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Contemporary World ● Social media fails to establish global

● Expansion- It refers to both the creation of connections between people. False

new social networks and the multiplication ● According to a common belief forwarded in
of connections that cut across traditional media and policy circles, global integration
political, economic, cultural, and geographic of economic markets is beneficial for
boundaries. everyone. True
● Intensification- refers to the expansion, ● The world that we live in now is a product of
stretching, and acceleration of these globalization in the past. True
networks. ● Economic globalization refers to the
● Globalization- as the process of expansion increasing interdependence of world
and intensification of social relations and economies as a result of the growing scale
consciousness across world-time and of cross-border trade of commodities and
across world-space is a definition given by services, flow of international capital and
Manfred Stanger wide and rapid spread of technologies
● Time, Space- “Globalization processes do ● The International Monetary fund regards
not occur merely at an objective, material economic globalization as a historical
level but they also involve the subjective process representing the result of human
plane of human consciousness”. innovation and technological progress. True
● Anthropologist Arjun Apparudai, different ● The oldest known international trade route
kinds of globalization occur on multiple and was the Silk Road
intersecting dimensions of integration that ● Galleon Trade (16th-18th century)-
he calls “scapes”. Countries, primarily in Europe, competed
● Technoscope- It refers to the global with one another to sell more goods as a
circulation of mechanical goods and means to boost their country’s income
software. ● Gold Standard (19th century)- Folllowing
● Ideoscope- It is the realm where political the lead of the United Kingdom, the United
ideas move around. States, and other European Nations
● Ethnoscope- refers to the global movement adopted the gold standard at an
of people. international monetary conference in Paris
● Mediascape- is about the flow of culture. ● The Great Depression (20th century)-
● Financescape- denotes the global This depression was the worst and longest
circulation of money. recession ever experienced by the Western
● Globalism- It is a widespread belief among world. Some economists argued that it was
powerful people that the global integration largely caused by the gold standard.
of economic markets is beneficial for ● The Great Depression started during the
everyone, since it spreads freedom and 1980's and extended up to the 1990's, was
democracy across the world; a common the worst and longest recession ever
belief forwarded in media and policy circles. experienced by the Western world. False
● Globalization is a system of ideas, beliefs, ● Fiat Currencies- Currencies that are not
norms, values, and ideals that are accepted backed by precious metals and whose value
as truth by some groups of people. True is determined by their cost relative to other
● Most accounts view globalization as currencies. Any money declared by a
primarily a political process. False government to be legal tender.
● Bretton Woods System- This system was companies would earn more, and would
inaugurated in 1944 during the United have more money to hire workers which is a
Nations Monetary and Financial Conference necessary trade-off for economic
to prevent the catastrophes of the early development. True
decades of the century from reoccurring and ● On October 17, 1973, the Organization of
affecting international ties. Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
● It was largely influence by the ideas of declared an embargo that drastically limited
British economist John Maynard Keynes the shipment of oil to the United States.
who believed that economic crises occur not ● Economists, such as Friedrich Hayek
when a country does not have enough and Milton Friedman argued that the
money, but when money is not being spent governments’ practice of pouring money
and, thereby, not moving. into their economies had caused inflation by
● Delegates at Bretton Woods agreed to increasing demand for goods without
create two (2) financial institutions: the necessarily increasing supply.
International Bank for Reconstruction ● Washington Consensus- It dominated the
and Development (IBRD, or World Bank global economic policies from the 1980's
and the International Monetary Fund until the early 2000's. Its advocates
(IMF). pushed for minimal government spending to
● Shortly after the Bretton Woods, various reduce government debt and also, they
countries also committed themselves to called for the privatization of
further global economic integration through government-controlled services, like water,
the General Agreement on Tariffs and power, communications, and transport,
Trade (GATT) in 1947. believing that the free market can produce
● The main purpose of the General the best results.
