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The American Heart Association’s Centennial

and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention’s
Patrick W. Serruys, MD, PhD; Pruthvi C. Revaiah, MD

n 1975 at a meeting in Frankfurt, Professor Paul Lich- catheter shaft, one to inflate the balloon with contrast
tlen, a key European opinion leader, quipped that a medium and the other to record pressure at the distal
significant coronary lesion with a thin fibrous cap and tip of the balloon to detect the reduction in pressure
a large atheromatous core (vulnerable plaque) could not gradient across the lesion after dilatation of the ste-
be stretched with a balloon without the risk of major dis- nosis; at the balloon tip was a short flexible 2-cm wire.
tal embolization as proposed by Dr Andreas Grüntzig, a Debate over the sustainability of PTCA as a modality
young radiologist. During the meeting, Andreas Grüntzig’s of revascularization continued for at least 5 years after
poster described the creation of an artificial stenosis by Grüntzig’s first case.
tying catgut around canine coronary arteries, followed by An important technical development was the intro-
the use of a balloon to open this artificial stenosis. Hon- duction of the steerable, movable, guide wire by John
estly, foreseeing its future was challenging. Simpson in 1982, which allowed operators to both
On September 17, 1977, in Zurich, Grüntzig per- maintain access across the lesion in case of inad-
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formed successful dilatation of an 85% narrowing equate results requiring further dilatation and access
in the left anterior descending coronary artery of a distal stenoses or those in branch vessels with acute
38-year-old man with severe angina using his percuta- angulations.
neous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) cath- The primary PTCA journey began in the early 1980s
eter (Figure). Without doubt this was a pivotal moment when Geoffrey O. Hartzler had the foresight to use PTCA
in the history of cardiovascular medicine. A few weeks to treat acute myocardial infarction (MI), publishing his
later in a letter to the Lancet he reported the results experiences in 41 patients in 1983. Based on his knowl-
of PTCA in 5 additional patients,1 and in 1979 he edge of pathophysiology, William C. Roberts endorsed
published his astounding work as a case series of 50 Hartzler’s findings in a 1984 letter published with the
patients. He showed that PTCA successfully reduced title “When I Have an Acute MI Take Me to the Hospital
coronary stenoses in 32 of 50 patients from a mean of That Has a Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory and Open
84% to 34% and a reduction in the mean translesion Cardiac Surgical Facilities.”2 Exactly 4 decades later pri-
gradient from 58 to 19 mmHg. Twenty-nine patients mary PCI is now the standard-of-care treatment for ST-
had improvements in functional class during follow- elevation MI and has saved millions of lives worldwide.
up, while 6 had restenosis. His PTCA catheter initially In the early days of PTCA, acute and subacute occlu-
consisted of a balloon with 2 small channels in the sion were major hurdles. In 1986, the so-called perfusion

Key Words: angioplasty, balloon, coronary ■ myocardial infarction ■ percutaneous coronary intervention ■ stents

The American Heart Association celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2024. This article is part of a series across the entire AHA Journal portfolio written by international
thought leaders on the past, present, and future of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular research and care. To explore the full Centennial Collection, visit https://www.
The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of the editors or of the American Heart Association.
Correspondence to: Patrick W. Serruys, MD, PhD, Cardiovascular Research Centre for Advanced Imaging and Core Lab Research Centre, University of Galway,
University Road, Galway, Ireland H91 TK33. Email or
For Sources of Funding and Disclosures, see page 977.
© 2024 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation is available at

Circulation. 2024;149:973–978. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.064461 March 26, 2024 973

Serruys and Revaiah History and Future of PCI
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Figure. Major milestones in percutaneous coronary intervention.

The first coronary angioplasty was performed by Andreas Grüntzig in 1977. The first human coronary stent implantation was performed in 1986.
The first human coronary bioresorbable scaffold implantation was performed in 1998 and the first human coronary drug eluting stent implantation
was performed in 1999.

balloon was introduced to handle acute coronary dissec- nary dissection, and emergency CABG increased to 5%,
tions and impending occlusion. 4.5%, 5%, and 5.8%, respectively, between 1978 and
In 1988, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Insti- 1981, and 1.3%, 4.9%, 4.8%, and 3.5%, respectively,
tute PTCA Registry report indicated that the rate of between 1985 and 1986. With percutaneous old bal-
incidence for coronary spasm, coronary occlusion, coro- loon angioplasty, the rate of restenosis was 30% to

