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(Các ngày lễ)

Lòng từ thiện, hđộng
1. celebration N Lễ kỷ niệm, sự kỷ niệm 21. charity N Từ thiện, hội từ thiện
-> to celebrate V Làm lễ kỷ niệm -> charitable Adj Nhân đức, từ thiện
2. Easter N Lễ Phục Sinh 22. to nominate V Đề cử, chỉ định, chọn
3. Lunar New Year N Tết, Tết nguyên đán 23. Auld Lang Syne Ngày xưa tươi đẹp
Người quen, sự quen
4. Mid-Fall Festival N Tết Trung Thu 24. acquaintance N biết
5. to occur V Xảy ra 25. memory N Ký ức, trí nhớ
-> occurrence N Chuyện xãy ra, sự kiện, sự cố -> to memorize V Ghi nhớ
6. to decorate V Trang trí, trang hoàng 26. to lose heart Exp Nãn lòng, thoái chí
-> decoration N Việc trang trí, vật dùng để tr.trí 27. to describe V Diễn tả, mô tả
-> decorative Adj Trang trí 28. towards Pre Về phía, về hướng
7. sticky rice N Gạo nếp 29. groom = bridegroom N Chú rể
-> sticky rice cake N Bánh chưng, bánh tét 30. hug N Sự ôm chặt, sự ghì chặt
8. apart Adv Cách nhau, cách xa, riêng ra -> to hug V Om ấp, ôm chặt
9. Passover N Lễ vượt qua (của người Do Thái) 31. forever Adv Mãi mãi, luôn luôn
Chu đáo, ân cần, hay
10. Jewish Adj Thuộc Người Do Thái 32. considerate Adj quan tâm
-> Jew = Jewish people N Người Do Thái -> consideration N Sự ân cần, sự quen tâm
11. freedom N Tự do, sự tự do 33. generous Adj Rộng lượng, rộng rãi
-> free Adj Tự do -> generosity N Lòng tốt, tính hào hiệp
Sự ưu thế, quyền ưu
-> free V Trả tự do, giải thoát 34. priority N tiên
12. slavery N Sự nô lệ, cảnh nô lệ, chế độ nô lệ 35. humor N Sự hài hước
13. ancient Adj Cổ, cổ xưa -> sense of humor Khiếu hài hước
Phân biệt, làm cho
14. joyful Adj Vui mừng, hân hoan 36. to distinguish V khác biệt
-> joy N Niềm hân hoan 37. in a word Exp Nói tóm lại
15. to receive V Nhận 38. image N Hình tượng, hình ảnh
16. to crowd V Tụ tập đông đúc, chen chúc 39. to enhance V Tôn lên, nâng cao
-> crowd N Đám đông -> enhancement N Sự nâng cao
17. parade N Cuộc diễu hành, cuộc diễu binh 40. to support V Ung hộ
18. compliment N Lời khen, lời chúc mừng -> support N Sự ủng hộ
Toàn quốc, trên khắp
-> compliment V Khen ngợi, ca tụng 41. nationwide Adj cả nước
19. to congratulate V Chúc mừng
-> Congratulation N Lời chúc mừng
20. active Adj Tích cực, lanh lợi
-> activist N Nhà hoạt động

1. celebrate (v): tổ chức, kỷ niệm Composer (n): nhà soạn nhạc
celebration (n): sự tổ chức, lễ Composition (n):tác phẩm, sự sáng tác
Celebratory (a): được tán dương, kỷ niệm
11. distinguish (v): phân biệt
2. decorate (v): trang trí, trang hoàng distinguishable (a): tính phân biệt đối xử
decoration (n): sự trang trí
decorator (n): người trang trí 12. congratulate (v): chúc mừng
decorative (adj.): để trang trí congratulation (n): sự chúc mừng
decoratively (adv): một cách trang hoàng congratulatory (a): để chúc mừng , khen ngợi

13. acquaintance (n) người quen

3. free (adj): tự do
acquaint + O + with St(v): làm quen, cho biết
Free Like A Wind (thành ngữ)
free (v): thả tự do
14. nominate (v): ghi danh, mệnh danh, bổ nhiệm
freedom (n): sự tự do
nomination (n):
freely (adv): một cách tự do nominee (n): người đc ghi danh, mệnh danh