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was ● Neoliberalism came under significant strain
to reduce tariffs and other hindrances to during the global financial crisis of
free trade. True 2007-2008 when the world experienced the
● Mercantilism- It was a system of global greatest economic downturn since the Great
trade with multiple restrictions happened Depression.
between the 16th century to the 18th ● Economic globalization remains an uneven
century wherein countries, primarily in process, with some countries, corporations,
Europe, competed with one another to sell and individuals benefiting a lot more than
more goods as a means to boost their others. True
country's income. ● State- It refers to a country and its
● Neoliberalism- typically supports fiscal government. Four (4) attributes: citizen,
austerity, deregulation, free trade, territory, government, and sovereignty.
privatization, and a reduction in government ● Benedict Anderson- He asserted that “A
spending. nation is an imagined community…”
● Neoliberalism is often associated with the ● Nations often limit themselves to people
economic policies of Margaret Thatcher in who have imbibed a particular culture,
the United Kingdom and Ronald Reagan speak a common language, and live in a
in the United States. specific territory.
● Keynesian theory (mid 1940s to early
1970s) argues that as prices increased,
● Sovereignty is, thus, one of the proposed a system of free nations that
fundamental principles of modern state cooperated with each other to create an
politics. international system.
● Nation and state are closely related ● Woodrow Wilson- US president
because it is nationalism that facilitates (1913-1921), became one of the 20th
state formation. In the modern and century’s most prominent
contemporary era, it has been the internationalists. He saw nationalism as a
nationalist movements that have allowed prerequisite for internationalism.
for the creation of nation-states. States ● Self-determination- the belief that the
become independent and sovereign world’s nations had a right to a free, and
because of nationalist sentiment that sovereign government.
clamors for this independence. ● Socialist internationalism- He believed
● The Interstate System- The origins of the that any true form of internationalism should
present-day concept of sovereignty can be deliberately reject nationalism, which rooted
traced back to the Treaty of Westphalia, people in
which was a set of agreements signed in domestic concerns instead of global ones.
1648 to end the Thirty Years’ War between ● Karl Marx- He placed a premium on
the major continental powers of Europe. economic equality; he did not divide the
● Napoleonic (War, 1803-1815) Code- In world into countries, but into classes
Europe, this code forbade the birth (capitalist vs. proletariat).
privileges, encouraged freedom or religion, ● To encourage these socialist revolutions
and promoted meritocracy in government across the world, Lenin established the
service. Communist International (Comintern) in
● Internationalism- a system of heightened 1919.
interaction between various sovereign ● There are countries or states that are
states, particularly the desire for greater independent and govern themselves. True
cooperation and unity among states and ● Nation VS State- The nation-state is
peoples. The principle may be divided into composed of two non- interchangeable
two (2) broad categories: liberal terms. Not all states are nations and not all
internationalism and socialist nations are states. True
internationalism. ● It is idealism that facilitates state formation.
● Liberal internationalism- Immanuel Kant, False
Jeremy Bentham, and Guiseppe Mazzini. ● The Soviet Union took over the countries in
● Immanuel Kant- Imagined a form of global Eastern Europe when the US, Soviet
government. He Likened states in a global Union, and UK divided the war-torn Europe
system to people living in a given territory. into their respective spheres of influence.
● Jeremy Bentham- He believed that ● The best evidence of liberal internationalism
objective global legislators should aim to is the rise of the United Nations as the
propose legislation that would create “the center of global governance. True
greatest happiness of all nations taken
● Guiseppe Mazzini- first thinker to reconcile
nationalism and liberal internationalism.He
believed in a Republican government and
Art Appreciation two-dimensional, while form is
● Art- is an expression made visible by a three-dimensional.
form. Intrinsic to our existence as humans is ● Texture- Surface of an artwork. A texture
our quest to create meaning, and art allows can be actual or tactile, simulated or illusory,
that process to take place. Making meaning and/or quality of a style of a composition.
involves understanding our surroundings ● Rhythm- Alternating, Progressive, and
and marking our experiences. Flowing.
● Elements of Art: Line, Shapes, Space, ● Perspective- atmospheric and linear
Value, Color, Texture, and Form perspective
● Lines- A mark with length and direction. A ● Subject of Art: Still life, Landscapes,
continuous mark made on a surface by a Seascapes, and Cityscapes, Animals,
moving point.May be vertical, horizontal or Portraits, Figures, Everyday Life, History
diagonal, curved, straight, zigzag or show and Legends, Religion and Mythology,
emotion. Dreams and Fantasies
● Colors- creates the mood or tone, intensity ● Still life- These are groups of inanimate
and meaning. Color has three properties: objects arranged in an indoor setting.
hue, value, and intensity. ● Landscapes, Seascapes, and
● Tints- adding the color white to lighten a Cityscapes- artists have always been
hue. Shades- adding black to darken a hue fascinated with their physical environment
● Space- refers to the distance between, ● Animals- they have been represented by
around, above, below or within things. artists almost every age and place.
