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Category What to identify in the category

Boxall profiles or SDQ assessment other agencies assessment tools specifically for
Please refer to the “Behaviour Lead” complete the suspected bullying form on
the drive.
Concern When a member of staff wants to raise a concern regarding a child’s behaviour
EHCP Children with additional support & plans
Exclusions To be completed by SLT
When school uses internal exclusion a record of the activity actions and
Internal Exclusion
behaviour response should be noted
When children use homophobic language please identify correct wording and use
Homophobia an ABC process for logging on the system and complete with a supportive action
(suspected homophobic forms)
To record instances of bullying which has been perpetrated due to the child’s
Faith Based Bullying
To record instances of bullying which has been perpetrated due to the child’s
Gender Based Bullying
To record instances of bullying which has been perpetrated due to the child’s
Disability Based Bullying
When children use racist language, please identify correct wording and record
Racism what supportive actions had taken place. (Suspected racism forms and report to
local authority)

To identify and monitor meetings / telephone conversations with parents

Parent/ Carer Communication
regarding behaviour
Team Teach For staff who need to identify when they have used TT to move or hold a child
Praise Phone Call A phone call home to praise a child’s achievements
Reminder Phone Call A phone call home to remind
5 Min Intervention Recording the first stage of the school’s behaviour approach
Change Of Face Recording the second stage of the school’s behaviour approach
Pastoral Intervention Recording the third stage of the school’s behaviour approach
Restorative Approach Recording any restorative conversations that may take place after an incident
Monitoring To record if a child is being monitored for a particular need
Online Concern Recording any concern which has taken place online
Schools Clubs Recording any concern which has taken place in any school clubs
Academic Children receiving academic intervention
SEMH Children receiving Social, Emotional, Mental Health intervention
Nurture Children receiving Nurture intervention
To record a reflection of the day for an individual child by their supporting
Daily Check In
member of staff
Bumped Head When a child has received a bump to the head and a letter has been sent home.
When a child is absent from school due to a dentist appointment. Details of the
Dentist Appointment
time, medical professional and place of appointment is recorded.
When a child is absent from school due to a doctor’s appointment (GP). Details of
Doctors Appointment
the time, medical professional and place of appointment is recorded.
Reported incidents of head lice from a parent or identification in school and the
Head lice
action taken.
Details of the illness, person reporting the illness and whether medical advice has
been sought.
First Aid To record incidents where First Aid has been administered
Lunchtime To record incidents which have taken place at lunchtime.
Breaktime To record incidents which have taken place at breaktime.
For children who have a specific plan and to monitor progress or to record
Intimate Care
deviations from the agreed plan.
Medication To identify all children, time medication given and member of staff administrating.
Nose bleed To record when a child has had a nose bleed and the action taken.
Parent/ Carer Meeting To identify specific conversations with parents regarding medical needs.
Physical To identify if children have a physical need and identify intervention
Sensory To identify if children have a sensory need and identify intervention
Specialist/ Consultant When a child is absent from school due to a specialist/consultant appointment.
Appointment Details of the time, medical professional and place of appointment is recorded.
Referral To identify when a referral has been submitted
School Nurse To record when the School Nurse has had any involvement with a child.
Nursery Nurse To record when the Nursery Nurse has had any involvement with a child
When a member of staff wants to raise a general concern regarding a child which is
not child protection or behaviour
Information Sharing For all staff to share or comment about a child
Parent/ Carer Conversation To identify specific conversations with parents
Referral To identify when a referral has been submitted
CFWT To record instances that involve the Children and Families Wellbeing Team
TAF To record TAF meetings
Monitoring To record if a child is being monitored for a particular need
Contextual Concern Recording any concern which may have taken place out of school
Food Bank To record when a food bank referral has been completed
Home Visit To record when a home visit has been carried out
Child Missing In Education To record when a child has not attended school for 10 consecutive days.
Attendance To record when a child has not arrived in school
Punctuality To record when a child has arrived late in school
Unauthorised Absence To record when a child has a unauthorised absence
To record when a attendance agreement meeting / telephone conversation has
Attendance Agreement
taken place.
PAST Referral To record when a PAST referral has been completed, and any follow up actions.
To record any communication that takes place in respect to attendance with
Parent/ Carer Communication
parent / carer.
Monitoring To record if a child is being monitored for a particular need
Text / Letter Sent To record when attendance text messages or letters are sent
Home Visit To record when a home visit has been carried out.
Child Protection Record attendance and actions of any safeguarding meeting
CiN Record attendance and actions of a Child in need meeting
Prevent Record of incidents which would present as extreme in ideology or behaviour.
Information Sharing between When information is shared between professionals
Information sharing by a child When a child wants to share information
Initial Concern For all staff who have an initial concern or comment about a child
LAC Record attendance and actions of LAC and PEP meetings
Parent/carer meeting To identify specific conversations with parents
Operation Encompass To record incidents that are received through the Operation Encompass emails
Allegation against staff To record instances where a child makes a allegation against a member of staff
Online Issue Incidents which take place using online platforms
Monitoring To record if a child is being monitored for a particular need
Sexualised Behaviour To record instances of sexualised behaviour demonstrated by pupils
Sexual Violence To record instances of sexual violence
Sexual Harassment To record instances of sexual harassment.
EHCP Document To record documents that pertain to the EHCP process
Medical Document To record medical documents that are pertinent to the child
Intervention To record any interventions that are agreed upon
Strategy To record any strategies that are agreed upon
Professionals Advice To record any professional advice that is shared
Monitoring To record if a child is being monitored for a particular need
Parent/ Carer Communication To identify specific conversations with parents / carers
POPS To record when POPS have been implemented, updated and reviewed
Speech & Language To record all aspects of Speech & Language
Referrals To identify when a referral has been submitted
To record a reflection of the day for an individual child by their supporting member
Daily Log
of staff
Assessments To record any assessments carried out by professionals
To detail any initial concerns that may have been monitored through completing a
Cause For Concern
CFC Form
Parents Evening

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