Chapter V Heating Calculation For Boilers

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Chapter V

Heating Calculation
For Boilers
5.1. Heat transfer surface of boilers
5.1.1. The steam surface (bề mặt sinh hơi)
Steam surfaces (bề mặt sinh hơi) are arranged around the furnace walls (vách buồng
lửa) that convert the water into the saturated or superheated steam.

The main heat transfer methods for the steam surfaces are thermal
radiation and convection
The structure of steam surfaces (kết cấu của bề mặt sinh hơi) include the steam
drum and the steam coils (dàn ống sinh hơi), which mainly steam coils.
In the natural - circulation boilers, the steam coils often place vertically
or have an inclination (góc nghiêng).
For forced - circulation boilers (or once-through steam boiler), the steam
coils are not necessarily placed in the vertical direction.
There are two types of the steam coils:
- Radiative heat transfer
- Convective heat transfer

5.1. Heat surface of boilers
5.1.1. The steam surface (bề mặt sinh hơi) Steam coils with radiation heat transfer
The steam coils received the heat radiation of flame. The steam tubes are
often placed around of the furnace walls to protect and receive the high

Furnace walls

Steam coils

5.1. Heat surface of boilers
5.1.1. The steam surface (bề mặt sinh hơi) Steam coils with radiation heat transfer
When placed the steam tubes in the combustion chamber, to ensure safety,
operators should note that the tubes always have enough water. The tube
banks are always arranged in parallel (song song) or staggered (so le).

In structurally, there are two types of the steam coils:

- Bare tube (ống trơn)
- Finned tube (ống có cánh)

5.1. Heat surface of boilers
5.1.1. The steam surface (bề mặt sinh hơi) Steam coils with radiation heat transfer
* Bare - tube S2 d
Note: S/d
d : Tube diameter
S1: The vertical Pitch (bước dọc) S1
S2 : The horizontal pitch (bước ngang)
For the high pressure natural - circulation boilers
d = 40 ÷ 50 mm
For the medium pressure natural - circulation boilers
d = 50 ÷ 60 mm
For the forced - circulation boilers:
d = 25 ÷ 40 mm
S/d = 1,1 ÷ 1,2
5.1. Heat surface of boilers
5.1.1. The steam surface (bề mặt sinh hơi) Steam coils with radiation heat transfer
* Finned tube
The tubes are made of the separating fins (các cánh riêng biệt) and welded
together into panels.
This type is quick installation and popular.


5.1. Heat surface of boilers
5.1.1. The steam surface (bề mặt sinh hơi) Steam coils with radiation heat transfer
Inside boilers, the steam coils are
arranged generally as follows: steam
including some riser and down -
comer tubes.
For riser tubes (ống đi lên): the cross-
section areas of the riser tubes are
higher than the down - comer tubes (ống
đi xuống) and are placed inside q
combustion chamber.
The down - comer tubes are placed
outside the combustion chamber,
therefore it not affected by radiation,
better natural circulation (for the
modern boiler).
5.1. Heat surface of boilers
5.1.1. The steam surface (bề mặt sinh hơi) Steam coils with convective heat transfer
1  : Thermal resistance due to
K 
1  1  heat conduction
 
1  2 1: Heat transfer coefficient of smoke
2: Heat transfer coefficient of water or

- With the heat recovery steam generator (Lò hơi tận dụng nhiệt), the smoke velocity
k increases, leading to 1 and 2 increase  k increases too.
- Usually, the steam coils are placed outside the combustion chamber, the
smoke crosses the tube banks; water and steam are inside the tubes.
- Ratio S/d from 3 ÷ 4.

5.1. Heat surface of boilers
5.1.1. The steam surface (bề mặt sinh hơi) Superheater (bộ quá nhiệt)
The superheater is used to convert the saturated steam into the
superheated steam and increase the efficiency of thermal power plants.
a) Classification
- The radiant superheater is placed in the combustion chamber for the
high pressure and ultra high pressure boilers. The tubes are usually placed
near the walls or ceiling of the combustion chamber (tqn > 600oC).
- The half radiant superheater: A half is in the combustion chamber, a
half is outside and also for the relative high-pressure boiler.
- The convective superheater is often placed at the smoke exhaust after
coming out the combustion chamber. They are bare - tube banks and uses
for the low or medium boilers. This superheater is commonly used in boilers
for the thermal power plants.