● Positive space- filled with something. ● Portraits- people have always been
Negative space- empty areas. intrigued by the human face as an index of
● Shapes- Two types of shape: Geometric: the owner’s character. As an instrument of
These are the shapes you recognize and expression, it is capable of showing a
know the names for. They have exact variety o f moods and feelings
measurements and are not frequently seen ● Figures- the structures ’ chief subject has
in nature. Examples: square, circle, traditionally been the human body, nude or
octagon, triangle. Organic: These are also clothed.
known as “free form”. They are ● Everyday Life- Arts have always shown a
unpredictable and flowing in appearance. deep concern about life around them. Many
Many of these are found in nature. of them have recorded in paintings their
● Positive shapes- are shapes of the observation of people going about their
subjects drawn on the artwork. One or more usual ways and performing their usual tasks
subjects may occupy space in the artwork, ● History and Legends- History consists of
and the shape representing the object and verifiable facts, legends, or unverifiable
space occupied in the artwork. ones.
● A negative shape is an area around a ● Visual Art- refer to still, unmoving pictures,
positive shape. painting, sculpture, photographs, digital
● Shape can be described as a figure images, installation or architecture that are
separate from its surrounding area or created by artists.
background. While Form is slightly similar ● Visual Art- They are representation or
to shape. BUT, remember that shape is embodiment of an idea, an experience, a
concept. a surge of vitality, emotion, feeling
or a result of interaction with the a. Drawing - two dimensional art that
environment, and a product of human can be done using chalk charcoal,
thinking. pastel or pencil and ink on paper.
● Elements of Visual art: Line, Shapes and i. Chalk - use of heavy or light
Form, Texture, Color, Space and Movement. pressure you create a blend
● Principles of Organization: Unity and of shades.
Harmony, Variety, Rhythm, Proportion, ii. Charcoal - burnt wood
Balance, and Perspective iii. Pastel - light and pale color
● Unity and Harmony- creates unity by b. Painting in oil - most popular
showing similarities of separate but related medium in 2-dimensional expression
parts because it offers a variety of colors.
● Variety- a difference of elements of objects Pigments mixed with oil.
within an artwork. c. Watercolor painting - to do
● Rhythm- repetition of design, line, or other transparent painting on paper.
elements within the frames. d. Acrylic - dissolves in water and uses
a. Alternating rhythm- motif or pattern acrylic polymer as a binding agent.
of shapes e. Clay - medium used in sculpture. It
b. Flowing rhythm- curved lines or comes in three forms:
waves i. earthenware - sun-baked
c. Progressive pattern- shapes or ii. stoneware - goes through
pattern repeating in varying size or much higher firing that
varying intensity of color verifies the clay so that it
● Proportion- the comparative size of the becomes close=grained.
parts of a single work iii. porcelain - smooth finish,
● Balance- sense of equilibrium. color, and decorative effects.
● Perspective- graphic system that creates f. Metal and bronze - inserting a core
the illusion of depth and volume on a or pouring in molten metal or bronze.
two-dimensional surface. g. Wood - commonly used in the
a. Atmospheric perspective - achieved Philippines, for sculpture, we use
through colors. Bright colored-seem narra, langka, santol, and molave.
closer and dull colored Other mediums include paper
objects-seems farther. (origami), discarded junk, shells,
b. Linear perspective - show distance rubber tires, and many other
and depth. materials.
● Analysis of Visual arts: Form, Medium, ● Subject matter- What is the main figure in
and Subject matter, and Style. the artwork? How do the other figures in the
● Form- What are the dominant elements in artwork affect the main figure? What is the
the artwork? How are these used? How is significance of the figure/s to you in terms of
the main subject matter treated in relation to personal, historical, social, and political
the background? value?
● Medium- refers to the materials used by the ● Style- The treatment of the artwork's
artist. subject matter is very much affected by
artistic style. Artists are recognized by their
viewers and the art world through their style
"The manner in which artists express
themselves constitutes their style. Style
gives us that body of characteristics that
identifies an artwork ." What are the
characteristic does this artwork have that
are also present in other works by the same
● Painting- Painting is making images on a
surface using color. The surface may be flat
canvas or wood, or even the wall.
