω x 
2 1
2 1.7 1027  1.5 1020  5.7  1028 ;
2 2

= 6.2  1018 J 2

(c) negative sine;

starting at zero;
with same frequency as displacement; (allow  2mm square) 3

(d) (i) k = (42f2mp) = 40  83  1026  1.7  1027;

 560 N m1 1

(ii) use of F = kx and F = ma;

560  1.5  10 10
to give a   27
 5.0  10 19 m s  2 ; 2
1.7  10

(e) (i) infra red radiation radiated from Earth will be absorbed by
greenhouse gases;
and so increase the temperature of the atmosphere/Earth; 2

(ii) the natural frequency of oscillation (of a methane molecule)

is equal to 9.1  1013 Hz;
because of resonance the molecule will readily absorb radiation
of this frequency; 2

IB Questionbank Physics 10
10. (a) energy is propagated by travelling waves / energy is not propagated
by standing waves;
amplitude constant for travelling waves / amplitude varies with
position for standing waves;
phase varies with position for travelling waves / phase constant
for standing waves;
travelling waves do not have nodes and antinodes / standing waves
do have nodes and antinodes;
travelling waves can have any wavelength/frequency / standing
waves can only have certain wavelengths/frequencies (to fit
boundary conditions); 2 max

(b) (i) wave from tuning fork travels down tube and is reflected;
incident and reflected waves interfere/superpose/combine/
add together to give a standing wave (that fits the boundary
conditions); 2

(ii) the surface of the water (in/at the bottom of the tube); 1

(iii) the length of the air column has changed;

boundary conditions can no longer be met / the length is no
longer equal to one quarter of a wavelength;
hence a standing wave cannot form / resonance no longer
occurs / natural frequency of air column no longer equal
to frequency of sound; 3

(c)  0.368  λ = 0.736 m;
v = f λ = 440 × 0.736 = 320 m s–1; 2

11. (a) circular wavefronts around source, equally spaced;

moving observer intercepts more wavefronts per unit time / the time
between intercepting successive wavefronts is less;
hence observes a higher frequency / f′ > f;
circular wavefronts around source, equally spaced;
the velocity of the sound waves with respect to the observer is greater;
since f′ = , observed frequency is also greater; 3

IB Questionbank Physics 11
 v  u0   330  15 
(b) f ′ = f    300 ;
 v   330 
= 314 Hz;
Award [0] for use of moving source formula.
Award [1] for use of v-uo to give 286 Hz. 2

12. (a) light for which the electric field is oscillating in (only) one plane; 1

(b) (i) at a particular angle of incidence the reflected light is

horizontally polarized;
and will be blocked by an analyser/polarizer with a
vertical transmission axis;
at a particular angle of incidence when the reflected and
refracted rays are at right angles the reflected light/rays
will be horizontally polarized;
and will be blocked by an analyser/polarizer with a vertical
transmission axis; 2

(ii) realization that n = tan 50°;

to give n = 1.19; 2

(c) (i) mention of superposition/interference;

interference is destructive and so there will be no light at P; 2
Award [0] for correct answer with no or wrong argument.

(ii) there will be light at P;

the two sources cannot interfere because their planes of
polarization are at right angles; 2
Award [0] for correct answer with no or wrong argument.
Award [0] if answer mentions no light at P irrespective of
anything else said.

13. (a) (i) L = 4λ or λ = ; 1

(ii) two antinodes labelled;

with separation of integral number of wavelengths; 2

IB Questionbank Physics 12
(b) f λ is the speed of the wave;
standing wave formed by interference of an incident and a
reflected progressive wave;
speed is the speed of this progressive wave; 3

v 
14. (a) (i) ∆f =  150 10 6 
c 
= 3950Hz;
= 149.99605 MHz; 2

(ii) as approaches frequency greater than 150 MHz/higher than

transmission frequency;
when opposite shuttle frequency 150 MHz/same as
transmission frequency;
as recedes frequency lower than 150 MHz/lower than
transmission frequency; 3

(iii) equation only applies for v << c / relativistic effects occur (at 0.9c); 1

(b) (i) the Rayleigh Criterion is used to establish when the image
of two objects are just resolved / Rayleigh criterion describes
resolution condition;
the minimum of one diffraction pattern falls on the maximum
of the other; 2

 1.22  
(ii)  use of   
 d 
5 10 7
resolution = 1.22 × 2
= 7.2 × 10–6 rad;
8.5 10
 24 103

θ =    80 × 10–6 (rad);
 300 
separation > resolution limit so can be resolved; 3
Allow ecf for third marking point.