974 March 26, 2024 Circulation. 2024;149:973–978. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.064461

Serruys and Revaiah History and Future of PCI

60% at 6 months—mainly driven by recoil and prolifera- expanding “endoprosthesis,” bulkiness, stiffness, and

tive remodeling. the thrombogenic nature of this foreign body in the cor-
onary bloodstream. The presence of metal struts was a
nidus for platelet aggregation and thrombosis leading
THE DEVICE ERA to early occlusions with significant morbidity. The whole
By the mid-80s, engineers and interventional cardi- armamentarium of combined anticoagulation and anti-
ologists were testing devices using various sources of platelet treatment to prevent these thrombotic events
energy to treat atherosclerotic plaque with the goal of led to catastrophic bleeding. The results from the early
decreasing risk for restenosis. In 1981, Lee reported experience of the Wallstent in the first 105 patients
“laser dissolution” of cadaveric coronary atheroscle- treated worldwide are sobering.3 Meanwhile, a number
rotic obstruction. An era of “new devices” was ushered of new stents were proposed: the Palmaz–Schatz, Wik-
in with directional atherectomy (John Simpson, 1985); tor, and Gianturco–Roubin.
argon laser (Choy, 1983), which was successfully used The next milestones were the BENESTENT I and
to recanalize 3 totally occluded right coronary arteries II (Belgian–Netherlands STENT Study) and STRESS
in vivo during coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) in (Stent Restenosis Study) trials conducted in Europe and
1986; high-speed rotational atherectomy (David C. Auth, the United States,4 respectively, which firmly established
1987); percutaneous excimer laser coronary angioplasty that BMS could markedly reduce restenosis and improve
(Frank Litvak, 1990), which was used as an adjunct or clinical outcomes. Moreover, they demonstrated that the
alternative to conventional PTCA; and transluminal ex- mechanism of restenosis was at least as much dependent
traction atherectomy (Robert Stack, 1991). on constrictive remodeling as on neointimal proliferation.
Intracoronary brachytherapy was another attempt
to reduce restenosis with gamma and beta radiation
explored after the first patient had been treated by Jose DRUG-ELUTING STENTS
Condado in 1996. In 1999 our group described a new Although BMS reduced restenosis rates compared with
phenomenon in interventional cardiology: late and sudden balloon angioplasty alone, in-stent restenosis (Achilles
thrombosis after PTCA and intracoronary brachytherapy. heel of BMS) due to neointimal proliferation became a
At the time, another pioneer in that field, Ron Waksman, new iatrogenic syndrome (16–44% of cases). In July
concluded that with brachytherapy, late thrombosis after 1999, exposure to a possible savior occurred through
radiation could be like “sitting on a time bomb.” Except for
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Cordis Corporation at their facilities in New Jersey—the

the rotational atherectomy, none of these devices have drug-eluting stent (DES). Previously, Elizabeth Nabel had
stood the test of time; they were largely abandoned after drawn my attention to the fact that rapamune, a cyto-
the advent of stents. static drug discovered on Rapa Nui Island (Easter Island)
upregulates p27—a cell-cycle inhibitor. On that day, we
designed a trial with early evaluation of DES at 4 or 6
BARE METAL STENTS months by quantitative coronary angiography and quanti-
Despite the golden era of new innovative technologies, tative motorized intravascular ultrasound pullback. Eduar-
coronary angioplasty still faced 2 major challenges: peri- do Sousa, in Sao Paolo, Brazil, and I, in Rotterdam, tested
procedural acute occlusion necessitating emergency them for the first time in December 1999 (Figure).
CABG and the vexing problem of late restenosis. Bare At the European Society of Cardiology Andreas Grüntzig
metal stents (BMS) were initially developed as a “bailout” Lecture in Interventional Cardiology in August 2000,
to scaffold the dissection flap and obviate recoil, but the we reported the impeccable results: zero restenosis in
price to pay was subacute thrombosis of the metallic for- the first 33 patients,5 an outcome definitively confirmed
eign body in the hours and days after treatment. Naively, by the landmark, double-blind, randomized controlled
it was believed that the strut mesh could act as a sieve trial—RAVEL (A Randomized Comparison of a Sirolimus-
by preventing the intraluminal migration of proliferating Eluting Stent With a Standard Stent for Coronary Revas-
cells; this was wrongly perceived to be a potential antire- cularization).
stenotic treatment. Shortly after the hype of these early results, new
In 1986, Ulrich Sigwart and Jaques Puel reported safety issues emerged, including the new Damocles’
use of their self-expanding stent in 19 patients with sword late (1–12 month) and very late (≥1 year) stent
coronary artery restenosis after balloon angioplasty thrombosis, long-term dependence on dual antiplatelet
(Figure) as the first used in humans. Between 1986 therapy, and intrastent neoatherosclerosis. Today’s stents
and 1991, balloon-expandable and self-expanding have ultrathin struts that are made from alloys different
stents struggled to address multiple technical and from the initial bulky stainless steel, with sophisticated
clinical problems, including poor crimping of the stent platforms and bioresorbable or biostable coatings that
on the balloon, incomplete expansion of the balloon- have dramatically mitigated the problems of restenosis
expandable stent, inaccurate deployment of the self- and thrombosis.

