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1 lnLroducLlon

11 LxlsLlng SysLem and need of SysLem

12 urpose
O @oday Lhe lnLerneL and lLs boom have creaLed a new economlc scenarlo LhaL noL only sLresses
on Lhe classlcal concepL of Lhe producL" buL also on Lhe modern concepL of servlce" lL ls Lhls
level of servlce LhaL dlcLaLes wheLher a commerclal venLure wlll succeed or noL ln Lhe markeL @o
provlde a hlgh accesslblllLy of servlce we wlll deslgn Lhe onllne shopplng webslLe so LhaL poLenLlal
cusLomers need noL go Lo a physlcal shop Lo buy producLs or servlces @hey [usL need Lo onllne Lo
compleLe Lhelr purchases
- MosL currenL sysLems have a physlcal foundaLlon LhaL ls Lhe rooL cause Lo qulLe a number of
problems 8y malnLalnlng mulLlple sLore fronLs lLself belng an expenslve proposlLlon sLore prlces
are forced Lo rlse @hus by uslng our producL our cllenLs' compeLlLors are aL a dlsadvanLage
because Lhelr cosLs are slgnlflcanLly hlgher Lhan our cosLs allowlng our cllenLs Lo sell Lhe same
goods aL a lower prlce As people become more accusLomed Lo uslng Lhe lnLerneL Lhey vlew
orderlng producLs and servlces onllne as a Llmesavlng and cosLsavlng experlence whlch ls Lhe
very essence of our onllne shopplng sysLem
- @hls pro[ecL lowers Lhe gap beLween Lhe seller Lhe reLaller and Lhe cusLomer A very hlgh
flexlblllLy ls belng malnLalned ln Lhe deslgn process so LhaL Lhls pro[ecL can Lake Lhe followlng paLh
A mulLlple merchanL venue wlLh each merchanL havlng hls/her own wlndow whlch Lhe
cusLomer can vlslL Lo browse and subsequenLly buy Lhe producLs from
- MalnLalnlng Lhe dellverable goods as well as servlces Lhrough slngle or mulLlple wlndows ls
also on Lhe agenda
O 1arget users %@enLaLlve llsL only)
Ma|| Adm|n|strator @he Mall AdmlnlsLraLor ls Lhe super user and has compleLe conLrol
over all Lhe acLlvlLles LhaL can be performed @he appllcaLlon noLlfles Lhe admlnlsLraLor of all
shop creaLlon requesLs and Lhe admlnlsLraLor can Lhen approve or re[ecL Lhem @he
admlnlsLraLor also manages Lhe llsL of avallable producL caLegorles @he admlnlsLraLor can also
vlew and deleLe enLrles ln Lhe guesLbook
Shop Cwner Any user can submlL a shop creaLlon requesL Lhrough Lhe appllcaLlon When
Lhe requesL ls approved by Lhe Mall AdmlnlsLraLor Lhe requesLer ls noLlfled and from Lhere
on ls glven Lhe role of Shop Cwner @he Shop Cwner ls responslble for seLLlng up Lhe shop and
malnLalnlng lL @he [ob lnvolves managlng Lhe subcaLegorles of Lhe lLems ln Lhe shop Also
Lhe shop owner can add or remove lLems from hls shop @he Shop Cwner can vlew dlfferenL
reporLs LhaL glve deLalls of Lhe sales and orders speclflc Lo hls shop @he Shop Cwner can also
declde Lo close shop and remove lL from Lhe mall
Ma|| Customer]Guests A Mall CusLomer can browse Lhrough Lhe shops and choose
producLs Lo place ln a vlrLual shopplng carL @he shopplng carL deLalls can be vlewed and lLems
can be removed from Lhe carL @o proceed wlLh Lhe purchase Lhe cusLomer ls prompLed Lo
logln Also Lhe cusLomer can modlfy personal proflle lnformaLlon %such as phone number and
shlpplng address) sLored by Lhe appllcaLlon @he cusLomer can also vlew Lhe sLaLus of any
prevlous orders and cancel any order LhaL has noL been shlpped yeL
urchase deparLmenL under a urchase manager Lo overlook purchaslng acLlvlLles
lf warehouslng needs arlse
Sales deparLmenL under a Sales manager who wlll look afLer Lhe sale of producLs
and servlces Lhe mosL lmporLanL acLlvlLy
AccounLs deparLmenL under an AccounLs manager Lo look afLer Lhe accounLlng
acLlvlLles of Lhe enLerprlse

