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Afaan Oromoo

Walaloo jaalalaa jaalallee ofiif

Best Walaloo jaalalaa jaalallee ofiif 2024

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Walaloo jaalalaa jaalallee ofiif

Introduction to Walaloo jaalalaa jaalallee ofiif

In the realm of Oromo culture, the essence of life and emotion finds its eloquent voice through Walaloo
Jaalalaa Jaalallee Ofiif. Delve into the enchanting world of this poetic tradition by immersing yourself in
five captivating pieces that encapsulate the beauty, passion, and profound storytelling prowess of this
revered Ethiopian art form. Each verse is a treasure trove, offering a glimpse into the vibrant tapestry of
Oromo heritage, beckoning readers to unravel its lyrical mystique and discover the timeless allure
embedded within these remarkable compositions.

Walaloo jaalalaa jaalallee ofiif Number 1

image 10 Best Walaloo jaalalaa jaalallee ofiif 2024

Si waliin guddadhee

Guutummaa onneekooGuutummaa

Suma qofaaf laadhee

Hundan si caalchisa

Namaan sin qixxeessu

Si ilaalee hin quufu Ijaaf sin sassata

Yaa giiftii jaalalaa

Kanaaf kabajamta

Siin ilaaleen arga

JIRUUKOO fulduraa
Fagaachuu hin danda’u

Adeemee an sirraa

Sagaleekoo baasee

Sumaanan weeddisa

Akkam jirta shaggee

Kuullee mataan leensaa

Ka’umsikoo si’i

Galmikoos naaf

Suma _Sumaafan jiraadha

Yoomuu hanga dhumaa(2)

Walaloo jaalalaa jaalallee ofiif Number 2

Oduu namaa fuudhee

Si miidhuun koo jarjaree

Onnee kee madeessuun koo

Xurree jibbaa sararee….

Galma jaalala keenyaa

Loltuu jibbaatiin cabsee

Osoo Ati naaf boossuu

Jibba sirratti Labsee

Dhugaaf Onneen kee dhiige

Naan beeka cubbuu koo

Dogoggoren si miidhe

Dhiifama Lubbuu koo

Siif gorri na dhaana

Natti buusee

Cabbii Gocha koo darbeetu

Natti kaase gaabbii

Siif gaabbii-nna dhaana

Natti kaasee dhakaa

Yaaddon jaalala kee

Na waakkateem Nagaa

Waan meega dabarsinee

Arginee mi’aa jiruu

Har’ammoo As geenyee

Wal gannaa ree tiruu?

Araara keen kajeela

Farda jaalalaan dhufee

Dhiifama naaf godhi

Jilba keettan kufee…

Na keessa naannofta
Dhuunfattee miira koo

Dhiifama naaf godhi

Wal’aani miira koo….

Mataa qabee na oofa

Harkisee haanni kee

Bifa koo bareedduu

Quncise yaanni kee

Ammannaa kee sana

Dharraate dhanni koo…

Foolii kankee malee

Ni qorra manni koo

Duruu na Ammattee

Sobdee na raffistaa

Har’a maal dhageettee..

Qophaa na raffistaa ?

Kalessa na sukkuumta

Na Hammaitee bobbaatti

Naaf na’i Lubbuu koo

Nan Ambisiin kophaatti

Jaalalatti qoosuun

Daangaa darbe qubni koo

Amma dabareen kootii

Akkas ta’e dhumni koo !

image 11 1 Best Walaloo jaalalaa jaalallee ofiif 2024

Walaloo jaalalaa jaalallee ofiif Number 3

Asham jaalallee koo

Fayyaa nagaa jirtaa?

Looyi looyi kootu

Maaf garaa na hirtaa?

Anoo suman yaadaa

Halkan gadi ciisee

Ati kan koo jedheen

kan biraa nan dhiisee

An eda galgalaa

Waantokkon abjadhee

Sifaana nan deemaa

Salgii siqabadhee

Kun hooda rabbiitii

Ani waan dagadhee

Barataa ta.uu koo

Ergasiin yaadadhee.

Hawwiikoof bakka jirtutti

Abbaa manaa kee biqoorraa

Hamma dhuftee nabira

Geessutti dubayirra

Walaloo jaalalaa jaalallee ofiif Number 4

image 12 Best Walaloo jaalalaa jaalallee ofiif 2024

koo ol kaasee

Ishee malee jechuun

Sagal deddeebisee

Kadhaan koos hin hafne

Deebii argateera

Gola onneesaatti Galchee cufateera

Bagan si argadhe Bagan si qabadhe

Si waliin jiraachuun Anaaf abjuu kooti

Ati anaaf giiftii Animmoo siif Mootii

Baga kan koo taate

Namummaan koo guute

As we conclude this exploration into the enchanting realm of Walaloo Jaalalaa Jaalallee Ofiif, we find
ourselves embraced by the timeless allure of Oromo culture’s poetic treasure. These five mesmerizing
pieces stand as testament to the enduring power of storytelling, carrying within them the heartbeats of
a rich heritage.

Through the lyrical verses and vivid imagery woven into the fabric of this revered Ethiopian art form,
we’ve glimpsed the essence of life, love, and human experience. Each word echoes the resilience,
passion, and profound depth of the Oromo people, inviting us to immerse ourselves in a tradition that
transcends boundaries and speaks a universal language of emotion.

As we step away from these verses, may their resonance linger—a reminder of the beauty that thrives
within cultural expressions and the wisdom they carry. Let us cherish, honor, and preserve these
narratives, ensuring that the echoes of Walaloo Jaalalaa Jaalallee Ofiif continue to captivate hearts and
inspire generations yet to come.

Chek our category of Walaloo Jaalalaa Jaalallee Ofiif here

oromo culture, walalo jaalalaa

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