4. slave (n): nô lệ 15. predict (v): tiên đoán, dự đoán

slavery (n): nạn nô lệ prediction (n): sự tiên đoán, dự đoán
predictor (n): nhà tiên tri, tiên đoán
5. joy (n): niềm vui predictable (a): có thể đoán trc, dự báo
joyful (adj): vui vẻ predictive (a): nói trước, đoán trước, dự báo
joyfully (adv) predictably (adv): một cách dự đoán trc
joyfulness (n)
16. memory (n): kỷ niệm, trí nhớ
6. act (n,v): hành động, diễn xuất, cư xử memorable (a): đáng nhớ
action (n): hành động memorize (v): học thuộc lòng, ghi nhớ
take an action; take actions: hành động memorably (adv): một cách đáng ghi nhớ
activity (n): hoạt động
active (adj): tích cực
actively (adv)
inactive (adj): ù lì
inactively (adv)
activist (n): người tham gia nhiều hoạt động
actor (n): diễn viên nam
actress (n): diễn viên nữ

7. trust (n,v): tin tưởng

trusty (adj): tin tưởng = reliable (only before
trustworthy (adj): đáng tin cậy
mistrust (v): không tin tưởng

8. consider (v): xem xét

considerable (adj): đáng kể
considerably (adv): nhiều
considerate (towards sb) (adj) = thoughtful: chu
đáo, biết nghĩ cho người khác
considerately (adv)
inconsiderate (adj): không chu đáo

9. generous (adj): rộng lượng, bao dung

generously (adv)
generosity (n): sự rộng lượng

10. compose (v): soạn nhạc

I. RELATIVE CLAUSES (mệnh đề đại từ quan hệ): who, whom, which, whose, that:
1. Mệnh đề xác định (defining) là mệnh đề mà danh từ ở câu trước chưa biết, nên cần câu thứ 2 để XÁC
ĐỊNH, làm rõ nghĩa (a boy, the boy)...
Ex: I don’t know the girl who/ that you meet yesterday. (The girl không biết là cô nào)
2. Mệnh đề không xác định (non-defining) là mệnh đề mà danh từ đã biết, không cần phải XÁC ĐỊNH
làm rõ nữa. Câu thứ 2 chỉ để văn phong hay hơn.
Ex: Mr. Pike, who is my neighbor, is very nice. (Mr Pike đã biết ông ấy là ông Pike rồi)
Dấu hiệu: Có tên riêng, có các cụm từ This, That, These, Those (VD: This girl)
3. Cách dùng:
FUNCTIONS MĐ Xác định MĐ Không xác định
Chủ ngữ
Người WHO(M) / THAT WHO(M)
Tân ngữ
Sở hữu (của ai đó): my, Người WHOSE WHOSE
his, her, our...Tên’s Vật WHOSE WHOSE
EXE 1. Put which/ who/ whom/ whose/ that in the sentence. There may be more than one answer for
each sentence:
1. What’s the name of the man ………………hair is red?
2. I met a man ………………knows you.
3. Your mother, answered the phone, ........................told me you were away.
4. She has borrowed money from everyone, ……………disappointed us a lot.
5. They are at Heathrow Airport, …………… one of the biggest airports in the world.
6. We walked down the steps …………………….led to the basement.
7. Hide and seek is a game …………..I liked to play as a child.
8. The woman ………….son I work with owns this store.
9. The woman …………I spoke to is in the next room.
10. Please show me the book in ………… found this material?
EXE II. Choose the one word or phrase that incorrect
1. Tet is a festival who occurs in late January or early February

