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Campus: Boston House, Thumkunta(P.O), Shameerpet Road, Hakimpet(Via)






Signature of the faculty

1. Essay writing
2. Email writing
3. Report writing-1
4. Report writing-2
5. Argumentative Response
6. Summary writing on the report-1
7. Summary writing on the report-2
8. Letter writing-1
9. Letter writing-2
10. Circular & Notice writing
11. Agenda & Minutes writing
12. Memo writing

Criteria for Evaluation: Content, Organisation and flow, Language, Audience Engagement,
Citation and originality, Critical thinking and overall impact
S.No Date Topic Marks scored Remarks Signature
according to of Faculty
the criteria
1 Essay writing
2 Email Writing
3 Report Writing-1
4 Report Writing-2
5 Argumentative Response
6 Summary writing on the
7 Summary writing on the
8 Letter writing-1
9 Letter writing-2
10 Circular & Notice writing
11 Agenda & Minutes
12 Memo writing

Essay Writing
Effective leadership is crucial for an organisation's success in today's rapidly changing
business landscape. Based on your knowledge and experiences, write an essay discussing the
essential qualities and strategies that define a successful leader in the 21st century. Provide
examples from real-world business leaders or scenarios to support your arguments.
Additionally, consider the challenges leaders may face in today's global and digital
environment and how to overcome them. Your essay should be well-structured and cohesive,
demonstrating your ability to communicate complex ideas effectively.

Email Writing
Imagine you are a manager in a multinational company, and you must communicate a vital
policy change to your team. Write a clear and concise business email to inform your team
members about the policy change, explain the reasons behind it, and outline any actions they
need to take. Ensure that your email is professional, well-structured, and easy to understand.
Consider the tone, formatting, and clarity of your message.

Report writing-1
Imagine you have been assigned to compile a comprehensive report on your team's recent
market research study. The report should include an executive summary, introduction,
methodology, findings, conclusions, and recommendations.

Report Writing-2
In a short essay, describe the purpose and significance of each section in a report. Explain
why a well-structured report is essential in the business context, and provide an example of a
report structure you might use for this scenario. Your response should demonstrate your
understanding of report organisation and the importance of clear communication.

Argumentative Responses
In today's business world, there is an ongoing debate about the impact of remote work on
productivity and employee well-being. Some argue that remote work provides flexibility and
work-life balance, while others believe it can hinder collaboration and team cohesion. Write
an argumentative response taking a stance on this issue—present well-reasoned arguments
and evidence to support your position. Address counterarguments and provide a clear
conclusion. Your response should be persuasive and well-structured, demonstrating your
ability to engage in critical argumentation.

Summary writing on the marketing report-1
The pie chart shows how much a children’s charity in the USA spent and received in one
year. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant. Write at least 200 words.

Summary writing on the marketing report-2
The table illustrates the proportion of monthly household income five European countries
spend on food and drink, housing, clothing, and entertainment. Summarise the information by
selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. Write at
least 200 words.

Letter Writing-1
As part of your internship at a leading management consulting firm, you have been tasked
with drafting a formal letter to a client informing them about a delay in the delivery of a
project. The project involves implementing a new business strategy to optimise their supply
chain management. The delay is due to unforeseen logistical challenges encountered during
the implementation phase. Write a professional letter to the client addressing the delay,
expressing regret, and outlining the steps to mitigate the impact and ensure the project's
timely completion.

Letter Writing -2
You are a marketing manager at a multinational corporation. Write a persuasive letter to a
potential business partner inviting them to collaborate on a joint marketing campaign for the
launch of a new product line. Highlight the benefits of the partnership, emphasising how it
aligns with their business goals and can mutually enhance brand visibility and market reach.
Propose a meeting to discuss further details and express enthusiasm about the potential
synergy between the two companies.

Circular Writing
You are the head of the Organizational Development department at your company. Write a
circular to all employees announcing a new initiative to foster a culture of innovation within
the organization. Highlight the initiative's objectives, relevance to the company's strategic
goals, and how employees can actively participate and contribute their ideas. Encourage
enthusiasm and participation from all departments, emphasising the importance of
collaboration and creativity in driving organisational success.

Notice Writing
Your college is organising a career development workshop for PGDM students. Write a
notice to be displayed on the college notice board informing students about the workshop.
Include details such as the date, time, venue, topics to be covered, and any registration
requirements. Encourage all PGDM students to attend the workshop to enhance their career
prospects and professional skills.

Agenda & Minutes Writing
You are the secretary of the student council in your PGDM program. Your council is
organising a meeting to discuss the upcoming semester's extracurricular activities and
1. Agenda Writing Task: Draft an agenda for the meeting, including the following
 Welcome and Introductions
 Review of Previous Semester's Activities
 Brainstorming Session for New Initiatives
 Allocation of Responsibilities
 Any Other Business
 Setting a Date for the Next Meeting

2. Minutes Writing Task: After the meeting, write the minutes summarising the
discussions and decisions made during the session. Ensure to include critical points
discussed under each agenda item, action items assigned to members, and any
deadlines set for implementation.

Memo Writing
You are the manager of the Marketing Department in a company. Write a memo to all team
members announcing the launch of a new marketing campaign for a product line. In the
memo, provide details about the campaign objectives, target audience, key messaging,
promotional channels, and any specific roles or tasks assigned to team members. Encourage
collaboration and commitment to ensuring the success of the campaign.

A few end questions:
1. How confident do you feel writing professional documents, such as emails, reports, or

2. What specific areas of professional writing do you feel most comfortable with? Which
areas do you find most challenging?

3. What strategies do you currently use to ensure clarity, coherence, and professionalism
in your written communications?

4. In what ways do you think improving your professional writing skills could benefit
you in your current or future career endeavours?

5. How do you envision applying the professional writing skills and methods acquired
through this worksheet in your future academic or career pursuits?


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