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Assignment 2: Checklist and Tips

There are many ways to structure things we write, and reports are no different. The following provides you with
an option or guide for the sections you need, and key components that should go in each.

Business Reports: should be written formally and in the third person (avoid using “I” or “we” etc.).

Front (Title) Page

• The ‘look’: blank page with text vs. full colour picture or anything in between (I suggest you try the latter
if you want to make a good first impression – and to look professional)
• Title of report (you can call it MKT20025 Assignment 2 which is dull – OR you can think of a creative title
and professional sounding)
• Client’s full name (or funding body)
• Your name
• Date

Executive Summary
• All on one page – no longer (note if your Ex Sum is one para or half a page – it’s not covering all it should)
• Should contain (in separate paragraphs):
 The purpose of the report
 Introduction to the topic
 State the TM
 Provide key findings from the analysis
 List the recommendations
 Concluding sentence
• Be sufficient to ‘stand-alone’ and inform the reader of the main points in the report
• Should NOT BE THE SAME AS AN INTRODUCTION!! Yes, it should state the purpose, but it should contain
more – such as the outcomes of the analysis and recommendations.
Suggested length of Ex Sum: 1 page

Table of Contents
• Try the auto-TOC-generators in word – there are many different styles. Please avoid using overly large font or
making it bold.
• TOCs should contain the Executive Summary (note page 1 of the report should be ‘intro’ so page numbers
before intro are numbered using Roman numerals, i, ii, iii, iv etc).
• Only number headings within the body of the report (i.e., from Intro – Concl) so Ex Sum, Refs and Appendices
are not numbered headings.

1. Introduction
A good introduction should contain the following key elements:
1. State the purpose of the report
• Who is the client and why do they want this work done?
• Who are you and what will you be providing in this report?
3. Set the scene
• What industry is your client (and product) in?
• What is the situation in the industry - provide some stats so we get a feel for it. Use industry level sales
and insights (not just about your brand, but where it fits). Answer the ‘so what’ question.
4. Identify scope
• What will you be covering in the report?
• What process will you be using and why?

Suggested length of Introduction: 1 page

Fun questions to help with Intro:

1. What stats should you be providing in the introduction? Sales (and growth) figures for:
• Your brand?
• Products the same as your brand?
• Products in the same category as your brand?

2. Is the product and industry the same thing?

• Yes
• No
• It depends

TIP: If you classify your industry too narrowly – you will have no ‘market’ to segment.
If you choose a generic type product – there will be too few marketing strategies evident for you to conduct
your analysis

2. Target Market Selection
You will conclude this section by identifying ‘who’ you are aiming to reach with your revised Marketing strategies
(the target market - TM).

START with introducing the section (what you will be doing (Define) and why it is important (Explain)), then you can
present your segmentation table and evaluating of segment attractiveness table (shows Application into your

Recall the segmentation steps:

1. a – Select base, b – Divide into groups
2. a – Build profile, b – Evaluate each segment
3. a - Select TM. b – Develop positioning (Positioning and perceptual maps can be skipped for assignment 2)
Explain why you segmented the market on the base you chose (column 1 heading) and then simply build the table
content based on your best guess. If you’re lucky you may find a ref or two to help, but we do not expect
references for these tables.

Clearly show which segment you are targeting (the target market) by the end of this section.

Then build a persona of JUST THE ONE SEGMENT you recommend for targeting. Be sure to use infographics if
possible, a picture of the TM, and expanded topics in the detailed profile (i.e., more than those covered in the

Suggested length of TM Section: 1½ - 2 pages

Fun questions to help with Segmenting:

3. Which of the following statements makes sense?

• This section will show how to segment the target market
• The target market is one segment of the market that is the most appealing to the organisation
• Segmenting involves having one demographic, behavioural and psychographic segment
4. How many tables to you need in the Segmentation section?
• 0
• 1
• 2
5. What are the 3 criteria to evaluate attractiveness?
• S&G
• S.A.
• O&R

3. Internal Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour
Introduce the section (as mentioned above, explain what you will be doing and why it is important). Then you need
to discuss 2 internal factors, separately.

