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Unit 6 Support Test

Name: ________________________________________ Class: ______

LISTENING 3 Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy.

1 Track 2.102 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć osób, 1 I can’t ride / dive a horse but I’d like to.
które opowiadają o swoich umiejętnościach. 2 My sister can do / make really good cakes.
Zakreśl właściwe odpowiedzi. 3 Can you climb / dance to hip-hop?
4 We can walk / jump to the shop. It’s only about
1 Speaker 1 can / can’t sing well.
300 metres from here.
2 Speaker 2 can make a cake / biscuits.
___ /4
3 Speaker 3 can sing well / play the piano.
4 Speaker 4 can / can’t make spaghetti.
5 Speaker 5 can’t sing well / play the piano. GRAMMAR
4 Uzupełnij zdania twierdzące (√) i przeczące
___ /10 (X). Użyj can lub can’t.
1 He ______________ play chess. (X)
VOCABULARY 2 I ______________ ride a bike. (√)
2 Dopasuj wyrazy z ramki do ilustracji. 3 They ______________ dance well. (X)
4 You _____________ draw really good pictures! (√)
chess cycling drawing reading
5 Andrea ______________ play the guitar. (X)
running volleyball

___ /5

5 Ułóż pytania z podanych wyrazów.

1 you / play / can / the piano / ?

1 _________________ 2 _________________ ____________________________________________

2 ride / a horse / he / can / ?
3 cook / Italian food / can / they / ?
4 well / she / can / dance / ?
3 _________________ 4 _________________
5 we / make / a cake / can / ?

___ /5
5 _________________ 6 _________________

___ /6

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6 Uzupełnij dialog właściwymi wyrazami 8 Uzupełnij wiadomość właściwymi
z ramki. wyrażeniami z ramki.
about can go up what can play for the weekend have got
let’s what’s up
Mia: Dad, 1____________ I ask you something?
Dad: Sure, what’s 2____________?
Hi Martha, 1______________________? Have you got
Mia: Can I go to Ollie’s party on Saturday?
Dad: And 3____________ time is the party? any plans 2_________________________? I know you
Mia: At five o’clock. It’s at Ollie’s house. 3
______________________ the guitar very well and
Dad: OK, and what time does it end? I 4______________________ a new songbook with
Mia: Well, at 4____________ eight o’clock.
some great songs in it. So, 5______________________
Dad: That’s OK, of course, you can 5____________.
Mia: Thanks, dad. play the guitar and sing together on Saturday.
___ /5 What do you think?
___ /10

7 Przeczytaj wpisy na forum. Na podstawie informacji podanych w tekstach zdecyduj, czy zdania 1–5
są zgodne z jego treścią (T=True), czy nie (F=False).

Write to us about the hobbies and interests in your family!

Joe, 12

Hi, I’m from Texas, in the USA. Everyone can ride a horse in my family. OK, not my
sister, but she’s only three years old :-) We live on a ranch and we’ve got six horses.
My horse’s name is Blackie. She’s really lovely.

Emiliano, 15

Hi, I’m from Italy and I love good food. My parents can’t cook very well, but my
granny is a really good cook. I often help her in the kitchen and I can cook some traditional
Italian food, like spaghetti and lasagne. But I can’t make pizza yet – it’s not easy!

Airi, 11

Hi, I’m from Tokyo, Japan. My family are all very musical. My mother and father can
play the piano, but I love the guitar. I can play and sing a lot of different songs.

1 Joe is British. T/F

2 Joe has got three sisters. T/F
3 Emiliano’s mum and dad can’t cook well. T/F
4 Emiliano can’t make spaghetti. T/F
5 Airi can play the guitar. T/F
___ /5

Total: ___ /50

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