MODULE 2 Behavioral Genetics

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Behavioral genetics is the study of genetics and environmental influences



The primary goal of behavioral genetics is to investigate the nature and

origins of individual differences in behavior. (Effects of heredity on behaviors)

Lesson 1 The Heritability of Behavior

• Individual differences in every studied behavioral trait in any animal species,

including humans is a function of both genetic and environmental factors which
are varied.

• The methods of quantitative genetics are used to assess the relative roles of
genes and environment in individual differences in behavior.


• The methods of selective breeding, inbreeding, and crossbreeding (the usual

couple) are used in animals and humans which allow phenotypic variation
(observable characteristics) to be partitioned into genetic and environmental
components to achieve desirable goals.

Are behavioral traits GENETIC?


Behavior: 1. the manner of conducting oneself 2. anything that an organism does

involving action and response to stimulation 3. The result of the effects of the
environment to individual. (PAG-UUGALI)

Traits: 1. a distinguishing characteristic or quality, esp. of one’s personal nature:

bad traits of character. 2. A genetically determined characteristic or condition.

The difference between a behavior and a trait is simple: a behavior can be

changed; a trait is essentially impossible to change.

For example, you may react to certain situations with anger or violence—but that
is a learned behavior and can be changed.

You are born with certain color eyes; even if you wear colored contacts, your eyes
are still naturally the same color as they were when you were born. This is a trait.

Diving a little deeper into the biological realm, we don't inherit behavior or personality
(because it is acquired), but rather we inherit Genes. And these genes contain
information that produces proteins — which can form in many combinations, all
affecting our behavior.

Sample Behavioral Traits (INHERENT) of Successful People:

• Inspiring others.
• Thinking strategically.
• Leading change.
• Learning from experience.
• Navigating ambiguity.
• Demonstrating courage and grit.
• Displaying interpersonal savvy.
• Being mindful of others / sense of altruism

Example of Behavioral Genetics:

Much behavioral genetic research today focuses on identifying specific genes that
affect behavioral dimensions, such as personality, intelligence, and some disorders, such
as autism, hyperactivity, depression, and schizophrenia.

4 MAJOR types of Personality:

A study on human behavior has revealed that 90% of the population can be
classified into four basic personality types: Optimistic, Pessimistic, Trusting and



Comparison Behavior Personality traits
It refers to an amalgamation of
qualities like cognitions and
emotional and behavioral
It is how a person acts patterns that has evolved
or reacts to others and through a combination of
the surroundings in genetic and environmental
Definition general. factors.

It may relate to human

beings, animals,
microorganisms, It is used to describe only
Related to elements etc. human beings.
Comparison Behavior Personality traits
It is expressed
through what a It finds expression through
Expressed person does that is one’s thinking, emotions and
through his/her actions. behavior.
It is based on the
situation and
Prone to therefore changes a It is inherent and therefore
Change lot. remains stable.
Nature of It tends to be
Change temporary. It tends to be permanent.
Biological Traits or characteristics inherited from Parents:

• Blood Type
• Teeth structure
• Hair Type
• Height / Body structure
• Blood Sugar level
• Left-handedness
• Sleeping styles
• Drug addiction / dependency
• Pain threshold
• Facial feature

How about sample Psychological traits that can be inherent and transmitted
from Parents?

• Temperament
• Interests & motivations
• Level of Anxiety
• Level of Depression
• Neuroticism
• Paranoiacs
• Conscientiousness
• Sense of Altruism
• Openness / softheartedness
• Resilience / bravery
• Submissiveness
• Leadership
• Extroversion / Introversion


(Psychological Side) EXPRESSIONS

Sample Neurotransmitters:

• Dopamine-Good Mood / Happy Hormone/ Excitory

• Serotonin-Calmness / Good Mood / Inhibitory
• Epinephrine / nor-epinephrine- Excitory
• Oxytocin- Excitory / Muscle Contraction / Lactation
• GABA-Inhibitory / Relaxation /Balancing
• Endorphin-natural pain killers / Excitory
• Acetylcholine – Inhibitory / Relaxation
• Histamine- Inhibitory/ Relaxation


Testosterone Aggression
Endorphin Calmness
Dopamine Relaxation
Biology influences our behavior, and at the same time our behavior influences our
biology. Dabbs (1990) points out that high levels of testosterone are associated with
increased aggression.
In this case, biology appears to be driving behavior. At the same time, if you are
watching your favorite sports team lose, your testosterone levels will be lower
Bernhardt (1998). In this case, behavior (watching sports and supporting team)
drives biology (tester one levels).



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