CN-Topic OTE 2024

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Topic OTE 2024

1. What are the causes and solutions of teen’s stress?

Cause of teen’s pressure
Ladies, gentlemen, teachers and students here. First of all, I’d like to introduce myself. My
full name is Lâm Thị Thanh Ngân , I’m from Yen Ninh Town Secondary School, Yen Khanh
District. It’s my honor to stand in front of you and deliver my speech: what are the causes of
teenagers’ stress.
All we know that, we are living in a competitive society, everyone has to try their best to
reach their targets. And We, students also have a lot of pressure from many s0000 ources.
I can say that, the higher level we study, the more pressure we have to face to
The first common cause is from the schoolwork, we have a mountain of work with homework
of many academic subjects, tests, and exams all the school year around. Every teacher wants us
to complete all the tasks, to have the high marks in all tests, exams. This leads to overloading in
our study. Moreover, we also have to go to extra- classes after school many days of a week. If
this situation continues day after day, we will be always in the state of tiredness, stress.
The second source of our pressure comes from too high expectation of our parents. They
always have us study harder and harder to have higher and higher marks in all tests and
exams while we only have one or some our own strengths, we are not good at all subjects. Then,
sometimes, they compare our results to others’, that makes us not confident about ourselves.
And, do you agree with me that, peer pressure is also an important factor that affects our
emotion a lot. You know, everyone has their own appearance, someone is tall, someone is short,
the other is fat, others are skinny. But the problem is, our friends may tease each other about the
differences among students. In addition, sometimes we create our own pressure when we
compare ourselves to others both appearance and study result.
So, those are some opinions I would love to share with you about the problem of Teens’stress.
What about you, share with us your point of you, please.

Solutions of teen’s pressure

Ladies, gentlemen, teachers and students here. First of all, I’d like to introduce myself. My
full name is Lâm Thị Thanh Ngân , I’m from Yen Ninh Town Secondary School, Yen Khanh
District. It’s my honor to stand in front of you and deliver my speech: what are the solutions of
teenagers’ stress.
I completely agree with what recent contestant has just shared. So, what should we do to
reduce teenager’s stress. First, teens need to establish open communication, encourage them to
express their feelings with friends, parents or any others they trust. They will give us sound
advice to get rid of the difficulties we are face to
Second, we can take part in physical activities: going out with friends when we have free
time, playing some sports, taking up some hobbies. The outdoor activities will help us feel
relaxed and have full of energy to start again what we are doing next.
Third, the adult may teach teens time management skills and teen also should know how to
take care of themselves such as adequate between rest and work. Eating enough nutrition and
have a balanced diet are also important. Additionally, fostering supportive communities at home
and at school can provide the networks needed for teens to deal with stress effectively.
By implementing these strategies, I believe that, we can help teens build self- confidence and
manage stress more effectively. Thank you for your listening

2. What are the causes and solutions of environmental pollution?

Cause of environmental pollution

Ladies, gentlemen, teachers and students here. First of all, I’d like to introduce myself. My
full name is Lâm Thị Thanh Ngân , I’m from Yen Ninh Town Secondary School, Yen Khanh
District. It’s my honor to stand in front of you and deliver my speech: what are the causes of
environmental pollution.
As far as I know, environmental pollution is caused by various factors, but today I will focus
on the causes that stem mainly from human activities.
Let’s begin from one significant cause: the industrialization, as factories emit harmful
chemical pollutants such as carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide,…..into the atmosphere. Industrial
wastes from factory are pouring out the land, water around without being treated. Additionally,
exhaust fumes from means of transport also contribute to air pollution.
Another human activity that I think destroy the environment seriously is: Deforestation,
forests are our green lungs of our earth, they are the sources of life for many living things, they
also play an vital role in refreshing the air. They help us have a safe life without floods,
landslide….But, we, human-beings are cutting down many of them, that means we are
destroying our environment.
The next cause I want to point out is agriculture activities and livestock farming disrupts
ecosystems and releases greenhouse gases. Farmers use herbicides, pesticides to protect their
crops and at the same time they make the soil, the underground water polluted. Moreover, the
burning of fossil fuels for energy production is a major contributor to air pollution and climate
Overall, may be these above reasons are not enough I hope that my partner can add more and
then addressing these causes can help us find out the best solution to reduce environmental
pollution to have a healthy of ecosystems and communities.