5.1. Heat surface of boilers
5.1.1. The steam surface (bề mặt sinh hơi) Superheater (bộ quá nhiệt)
b) Working conditions of the superheater
The superheater is equipment working in the most difficult conditions, the
most dangerous in the heat transfer surfaces of the boiler.
The tube wall temperature:

 1 
t v2  t mc  q   
2 
tmc : The average temperature of the fluid

tv2: The tube wall temperature


5.1. Heat surface of boilers
5.1.1. The steam surface (bề mặt sinh hơi) Superheater (bộ quá nhiệt)
* Temperature adjustment methods for superheating tqn


Turn off
some nozzels Smoke



5.1. Heat surface of boilers
5.1.1. The steam surface (bề mặt sinh hơi) Superheater (bộ quá nhiệt)
b) Working conditions of the superheater
* Tube bank arrangement:
There are two methods to arrange the tube banks: Z type and  type

Steam inlet Steam inlet

Steam oulet

Z type  type

5.1. Heat surface of boilers
5.1.2. Steam Sub – Surface (bề mặt sinh hơi phụ) Economizer (bộ hâm nước cấp)
Used to preheat the hot water before supplying the boiler water and often
placed before the air heater. The construction of the economizer: usually bare -
stainless steel tubes, bare - cast iron tubes or finned stainless steel tubes (rarely
- For bare - stainless steel tubes: including the coils with the tube diameter of
28, 32, 38 mm.
Advantage: Good at heat transfer, high strength (sức bền cao), and withstand high
temperature (chịu nhiệt độ cao). However, the corrosion resistance of steel is less than
the cast - iron.
- Cast iron tubes are usually made by the prefabricated tubes with the
diameter of 76-120 mm, the length of 1.5-3 m. They are bare or finned tubes.
Advantage : the corrosion resistance is better then the steel.
Disadvantage: The durability (độ bền) is less than the steel, not withstand the
impact force (lực va đập), only for the low and medium pressure boilers (p < 6Mpa).
- For finned – cast iron tubes, easy dust (dễ bám bẩn).
5.1. Heat surface of boilers
5.1.2. Steam Sub – Surface (bề mặt sinh hơi phụ) Economizer (bộ hâm nước cấp)

HAMON Economizers with the finned tubes

5.1. Heat surface of boilers
5.1.2. Steam Sub – Surface (bề mặt sinh hơi phụ) Economizer (bộ hâm nước cấp)

5.1. Heat surface of boilers
5.1.2. Steam Sub – Surface (bề mặt sinh hơi phụ) The air heater (bộ sấy không khí)
Use to preheat air before entering the combustion chamber. There are two
types of air preheater.
- Tubular air heater (TAH) (Loại thu nhiệt)
- Rotary air heater (RAH) (Loại hồi nhiệt)
TAH: Vertical steel tube bunches (chùm ống), the smoke is inside and the air is
outside. This type is big and bulky.
RAH: Including a heat wheel, speed of 2-6 rpm. A half for the air and a
half for the smoke.
This type is more compact structure.
This type is heated rapidly.

5.1. Heat surface of boilers
5.1.2. Steam Sub – Surface (bề mặt sinh hơi phụ) The air heater (bộ sấy không khí)


5.1. Heat surface of boilers
5.1.3. Working condition of Steam Sub - Surface Surface dirty (bám bẩn bề mặt)
- Mainly due to the exhaust smoke.
- The dirty effect is mainly the smoke speed, the velocity increases, the
thickness of smoke and dirt decreases.
- Generally the surface dirty only occurs when vk = 2.5 ÷ 3m/s. So that
designer needs to choose  > 5.5 m/s. The abrasion (sự mài mòn)
The abrasion occurs mainly during the combustion of solid fuels. The
ashes fly through the exhaust smoke to make an abrasion. The velocity
vabrrasion depends on the velocity of smoke and the ash particle size.
- Economizer, steel tube: k = 8 ÷ 11 m/s
- Economizer, cast – iron tube k = 5 ÷ 6 m/s
- Carbon steel superheater: k = 10 ÷ 14 m/s
- Steel tube air heater : k = 10 ÷ 11 m/s
5.1. Heat surface of boilers
5.1.3. Working condition of Steam Sub - Surface The corrosion
It occurs when the steam combined with SO3  H2SO4. It is due to the
smoke temperature is smaller than the dew point temperature.
Some methods for decreasing corrosion :
- Reducing the amount of S in fuel (difficult)
- Using the corrosion resistant materials such as the compound
steel (thép hợp kim), leading to be expensive.
- Ensuring the wall temperature is higher than the dew point