15. (a) (comparison with the SHM displacement formula shows that) the
amplitude is A and this depends on x; 1

IB Questionbank Physics 13
(b) frequency is ;

f = 250 Hz; 2

(c) at x = 2.0 m, the amplitude is always equal to A = 12 sin π = 0

as required for a node; 1


(a) horizontal line; (labelled U)

through half the incident intensity; 2

(b) curve starting at I0; (labelled P)

with minima and maxima as shown; 2

17. (a) no transfer of energy;

variable amplitude;
reference to phase e.g. points along the wave can have a constant
phase difference;
have stationary nodal points/points of zero displacement; 2 max

(b) (i) at the open end; 1

(ii) λ = 4l;
 330 
=    20.6;
 16 
l = 5.2 m 3

(c) wavelength of open pipe for fundamental is 2l / length of open pipe

IB Questionbank Physics 14
for fundamental is about 10 m;
therefore closed pipe takes up much less space/height / length
is now realistic / less material / OWTTE;(accept this marking
point in terms of open pipe) 2

18. (a) in unpolarized light the electric field vector may vibrate in any
plane (normal to the direction of propagation);
in polarized light the vector/electric field vibrates in one plane only;
To award [2 max] reference must be made to “electric field vector”
at least once. Award [2 max] for any relevant correctly labelled diagram. 2

(b) cos2θ graph; (judge shape by eye)

max I0 at 0° and 180° and zero at 90°; 2

19. (a) (i)

general correct shape touching axis and symmetric about θ = 0

(at least one secondary maxima on each side); (judge by eye)
central maximum wider than secondary maxima;
secondary maxima at most one third intensity of central maximum; 3

d D
(ii)  ;
2 b
2.0 1.2  5.2 10 7
d= 5
= 3.12 × 10–2 m
4.0 10
≈ 3 cm 2

IB Questionbank Physics 15
(b) Award [2 max] for a sensible argument.
e.g. light from each point forms a diffraction pattern after being focussed
by the eyepiece of the telescope;
if the diffraction patterns are not sufficiently well separated then
the points will not be resolved as separate sources;
Award [1 max] for the conclusion.
e.g. if the points cannot be resolved as separate sources the
planet cannot be seen as a disc; 3

20. (a) no energy propagated in a standing wave;

the amplitude of a standing wave is not constant;
points along a standing wave are either in phase or out of
phase with each other / OWTTE; 1 max

(b) (i) antinode at open end node at closed end; 1

(ii) antinode at open end and node at closed end and one more
node along pipe; 1
(judge by eye)

(c) for λ1 = 4L and for λ2 = ;
c 3c
f1 = and f2 = :
4L 4L
f1 1
 ; 3
f2 3

(d) there must always be a node at the closed end and an antinode at

the open end / there must always be an integer number of ; 1

21. (a) standing wave formed;

by superposition/interference of (forward) wave and reflected wave;
maximum where interference is constructive / minimum where
interference is destructive;
maxima where waves in phase;
minima where waves are completely/180°/π/half wavelength out of phase; 4 max

IB Questionbank Physics 16
(b) (i) 130 mm = 9 half wavelengths;
29 mm; 2

(ii) f= ;

= 10 GHz; 2

(c) place a metal grid/analyser between source and detector;

electric field vector (of the microwaves) vibrates in only one
rotate the metal grid/detector;
until minimum signal is detected; 3 max
electric field vector vibrates in only one direction/plane;
rotate transmitter through an angle;
need to rotate receiver through same angle to restore signal in transmitter;

22. (a) light in which the electric field is oscillating on only one plane; 1

(b) (i) refracted ray shown at right angles to reflected ray; 1

Judge by eye.

(ii) sin φ = n sin(90° – φ);

sin φ = n cos φ;
n = tan φ; (this marking point must be justified) 3

(iii) φ = 52° or 0.92 rad; 1


23. (a) (i)


IB Questionbank Physics 17
(b) f= ;

to give f = 120Hz; 2

 330 
(c) λ = 4L =  
 120 
= 0.69m; 2

24. (a) when source is moving towards the observer the wavefronts are
compressed/ frequency is increased;
(when source is moving away) the wavefronts are expanded /
frequency is decreased;
(this repeats so) a continuous rise and fall in pitch/frequency is heard; 3

(b) the maximum frequency occurs when the speaker is approaching

the observer;
1000  330
f= ;
330  30
= 1100 Hz; 3

25. (a) all possible polarization directions are equally represented /

where the direction of polarization is random; 1

(b) 0.50 W m–2;

(I  cos2 θ) average value is 2

(c) polarizer and analyser separated by sugar solution; Accept a

diagram for this marking point.
measure angle / rotation of plane of polarization;
concentration proportional to angle; 2 max

IB Questionbank Physics 18
26. (a) (i) Graph to show

subsidiary maxima equally spaced;

width of subsidiary maxima half central maximum by eye;
height of subsidiary maxima to be at most a quarter of maxima; 3
Award [2 max] if graph does not touch the x -axis.

(ii) effect: broader maxima / pattern wider apart;

explanation: θ  so angular width increases as slit
width decreases;
effect: pattern dimmer / less intense;
explanation: less energy/intensity/amplitude after slit; 4

(b) no energy/amplitude/intensity/vibrations at nodes / food at nodes

would not be heated;
food moves through nodes/regions of variable power / OWTTE;
evens out heating; 3

27. (a) light where the direction of the (electric) field is always/predominantly
in the same plane; 1

IB Questionbank Physics 19
(b) (i)  
I  I 0 cos2 60 
; 1


general cos2 shape;

max at  = 0 and curve touches horizontal axis at  = 90; 2

(c) light is (partially) horizontally polarized by reflection;

sunglasses have a transmission axis at 90 to the plane of reflected light;
intensity of reflected light is reduced; 3
Award full marks for a clearly labelled diagram.

IB Questionbank Physics 20

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