Solutions of environmental pollution

Ladies and gentlemen, teachers and students here. It’s my honor to be in here. First of all, I’d
like to introduce myself. My full name is Lâm Thị Thanh Ngân , I’m from Yen Ninh Town
Secondary School. My topic today is what are the solutions of environmental pollution.
Addressing the causes of environmental pollution can help us find out the best solution to
reduce the harm and have a healthy of ecosystems for the whole communities.

First of all, one key approach is implementing stricter regulations and policies on industries
and individuals to reduce pollution levels. This includes enforcing emission standards for
factories and vehicles and promoting the use of renewable energy sources. Additionally,
investing in cleaner technologies and infrastructure can significantly decrease pollution levels.
This may involve developing more efficient public transportation systems, investing in waste
management facilities, and promoting recycling initiatives.
And another thing we should do regularly is: Educating the public about the importance of
environmental conservation and encouraging sustainable practices. By raising awareness and
promoting individual responsibility, we can collectively reduce our carbon footprint and
minimize pollution.
Furthermore, international cooperation and collaboration are essential for addressing
pollution on a global scale. By working together, sharing knowledge and resources, we can
develop innovative solutions and enact policies that protect the environment for future
I believe that, tackling environmental pollution requires an approach from many aspects that
combine regulation, innovation, education, and collaboration. Thank you for your listening and
now I am ready to hear your ideas.
3. What are the causes and solutions of games addiction/ social network addiction?

Causes of social networks, games addiction

Ladies, gentlemen, teachers and students here. First of all, I’d like to introduce myself. My full
name is Lâm Thị Thanh Ngân , I’m from Yen Ninh Town Secondary School, Yen Khanh
District. It’s my honor to stand in front of you and deliver my speech: what are the causes of
social networks, games addiction among students
In the era of 4.0, digital tools play an important role in daily life of many people especially
the young. They use these electronic devices with many purposes, one of them is to relax. The
constant social interaction on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok attracts teenagers
a lot because they are available, easy to use and more than that everything on these networks is
updated and suitable with every user’s ages, interests and trends. Teenagers spend most of their
time on is an of-course thing and easy to understand.
Another reason may come from the laziness of many teenagers, they do not like taking part in
outdoor activities such as going camping, playing some sports, even just going out with their
friends. It seems that the virtual world in the computers and smart devices is all they need to
relax after school hours. Day after day they are no longer interested in the outdoor world.
The next reason, I think we should consider much is the role of parents and other members in
family. Living in a family with parents or brothers, sisters who are too busy with works,
teenagers tend to make friends with games and social networking sites rather than go out with
friends. They can find everything they want to know on the internet, so there is no reason to go
out if no one tells them to go out to relax. For a long time, they cans control the time they spend
on the internet and become addicted to games, the social networking sites
What about your opinion about this issue, let me know more please!

Solutions of social networks, games addictions

Ladies, gentlemen, teachers and students here. First of all, I’d like to introduce myself. My full
name is Lâm Thị Thanh Ngân , I’m from Yen Ninh Town Secondary School, Yen Khanh
District. It’s my honor to stand in front of you and deliver my speech: what are the solutions of
social, game addictions
To address social network and gaming addiction, individuals can adopt several strategies.
Firstly, the teenagers must learn how to balance the time they study, spend with family, friends
with the time on social networking or gaming they have to set the time to do everything to
prevent themselves from using smart devices excessively. Additionally, taking part in many
activities is essential. Encouraging hobbies, physical exercise, and face-to-face social
interactions can provide alternative sources of entertainment and reduce the time on digital
Do you think that seeking support from friends and family is another vital step. They will be
the people who help the addicted get rid of the addiction with open communication. When we
have someone beside to talk, to share we won’t stick our eyes on the electronic devices
anymore. Moreover, understanding of the harm, the good of spending too much time on games
or social networking sites will help them be more aware of their digital habits and develop
healthier relationships with technology.
Overall, as we can see, a combination of self-discipline, social support, and professional
assistance can effectively combat social network and gaming addiction, leading to a more
balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.

