International Business Environment Bafin c4

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International Business Environment They might have reached a saturation point in domestic

International Business
• Proper use of resources: Sometimes industrial
 The buying and selling of the goods and services resources like labor, minerals etc. are available in a
across the border. country but are not productively utilized.
 The national border are crossed by the enterprises • Availability of quality products: When markets are
to expand their business activities like open, better quality goods will be available
manufacturing, mining, construction, agriculture, everywhere. Foreign companies will market latest
banking, insurance, health, education, products at reasonable prices. Good product will be
transportation, communication and so on. available in the markets.
Trade • Earning foreign exchange: International business
helps in earning foreign exchange which may be
 Trade means exchange of goods and services for the used for strategic imports. India needs foreign
satisfaction of human wants. exchange to import crude oil, deface equipment,
 When trade is confined to the geographical limits of raw material and machinery.
a country, it is a domestic or national trade. • Helps in mutual growth: Countries depend upon
 International or foreign trade refers to the trade each other for meeting their requirements. India
between two countries. depends on gulf countries for its crude oil supplies.
 Technically, domestic trade and International trade • Investment in infrastructure: International business
are more or less identical and are based on the necessitates proper development of infrastructure.
same basic principles of trades.
Problems in International Business
Differences between Domestic and International
Business • Controlling the market: Multinational try to control
the market of the host country. Whenever they
 Difference in Currencies enter a new country, the first strategy is to
 Difference in Natural and Geographical Conditions eliminate the competitors either by taking over
 Mobility of Factors of Production their business or forcing them out of market by
 Sovereign Political Entities following price reduction policies.
– Imposition of tariffs and customs duties on • Exhausting natural resources: Multinational
imports and exports; corporations set up their production facilities in
– Quantitative restrictions like quotas; those countries where natural resources are
– Exchange control; available in sufficient quantities.
– Imposition of more local taxes etc. • Importance to luxuries: Multinational corporations
enter those areas where margin of profits is high.
• Different Legal Systems • Trade practices: Since multinational corporations
Importance of IBE have their head office in one country and the trade
practices followed there are adhered to.
• Helps in expansion: Geographic expansion may be • Economic development: It is generally felt that the
used as a business strategy. Even though companies entry of businessmen from outside may help in the
may expand their business at home. economic development of that country .The actual
• Helps in managing product life cycle: Every product practice in many countries is different.
has to pass through different stages of product life • Shifting of investment: International business is
cycle when the product reaches the last stages of related to profitability of its operations. If a business
life cycle in present market, it may get proper is getting sufficient profits in a particular country
response at other markets. then the investment remain there.
• Technology advantages: Some companies have
outstanding technology advantages through which Need for International Business
the enjoy core competency. This technology helps • causes the flow of ideas, services, and capital across
the company in capturing other markets. the world
• New business opportunities: Business • offers consumers new choices
opportunities in overseas markets help in expansion • permits the acquisition of a wider variety of
of many companies. products
• facilitates the mobility of labor, capital, and • The share of parts and components exports of total
technology merchandise exports has greatly increased in all six
• provides challenging employment opportunities regions of the world, for example from 6% in 1980
• reallocates resources, makes preferential choices, to 15% in 2002 in the East Asia region.
and shifts activities to a global level • Exported goods contain a significant portion of
imported intermediate inputs. In the “international
Trends in IB segmentation of production”, intermediate inputs
• Trade between partners of Regional Trade are exported for more processed intermediate
• Agreements (RTAs) inputs, which are then exported to the next stage in
• Developing countries’ trade production.
• South-South trade Intra-firm trade
• Air Cargo; Express cargo
• Global production network • Intra-firm trade, i.e. trade within the same company
• Intra-firm trade around one-third of world merchandise trade,