Be sure to cover off DEAX:

• Define the key term (e.g., factor, such as ‘perception’)
• Explain the theory (or area) that you will be using to help explain why/how consumers behave – be sure to
link this to your TM (e.g., what IS the TMs perception?).
• Application 1 (AX1): what does this explanation suggest would be ideal in terms of a Marketing Strategy
for your TM? First consider all of the 4Ps – not just the ‘Promotion’ P – and pick ONE which could be
informed by the theory. For example, to improve how consumers perceive the brand, X should be done.
• Application 2 (AX2): what is the client’s current Marketing strategies for this product? Use the same ‘P’ as
above to identify what the client is currently doing with that P compared with what you suggest they
should be based on theory.
• Conclude by evaluating the difference: is there a gap between what is being done, and what should be
done according to theory. Say that you will provide a recommendation (later) to address it.

This process will need to be completed TWO times – one for each of the two factors you select from the
course during weeks 4-7: needs/motivation, personality, perception, self-concept, attitude, learning. (Note you
should not selection both perception and self-concept).

This section is worth the most marks – so do NOT cut it short! I suggest you use clear and distinct paragraphs
so you are sure to complete all aspects of the above (DEAX-AX) for both factors.

TIP: Students can choose which aspect of the course they will draw upon for each factor. For example, students
may choose a Needs Theory, or Attitude Components – but you do not need to draw upon ALL theoretical
components of that topic – select the part that is most relevant for you. Also, do not be overly general. For
example, if you discuss ‘needs/motivation’ then you need to include a needs theory – it would be
insufficient to simply explain the factor or define “motivation”.

TIP for FIVE BONUS MARKS that Strengthen Your Argument:

Students can embellish their argument (if they want to) by relevantly explaining and applying either:
1. Consumer Decision Making Progress (CDMP) and how it applies for the TM in your assignment. Think
about the internal factor you are discussing and consider where (which stage of the CDMP) it might be
most active for the consumer. This can then be used in recs to help justify your ideas.
2. Involvement Paradox can be used only if you discuss attitudes. You should discuss the theory and then
how it applies to your TM in the context of the purchase, and how it might inform Marketing strategies.

Suggested length of analysis of Internal Factors: 2-3 pages

Fun questions to help with analysis of Internal Factors:
6. How many social marketing theories should you include in assignment 2?
• None
7. How many times should I apply AX in assignment 2?
• Once
• 2 times

• 4 times
• What is AX?
8. What learning theory is the MOST likely to explain how your TM learn?
• Classical conditioning
• Instrumental conditioning
• Cognitive learning

4. Recommendations (Marketing Strategies)
Introduce the section (what is it and why is it important?)

Note: Are both your recs about Communications (or within the ‘Promotion’ P)? If so, you may want to RETHINK
this and evaluate (AX 1/2) and recommend other components of the client’s Marketing Strategies. It is
acceptable if they are, but if another aspect of the Ps is relevant, we may wonder why you overlooked it.

You are to provide TWO recommendations (one per gap identified in each factor), and each should contain the
i. Statement of the recommendation as a sub-heading, e.g.,
Recommendation 1: Install billboards at major train stations
ii. Describe: provide sufficient information so that we understand what you mean re the statement. For
example, what will be on the billboard – text/images, containing what text/messages?
iii. Justification of the recommendation:
a. Use your earlier TM profile and persona to justify why this idea (rec) would suit the TM
b. Use your earlier analysis of the internal factor to justify why this idea would favourably influence
the behaviour of your TM (cite refs here that you used earlier, if mentioning the content used
from those refs, e.g., ref theory each time you refer to it).
iv. Implementation details: what needs to happen for the idea to be done? What needs to be made,
communicated, done, by whom and by when in order for your recommendation to be realised? You will
not find this info anywhere, you just have to think it through and give it your best shot. 
Consider any other marketing strategies might be needed to implement this idea, such as product,
pricing, communications or logistics decisions.

Suggested length of Recommendations: 2-3 pages

Fun questions to help with Recommendations:

9. What is a Marketing Strategy?
• All the ways a product is communicated to the target market
• How the product is advertised
• Decisions about the 4 or 7 Ps
• Decisions about sales and advertising
Note: you need to discuss the existing Marketing strategies of the client for your product (in the previous
section), plus come up with improved ones here – so you need to know what comprises a marketing strategy.
10. How many recommendations should there be in assignment 2?
• Any 2 Business recommendations
• Any 2 Marketing recommendations
• 2 Marketing recommendations, 1 per factor
• 2 Marketing recommendations on any factor
TIP: make sure your recs cover the gaps identified earlier and SUIT your TM. One rec per factor is suggested.