4. Bullying online/ cyberbullying nowadays is a popular phenomenon. What are the causes
and how can we solve this problem?
Ladies, gentlemen, teachers and students here. First of all, I’d like to introduce myself. My full
name is Lâm Thị Thanh Ngân , I’m from Yen Ninh Town Secondary School, Yen Khanh
District. It’s my honor to stand in front of you and deliver my speech: what are the causes
behind cyberbullying, a concerning issue in today's digital world.


The first factor I think that make the cyberbullying become easier is: the internet users do not
have to reveal their real faces or names: this allows individuals to hide their identity while
engaging in hurtful behavior, making it easier for them to bully others without seeing the others’
real face, name. No one knows who you are
The second reason I want to share with you is the lack of awareness: Some people may not
fully understand the impact of their actions online, leading them to engage in cyberbullying
without realizing the harm they are causing. For example, it is simple you post your photo on
the internet and someone takes it then they cut or add something on your photo and use for other
purpose without having your permission. You do not want but you do not know how to stop this
situation. It is cyberbullying. Do you agree with me? It is.
Now, let me share with you another cause that everyone has to admit that it is true, the
social networks are easy to access and easy to use. Anyone with an account, real or virtual one
can use the and freely sharing, posting, downloading many things online content. This
contributes to the problem, as hurtful messages or images can spread rapidly and be difficult to
remove, causing lasting harm to victims anytime and anywhere.

Clearly, cyberbullying stems from a combination of many factors those are only 3 in countless
ones and now I am ready to listen to the other ideas. By understanding these causes, we can take
steps to address them and create a safer online environment for everyone. Thank you for
Ladies, gentlemen, teachers and students here. First of all, I’d like to introduce myself. My full
name is Lâm Thị Thanh Ngân , I’m from Yen Ninh Town Secondary School, Yen Khanh
District. It’s my honor to stand in front of you and deliver my speech: how to address
cyberbullying, a concerning issue in today's digital world.
We know that: understanding the causes behind cyberbullying is crucial in our efforts to
address and prevent this harmful behavior. Fortunately, there are several solutions that can help
combat it.
Firstly, raising awareness about cyberbullying and its impacts is essential. Schools,
communities, and online platforms can organize educational campaigns to inform people about
the consequences of cyberbullying and promote positive online behavior.
The second way I think it will be very effective if we can do. There must be stricter policies
to manage and control the posting negative images, comments on social media platforms and
online forums to protect the users. These policies should include clear guidelines on what
punishments the cyberbullying can get if they violate online. This can create a safer online
environment for everyone especially for the teens like us .
And the last one, do you agree with me that parents and guardians also play a crucial role in
monitoring their children's online activities and providing guidance on responsible internet
They will be the best people who are always beside us to help us stay away harmful things, bad
internet users and use this digital tools effectively for study and entertainment purposes.

I believe that by implementing a combination of these measures, we can work towards

reducing the harm of cyberbullying and creating a more positive online experience for all.
5. There are many destructive natural disasters over the world nowadays. Where do they
come from and what can we do to prevent or face with them?
Ladies, gentlemen, teachers and students here. First of all, I’d like to introduce myself. My full
name is Lâm Thị Thanh Ngân , I’m from Yen Ninh Town Secondary School, Yen Khanh
District. It’s my honor to stand in front of you and deliver my speech: where natural disasters
come from
The first may be geological Factors: Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are primarily caused by
movements in the Earth's crust and the release of pressure from beneath the surface.
As far as I know the second factor is Meteorological ones: Hurricanes and floods are influenced
by meteorological conditions such as temperature, humidity, and air pressure, which contribute
to the formation of these extreme weather events.
And the last one I think it comes from Environmental Factors: Wildfires can be sparked by
lightning, human activities like campfires or discarded cigarettes, or by natural causes such as
heatwaves and droughts.