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Serruys and Revaiah History and Future of PCI




Implantation of a permanent metallic prosthesis was In the last 2 decades, the transradial approach has revo-
viewed as a major drawback in the treatment of coro- lutionized the practice of interventional cardiology, with
nary artery stenosis. Engineer Keiji Igaki and cardiologist its widespread adoption of PCI for reducing mortality
Hideo Tamai designed a polylactide thermoexpandable and bleeding-related complications, and improving pa-
scaffold, which was tested in Europe in 2000 (Figure); tient comfort and quality of life compared with femoral
however, dislodgment and poor retention of the device access. Slender PCI with a “stent on the wire” remains
on the balloon, together with the thermolabile nature of on the horizon.
the scaffold, precluded its clinical use—at least in Europe.
In 2006, we, along with John Ormiston, introduced the
first fully biodegradable, drug-eluting scaffolds, which INCREASING SUCCESS WITH
eliminated the long-term presence of a foreign body in PERCUTANEOUS CHRONIC TOTAL
the coronary circulation.6 The first-in-human registry was
followed by a family of randomized controlled trials in
Europe, China, Japan, and the United States (ABSORB Chronic total occlusions (CTOs) are a common anatomic
[A Bioresorbable Everolimus-Eluting Scaffold Versus a entity in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD),
Metallic Everolimus-Eluting Stent for Ischaemic Heart however they have been seriously undertreated with
Disease Caused by De-Novo Native Coronary Artery PCI, primarily due to inferior success rates compared
Lesions] I through IV). In ABSORB II, asymptomatic pa- with non-CTO PCI. During the past decade, there has
tients who were tested annually with maximal exercise, been exponential progress in CTO PCI, with dramatic im-
suddenly thrombosed their scaffolds at the end of the provements in materials such as guidewires and micro-
third year of follow-up, and this proved to be their death catheters, techniques, and success rates. Patients with
knell. Most recently, the 5-year results of ABSORB IV increasing comorbidities and lesion complexity are cur-
showed that despite improved implantation techniques, rently treated with success rates of >90%.
rates of target lesion failure remain 3% greater with BRS At 3-years follow-up in EuroCTO (A Randomized Mul-
than with DES. A glimmer of hope comes from the last 2 ticentre Trial Comparing Revascularization and Optimal
years of follow-up, wherein the safety and efficiency of Medical Therapy for Chronic Total Coronary Occlusions),
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BRS was comparable to DES. With more efficient and there was no difference in the rate of cardiovascular
reliable iterations, the dream of “leaving nothing behind” death or MI between PCI or optimal guideline-directed
with BRS may one day come true. Recently, Haude et al7 medical therapy among patients with a single remaining
have shown that the newer generation magnesium scaf- coronary CTO. The higher rate of major adverse cardio-
fold has a late loss of 0.24±0.36 mm and clinically driven vascular events in the guideline-directed medical therapy
target lesion revascularization rates of 2.6% in 116 pa- group was largely due to ischemia-driven revasculariza-
tients at 1 year. tions (PCI arm crossover).


EMERGENCE OF BALLOON ANGIOPLASTY Physiology and Imaging-Guided PCI and
It will be interesting to see if the old dream of elimi- Decision-Making Tools
nating flow-limiting lesions via balloon dilatation while The FAME (Fractional Flow Reserve Versus Angiog-
simultaneously inhibiting constrictive remodeling and raphy for Multivessel Evaluation) trial showed that in
neointimal proliferation without “leaving anything be- patients with multivessel CAD, PCI guided by pressure
hind” will be realized in future with drug-coated bal- wire–derived fractional flow reserve is associated with
loons (DCB). The paclitaxel drug-coated balloon works lower rates of major adverse cardiovascular events and
by passive vessel wall transfer of lipophilic cytotoxic resource utilization compared with angiography-guided
drug; with the Sirolimus drug-coated balloon, there is PCI. The FAVOR III China Study (Comparison of Quan-
active penetration into the vessel wall with electrostatic titative Flow Ratio Guided and Angiography Guided
attachment and long-term residency of microspheres Percutaneous Intervention in Patients With Coronary
or even nanospheres containing hydrophilic cytostatic Artery Disease) randomized controlled trial showed
sirolimus, such that the vessel wall itself serves as a that among patients undergoing PCI, a noninvasive
natural drug reservoir with a duration of elution almost quantitative flow ratio–guided strategy of lesion selec-
comparable to DES. Beyond the treatment of resteno- tion improved 1-year clinical outcomes compared with
sis, native vessels are now the current and future target standard angiography guidance. Recently, RENOVATE-
of this technology. COMPLEX-PCI (Randomized Controlled Trial of