2. She gave me a lot of flowers on my birthday, that was very nice of her.

3. Mike and Harriet are visiting a woman which they met on holiday.

4. The postcard whom came this morning was from Harriet.

5. I don’t like stories whom have unhappy endings.

6. Do you know the woman she lives next door?

7. On my mom’s birthday, my dad gave roses whose were very sweet and beautiful.

8. This is the book that I bought it at the store.

9. He is a considerate and generous man whom is loved not only by his family but also by all his friends.

10. Tomorrow I’ll go to the airport to meet my friends, that come to stay with us during Christmas.
EXE III. Combine the sentences using appropriate relative pronouns:
1. This morning I missed the train. I usually catch this train.
2. I met Mary. She asked me to give you this.
3. This is my neighbor. Her children are lovely.
4. Jack was the goalkeeper. His injuries were not serious.
5. I gave you the book. It had many interesting drawings.
6. I am reading a book at the moment. It is interesting.
7. I’ve lived in Ha Noi. It’s a very ancient and beautiful city.
8. These cakes are very delicious. I bought them yesterday.
9. They are singing a song. Do you like it?
10. This is a story of a man. His wife suddenly loses her memory.
11. I was waiting for a man. He didn’t turn up.
12. This is the house. I was born there.
13. A building has now been rebuilt. It was destroyed in the fire.
14. A girl is now in hospital. She was injured in the accident.
15. A bomb caused a lot of damage. It went off this morning.
II. ADVERB CLAUSES OF CONCESSION (Mệnh đề trạng từ chỉ sự nhượng bộ)
1. Although / even though / though + Mệnh đề (mặc dù/ cho dù)
Ex: Although we were tired, we continued working.
2. In spite of / Despite + Danh từ/ Cụm danh từ / Ving
Ex: in spite of / Despite the traffic, I arrived on time.
EXE 1: Combine 2 sentences.
1. I couldn’t sleep. I was tired.…………………………………………………………………………….
2. We enjoyed the holiday. It rained a lot.……………………………………………………………….
3. He’s moving to London next month. He doesn’t like big cities.
4. She isn’t English. She speaks English perfectly. .……………………………………
5. They have very little money. They are happy. .…………………………………………………
6. We live in the same street. We hardly ever see each other. .…………………………
7. The house looked old. It’s really quite modern. .……………………………………………
8. I got wet in the rain. I had an umbrella. .……………………………………………………………….
EXE 2. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one.
1. Despite her dislike for coffee, she drank it.
Although ………………………………………………………………………………….
2. Mike will not go with Mariam even though he likes her.
In spite of ………………………………………………………………………………….
3. In spite of her poor memory, she tried to recount what happened to the police.
Although ………………………………………………………………………………….
4. Carol had a headache, but she still read until late.
In spite of …………………………………………………………………………………
5. Although he was very tired, he agreed to play tennis.
He was very tired ………………………………………………………………………………………
EXE III.Use the words given in the box to fill in the blanks:
important weeks festival banned pray hung happy, decorated, costume.
The Chinese consider the fisrt day of their NewYear to be a very (1)…………………….. day. They celebrate the day
irrespective of whether they are rich or poor. The Chinese call every year by a new name. The Chinese New Year
celebration is the most important (2) ………………………… of the Chinese. Usually preparation for the celebration
of the new year is made by (3) …………ahead. Cakes of various kinds are made, the houses are cleaned and (4)
……………………. .a kind of red cloth bearing the words “property” and “ happiness” is (5)………………….on the
wall. The children wear new dresses as part of the (6) …………………….. .on the New Year’s day, the members of
the family get up early and (7) ………………… to Gods for the prosperity and happiness of the family Red. Packets
or “ li xi” containing money are given to the youngsters. Crackers firing (pháo) to scare away the evil spirits is part of
celebration but it is (8) ………………………. by the government now.
EXE IV. Read the text, then answer the questions below it:
In the USA, people celebrate Mother’s day and Father’s day. Mother’s day is celebrated on the second Sunday in
May. On this occasion, mother usually receives greeting cards and gifts from her husband and children. The best gift
of all for an American Mom is a day of leisure. The majority of American mothers have outside jobs as well as
housework, so their working days are often very hard. The working mother enjoys the traditional Mother’s day
custom of breakfast cooked by her family and served to her on a tray in bed. Later in that day, it’s also traditional for
the extended family group to get together for dinner, either in a restaurant or in one of their homes. Flower is an
important part of Mother’s day. Mothers are often given a plant for the occasion, particularly if they are elderly.
Father’s day is celebrated throughout the United States and Canada on the third Sunday in June. The holiday customs
are similar to Mother’s Day. Dad also receives greetings cards and gifts from his family and enjoys a day of leisure.
1. When do American people celebrate Mother’s day and Father’s day?
.......................................................... ........................... ........................... ........................... .......................................
2.What kinds of gifts does the mother often get from her family members?
..................................................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ..............
3. Where do the family members have their dinner party on this occasion?
.............................................................. ........................... ............................................................................................