So, natural disasters arise from a combination of geological, meteorological, and environmental
factors. Understanding the origins of these disasters is essential in mitigating their impacts and
ensuring the safety of communities worldwide. Thank you for listening.

Hello everyone, today we'll be discussing ways to cope with the destructive natural disasters
that occur around the world. While we may not be able to prevent these disasters entirely, there
are steps we can take to prepare for them and respond effectively when they occur.

First: Emergency Kits: Prepare emergency kits containing essential items such as water, non-
perishable food, first aid supplies, flashlights, and batteries.
Second: Emergency Plans: Develop and practice emergency plans with your family or
household members, including evacuation routes and meeting points.
And the third: Stay Informed: Stay informed about potential hazards in your area and sign up
for emergency alerts and warnings from local authorities.

And what should we do next:

We should follow evacuation orders issued by local authorities and evacuate to safe locations
when necessary.
We also have to seek shelters in buildings or designated evacuation centers to protect yourself
from the effects of natural disasters.
It is also very necessary to remain calm and follow instructions from emergency responders to
ensure your safety and the safety of others.
Another important thing is helping others: If it is safe to do so, help others in need, including
elderly individuals, children, and individuals with disabilities.

So, everyone know that, we cannot prevent natural disasters, we can take proactive steps to
prepare for them and respond effectively when they occur. By staying informed, developing
emergency plans, and helping others in need, we can minimize the impacts of natural disasters
and ensure the safety of our communities. Thank you for listening.
6. Obesity among children is becoming a big problem in many countries. What are the
main causes? Offer some possible solutions
Ladies, gentlemen, teachers and students here. First of all, I’d like to introduce myself. My full
name is Lâm Thị Thanh Ngân , I’m from Yen Ninh Town Secondary School, Yen Khanh
District. It’s my honor to stand in front of you and deliver my speech: Obesity among children,
what are the cause
We know that each healthy individual contribute to a healthy community, unfortunately, obesity
among children is a growing concern worldwide, and there are several main causes contributing
to this issue.
Firstly, unhealthy eating habits play a significant role. Children often consume foods that are
high in calories, sugar, and fat, such as fast food, sugary snacks, and processed meals. These
foods are readily available and often marketed towards children, making it easy for them to
develop poor eating habits from a young age. Additionally, a lack of physical activity is another
major factor leading to childhood obesity. With the rise of technology and screen-based
entertainment, many children spend a significant amount of time sitting indoors and engaging in
sedentary activities like watching TV, playing video games, or using smartphones and
computers. This lack of exercise contributes to weight gain and obesity.
Furthermore, environmental factors such as limited access to healthy foods and safe outdoor
spaces for physical activity can also play a role in childhood obesity.
Clearly, childhood obesity is often the result of a combination of unhealthy eating habits,
lifestyles and environmental factors.
It is essential to address these root causes through education, promoting healthy lifestyles, and
creating environments that support healthy eating and physical activity for children.
Ladies, gentlemen, teachers and students here. First of all, I’d like to introduce myself. My full
name is Lâm Thị Thanh Ngân , I’m from Yen Ninh Town Secondary School, Yen Khanh
District. It’s my honor to stand in front of you and deliver my speech: Obesity among children,
what are the solutions

To address the problem of obesity among children, there are several solutions that can be
Firstly, promoting healthy eating habits is essential. This can involve educating children and
their families about the importance of balanced meals, including plenty of fruits, vegetables,
whole grains, and lean proteins, while limiting sugary drinks, fast food, and unhealthy snacks.
Schools can also play a role by offering nutritious meals and snacks, as well as teaching
children about nutrition through classroom activities and programs.
Secondly, encouraging regular physical activity is crucial in preventing obesity. Children should
engage in at least 60 minutes of moderate to join in physical activity each day, such as playing
sports, riding bikes, or simply playing outside. Schools can incorporate physical education
classes into the curriculum and provide opportunities for active play during recess and breaks.
Additionally, creating supportive environments that promote healthy lifestyles is important.
This can involve making healthy food options more accessible and affordable in communities,
as well as ensuring that neighborhoods have safe outdoor spaces for children to play and
Parents and caregivers also play a vital role in modeling healthy behaviors and providing
support and encouragement for their children to be active and make nutritious food choices.
By implementing these solutions and promoting a culture of health and wellness, we can work
towards reducing childhood obesity and ensuring that all children have the opportunity to thrive.
Do you agree with me? Share your ideas to find out the best ones. Please!