● Composition of Painting
○ Oil painting
○ Watercolor painting- the pigment is
dissolved in water.
○ Tempera- mixes color pigment with egg
yolk and applied to a panel of wood
covered with plaster.
○ Fresco- applying paint on wet plaster
○ Acrylic- modern synthetic product.
Industrial Psychology ● Hawthorne studies- a series of studies,
What is I/O Psychology? conducted at the Western Electric plant in
● Industrial/ organizational psychology is a Hawthorne, Illinois, that have come to
branch of Psychology that applies the represent any change in behavior when
principles of psychology to the workplace. people react to a change in the environment
● The purpose is to enhance the dignity and ● Hawthorne effect- when employees
performance of human beings, and the change their behavior due solely to the fact
organizations they work in, by advancing that they are receiving attention or are being
the science and knowledge of human observed
behavior. ● In the 1980s-1990s the use of sophisticated
● I/O psychologists can also improve the statistical techniques, Cognitive
quality of life by increasing employee Psychology: the manager’s thought
effectiveness, which reduces the cost of processes when making performance
goods sold by improving product appraisals, Effects of work on family life and
quality. leisure activities, and Developing methods
● Relies extensively on research, quantitative to select employees.
methods and testing techniques ● In the 2000s, Rapid advances in
(scientist-practitioner model) technology, Changing demographic makeup
● I/O psychologists are not clinical of the workforce, and The global economy.
psychologists who happen to be in the ● 1960s- landmark civil rights legislation in the
industry US, sensitivity trainings, laboratory training
groups (T-groups)
● 1970s- employee satisfaction and
Major Fields motivation; use of behavior modification
● Personnel Psychology- analyzing jobs, techniques inspired by BF Skinner’s
recruiting applicants, selecting employees, Beyond Freedom and Dignity
determining salary levels, training Why conduct research?
employees, and evaluating employee ● Answering questions and making decisions
performance. ● Research in everyday life
● Organizational Psychology- issues of ● Common sense is often wrong
leadership, job satisfaction, employee Considerations in Conducting Research:
motivation, organizational communication, ideas, hypotheses, theories
conflict management, organizational ● The first step in conducting research is to
change, and group processes within an decide what to research, many research
organization. ideas stem from a person starting a
● Human Factors/ ergonomics- workplace sentence with “I wonder.…”
design, human-machine interaction, ● The next step is to form a hypothesis- an
ergonomics, and physical fatigue and stress educated prediction about the answer to a
Brief History of I/O question.
● First big impact is during WWI ● This prediction is usually based on a
● Thomas Edison’s knowledge test theory, previous research, or logic.
● The Gilbreths’ on productivity and Literature reviews
fatigue reduction
● Journals- a written collection of articles sign an informed consent form indicating
describing the methods and results of new that they understand their rights as subjects
research. and have chosen to voluntarily participate.
● Trade magazines- a collection of articles In field studies, however, obtaining informed
from those in the “biz” about related consent can not only be difficult but change
professional topic, seldom directly reposting the way people behave.
the methods and results of new research ● Universities have institutional review
● Magazines- an unscientific collection of boards to monitor research to ensure
articles about a wide range of topics. ethical treatment of research participants.
Location of the study These review boards pay close attention to
● Laboratory research- Usually, this is done confidentiality.
at a university, but research is also Research Method to be Used
conducted in such organizations. ● Experiments- A type of research study in
Disadvantage of laboratory research is which the independent variable is
external validity or generalizability. manipulated by the experimenter. The
○ external validity/or generalizability, experimental method is the most powerful of
extent to which research results can be all research methods because it is the only
expected to hold true outside the one that can determine cause-and-effect
specific setting in which they were relationships.
obtained. ● Quasi-experiments- Research method in
● Field research- Another location for which the experimenter either does not
research is away from the laboratory and manipulate the independent variable or in
out in the “field,” which could be the which subjects are not randomly assigned
assembly line of an automotive plant, the to conditions.
secretarial pool of a large insurance ● Archival research- Research that involves
company, or the interviewing room at a the use of previously collected data or
personnel agency. records to answer a research question..
