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Conlfflon tlw far Yeral

1. W- and hold . . lnalh ln

2. C -. . IIIUldeta,ound . . Cholcro polnl
3. &Ide and , _ wllh-. lnalhlng

Do thk lor ai Chabaa llarllng " - Mcalahoo,, and

,-tng up ai._ waylD Sahaw...lClbn.


Bcfon: naning me aaaoe decide: if rou wanr do me aamc for a11 me chaluas
o, if you jua wanc ,o mcw on one or a n becau,e doing ali tbc chaluas in
ucznding (Yenl) and clm:mdlng 0raapll ordtt will iakc • least an hour. Focuaing
on just one cbakn a,mplcrcly can bc clone in about 10-15 minutes. So I want you
IO rnake sure you baw cnougb time IO complete thu Clfflioe bcfott naning. This
cserdsc iJ clone in a ICl«d po,c tbar is comfunablc ,o you and with clo,ed cya.
Hand, can bc in Gnana mud,a, o, toFtbcr on thc lap o, ln any comfortabk
pooition. lt is pcmaly 6nc ,o mow, tbc bocly, o, opcn tbc cya. o, rdu thc hancls
ln bctwccn me aamc rounds. Alio, p&c- bc awan: of any lnjwy or IUIF'Y IO tbc
.,... you will bc -"lng on and any maulw mcmmcna ln thooc .,..._
Stop me csere1so lf anr i-in arua during me eun:1sc.

Thac att 1WO cllftCtions for this acrdr. one li callcd me Yeral (uccndlng) that
IWtl fiom me iowammt chakra (MooladJwam) IO me uppmn«- c:hakn
(Salwrathalam). The otbcr onc li lnngal (clm:mding) wbich li csacdy me -
routc but ln thc oppooitc dlttction, ltalting fiom thc aown and endlng at thc RJOC.
ln both dl..aions, cada chakra li csadml for thn,c rounds, with suffldnu
intcrmittcnt rduatioa with . _ . _ IO me sp<dfic c:halua bcing aim:iled. UI
- me stcps for both ..,. individually:
The gmenl panan lor thc foUawlng onm stcps of this aadoo li: 1) Exhalc
duough me IIOltrib completcly. 2) Inhale duough thc -,ti, anel hold thc btath.
3) Conma thc muock g,vupo nar tbc c:hakra rq,catcdly for u loag u you an
bolei tbc bcadt. 4) &halc duough me -U.. 5) Rdu 1f nccaary or rq,car tbc
qde for a iotal ol thn,c dmcs. 6) Rda. Biatbc normally with you, awan:ncs on
me ,pccillc dwua.
.........__, &halc through both nmtri1s. and akt a deq, brath for a
completcly fuII lnhaladon. Oncic tbc lnhaJatioa li complete. bolei tbc brath. 8ring
yout awan:neH IO me toOt c:haJua, foauing OCI me wlbone atta. 8cgin tightcning
me anal/r«Ul ara by contnaing me splúnctcr mwdcs, and ona, it is tightcn<d IO
me fullat cxtcn1, re1u 1,. You att not ahaling ye,. Rq,cat me tightcn1111 ane1
rcluation .....,..i dma for u long u you can hold tbc brath. Oncic you baw
rcac:hcd you, mui- brath-holdlng capadry. tbcn telcuc tbc bcadt, anel flni,h
me contncdon o( tbc c:hakn alao. lf you would lilic IO iakc. fow b,acha IO ma.
you can do lt with complete . , . . _ ol me dwua. lf not, condnuc with tbc
cserdsc by bcginning tbc ncxt round of lnhalatioa. On" you finish thn,c rouncls ai

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