5. Conclusion
The last section of the report should:
• Be one paragraph at the end of the report:
• Re-state the purpose and issue you were addressing
• State the recommendations
• Focus on the outcome if the recommendations are implemented
Suggested length: 1 paragraph


All theories, facts and other information MUST be referenced (cite ALL work of others EVERY
TIME you mention it):
• Throughout the body of the report – every time you mention it.
• Direct quotes: author, year, page (though we actively discourage their use)
• Others’ ideas: author, year
• The full citation must be included in the reference list:
 Alphabetical order
 Harvard referencing style
Note: ensure you provide references throughout the body of your report to avoid receiving zero. 

How many references I hear you ask? Check the rubric!!

Suggested length: 1 – 2 pages (15-20 references)
TIP: MINIMUM 8 journal articles to receive HD for referencing – less than 3 will fail referencing (see rubric for
assignment 2 in canvas). A journal article is the most credible source of information. Journals commonly use
the word ‘journal’ in their title, Journal of Consumer Behaviour (worth checking out ya wreckon?), though
not always (Nature and Science are two of the world’s top journals).

PLUS you need to use those refs well throughout the body of the report to receive full marks. You will also
need other types of references, such as websites, textbooks and articles.

Fun questions to help with referencing:

11. When do you need to include a reference in the body of the report?
• None – you only need to have a reference list at the end
• Only when using direct quotes
• When providing definitions
• Whenever I refer to anyone else’s work
• Whenever I refer to statistics
• Whenever I refer to theory
12. How many direct quotes should you use in assignment 2?
• None
• Just for definitions
• Whenever I refer to statistics
• Whenever I refer to theory

Note: 1 mark will be DEDUCTED for every direct quote you include – so instead – rewrite the quote in your own

PLEASE write using a report format not an essay format. This means you can:

- Have an inspiring and appropriate front page (not just an ‘assignment 2’ type thing)
- Write in shorter paragraphs
- Use headings, sub-headings, bold, colours, figures, tables, graphs to communicate your points clearly
(think about key takeaways from a section).
- Use numbered headings e.g., 1. Segmentation 1.1 Choice of Segmentation Base 1.2 Evaluating the
Attractiveness of Segments 1.3 Target Market
- Be sure to include Ex Sum, TOC and conclusion to your report.

*** We hope this checklist on assignment structure and components helps – and that you have worked out most
of this yourself. It is how well you discuss all of the above that earns the marks – not just what goes where.***

We encourage you to put in as much time as possible into the ‘thinking’ part of your assignments – it really stands
out when you do! You should also allow time at the end – to edit down your work and produce a ‘polished’ piece.
This will help your report be professional, succinct and remain within the word count. It is likely you will start with
a high word count as you note down your thinking and findings – the polishing process will edit out the superfluous
text. 

ANSWERS to Fun Questions

1. Products in the same category as your brand (it would be a mistake to only include sales figures of your product
– this does not paint the scene of the industry)
2. No – generally, though it CAN depend (remember Coca-Cola was once the only ‘cola’. Generally, a product is
just one option of many within an industry – think of the consumer dollar and what else they might spend their
money on within the same product category – one industry has many products).
3. The target market is one segment of the market that is the most appealing to the organisation
4. 2 tables are needed in the segmentation section.
5. Sales & Growth (the larger and faster growing the segment, the more attractive it is deemed)
Structural attractiveness (how many other product options are there? These are the competitors – having
many is LESS attractive)
Objectives & Resources (match of segment type with objectives of company – if a good match is it considered
attractive – and does the org have the resources to effectively reach the TM – if they do it is considered
6. None (this is a commercial marketing assignment, so the social marketing theories are not needed this time).
7. 4 times (AX1 and AX2 for each factor – separate by paragraphs)
8. Cognitive learning, or possibly instrumental learning. Note the auto-response associated with Classical
conditioning is unlikely to explain how consumers learn in the way the theory suggests – this is the case for
almost all products, and especially for high involvement products. Therefore, using Classical Conditioning
theory to explain how your TM learn will therefore ATTRACT LESS MARKS. If you think using a celebrity to
endorse the brand is warranted, then save the idea for your next assessment where you explain and apply
external influencing factors, such as reference groups. 
9. Decisions about the 4 or 7 Ps (if you think ‘Marketing’ is only about ‘advertising’ or ‘communications’ then
please feel free to re-read your first year textbook ).
10. Two (2) Marketing recommendations, 1 per factor
11. Whenever I refer to anyone else’s work (note: if you do not include refs in the body of your report you will
receive ZERO).
12. None (note the penalty for including quotes in assignment 2 will be MINUS ONE MARK PER QUOTE).

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