● leadership training was more effective in Research method that is commonly used
laboratory studies than in field studies; and in I/O psychology.
teams, group cohesion and group ● Surveys- Another method of conducting
personality composition were related to research is to ask people their opinion on
performance more in field studies of real some topic. Surveys can be conducted via a
groups than in laboratory studies of groups variety of methods such as mail, personal
created for the experiment. interviews, phone, email, and the Internet.
● Field research also provides researchers Additionally, such methods as the interview
with an ethical dilemma. Psychologists can vary in the extent to which the
require that subjects participate in studies of questions are being asked by a live person,
their own free will—a concept called voice or video recording, computer assisted
informed consent. interviewing, or self-administered paper
○ informed consent- the formal process questionnaire.
by which subjects give permission to be ○ How to Improve Response Rate:
included in a study. ■ Notifying participants that they will
● In laboratory studies, informed consent is be receiving a survey
seldom an issue. They are then asked to
■ Providing monetary or non-monetary Statistical Analysis
incentives ● In psychology, we use the .05 level of
■ Personalizing the survey significance: If our analysis indicates that
■ Ensuring that survey responses will the probability that our data resulted from
be anonymous by using chance is 5% or less, we consider our
identification numbers results to be statistically significant.
■ Having a university sponsor the ● Correlation- A statistical procedure used to
survey measure the relationship between two
■ Distributing the survey in person variables.
rather than through mail ● Intervening variable- A third variable that
● Meta-analysis- is a statistical method of can often explain the relationship between
reaching conclusions based on previous two other variables.
research. Prior to meta-analysis, a ● The result of correlational analysis is a
researcher interested in reviewing the number called a correlation coefficient.
literature on a topic would read all of the The values of this coefficient range from -1
available research and then make a rather to +1; the further the coefficient is from
subjective conclusion based on the articles. zero, the greater the relationship
Subject Sample between two variables.
● Random sample- which every member of ● A positive (+) correlation means that as the
the relevant population had an equal values of one variable increase, so do the
chance of being chosen to participate in the values of a second variable. A negative (-)
study. The problem is that researchers are correlation means that as the values of
unlikely to get a 100% return rate if study one variable increase, the values of a
participation is voluntary, and the ethics of second variable decrease.
the APA require that participation be Ethical Dilemma
voluntary. ● Ethical dilemmas are ambiguous situations
● Convenience sample- A nonrandom that require a personal judgment of what is
research sample that is used because it is right or wrong because there are no rules,
easily available. policies, or laws guiding such decisions.
● Random assignment- unbiased ● We often encounter two types of ethical
assignment of subjects in a research dilemmas: Type A and Type B:
sample to the various experimental and ● In a Type A dilemma, there is a high level of
control conditions. Each subject in a uncertainty as to what is right or wrong,
nonrandom sample is randomly assigned to there appears to be no best solution, and
a particular experimental condition. there are both positive and negative
● Random assignment is important when consequences to a decision.
using convenience samples, as research ● In a Type B dilemma, also called
indicates that random and nonrandom rationalizing dilemmas, the difference
assignment result in different outcomes. between right and wrong is much clearer
Running the study than in a Type A dilemma. Usually,
● Debriefed- Informing the subject in an individuals know what is right but choose
experiment about the purpose of the study the solution that is most advantageous to
in which he or she was a participant and themselves.
providing any other relevant information.
Job Analysis and Evaluation fixed and variable incentives of employees.
● Job Analysis- Is the process of gathering After all, the pay package depends on the
and analyzing information about the work an position, job title and duties and
employee performs, the conditions under responsibilities involved in a job. The
which the work is performed, and the worker process guides HR managers in deciding
characteristics under the identified the worth of an employee for a particular job
conditions. opening.
● Job Analysis plays an important role in ● Job Designing and Redesigning- The
recruitment and selection, job evaluation, main purpose of job analysis is to
job designing, deciding compensation and streamline the human efforts and get the
benefits packages, performance appraisal, best possible output. It helps in designing,
analyzing training and development needs, redesigning, enriching, evaluating and also
assessing the worth of a job and increasing cutting back and adding the extra
personnel as well as organizational responsibilities in a particular job. This is
productivity. done to enhance employee satisfaction
● Recruitment and selection- Job Analysis while increasing the human output.
helps in determining what kind of person is How to write a Job Description?
