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Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University

Lucinda Campus, Tarlac City
Tel. No. (045) 493-0182; Fax No. (045) 982-0110
Re-accredited Level IV by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of
the Philippines (AACUP), Inc.

Detailed Lesson Plan in

Teaching Zumba
(BPED 120)

Submitted by:
Torres Bea M.

Submitted to:
Mr. Dixter R. Tenedor
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Define the meaning of Zumba dance
2. Adopt new knowledge about the benefits of Zumba dance through reciting the
benefits of Zumba
3. Perform a Zumba movements that enhance physical fitness


Topic: Zumba Dance
Reference: Module in Physical Education and Health Grade 10 pp 6-7 Book by
Jose P. Doria et al., youtube
Materials: Computer, PowerPoint Presentation, Instructional materials


TEACHER’S ACTIVITY Student’s Activity


1. Prayer
-(all students will stand up and will start
Before we start, we will sing a prayer. singing)
May I request everyone to stand up You were the Word at the beginning
and feel the presence of our beloved One with God the Lord Most High
God! Your hidden glory in creation
Now revealed in You our Christ
What a beautiful Name it is
What a beautiful Name it is
The Name of Jesus Christ my King
What a beautiful Name it is
Nothing compares to this
What a beautiful Name it is
The Name of Jesus

2. Greetings
- We’re good ma’am!
Goodmorning students, How are you

Good to know students that you are all

Hello! Hello! How are you?
Class let’s sing a Hello Song! I’m good! I’m Great! How about you?

3. Checking of Attendance
Class let us proceed in checking our - None ma’am
attendance, Is there any absent today
from this class?
None? Great!
Since nobody is absent today class let
us give our selves 5 claps and say We
are all present. - Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap
- We are all present!

4. Review

Before we proceed, I would like to

congratulate you in your outstanding -All clear teacher Bea
performance in our previous lesson.

To recall our topic, I have a box here and all

you need to do is pick one and there’s a
question there that you need to answer. Is that
clear class?

1st pick by Mr. De Jesus.

What was our lesson all about? -Teacher Bea our last lesson is all about
physical fitness.
Verry Good! Our last lesson is all about
Physical Fitness.
Physical Activity class is any kind of
voluntary movement like walking, dancing,
stair climbing, jumping and etc.

2nd pick , the question is what is physical

exercise? - Teacher Bea, physical exercise is any
bodily movement produced by skeletal
muscles that requires energy expenditure.
Verry good! Physical exercise is planned,
organized and repeated to improve fitness.

Last pick class, what is the importance of

physical fitness?
- Teacher Bea Physical activity helps you live
You are right! Being physically active can longer and prevent many chronic diseases,
improve your brain health, help manage such as heart disease, high blood pressure,
weight, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen abnormal blood lipid (cholesterol and
bones and muscles, and improve your ability triglyceride) profile, stroke, type 2 diabetes,
to do everyday activities. metabolic syndrome, and colon and breast

Very Good! I am so happy that you can still

remember our topic last meeting. And also
class let us recall our guidelines when we are Yes ma’am, all clear.
having a lesson inside this classroom.
First is to be prepared.
Second is to be positive and be happy.
Third is to be productive.
Fourth is to be respectful of your classmates
and teachers.
Last is to be participative when we have
activity in the class.
Is that clear class?


1. Motivation

Alright Students, Let us take a moment, stand

and do some Zumba Dance. Come on and
Join me! -Yes ma’am we are ready.

Are you ready?

Let’s begin!

Class let’s start?

(the teacher shows a Zumba dance video)

Wow Amazing!
How was your feeling class?
- We feel energized ma’am.
Exactly class now you boost your energy.
Thankyou so much for your participating.

2. Lesson Proper
Good morning once again! Let me ask you a
question first. What word, phrase or sentence
can you associate with Zumba? Exercise.
And Our lesson for today is all about Zumba Healthy lifestyle.
dance. Fitness
Class do you have experience joining Zumba
Ma’am yes we experienced Zumba dance in
our classroom last school year but in our
classroom only, we searched Zumba dance in
youtube then we follow it because it consist a
repetitive steps.

Ma’am about my experienced, I teach the

Great experience everyone! Now Let us barangay officials in our place to present it to
proceed to our main discussion. their event. I enjoyed to teach ma’am.
Class let us first discuss the history of Zumba
dance. Did you know that zumba was created
by the choreographer and fitness instructor
Alberto “Beto” Perez in the mid-1990s. He
created the exercise fitness program Zumba in
the late 1990s which involves dance and
aerobic exercise elements with accompanying
music, specifically Latin,
Ms.Cherry will you please read ?