5.2. The heat calculation for boilers
5.2.1. The heat calculation for the combustion chamber (tính nhiệt buồng lửa)
The heat calculation for the combustion chamber is determining the
amount of heat absorbed in the combustion chamber or determining the
outlet smoke temperature of the combustion chamber or the outlet smoke
temperature of the radiant-absorbed surface.
There are two purposes :
- Designing: From the parameters given, we determine the dimensions and
shape of the combustion chamber, arrangement of the manifolds to make
ensure the outlet smoke temperature of the combustion chamber is the
most suitable.
- Checking: From the combustion chamber construction of boiler,
determining the working mode of the combustion chamber such as the
furnace temperature, the exhaust smoke velocity,…

5.2. The heat calculation for boilers
5.2.1. The heat calculation for the combustion chamber
* The heat balance equation of the combustion chamber
The absorbed heat = the radiation in the combustion chamber, determined by:
Qbx =  Bt(QS – I”bl) kW
Bt: the calculated fuel consumption (lượng tiêu hao nhiên liệu tính toán) (kg/s)
 : the heat-holding factor (hệ số giữ nhiệt),  = 1 – q5 /100
q5 : the heat loss to ambient

QS : the useful heat generated in the combustion chamber (kJ/kg)

I”bl : the enthalpy of the smoke exhausting the combustion chamber (kJ/kg)

5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.1. Heating calculation for the combustion chamber
* The heat balance equation of the combustion chamber
a) The useful heat generated in combustion chamber QS
100  q3  q4  q6
QS  Qdv  Qkk'  Qkth  Qkkn
100  q4
Qdv: The inlet heat of fuels, kJ/kg (solid, liquid, and gas)
Q’kk: The inlet heat of airs.
Qkth: The heat added to the combustion chamber along the smoke circulation
Qkkn It is often calculated for burning coal powder
Q’kk  ( bl   bl   bt ) I kkn  ( bl   bt ) I kkl
αbl is the access air in the combustion chamber, αbt is the access air in the coal powder
Based on the structure of the combustion chamber or the combustion
method, αbl will be chosen . The αbl of the solid fuel is bigger than that of
5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.1. Heating calculation for the combustion chamber
* The heat balance equation of the combustion chamber
a) The useful heat generated in the combustion chamber QS
 bl  bt : The air leak in the combustion chamber and the coal powder
Ikkn, Ikkl: Enthalpy of hot and cold airs. Ikkn is The heated air enthalpy in
the air heater. Ikkn = Vokk(Ct)kkn
Ikkl = Vokk(Ct)kkl
The cold air has c = 1,33 kJ/m3tc.K. The cold air temperatures are given.

Qkth: the heat added to combustion chamber along the smoke

circulation, exhaust outlet circulation diagrams
Qkth = Vkth.Ckth.tkth ,kJ/kg

5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.1. Heating calculation for the combustion chamber
* The heat balance equation of the combustion chamber
a) The useful heat generated in the combustion chamber QS
Qkkn often calculated for burning coal powder

Q kkn   kkn .Vkko .C pkk .tkk

Cpkk: the specific heat of air
t kk : temperature difference of hot and cold airs
tkk = tkkn -tkkl

5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.1. Heating calculation for the combustion chamber
* The heat balance equation of the combustion chamber
b) Determine I”bl:
I”bl = Vk.Ctbk.t”bl
t”bl: The smoke temperature in the combustion chamber.
If Vk, Ctbk unknowns >> calculate Ik = Iok + (α – 1) Iok + IαH20 + Itro
Ctbk: the average specific heat of smoke; it’s not constant, we refer to t”bl
QS: The useful heat generated in combustion chamber.
tbl : The theoretical combustion temperature generated in the combustion
chamber with calorimeter QS
If look in a range (t”bl  tbl)
Ctbk = constant then QS = Vk.Ctb.tbl; I”bl = Vk.Ctb.t”bl
5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.1. Heating calculation for the combustion chamber

5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.1. Heating calculation for the combustion chamber
* The heat balance equation of the combustion chamber
b) Determine Ibl:
Qbx = φ.Bt.Vk.Ctb(tbl – t”bl) = φ.Bt.Vk.Ctb(Tbl – T”bl)
 Qbx = φ.Bt.Vk.Ctb.tbl(1 - )
Determine tbl:

t bl 
V RO2 .C RO2  V No2 .C N 2  VHo2O .C H 2O    1Vkko .C kk

5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.1. Heating calculation for the combustion chamber
* The heat balance equation of the combustion chamber
Qbx  .Bt .Vk .C 'tb .Tbl (1  )  abl . o . .H bx .(Tbx4  Tv4 )
Where: Tbl
abl : The black body of the combustion chamber (độ đen của buồng lửa)
o: The absolute black body radiation coefficient (hệ số bức xạ của vật đen tuyệt đối)
o = 5,7.10-8 W/m2.K4= 5,7.10-11 kW/m2.K4
Tbl: The average smoke temperature in the combustion chamber
: dirty factor (hệ số bám bẩn)
Hbx : The radiation heat transfer area (m2)
Tv : The wall temperature
By experiment find Bt = B(1-q4/100)
t”bl (T”bl) : The smoke temperature exhausting the combustion chamber
B : The actual fuel consumption (Suất tiêu
28hao nhiên liệu thực tế)
5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.1. Heating calculation for the combustion chamber
* The heat balance equation of the combustion chamber
Formula designed the total radiation heat transfer area
Bt .Qbx 1  Tbl 
H bx  3 .
2  "
 1
5,7.10 11.M . .abl .Tbl" .Tbl3 M  Tbl 

This formula is used to recheck

" Tbl
T 
bl 0,6
11 3
 5,7.10 . .H bx abl .T bl

M  '
 1
  .B .
t k .C tb 

5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.1. Heating calculation for the combustion chamber
c) Dirty factor  ≤ 1
Clean tube:  = 1
Normally operating <1
Bare - tube: gas  = 0.6 – 08
oil  = 0.6
coal  = 0.4
Finned tube coated chromite  = 0.6 (ống có cánh bọc cromit)

Finned tube coated fireclay brick  = 0.6 (ống có cánh bọc gạch samốt)

5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.1. Heating calculation for the combustion chamber
d) The heat radiation area (diện tích truyền nhiệt bức xạ) (Hbx)
Hbx =  F . t
Ft: The wall area occupied by tube coils; m2
(diện tích vách do dàn ống chiếm chỗ)

ψ: The angle factor of the tube coils (dàn ống)

Q bx on the tube coils
 
Qtt received from the combustion chamber to the tube coils as a plane

S 
Or   f  ,e Normally  < 1
d 
Q e is the distance from
 bx the tube center
Qtt to the wall

5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.1. Heating calculation for the combustion chamber

b : the distance between the two outermost tube centers

l : the length of a tube
e: the distance from the tube center to the wall
Ft = b.l
5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.1. Heating calculation for the combustion chamber

When calculating: see as Ft = 2.b.l

5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.1. Heating calculation for the combustion chamber
e) M factor:
M is the factor which depending on the relative position of the point with
the maximum temperature x
- gas and FO: M = 0.52 ÷ 0.3x
- solid : M = 0.59 ÷ 0.5x
The grate combustion chamber burns the thin fuel layer: x = 0
The grate combustion chamber burns the thickness fuel layer:
x = 0.15
The combustion chamber with the horizontal nozzle: x = hvp/H
H : The combustion chamber height
hvp : The height of the nozzle placement
5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.1. Heating calculation for the combustion chamber
f) The black body of the combustion chamber (độ đen buồng lửa) abl:
The grate combustion chamber (buồng lửa ghi)

abl 

0.82 anl  1  anl . . ' 
  
1  1  ' . . 1   . ' .1  anl 
The nozzel combustion chamber (buồng lửa phun)
0 . 82 .a nl
a bl 
a nl  1  a nl 
R H bx
  '
H bx Fbl  R
(Usually ρ << 1)
R : The burning surface area of the grate boiler (diện tích mặt cháy của lò ghi), the
high black body is better for the combustion chamber (because the
heat transfer is radiation mainly)
5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.1. Heating calculation for combustion chamber
f) Black body of combustion chamber abl:
For the nozzle combustion chamber R = 0  ρ = 0
anl : The active black body flame:
abl  (độ đen hiệu dụng của ngọn lửa)
 
1  1  ' . 1  anl  anl = β.a
H bx β : The flame behavior factor
 (hệ số sắc thái ngọn lửa)
- When burning coal, anthracite in the grate boiler with the blur flame (ngọn lửa mờ)
- When burning liquid, if more volatile matter than the light flame (ngọn lửa sáng)
β = 0,75
- When burning anthracite in nozzle boiler with the medium flame (ngọn lửa vừa).
β = 0,65
5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.1. Heating calculation for combustion chamber
f) Black body of combustion chamber abl:
a : The black body in the combustion chamber (độ đen trong buồng lửa)
a = 1 – e-kps
k : The factor weakening radiation (hệ số làm yếu bức xạ) by the combustion
chamber area and by the solid particles, calculated with the outlet
temperature of furnace t”bl.
+ Blur flame: k = kk. rn
+ Medium flame: k = kk.rn + kh.µ
+ Light flame: k = 1,6.(T”bl /100) -0,50
kk, kh : The factor weakening radiation by the triatomic gas (khí ba nguyên tử)

and the solid particles (các hạt rắn).