7. Junk food and fast food are becoming popular among students nowadays. What are the
causes and how can we reduce the consumption of these foods?
There are several reasons why junk food and fast food have become increasingly popular among
students in recent years. Firstly, convenience plays a significant role. With busy schedules and
limited time, students often opt for fast food and snacks that are quick and easy to grab on the
go. Fast food restaurants and vending machines are readily available in schools and on
campuses, making unhealthy options easily accessible. Additionally, peer influence is another
factor contributing to the popularity of junk food among students. Social gatherings and outings
with friends often involve eating out at fast food restaurants or consuming sugary snacks and
drinks together. Moreover, aggressive marketing tactics by fast food companies and food
manufacturers target young people through advertising campaigns, social media, and
sponsorship of events. These marketing strategies often emphasize convenience, taste, and
affordability, appealing to students' desires and preferences. Furthermore, socioeconomic
factors may also play a role, as unhealthy food options are often cheaper and more affordable
than healthier alternatives. Limited access to nutritious foods and lack of education about
healthy eating may lead students to rely on junk food as a primary source of sustenance. In
conclusion, the popularity of junk food and fast food among students can be attributed to factors
such as convenience, peer influence, marketing tactics, and socioeconomic disparities.
Addressing these underlying causes is essential in promoting healthier eating habits and
reducing the prevalence of obesity and other health issues among young people.


Junk food and fast food are becoming popular among students nowadays. How can we solve
this bad eating habits ?
To address the growing prevalence of junk food and fast food consumption among students,
several strategies can be implemented. Firstly, promoting education about healthy eating habits
is essential. Schools can incorporate nutrition education into the curriculum, teaching students
about the importance of balanced meals, the benefits of fruits and vegetables, and the risks
associated with excessive junk food consumption. Additionally, providing access to nutritious
meals and snacks is crucial. Schools can offer healthier options in cafeterias and vending
machines, such as fresh fruits, salads, whole grain sandwiches, and low-fat dairy products.
Moreover, creating a supportive environment that encourages healthy choices is important. This
can involve organizing cooking classes, gardening projects, and physical activity programs to
engage students in learning about food and nutrition in a hands-on way. Involving parents and
caregivers in these efforts is also key, as they play a significant role in shaping their children's
eating habits and preferences. Furthermore, implementing policies to limit the availability and
marketing of junk food in schools and communities can help reduce its consumption among
students. By combining education, access to nutritious foods, supportive environments, and
policy interventions, we can work towards promoting healthier eating habits and lifestyles
among students, ultimately improving their overall health and well-being.
8. In recent years, there has been a decline in the number of young people choosing to read
for pleasure. What are the reasons behind this decline? What should we do to encourage
them to read more?
1. Primarily, the immense popularity of digital media has overshadowed traditional reading
habits. Young individuals are increasingly drawn to instant forms of entertainment, such as
streaming services and social media platforms, which offer immediate gratification and
interactive experiences that books do not.
2. Additionally, the academic pressures faced by students today leave little time for leisure
reading, which was once a common pastime.Students have to attend a lot of extra classes after
school.So, there isn’t any time for them to enjoy the interest of reading.
The consequences of this shift are far-reaching and affect more than just the publishing industry.
As the inclination to read wanes, so does the proficiency in language and literacy among the
youth. This decline in reading for enjoyment directly correlates with a decrease in critical
thinking and analytical skills, which are not only crucial for academic success but also for
navigating complex life situations. For instance, a study might reveal that students who engage
in regular reading outside of school requirements have a higher ability to comprehend and
analyze diverse texts, a skill that is invaluable in higher education and beyond.
It’s clear that young people especially students aren’t interested in reading anymore.This
problem is caused by a lot of factors that I have mentioned above.I think it’s high time for us to
do somethings to solve this issues.

