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aper cooe: BLw-9

BA., LL.B. (Hons.)

Semester-v Ondine Examination, 2021

Paper No. I
me:e: 3 hours

instrue Rol No. on

the top
Uompt any one question from each unit A S uesbon paperks


(a) Explain the ancient sources of Hindu Law. What is the role of "custom' in
he conditions speciied in a valid
) What is the relevance of "Bars to Matrimonial Relief?
2. (a) Discuss
Desertion as a fault ground of divorce under Section 13 af the
Marriage Act, 1955. Reter to relevant
prowisions and decioed Cases.
(6] Originally, Section 13{2) of the Hindu
Marriage Act, 1955 provided for
wo speciai grounds on which wife alorne could our t e
Marriage Laws Amendment Act, 1976 has adddd two more tauit grounds for a e
wite. txplain with the help of relevant provisions

3. What are the kinds

guardians under the Hindu Minority and

Guardianship Act, 1956? How has the position of a "Mother changed

with the passing ot the
1956as a natural and
testamentary 8uardian?
Explain reterring to relevant provisions.

4.(a) Are the follawing adoptions valid?

legtimate child given in
adoption by his mother during the itetime
of the father.

() An illegitimate child given in

adoptian by his mother during the
lifetime ot his biological tather
(oin) Adoption of a Muslim child by a Hindu couple

(v) Adoption of a married child.

(v) Adoption of a
(D) Discuss the
provisions relating tp
maintenance as a Personal
Obligation u Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956. Refer to
relevant provisions and decided cases

5. la) DiscUSs the classification of property under the Mitakshara Joint

(b) Eaplain the concept of "Son's pious obligation to pay father's debts'.
How has the concept changed with
the passing of the Hindu Succession
Amendment Act, 20057 Refer to relevant
provisions Who is a Karta? Explain the position, powers and liabilities of a Karta
with special reference to "Power of
Can a woman be a Karta? Give reasons and refer to decided cases.


6.a) Explain Succession to the property of a Hindu male dying intestate

with respect to Ciass-l and Class- heirs. Refer to relevant provisions.
(o DISCUs the oeneral Rules ot buccession and Disqualitications

under tne Hindu Succession Act, 15s6. Reter to relevant provisions.

8. while tracing the development from Shastric Hindu law to the present.
the ot rght to under Hindu law. Have the
ccuss concept Women's Property
eg'siatve and judicial retorms impraved thie position of women with regard to
1s there any further scope for
property reforms? Refer to decided cases.

1955 is considered
9he Hindu Marriage1954.
Act, as a carbon copy of the
with special reference to the recent
Special Marriage Act, Discuss
interpretation or the Courts regarding Section 5 of the Act.

How has the amendment of the Specia Marriage Act, 1954 by the Marriage
1976 efected the law of intestate succession ahd
Laws Amendment Act,
joint tamily in India?

10. Write a note on the Family Courts Act, 1984, di'scussing

working and the
procedure tollowed by these Courts. Refer to relevant provisions and
decided cases

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