Zumba is one of the most fun and versatile

fitness crazes to come along in a long time.
Classes can be geared for just about any
fitness level. Though most Zumba involves
high-impact moves like bouncing and
jumping, it can be modified to meet your
You know class zumba is one of the best- needs.
known fitness organizations in the world, with
more than 200,000 class locations available in
180 countries. And while the brand is best
known for its signature "Zumba" Latin dance
fitness class, the company offers several
additional workout formats, from strength
training to kid's fitness classes and even water
aerobics classes.

Essentially, Zumba is a fun, high-energy

workout experience that keeps you excited to
exercise and return for more.
Class Anyone, who wants to read the other
meaning of zumba?
(Cedrick raising his hand)
Zumba is an interval workout. The classes
move between high- and low-intensity dance
Everybody loves to groove on popular music moves designed to get your heart rate up and
like Latin, American, Hip-hop, other modern boost cardio endurance.
beats, Bollywood. When it is combined with
Zumba choreography it feels like a party
rather than a workout. That’s why this Latin-
inspired workout is so popular with all age
groups like kids, teens, and adults. Recently,
Zumba for kids is one of the emerging trends.
Due to a sedentary lifestyle, physical activity
is a must for maintaining children’s health. As
jumping, dancing, shaking, swinging, and
moving freely are children’s favorite
activities, Zumba is the perfect way to
incorporate exercise into children’s routines

Do you think class Zumba is an intensive

I think ma’am yes, because it has a repetitive
Ehem! Calass remember that zumba classes steps.
target people of all ages and fitness levels;
therefore, it is an interval workout. This
fitness workout’s overall intensity level is
medium. However, each session moves
between low and high-intensity dancing
workouts to raise your heart rate and boost
cardio endurance.

Most of the people will prefer to choose the

Zumba dance which is helping to maintain the
fitness level when you are regularly doing this
dance. This dance is a very safe, fun and
effective workout for everyone and also
improves their cardiovascular fitness through
the dance.

The Zumba dance is considered as one of the

safest fitness programs and it will not carry
any kind of risk to your body.

When you are regularly doing the Zumba

dance it will motivate yourself to continue it
and also you will get positive results. This
Zumba dance program has widespread
availability and it can also have a varied style
of classes. The Zumba is quite flexible and
also well suited for everyone who wants to
maintain their fitness.

The Zumba dance also carries some

disadvantages before you are starting to make
the Zumba dance your regular basis you need
to get aware of it. The Zumba dance is not
that much effective for many people because
it does not work the entire body. When you
start to doing this dance for overtime, it is not
that much good for your body. During the
time of dancing the people will get sweaty
and feel very hot so most of them are unable
to enjoy their Zumba classes.

It is very important to know about the pros

and cons of Zumba dance before adding it for
your regular basis. The Zumba dance can help
you to get the fitness but it will not perform
for your whole body. The above things will
help you to get the knowledge about the
Zumba dance.

I have a question class? What do you think

the benefits of Zumba in our life?

(Mr. Jimwell are you raising you hand?)

Ehem! Yes as jimwell said one of the benefits Yes ma’am.

of Zumba is burning our calories and fats, but I think the benefits of Zumba dance in our life
class you need to know that if you are dancing is to burn calories and blast away fat.
Zumba everyday it will also strengthen your
muscles, improve flexibility, coordination,
mood, and cardiovascular health.

Let us proceed to the next topic which is the

benefits of dancing Zumba that will motivate
Who wants to read the 1st benefit?
You know class that it is geeat for you to #1. Great for weight loss:
weight loss when you are dancing Zumba,
because it is a powerful exercise with a 600 to
1,000-calorie burn in just an hour

The next benefit of Zumba is?

Zumba targets lots of different muscle groups

at once for total body toning. Boosts your
heart health. You not only get aerobic benefits
(it really gets your heart rate up), you also get #2. The next one ma’am is it Tones your
anaerobic benefits – the kind that help you entire body.
maintain a good cardiovascular respiratory

#3. Boost your heart health:

The fun yet enjoyable dance moves train
your entire cardiovascular system, enhancing
your overall cardiorespiratory functions and
cardiovascular endurance

#4. Helps you distress:

Did you know that Zumba isn't just helpful
for physical health? It's also a great way to
increase mental health and a feeling of social
and emotional connection with the

#5. Improves Coordination:

Despite keeping your heart rate high, Zumba
also involves a number of moves that can help
you promote coordination. These movements
keep your body in good shape and help you
improve your balance. It helps keep you
flexible and maintain a good range of motion.
As it is the type of exercise that incorporates
dance moves you will slowly start
coordinating various parts of your body to
execute these moves.