1. Educators and policymakers need to recognize the long-term effects of this trend. If young
people continue to disengage from reading, the intellectual capacity of future generations may
be significantly hampered, leading to a workforce that is less equipped to deal with the
challenges of the modern world.
2. To combat this, schools and communities must take measures to promote the joy of reading
among the youth, ensuring that the art of reading remains a fundamental role of education and
personal development.
3. Schools should hold a day for students to read once a month in order to encourage students to
develop their reading habit. The library should have a presentation of interesting or new books
for students to update .
9. Causes and solutions of electric cigarette smoking addiction
Electric cigarette smoking addiction among teens can stem from various factors. Firstly, the
appealing flavors of e-cigarettes, ranging from fruity to dessert-like tastes, can entice young
users to try them out. These flavors often mask the harshness of nicotine, making it easier for
teens to start using them without fully understanding the addictive nature of nicotine. Secondly,
the widespread availability and accessibility of e-cigarettes, both online and in stores, contribute
to their popularity among adolescents. Peer influence also plays a significant role, as teens may
feel pressured to smoke e-cigarettes to fit in with their social circles or to appear cool.
Additionally, the misconception that e-cigarettes are safer than traditional cigarettes can lead
teens to underestimate the risks associated with vaping, including addiction. Furthermore, the
addictive nature of nicotine itself contributes to the development of dependence among teens
who use e-cigarettes regularly. Once addicted, teens may find it challenging to quit due to
withdrawal symptoms and cravings, perpetuating the cycle of addiction. Overall, a combination
of appealing flavors, accessibility, peer influence, misinformation, and the addictive properties
of nicotine contributes to the prevalence of electric cigarette smoking addiction among teens.
Addressing electric cigarette smoking addiction among teens requires a multifaceted approach.
Firstly, stricter regulations should be implemented to limit the sale and marketing of e-cigarettes
to minors, both online and in stores. This could involve enforcing age verification measures and
imposing penalties on retailers who sell to underage individuals. Secondly, educational
programs should be implemented in schools to increase awareness about the dangers of vaping
and nicotine addiction. These programs should provide accurate information about the risks
associated with e-cigarette use and highlight the importance of making informed decisions
regarding substance use. Additionally, parents and guardians play a crucial role in prevention
efforts by having open and honest conversations with their children about the risks of vaping
and setting clear expectations regarding substance use. Furthermore, providing access to
resources for teens who want to quit vaping, such as counseling services and support groups,
can help them overcome addiction and break the cycle of dependence. Overall, a combination of
regulatory measures, education, parental involvement, and access to cessation resources is
essential in addressing electric cigarette smoking addiction among teens and promoting
healthier behaviors.
10. There are more and more traffic accidents nowadays? What are the causes and

In Vietnam, the increasing number of traffic accidents can be attributed to several factors.
Firstly, the rapid urbanization and economic development in Vietnam have led to a surge in the
number of vehicles on the roads, resulting in congestion and a higher risk of accidents.
Additionally, inadequate infrastructure and road maintenance contribute to hazardous driving
conditions, such as potholes and poorly marked lanes. Moreover, the lack of enforcement of
traffic laws and regulations, coupled with reckless driving behaviors such as speeding, driving
under the influence of alcohol, and disregarding traffic signals, further escalate the risk of
accidents. Additionally, the prevalence of motorbikes and bicycles, which are often used as
primary modes of transportation, adds to the complexity of traffic flow and increases the
likelihood of collisions. Furthermore, insufficient awareness and education about road safety
among drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists contribute to the high accident rate. Without proper
knowledge of traffic rules and safe driving practices, individuals are more prone to making
errors that can lead to accidents. Overall, addressing the root causes of traffic accidents in
Vietnam requires improvements in infrastructure, stricter enforcement of traffic laws, and
comprehensive education and awareness campaigns to promote safer behaviors on the roads.