4. What are the similar things that father gets on Father’s Day?
.................................................................. ........................... ........................... ................................................
EXE V. Choose and underline the corrrect words or phrases in the brackets:
1. Last night we came to the show late (although/despite/and/because) the traffic was terrible.
2. I live in Dalat, (who/which/whom/where) is one of the most beautiful cities of VN.
3. The picture (which/whom/who/whose) I bought was very valuable.
4. Auld Lang Syne is a song (which/whom/who/whose) is sung on New Year Eve.
5. I saw the girl (which/whom/who/whose) helped us last week.
6. The people (which/whom/who/whose) live next door keep having all night paties.
7. Where are the eggs (which/whom/who/whose) are in the fridge?
8. People (which/whom/who/whose) take physical exercise can live longer.
9. Tet is a festival (which/whom/who/whose) occurs in late January or early February.
10. The car (which/whom/who/whose) he has just bought is very expensive.
11. The men and animals (which/whom/who/that) you saw on TV were from China.
12. I’m very ( pride/proud/proudly/proudling) of my father.
13. We often go to the town ( cultural/cultute/culturally/culturist) house.
14. She has been (nominate/nomination/nominated/nominative) as the president of our company.
15. He often takes part (on/of/to/in)many different charity activities.
16. He wants to ( decorate/decoration/decorative/decorator) his room.
17. Can you tell me the reason for (celebrating/celebration/celebrate/celebrated) the Mother’s day.
18. We think that Mother’s day should be celebrated (nationhood/nationwide/ nationality/nation)
19.He is the most effective (act/action/activity/activist) in the city.
20. What activities do you want to (taking part/taken part/take part/took part )in at school?
21 Passover is celebrated in Israel and by all (English/Vietnamese/Japanese/Jewish) people.
22. I’m very proud ( in/of/off/to) my father.
23. (Even/Even though/even when/even if) she can’t drive, she has buoght a car.
24. We lost the match ( because/but/and/although) we didn’t play well.
25. It’s time (to/for/with/at) families to clean and decorate their homes.
EXE VI. Put the name of the celebrations:
a. It is celebrated in Vietnam on the 15th of August in a lunar year. …………………………..
b. It is celebrated on the 8th of March. ……………………………………………………………………………….
c. It is celebrated in late March or early April in memory of freeing of the Jews from being slaves in Egypt. …………
d. It is celebrated on Sunday in March or April when Christians think about Christ coming back to life. ................
e. It is celebrated on 25th of December when Christians remember the birth of Christ………
f. It is celebrated on the first day of the year, January 1st. …………………………………….
I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest
1. A. groom B. room C. bloom D. flood
2. A. lunch B. lung C. lunar D. luxury
3. A. generous B. general C. get D. gentle
4. A. food B. typhoon C. groom D. balloon
5. A. locate B. celebrate C. nominate D. private
6. A. hobby B. honest C. humor D. hole
7. A. dynamite B. terrify C. symbol D. deny
8. A. thunder B. earthquake C. gather D. healthy
II. Fill in the blank space with the correct from of the words in parentheses.
1. She isn’t satisfied with her .......................................................... for Tet. (prepare)
2. We often go to the town .............................................. house. (culture)
3. He often takes part in many .................. charity .................... (difference / act)
4. She has been ............................. as the president of our company. (nomination)
5. There are many .................................................. throughout the year. (celebrate)
III. Join each pair of the sentences using the words in brackets.
1. The sun was shining. The water was cold. (although) .............................................................................
2. He went on holiday to England. The airfare was expensive. (though) ..................................................
3. It was raining. We decided to go out. (even though) .............................................................................
IV. Fill in the blanks with who, whom, or which.
1. Do you know the people in this factory ?
2. The meeting ..................................I took part in was interesting
3. The man saw yesterday is very famous .
4. That is the sweater ........... sister bought last week
5. The performance ..................................I saw last night was interesting .
V. Combine each pair of the sentences, using Relative Pronoun who, whom, which.
1. Tom saw the clowns. He liked them very much . ................................................................................
2. The book is very good. I’m reading it . ..................................................................................................
3. The person lives next to me. You saw him last night . ............................................................................
4. The waitress was friendly. She served us dinner . ................................................................................
5. This is the man. He gave me your address . .............................................................................................
6. We stayed in a hotel. The hotel was very expensive. ................................................................................
7. She’s riding on the elephant. It was carried from India. ..........................................................................

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