Anyone, from the class who wants to read the

last benefits of Zumba dance.
(Aniano raising his hand)
Zumba has a combination of dance and #6. Makes you happy:
aerobic exercises that makes it
interesting. The stress and negativity around

Class who wants to enumerate 5 Benefits that

we discussed earlier?

Ma’am the 5 benefits of Zumba dance are

First is it great for weightloss, 2nd is tones
Good Job Carl, you’re a great a listener. your entire body, 3rd is boost your heart
health, 4th is healp you distress, 5th Improve
coordination and lastly ma’am is it makes you
Class what do you think the Importance of
Zumba ? Thankyou ma’am.

That’s correct class. As I was said earlier, It's

also a fun activity that sharpens the mind, Teacher Bea, in Physical and mental health
increases aerobic power and strength, builds by helping to prevent falls, improve posture
social bonds, and can reduce pain and flexibility, lift mood and ease anxiety.

Now class let us proceed to the Basic outfits

of Zumba.

Class I have a question, why we need to wear

a proper outfit when we are dancing Zumba?
Mr. Banaga are you raising your hand?

Yes class that is correct that you be Comfort: Ma’am I think for me is to get you
Zumba is a high-energy workout that involves comfortable when you are dancing.
a lot of movement, jumping, and twisting.
Wearing the right clothes will ensure that
you're comfortable and able to move freely
without any restrictions. This will allow you
to fully enjoy the workout without being
distracted by uncomfortable clothing.
Also class it helps you in Safety: Wearing the
right shoes is essential to prevent injuries
during Zumba. Proper shoes with good
support will help prevent slips and falls and
protect your feet from impact.

Additionally class it makes Functionality:

Zumba involves a lot of jumping and
movement, so wearing the right outfit can
help keep you cool and dry. Choose
breathable fabrics that wick away sweat to
prevent overheating and discomfort.
And lastly class it will help you to get
Confidence: Wearing the right outfit can also
boost your confidence, making you feel good
about yourself and ready to take on the
workout. This can help you push yourself
harder and get the most out of your Zumba

I will show you the 4 Basic outfits in Zumba


1. Sports Bra
2. Shoes
3. Athletic Shirt/ Tank Top We are excited teacher Bea to try wearing
4. Leggings those outfits when we are dancing Zumba.

Class I have a last question, How will you

convince people in your community to join in
Zumba fitness dance?

Teacher Bea, By posting an announcement in

C. APPLICATION our barangay that there will be a Zumba
Activity: “ LET’S GET FIT” fitness dance and By telling them that Zumba
fitness dance has many benefits claim.
Great Class! Since we are now done
discussing the Zumba Dance. Now, let’s have
a group activity. Each group are going to
present a Zumba dance using the different
Zumba steps that I taught to you earlier. I will
be giving you 15 minutes to practice followed Yes ma’am the instruction are clear.
by 3-5 minutes presentation.
Are my instructions clear?
Ready your self class.

Come on class let us stand up and let us

groove our body.

Here’s our Rubrics:

(After 10 minutes) Group 1 get ready for your


Very good! Let’s give them a 5 claps class.

Next, get ready group 2.

Nice performance! Let’s clap our hands for

Good job, everyone! Give yourself a 5 claps! (The group 1 performs in front of the class.)
Now, let me announce the winner. Are you
(The group 2 performs in front of the class)
Congratulations (team winner) for winning!
Thank you so much for participating on our
activities. Hope you enjoy a lot. See you

D. Generalization

Class who wants to summarize our lesson for

today? Any one?
Ma’am we discussed definition Zumba which
is Zumba is a fun, high-energy workout
experience that keeps you excited to exercise
and return for more and also it is an interval
workout. The classes move between high- and
low-intensity dance moves designed to get
your heart rate up and boost cardio endurance.
Another ma’am is we discussed the history of
Zumba, also ma’am what are the benefits of
Zumba dance, there are 6 benefits those are
I am glad and thankful that you really First the full body workout, 2nd is Burns
understand our discussion about Zumba calories, 3rd is it will increase your
dance. coordination, 4th is Improves your mental
health, 5th is Group Workout and lastly ma’am
is the workout Anywhere.

Instruction: In class, write 3-5 paragraphs on your yellow paper over the topic provided
1. What is Zumba Dance for you?
2. How has Zumba dance impacted the fitness industry?
3. What is the Importance of Zumba Dance in our life?
Essay Type:
1. Why should you dance Zumba?
2. Differentiate Zumba dance from any other kind of dance.

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