To address the rising number of traffic accidents in Vietnam, several measures can be taken.
Firstly, enhancing public awareness through educational campaigns about road safety rules and
the importance of responsible driving is crucial. This could involve organizing workshops,
distributing informative pamphlets, and broadcasting awareness messages through various
media channels. Secondly, stricter enforcement of traffic regulations by authorities is necessary
to deter reckless behavior on the roads. Implementing more frequent police patrols and
installing surveillance cameras in accident-prone areas can help monitor and penalize offenders
effectively. Moreover, improving road infrastructure and traffic management systems can
contribute significantly to accident prevention. This includes repairing damaged roads,
installing clear signage, and implementing traffic calming measures in congested areas.
Additionally, promoting alternative modes of transportation such as public transit, cycling, and
walking can reduce the number of vehicles on the road, easing traffic congestion and lowering
the risk of accidents. Lastly, fostering a culture of mutual respect and consideration among road
users is essential. Encouraging drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists to empathize with each other's
safety concerns can lead to more cooperative and cautious behavior, ultimately reducing the
incidence of traffic accidents in Vietnam.

11. There are more and more teenagers only staying at home in front of the electric
devices, what are causes and how improve this situation?

There are several reasons why more and more teenagers are choosing to stay at home in front of
electronic devices. Firstly, the widespread availability and affordability of smartphones,
computers, and gaming consoles make it easy for teenagers to access entertainment and
socialize virtually without leaving their homes. Additionally, the allure of online platforms,
social media, and gaming provides instant gratification and endless entertainment options,
which can be more appealing to teenagers than outdoor activities. Moreover, factors such as
busy schedules, academic pressures, and lack of safe recreational spaces in their neighborhoods
may discourage teenagers from engaging in physical activities outside the home. Furthermore,
parental influence and household dynamics can play a significant role, as some parents may
prioritize indoor activities or may not have the time or resources to facilitate outdoor
experiences for their children. Lastly, the COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated this
trend, with restrictions on social gatherings and concerns about safety prompting more teenagers
to spend time indoors. Overall, a combination of technological advancements, lifestyle
preferences, societal factors, and external circumstances contribute to the increasing number of
teenagers choosing to stay at home in front of electronic devices.
To address the issue of teenagers spending excessive time in front of electronic devices at home,
several strategies can be employed. Firstly, parents and guardians can encourage a healthy
balance between screen time and other activities by setting limits and boundaries on device
usage. This can include establishing designated times for device use and encouraging alternative
activities such as outdoor play, sports, or hobbies. Additionally, parents can lead by example by
modeling balanced screen habits themselves. Secondly, educators and community organizations
can offer engaging offline activities and programs that appeal to teenagers' interests, such as
sports clubs, arts and crafts workshops, or volunteering opportunities. Creating safe and
welcoming spaces for teenagers to socialize and participate in meaningful activities outside of
the digital realm can help foster a sense of connection and belonging. Moreover, promoting
digital literacy and responsible technology use through school curricula and awareness
campaigns can empower teenagers to make informed choices about their screen time habits.
Encouraging open communication between teenagers, parents, and educators about the impact
of excessive screen time on mental and physical well-being is also crucial. By collaborating
across various sectors and fostering a supportive environment, we can work together to mitigate
the negative effects of excessive device usage and promote a healthier, more balanced lifestyle
for teenagers.
12. Nowadays many children are shortsighted, what are the causes and solutions to this
- Genetic.
Short-sightedness tends to run in families. Your chance of developing short-sightedness is
greater if you have family members with this type of eye condition.
- Environmental factors.
Children who spend a lot of time focusing on near objects, for example, reading or watching a
computer screen may lead to short-sightedness or working on screens for long periods of time
- Lack of time outdoors in natural light.
Many children tend to have more indoor activities than outdoor ones. They spend more time
watching Tv or playing computer games rather than taking part in outdoor activities.

