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Device Evidence

1. Extended Metaphor Before my pen has glean’d my teeming brain, (...) That i shall never look
upon thee more

2. volta “ - then on the shore / Of the wide world I stand alone, and think / Till Love and
Personification Fame to nothingness do sink.”
High modality

3. Connotations “Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night”

Extended metaphor

4. Personification “Or new Love pine at them beyond to-morrow”

5. Oxymoron “I have been half in love with easeful Death”

Tense change

6. Volta “No - yet steadfast still unchangeable / pillow’d upon my fair love’s ripening
tangibility breast.”
Extended metaphor

7. Cross poem relation “Nor ever bid Spring adieu;


8. Symbolism “A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme”


9. Paradox “Human passion (...) that leaves a heart high-sorrowful”

Tone shift

10. Allusion “Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard / are sweeter;”
Extended metaphor

Device Evidence

1. Foreshadowing Setting “Autumn is coming” (...) “And don’t come back there is no Autumn
Juxtaposition around here”

2. Close up “Then allow me my happiness for I am writing again”


3. Foreshadows ‘Immaturites but also immensities

4. Symbol / metaphor “The point of diving into a lake is to be in the lake, not swim straight to
the shore but to relax in the lake”

5.Wide shot (Framed by tree) Craft mirroring

Wide shot Fanny Him sitting under tree
Diegetic sound Fanny sewing illuminated by natural light
Voice over → of ode to
From keats in the garden to fanny

6. Characterisation ‘Hope is nice but it doesn't equate to hard work’

7. Characterisation ‘My stitching has more merit that your scribblings put together… and i
Feminist lens can make money from it’
Confident tone

8. Close up shot of sewing Breaking of fabric and re-stitching it to make pillowcase with
illuminated by natural light embroidery of tree
Close up of pillow slip

9. Mid shot “I don’t care a damn for stitches”

10. Mid shot Sewing herself a black / dark garment

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