• E-commerce although aggregate data are only available for a few
Developing countries’ trade • Intra-firm trade between high and middle income
• It is observed that developing countries are countries was directly related to the
increasingly becoming an important destination for internationalization of production.
the exports of developed countries. • The affiliates in the middle-income countries were
• Some problems have been recognized in identifying mostly instructed to manufacture goods destined
tariff classification and assessing the Customs value for other markets, including the country of the
of second-hand goods such as used cars, computer parent company.
equipment, machinery and clothing. E-commerce
South-South trade • It has dominant factor in international trade and
• Merchandise trade between developing countries, business, although traditional methods of trade and
i.e. South-South trade. business continue to be utilized widely.
• Intra- regional trade, in particular through RTAs, • It can reduce business costs in seeking potential
played a central role in the rise of South- South foreign business partners, as well as improve a
trade. firm’s visibility in global marketing services, in
particular for SMEs.
Air Cargo; Express cargo • It enables firms to take more opportunities to
• It is reported that world air cargo accounts at expand their business in global markets.
present for a small portion of world merchandise International Trade Theories
trade by weight, but a significant portion by value.
• This important growth in express traffic can be • Theory of Mercantilism
attributed to several factors • Theory of Absolute Cost Advantage
– globalization and associated Just-In-Time • Theory of Comparative Cost Advantage
production and distribution systems • Heckscher-Ohlin Model Leonief Paradox
– increased trade in high-value low-weight Theory of Mercantilism
products and
– the provision of a service that assists SMEs to • This theory is during the sixteenth to the three-
compete effectively in an increasingly global fourths of the eighteenth centuries.
market • It beliefs in nationalism and the welfare of the
nation alone, planning and regulation of economic
Global Production Network activities for achieving the national goals, curbing
• The share of manufactured goods within world imports and promoting exports.
merchandise trade has grown significantly • It believed that the power of a nation lied in its
throughout the world. wealth, which grew by acquiring gold from abroad.
• Mercantilists failed to realize that simultaneous in country II which has comparative advantage in
export promotion and import regulation are not the production of good B on the same reasoning.
possible in all countries, and the mere possession of
gold does not enhance the welfare of a people. Types of International Business
• Keeping the resources in the form of gold reduces • Export-import trade
the production of goods and services and, thereby, • Foreign direct investment
lowers welfare. • Licensing
• It was rejected by Adam Smith and Ricardo by • Management contracts
stressing the importance of individuals, and pointing • Franchising
out that their welfare was the welfare of the nation.
Theory of Absolute Cost Advantage
• This theory was propounded by Adam Smith (1776),
arguing that the countries gain from trading, if they
specialise according to their production advantages.
• The pre-trade exchange ratio in Country I would be
2A=1B and in Country II IA=2B.
• If it is nearer to Country I domestic exchange ratio
then trade would be more beneficial to Country II
and vice versa.
• Assuming the international exchange ratio is
established IA=IB.
• The terms of trade between the trading partners
would depend upon their economic strength and
the bargaining power.
Theory of Comparative Cost Advantage
• Ricardo (1817), though adhering to the absolute
cost advantage doctrine of Adam Smith, pointed out
that cost advantage to both the trade partners was
not a necessary condition for trade to occur.
• According to Ricardo, so long as the other country is
not equally less productive in all lines of production,
measurable in terms of opportunity cost of each
commodity in the two countries, it will still be
mutually gainful for them if they enter into trade.
• In the example given, the opportunity cost of one
unit of A in country I is 0.89 unit of good B and in
country II it is 1.2 unit of good B. On the other hand,
the opportunity cost of one unit of good B in
country I is 1.125 units of good A and 0.83 unit of
good A, in country II.
• The opportunity cost of the two goods are different
in both the countries and as long as this is the case,
they will have comparative advantage in the
production of either , good A or good B, and will
gain from trade regardless of the fact that one of
the trade partners may be possessing absolute cost
advantage in both lines production.
• Thus, country I has comparative advantage in good
A as the opportunity cost of its production is lower
in this country as compared to its opportunity cost

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