13 Scope of Lhe work
lnlLlal funcLlonal requlremenLs wlll be
Secure reglsLraLlon and proflle managemenL faclllLles for CusLomers
8rowslng Lhrough Lhe eMall Lo see Lhe lLems LhaL are Lhere ln each caLegory of
producLs llke Apparel klLchen accessorles 8aLh accessorles lood lLems eLc
AdequaLe searchlng mechanlsms for easy and qulck access Lo parLlcular producLs and
CreaLlng a Shopplng carL so LhaL cusLomers can shop 'n' no of lLems and checkouL
flnally wlLh Lhe enLlre shopplng carLs
CusLomers should be able Lo mall Lhe Shop abouL Lhe lLems Lhey would llke Lo see ln
Lhe Shop
egular updaLes Lo reglsLered users of Lhe webslLe abouL new arrlvals
Secured mechanlsm for checklng ouL from Lhe Shop %CredlL card verlflcaLlon
DpdaLes Lo cusLomers abouL Lhe recenLly added lLems ln Lhe shop Lhrough varlous
Dploadlng 'MosL urchased' lLems ln each caLegory of producLs ln Lhe Shop llke
Apparel klLchen accessorles 8aLh accessorles lood lLems eLc
SLraLeglc daLa and graphs for AdmlnlsLraLors and Shop owners abouL Lhe lLems LhaL
are popular ln each caLegory and age group
lve speclal dlscounLs Lo remler cusLomers
Shop employees are responslble for lnLernal affalrs llke processlng orders assure
home dellvery geLLlng cusLomers dellveryLlme feedback updaLlng orders sLaLus
and answerlng cllenLs querles onllne
leedback mechanlsm so LhaL cusLomers can glve feedback for Lhe producL or servlce
whlch Lhey have purchased Also faclllLy raLlng of lndlvldual producLs by relevanL
cusLomers Also feedback can be glven on Lhe performance of parLlcular vendors and Lhe
enLlre mall as well
AdequaLe paymenL mechanlsm and gaLeway for all popular credlL cards cheques and
oLher relevanL paymenL opLlons as avallable from Llme Lo Llme
lnlLlal non funcLlonal requlremenLs wlll be
Secure access of confldenLlal daLa %user's deLalls) SSL can be used
24 x 7 avallablllLy
8eLLer componenL deslgn Lo geL beLLer performance aL peak Llme
llexlble servlce based archlLecLure wlll be hlghly deslrable for fuLure exLenslon
AdverLlsemenL space where lL wlll effecLlvely caLch Lhe cusLomer's aLLenLlon and as a
source of revenue
lnlLlal reporLlng needs LhaL are Lo be answered wlll be
4 CaLegory wlse lLems LhaL are sold more and Lhe brand names for Lhe same
4 Whlch brand ls more popular ln each caLegory of producLs
4 Who are Lhe cusLomers who vlslL ofLen% Lo faclllLaLe Lhem by maklng Lhem remler
cusLomers )
4 lscounLs glven Lo Lhe remler cusLomers
ln addlLlon Lo Lhe above menLloned polnLs due Lo Lhe hlghly evolvlng naLure of Lhe
pro[ecL Lhe followlng are planned Lo be dellvered lf deemed necessary
Warehouslng wlLhln Lhe very amblLs of Lhe pro[ecL
More paymenL gaLeways
ynamlc prlce model by whlch prlces can be changed based on demand and supply
ynamlc SLorefronL Lach cusLomer had a Web page personallzed based on hls or her
recenL purchases @hls ls Lhe equlvalenL of havlng a unlque sLorefronL for each
cusLomer ln hopes of drawlng ln as many reLurn cusLomers as posslble
@hls llsL ls by no means a flnal one @he flnal llsL wlll be dlcLaLed by lmplemenLaLlon consLralnLs
markeL forces and mosL lmporLanLly by end user demands for whom Lhls ls belng bullL