-Encourage children to spend time outdoors. This can lower their chance of becoming short-
- Set a limited time for them to watch TV or play computer games.
- Create studying and working environment with enough natural light. Try to void using too
much artifical lights.
13. The relationship between teenagers and parents seem to be cracked, what are the main
causes of the problem? Suggest some solutions.
The strained relationship between teenagers and parents can stem from various factors. Firstly,
conflicts often arise due to differences in expectations and communication styles. Teenagers
may feel misunderstood or controlled by their parents, while parents may struggle to adapt to
their children's changing needs and behaviors. Additionally, the challenges of adolescence, such
as peer pressure, academic stress, and identity exploration, can create tension within the family
dynamic as teenagers seek independence and autonomy. Moreover, technological advancements
and social media can further exacerbate communication breakdowns by facilitating virtual
interactions that may lack depth and authenticity. Furthermore, cultural differences, generational
gaps, and socioeconomic disparities can contribute to misunderstandings and conflicts between
teenagers and parents. In some cases, external stressors such as financial difficulties or family
disruptions may strain relationships and undermine trust and support. Overall, the complex
interplay of individual differences, developmental stages, and environmental factors can lead to
cracks in the relationship between teenagers and parents, highlighting the importance of open
communication, empathy, and mutual respect in fostering healthy family dynamics.

To mend the strained relationship between teenagers and parents, several steps can be taken.
Firstly, fostering open and honest communication is essential. Both teenagers and parents
should be encouraged to express their feelings, concerns, and perspectives without fear of
judgment. This can involve scheduling regular family meetings or one-on-one conversations to
discuss issues and brainstorm solutions together. Secondly, practicing active listening and
empathy can help bridge the gap between generations. Both parties should strive to understand
each other's viewpoints and emotions, even if they disagree. Additionally, setting boundaries
and establishing clear expectations can promote mutual respect and understanding. Negotiating
compromises and finding common ground on issues such as household rules, responsibilities,
and privileges can help restore harmony within the family. Moreover, spending quality time
together and engaging in shared activities can strengthen bonds and create opportunities for
meaningful connections. Whether it's cooking a meal together, playing games, or going for a
walk, finding moments to connect on a personal level can nurture trust and closeness. Lastly,
seeking professional support or family counseling can provide a safe space for teenagers and
parents to work through conflicts and develop healthier communication patterns. By prioritizing
empathy, communication, and mutual respect, families can rebuild trust and cultivate stronger
relationships between teenagers and parents.
14. School violence is becoming popular in many schools around the world. What are the
causes and solutions for this problem?
School violence is a concerning issue that arises from various factors. One primary cause is the
influence of negative peer interactions and social dynamics within schools. Peer pressure,
bullying, and cliques can create an environment where some students feel marginalized or
excluded, leading to frustration and aggression. Additionally, societal factors such as exposure
to violence in media and at home can desensitize students to the consequences of their actions
and normalize aggressive behavior. Moreover, inadequate conflict resolution skills and
emotional regulation among students may escalate minor disagreements into violent
confrontations. Furthermore, underlying issues such as mental health problems, family
dysfunction, and substance abuse can contribute to heightened aggression and violent
tendencies in some students. Inadequate support systems and resources within schools to
address these underlying issues can exacerbate the problem. Additionally, the prevalence of
weapons, including firearms, in some communities increases the potential for serious acts of
violence within schools. Overall, a combination of social, environmental, and individual factors
contributes to the prevalence of school violence, highlighting the importance of proactive
measures to promote a safe and supportive school environment for all students.

To minimize the occurrence of school violence, several measures can be implemented. Firstly,
promoting positive school culture and fostering a sense of belonging among students is crucial.
This can involve implementing anti-bullying policies, organizing activities that promote
inclusivity and diversity, and providing support systems for students who may feel isolated or
marginalized. Secondly, providing comprehensive social and emotional learning programs can
equip students with essential skills such as conflict resolution, empathy, and anger management,
which are crucial for preventing and de-escalating violent incidents. Additionally, creating a
safe and supportive learning environment through measures such as increased supervision,
security protocols, and crisis intervention training for staff can help deter violence and ensure a
prompt response in case of emergencies. Moreover, strengthening partnerships between schools,
families, and community organizations can enhance support networks and provide resources for
students facing challenges such as mental health issues or family instability. Furthermore,
implementing stricter regulations on the possession of weapons and conducting regular
screenings and interventions for students at risk of engaging in violent behavior can help
mitigate the threat of school violence. Overall, by prioritizing prevention, intervention, and
collaboration, schools can work towards creating a safer and more nurturing environment for all

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