required to perform a particular job. It points ● A job description is a brief 2-5 pages
out the educational qualifications, level of summary of the tasks and job requirements
experience and technical, physical, found in the job analysis. It must describe a
emotional and personal skills required to job in enough detail that decisions about
carry out a job in desired fashion. The activities such as selection and training can
objective is to fit a right person at a right be made.
place. ● Job title- An accurate title describes the
● Performance analysis- Job analysis is nature of the job, its power and status level,
done to check if goals and objectives of a and the competencies needed to perform
particular job are met or not. It helps in the job. An accurate title also aids in
deciding the performance standards, employee selection and recruitment. If the
evaluation criteria and individual’s output. job title indicates the true nature of the job,
On this basis, the overall performance of an potential applicants for a position will be
employee is measured and he or she is better able to determine whether their skills
appraised accordingly. and experience match those required for the
● Training and Development- Job Analysis job.
can be used to assess the training and ● Brief summary- The summary need be
development needs of employees. The only a paragraph in length but should briefly
difference between the expected and actual describe the nature and purpose of the job.
output determines the level of training that This summary can be used in help-wanted
needs to be imparted to employees. It also advertisements, internal job postings, and
helps in deciding the training content, tools company brochures.
and equipment to be used to conduct ● Work Activities- The work activities section
training and methods of training. lists the tasks and activities in which the
● Compensation management- Job analysis worker is involved. These tasks and
plays a vital role in deciding the pay activities should be organized into
packages and extra perks and benefits and meaningful categories to make the job
description easy to read and understand. be conducted is surely the next step. A
The category labels are also convenient to planned approach about how to carry the
use in the brief summary. whole process is required in order to
● Tools and equipment used- A section investigate a specific job.
should be included that lists all the tools and ● Strategic Decision Making- Now is the
equipment used to perform the work time to make strategic decisions. It’s about
activities in the previous section. Even deciding the extent of employee
though tools and equipment may have been involvement in the process, the level of
mentioned in the activities section, placing details to be collected and recorded,
them in a separate section makes their sources from where data is to be collected,
identification simpler. data collection methods, the processing of
● Job Context- Describes the environment in information and segregation of collected
which the employee works and mentions data.
stress level, work schedule, physical ● Training of Job Analyst- Next is to train
demands, level of responsibility, the job analyst about how to conduct the
temperature, number of coworkers, degree process and use the selected methods for
of danger, and any other relevant collection and recoding of job data.
information. Preparation of Job Analysis
● Work Performance- This section contains ● Process- HR managers need to
a relatively brief description of how an communicate the whole thing properly so
employee’s performance is evaluated and that employees offer their full support to the
what work standards are expected of the job analyst. The stage also involves
employee. preparation of documents, questionnaires,
● Compensation information- This section interviews and feedback forms.
of the job description should contain ● Data Collection- is to collect job-related
information on the salary grade, whether the data including educational qualifications of
position is exempt, and the compensable employees, skills and abilities required to
factors used to determine salary. perform the job, working conditions, job
● Job Competencies- These are the activities, reporting hierarchy, required
knowledge, skills, abilities, and other human traits, job activities, duties and
characteristics (KSAOs) that are necessary responsibilities involved and employee
to be successful on the job. behavior.
Job Analysis Preparations ● Documentation, Verification and Review-
● Who will conduct job analysis?- Some Proper documentation is done to verify the
companies prefer getting it done by their authenticity of collected data and then
own HR department while some hire job review it. This is the final information that is
analysis consultants. Job analysis used to describe a specific job.
consultants may prove to be extremely ● Developing Job Description and Job
helpful as they offer unbiased advice, Specification- Now is the time to segregate
guidelines and methods. They don’t have the collected data into useful information.
any personal likes and dislikes when it Job Description describes the roles,
comes to analyze a job. activities, duties and responsibilities of the
● How to conduct the process- Deciding the job while job specification is a statement of
way in which job analysis process needs to educational qualification, experience,
personal traits and skills required to perform ● *Rank-order the objectives on
the job. the basis of importance
Conducting a Job Analysis ■ Observation or watching the job
● Step 1: Identifying Task Performed- incumbents perform their jobs
Identify the major dimensions and the tasks ■ Job participation or actually
performed for each dimension, the tools and performing the job. A job analysis
equipment used to perform the tasks, and method in which the job analyst
the conditions under which tasks are actually performs the job being
performed. analyzed.
