SSA Course Plan

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Course: Statistical Software Application in Economics

Course Code: Econ 4171

Course Instructor: Kahsay H.
Email address: and phone no. +251914618644
The field of economic statistics and econometrics is rapidly changing. Increasing data
availability combined with powerful computing and advanced software allows research to
address issues of statistical inference and analysis in innovative ways. This course provides
students with practical knowledge and skills to take advantage of the existed and new
developments in this regard.

Course learning outcomes:

 Develop skills related to modern Univariate and multivariate statistical analysis

 Provide practical experience related to data analysis

 Develop skills in using advanced statistical software

 Develop skills in summarizing information directed to practical decision making

 Able to compute and Generate results as well as interpret the results

Course Contents:

Chapter 1: Introduction to Softwares

Chapter 2: Application to Data Management

Chapter 3: Application to Univariate Analysis

Chapter 4: Application to Bivariate Analysis

Chapter 5: Application to Cross Sectional Econometrics

Chapter 6: Application to Time Series Econometrics and Panel Data

Chapter 7: Application to Nonlinear Models

Course Delivery Methods

The delivery method shall be student-centered. Students are highly expected to participate in
class works at the middle and end of each session and in group discussions inside and outside of
the class. Specifically the course will be delivered through the following methods:

 Lecture Method
 In-class problem solving
 Group Work
 Assignment

Assessment Methods

Student evaluation in this Course consist both formative and summative assessments including
quizzes, test and final exam. Marks will be allocated according to the following grading

Assessment method Weight

Assignment (Indiv/group) 30%

Test 20%

Final Exam 50 %

Total 100%

Reference: Stata Manual, EViews Manual

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