p : The combustion chamber pressure.

s : The active thickness of the radiation layer (chiều dày hiệu dụng của lớp bức xạ).
5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.2. Calculating the convective heat surface
The convective heat surface includes the air heater, the economizer and a
part of superheater.
The equation of the convective heat surface:
k . H . t
Q , (kJ/kg)
10 3. B t
k : The overall heat transfer coefficient , W/m2.K
H : The heat transfer area, m2
t: The log mean temperature difference
Q : The surface-absorpted heat (Nhiệt lượng bề mặt hấp thụ)
Bt : The calculated fuel consumption (Suất tiêu hao nhiên liệu tính toán)
Bt = B.(1 – q4/100) , kg/s
B : The actual fuel consumption (Suất tiêu hao nhiên liệu thực tế)
5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.2. Calculating the convective heat surface Determine Q
a) Super heater:
For the smoke side: Qqn =  (I’qn – I”qn - αqnIokkl), kJ/kg

For the steam side: Qqn  i
2 qn  i1qn  , (kJ/kg)
φ: The heat-holding factor:   1
I’qn và I”qn: the enthalpy of outlet and inlet smokes of the super heater.
i2qn và i1qn: The enthalpy of outlet and inlet steams of the super heater
 qn : The leak air in the super heater
5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.2. Calculating the convective heat surface Determine Q
b) Economizer

- Smoke: Qhn   I hn "
 I hn o
  hn .I kkl 
- Water: Qhn  i2 hn  ihn 
I’hn và I”hn: The enthalpy of outlet and inlet smokes if the economizer.
i2hn, i1hn: The enthalpy of outlet and inlet steams of the economizer.
 hn : The leak air in the economizer.
5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.2. Calculating the convective heat surface Determine Q
c) Air heater
- Smoke: 
Qskk   I SKK "
  SKK .I KKL 
 "  SKK  "
- Air: Qskk    SKK   Kth 
2 
 '
 I SKK  I SKK 

 SKK : The ratio of the outlet and the theoretical intake in the air heater
 Kth : The ratio of the circulating exhaust smoke
 SKK : The leak air in the air heater
' "
I SKK , I SKK : The enthalpy of air inlet and outlet the air heater, it is
determined by general formula :
5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.2. Calculating the convective heat surface Logarithmic mean temperature difference t

Parallel flow Counter flow

t max  t min
t 
t max
t min
5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.2. Calculating the convective heat surface Logarithmic mean temperature difference t
* Cross flow

2 passes 3 passes 4 passes

t  tCounter flow
 : The adjustment factor (Hệ số hiệu chỉnh)

tmax tmax  tmin

 1,7  t 
tmin 2
5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.2. Calculating the convective heat surface Heat transfer coefficient K
k ; W/m2. C
1  b  kl  c 1
   
1 b kl c  2
α1, α2 : The convective heat transfer coefficients of exhaust and fluid

b, kl, c: The thickness of dirty, metal layer, and deposits layers
b, kl, c: The thermal conduction of dirty layer, metal layer, and
deposits layers; (W/m.K)
5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.2. Calculating the convective heat surface Overall heat transfer coefficient K
a) Super heater
The convective heat transfer coefficient of the steam side:
α2 steam = (1÷2) 103 (W/m2.K)
The convective heat transfer coefficient of the smoke side:
α1 exhaust = 100 (W/m2.K)

1 1
 K 
1 b 1 1 1
   
 1 b  2  1 2
 ; the dirty factor (hệ số bám bẩn)
5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.2. Calculating the convective heat surface Overall heat transfer coefficient K
b) Economizer
The convective heat transfer coefficient of the water side:
α2 = (5÷25) 103 (W/m2.K)
The convective heat transfer coefficient of the smoke side:
α1 ≈ 100 (W/m2.K)
 0
1 1
K 
1 1   1
5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.2. Calculating the convective heat surface Overall heat transfer coefficient K
c) Air heater
For calculating: 1
K  
1 1

1  2
With the experimental coefficient ξ:
- For the air heater with tube, combustion of solid fuels and artificial gas, we
selected: = 0,75
- For air heater with tube, FO combustion: ξ = 0,65

- Natural gas :  = 0,70

5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.2. Calculating the convective heat surface Overall heat transfer coefficient K

5.2. Heating Calculation For Boilers
5.2.2. Calculating the convective heat surface Overall heat transfer coefficient K


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