○ Techniques ● Step 2: Write Task Statement
■ Gather existing information ○ After identifying the task, the next step
(internally or externally), prior to is to write the task statements that will
interviewing incumbents, it is always be used in the task inventory and
a good idea to gather information included in the job description.
that has already been obtained. ○ Task inventory – a questionnaire
■ Interview subject-matter experts containing a list of tasks each of which
(SMEs) or people who are the job incumbent rates on a series of
knowledgeable about the job and scales such as importance and time
include the job incumbents, spent.
supervisors, customers and ○ It must contain and action (what is
upper-level management. done) and an object (to which the
■ For one-on-one session with SMEs action is done). Often task statements
● *Prepare for the interview also include where the task is done,
● *Open the interview with rapport how it is done, why it is done and when
● *Use open-ended questions, use it is done
easy-to-understand vocabulary, ○ Characteristics of well-written task
and allow sufficient time for the statements
employee to talk and answer ■ *One action should be done to one
questions. Avoid being object.
condescending and disagreeing ■ *Written at a level that can be read
■ Ammerman Technique- a group of and understood by the incumbent
job experts identifies the objectives ■ *All statements are written in the
and standards to be met by the ideal same tense
worker ■ *Include the tools and equipment
● *Convene a panel from all levels used
of the organization ■ *Not be a policy
● *Identify the objectives and ■ *Should make sense by itself
standards to be met by by ideal ■ *Indicate level of authority if it
incumbent involves decision making
● *List the specific behaviors ● Step 3: Rate task statements or task
necessary for each objective or analysis- Task Analysis is identifying the
standard to be attained task for which employees need to be
● *Identify critical behaviors trained. Use a group of SMEs to rate each
task statement
● Step 4: Determine Essential KSAO’s ● This is the process of determining the
○ Knowledge- a body of information monetary work of a job.
needed to perform a task. ● It is typically done in two stages:
○ Skill- the proficiency to perform a determining internal pay equity and
learned task. determining external pay equity.
○ Ability- the basic capacity for ● Determining Internal Pay Equity- It
performing a wide range of tasks, involves comparing jobs within an
acquiring knowledge, or developing a organization to ensure that the people in
skill. jobs worth the most money are paid
○ Other Characteristics- factors that are accordingly.
not knowledge, skills or abilities such ● Step 1: Determining compensable job
as personality, willingness, interest and factors- factors that differentiate the relative
degrees. worth of jobs.
● Step 5: Selecting test to tap KSAO’s- ○ Level of responsibility
After the important KSAOs have been ○ Physical demands
identify, the next step is to determine the ○ Mental demands
best methods to tap the KSAOs needed at ○ Education requirements
the time of hire. ○ Training and experience requirements
● Using other job analysis methods ○ Working conditions
○ Methods Providing General Information ● Step 2: Determining the levels for each
About Worker Activities compensable factor.
■ Position Analysis Questionnaire ○ Level of responsibility
■ Job Structure Profile ○ Physical demands
■ Job Elements Inventory ○ Mental demands
■ Functional Job Analysis ○ Education requirements
○ Methods Providing Information About ○ Training and experience requirements
Tools and Equipment ○ Working conditions
■ Job Components Inventory ● Step 3: Determining the factor weights
○ Methods Providing Information About ○ A job evaluation committee determines
the Work Environment the total number of points to be
■ AET, an ergonomic job analysis distributed among the factors. Usually,
method developed in Germany the number is some multiple of 100 and
○ Methods Providing Information About is based on the number of
Competencies compensable factors.
■ Critical Incident Technique ○ Each factor is weighted by assigning a
■ Job Components Inventory number of points.
■ Threshold Traits Analysis ○ The number of points assigned to a
■ Fleishman Job Analysis Survey factor is then divided into each of the
■ Job Adaptability Inventory levels
■ Personality-related Position ○ The total number of points for a job is
Requirements Form compared with the salary currently
■ Performance Improvements being paid for the job
Characteristics ○ Wage Trend Line- a line that represents
Job Evaluation the ideal relationship between the
number of points that a job has been
assigned and the salary range for the
● Determining External Pay Equity- With
external equity the worth of a job is
determined by comparing the job to the
external market (other org.) It is important if
an organization is to attract and retain
● To determine external equity, organizations
used salary surveys- a questionnaire sent to
other organizations to see how much they
are paying their employees in positions
similar to those in the organization sending
the survey.

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