14 CperaLlng LnvlronmenL Pardware and SofLware
141 Pardware SpeclflcaLlon
1411 AM 236 M8 or more
1412 rocessor enLlum and furLher verslons
1413 lnLerneL ConnecLlon and Modem
1414 Card eblL/CredlL Lo pay for selecLed lLems
142 SofLware SpeclflcaLlon
1421 CperaLlon SysLem Any CS wlLh lnLerneL lnformaLlon Servlce
1422 rogrammlng Language ASnL@ P@ML xML
1423 8ackend @echnology SCLLxpress LdlLlon

13 eLalled escrlpLlon of @echnology Dsed
131 ASnL@
ASnL@ ls Lhe new offerlng for Web developers from Lhe MlcrosofL lL ls noL slmply Lhe
nexLgeneraLlon of AS ln facL lL ls a compleLely reenglneered and enhanced Lechnology
LhaL offers much much more Lhan LradlLlonal AS and can lncrease producLlvlLy
8ecause lL has evolved from AS ASnL@ looks very slmllar Lo lLs predecessor buL only aL
flrsL slghL Some lLems look very famlllar and Lhey remlnd us of AS 8uL concepLs llke
Web lorms Web Servlces or Server ConLrols glves ASnL@ Lhe power Lo bulld real Web
132 P@ML xML
Pyper @exL Markup Language and LxLenslble markup Language are Lhe predomlnanL
markup languages for web pages lL provldes a means Lo descrlbe Lhe sLrucLure of LexL
based lnformaLlon ln a documenL and Lo supplemenL LhaL LexL wlLh lnLeracLlve forms
embedded lmages and oLher ob[ecLs

Any oLher scrlpLlng language as deemed necessary

133 SCLLxpress LdlLlon
SCLLxpress daLabase ls Lhe daLabase managemenL sysLem LhaL dellvers a flexlble and cosL
effecLlve daLabase plaLform Lo bulld robusL on demand buslness appllcaLlons

2 roposed SysLem

21 roposed SysLem
@he Cnllne Shopplng Mall %CSM) appllcaLlon enables vendors Lo seL up onllne shops
cusLomers Lo browse Lhrough Lhe shops and a sysLem admlnlsLraLor Lo approve and re[ecL
requesLs for new shops and malnLaln llsLs of shop caLegorles
Also on Lhe agenda ls deslgnlng an onllne shopplng slLe Lo manage Lhe lLems ln Lhe shop and
also help cusLomers purchase Lhem onllne wlLhouL havlng Lo vlslL Lhe shop physlcally
Cur onllne shopplng mall wlll use Lhe lnLerneL as Lhe sole meLhod for selllng goods Lo lLs
consumers @he consumer wlll be ln compleLe conLrol of hls/her shopplng experlence by uslng Lhe
unlque sLorefronL" concepL Shopplng wlll be hlghly personallzed and Lhe mall wlll provlde lower
prlces Lhan mosL compeLlLors @hls ln brlef ls a descrlpLlon of our producL whlch wlll showcase a
compleLe shopplng experlence ln a small package

22 Cb[ecLlves of Lhe SysLem
23 Dser equlremenLs

3 Analysls and eslgn

31 Cb[ecL lagram
32 Class lagram
33 Dse Case lagram
34 Module Plerarchy lagram
33 ComponenL lagram
36 eploymenL lagram
37 Module SpeclflcaLlons
38 Web SlLe Map lagram
39 Dl %Screens)
310@able SpeclflcaLlons %aLa lcLlonary)
311@esL rocedures and lmplemenLaLlon

4 Dser Manual

41 Dser Manual
42 CperaLlons Manual/ Menu LxplanaLlon
43 rogram SpeclflcaLlon

3 rawbacks and LlmlLaLlons
6 roposed LnhancemenLs
7 Concluslons
8 8lbllography
9 AnnLxDLS
AnnLxDL 1 Dser lnLerface Screens
AnnLxDL 2 CuLpuL eporLs wlLh aLa
AnnLxDL 1 Sample rogram Code

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