976 March 26, 2024 Circulation. 2024;149:973–978. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.064461

Serruys and Revaiah History and Future of PCI

Intravascular Imaging Guidance Versus Angiography- the traditional gatekeeper relationship between the

Guidance on Clinical Outcomes After Complex Per- noninvasive cardiologist, invasive cardiologist, radiolo-
cutaneous Coronary Intervention) showed that among gist, and surgeon. In patients with significant epicardial
patients with complex CAD undergoing PCI, intravascu- obstruction, CCTA can assist in planning revasculariza-
lar imaging guidance improves clinical outcomes when tion by determining disease complexity, vessel size, le-
compared with angiography guidance alone. SYNTAX sion length, and tissue composition of atherosclerotic
II (Synergy Between PCI with Taxus and Cardiac Sur- plaque, as well as the best fluoroscopic viewing angle;
gery) showed quite amazing results. It employed the it may also help in selecting adjunctive percutaneous
best contemporary PCI practice: a combination of devices (eg, rotational atherectomy) and determining
physiology, intravascular imaging, and use of thin-strut, the best landing zone for stents or bypass grafts. As
biodegradable-polymer, newer-generation DES, along a first-in-human trial, FASTTRACK CABG ([Safety and
with the mandatory use of guideline-directed medical Feasibility Evaluation of Planning and Execution of Sur-
therapy and patient selection based on SYNTAX Score gical Revascularization Solely Based on Coronary CTA
II, which looks at clinical characteristics, comorbidities, and FFRCT in Patients With Complex Coronary Artery
and physiology. Disease] URL:; Unique
Because incomplete revascularization (residual identifier: NCT04142021) has shown exceptional
SYNTAX score >8) is associated with increased risk feasibility and acceptable safety in surgical decision-
for mortality, it is hypothesized that functional com- making, planning, and execution of CABG, solely based
pleteness of revascularization after PCI may further on CCTA. The next step is to randomize an invasive cor-
improve prognosis. Physicians, therefore, should strive onary angiography versus CCTA strategy for treatment
to achieve this. In fact, contemporary data have now planning (PCI and CABG).
established the prognostic benefit of complete revas-
cularization in patients with acute or chronic coronary
Silencing MicroRNA and Gene Editing for
syndromes and multivessel disease, especially with
PCI. Individualized decision-making tools like the SYN- Physiologic Control of Atherosclerosis
TAX Score II 2020, which has been well validated, The decade of 2020 to 2030 will probably witness the
should and will be used more often in the selection of emergence and combination of metabolic and antiin-
an optimal revascularization strategy (ie, PCI vs CABG) flammatory interventions targeting PCSK9 (propro-
in patients with complex CAD. Notably these tools tein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9), lipoprotein(a),
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need to be periodically recalibrated. IL-1 (interleukin-1), IL-6, inflammasome, and many

Another facet of physiologic assessment (pressure other molecular pathways, thereby curbing the need
pullback gradient index, delta fractional flow reserve, and for mechanical revascularization. Gene editing with
index of microcirculatory resistance) gaining increased CRISPR will, with a single subcutaneous injection,
attention is the detection of diffuse disease pre-PCI, permanently affect the patient’s genome with gain-
which can predict poor hemodynamic outcomes post- or loss-of-function; this is currently being tested in
PCI (post-PCI fractional flow reserve ≤0.90). Reliable familial hypercholesterolemia.
detection of microvascular dysfunction—invasively or During the next 5 decades, we should not be surprised
noninvasively—in patients with obstructive and nonob- if PCI and CABG are replaced by an intelligent primordial
structive CAD may become standard before treating the prevention guided by the early detection of the ominous
epicardial conductance vessel. -omics, which, combined with noninvasive imaging, will
identify the early stage of the diseased phenotype. It is
then that the era of “imagomics” will have arrived. Time
Will Conventional Invasive Angiography Be will tell.
Replaced by Coronary Computer Tomography
The DISCHARGE (Diagnostic Imaging Strategies for Affiliation
Patients With Stable Chest Pain and Intermediate Risk Cardiovascular Research Centre for Advanced Imaging and Core Laboratory, Uni-
of Coronary Artery Disease) trial showed that patients versity of Galway, Ireland.
with stable chest pain and an intermediate pretest prob-
Sources of Funding
ability of CAD had significantly lower (74% relative risk None.
reduction) risk for major procedure-related complica-
tions with an initial strategy of coronary computer to- Disclosures
Dr Serruys reports institutional grants from Sinomedical Sciences Technology,
mography angiography (CCTA) compared to invasive
Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Philips/Volcano, Xeltis, and HeartFlow, out-
coronary angiography. CCTA instead of invasive coro- side the submitted work.
nary angiography may be a game-changer, impacting Dr Revaiah reports no conflicts.

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Serruys and Revaiah History and Future of PCI

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