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Definition of Credit and Collections collections.

In general finance, collections also

refers to the conversion of accounts to cash.
Generally, credit is defined as the process of
providing a loan, in which one party transfers
In accountancy and banking the term collections is
wealth to another with the expectation that it will
understood in two ways. First, it is the presentation
be paid back in full plus interest. The definition of
of a draft or check and the new credit entry or the
collections is connected to the term credit. receipt of the obtained amount in cash. Second,
Collections generally refers to the current period’s collections refers to the shift of past-due or
sales and the credit sales of the last period delinquent accounts to a collection agency or
combined. However, you can also define both terms department, which has the task to partially or fully
in several other ways. recover the lent funds.

Letter of Credit: Pros & Cons

A credit contract is a legal agreement whereby one Before credit cards and traveler's checks came into
party loans funds to another. The terms of the common use, many merchants and individuals used
contract specify the amount lent, the payback date letters of credit as financial backing for their sales
and the interest rate on the loan. In other words, a and service transactions when dealing with
credit is a contract of a loan or delayed payments of
unknown customers or merchants. Letters of credit
funds or goods. Credit can also refer to the
are still in use, and provide a number of
borrowing capacity of an enterprise or individual.
advantages. However, letters of credit also have
The term is often used to mention the terms and
drawbacks, some of which are significant.
conditions of a postponed payment option, while
the word credit also denotes the period that is DEFINITION
offered for deferred payment. A bank issues a letter of credit to guarantee
payment made on the behalf of a named
CREDIT IN ACCOUNTANCY beneficiary, often a business or merchant customer
According to the book "Financial Accounting: An of the bank. When used for commercial
Introduction to Concepts, Methods, and Uses," in transactions, letters of credit serve a similar function
accounting theories credit stands for a journal entry as a line of credit or an account with a specified
that registers an increase in assets. Credit is also payment date, such as net -15--payment within 15
known as the part where payments of debtors are days--or net -30--payment within 30 days. Banks
registered, which is typically the right side of a may also issue letters of credit to prominent citizens
ledger account. As a consequence, you can mean whom they trust to make good on their financial
the aggregate of all the entries or just a single entry obligations. Letters of credit allow individuals to
with this term. Moreover, sometimes a credit line is travel without carrying large sums of cash.
understood as credit.
COLLECTIONS IN FINANCE Letters of credit take several forms, which differ in
Collections is the receipt of a check, draft or other some functions depending on the specific type. A
negotiable instrument to for the purposes of letter of credit may be primary--that is, it serves as
restituting a loan. The book "Principles of Finance" the main method of payment--or secondary, which
claims that you can use this term not only for check means that the letter of credit serves as a backup in
case the beneficiary fails to pay. A confirmed letter
clearing and payment, but also for other banking
of credit is issued by a foreign bank and guaranteed
services such as the collection of returned items or
as valid by a domestic bank. A commercial letter of
bad checks, coupon collection and foreign credit guarantees payment for goods to a seller
delivered to the bearer of the letter upon period to apply it to the proper period. In
presentation of satisfactory documentation by the accounting, a debit or credit can either increase or
seller. An irrevocable letter of credit guarantees decrease an account, depending on the type of
payment by the issuing bank as long as the account. The accounting entry to record accrued
beneficiary meets the terms specified in the interest requires a debit and a credit to different
document, as opposed to a revocable letter of
credit, for which a bank may modify or cancel
The daily interest rate at which interest accrues
SPECIAL LETTERS OF CREDIT equals the annual interest rate divided by 365. The
Letters of credit also cover special circumstances. accrued interest at the end of a period equals the
Transferable letters of credit allow the original daily rate times the number of days since interest
beneficiary to transfer the letter of credit and its was last paid times the loan amount. For example,
guarantee of payment to a third party, who then assume your small business has a $5,000 loan with
becomes the beneficiary. Deferred payment letters a 6 percent annual interest rate. Assume you last
of credit specify payment after a specific time has paid interest 30 days ago. The daily interest rate is
passed. A back-to-back letter of credit uses the first 0.00016, or 0.06 divided by 365. The accrued
letter of credit as collateral for a second letter of interest equals $24, or 0.00016 times 30 times
credit, which the beneficiary issues to the actual $5,000.
supplier of merchandise or service. A red-clause
letter of credit advances cash to the seller in
advance of actual delivery of merchandise or
services. A revolving line of credit allows the When you record accrued interest as a borrower at
beneficiary to draw on the specified amount of the end of the period, you must adjust two separate
credit for a specified number of times; the issuing accounts. First, record a debit for the amount of
bank restores the credit to the original amount after accrued interest to the interest expense account in
each transaction. a journal entry. A debit increases this expense
account on your income statement and applies the
expense to the current period. Using the accrued
ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES interest from the previous example, debit $24 to
The main advantage of a letter of credit is that it the interest expense account.
eliminates the need for up-front cash payments.
However, sellers may encounter problems with
letters of credit, such as impossible delivery
schedules or unacceptable costs. Attempts to The second affected account is the interest payable
modify the terms of a letter of credit may also account, which is a liability on the balance sheet
cause disruptions in the transaction. Discrepancies showing the amount you owe. Record a credit to
in the documents presented by the seller may also this account in the same journal entry for the same
cause the issuing bank to void the letter of credit, amount of accrued interest. A credit increases the
according to the Credit Research Foundation. interest payable account. To finish the journal entry
from the above example, credit $24 to interest
Do You Debit or Credit Accrued Interest?
Accrued interest is the amount of interest that has When you lend money, you also record accrued
accumulated on a loan since the last interest interest in two separate accounts at the end of the
period. First, debit the amount of accrued interest
payment and that has yet to be paid. When your
to the interest receivable account in a journal entry.
small business borrows or lends money, you must
A debit increases this account, which is an asset on
record accrued interest at the end of an accounting
the balance sheet that shows the amount someone CONTENTS
owes you. For example, assume a customer owes An evergreen letter of credit includes information
your small business $35 in accrued interest at the regarding a specific shipment of goods or delivery
end of the period. Debit $35 to the interest of services. A maximum amount of credit is written
receivable account. in the letter, and the money provided by the bank
cannot exceed this amount. The letter of credit also
LENDER’S INTEREST INCOME contains a list of shipping documents required in
The interest income account is the other account order for the credit to be paid. For instance, the
affected by accrued interest when you lend money. letter may require a signed shipping invoice and
Record a credit to this account for the same signed bill of lading. These documents must be
amount of accrued interest in the same journal presented as proof that shipment has occurred
entry. A credit increases interest income on the before money will be transferred.
income statement, which applies the income to the
current period. To complete the entry from the
previous example, credit $35 to the interest income

What Is an Evergreen Letter of Credit?

International trade is increasingly common in

business. Not all foreign businesses use the
same banking systems as the United States,
however. In order to increase trust among
companies in different countries, letters of
credit are often used. A letter of credit is one
way of guaranteeing that funds are available,
and provides reassurance that money will be
sent after a shipment occurs. While some
letters of credit expire after a short time,
evergreen letters of credit are long term
documents that stay active unless cancelled.

An evergreen letter of credit is a legally binding
document issued by a bank or other financial
institution. It provides a guarantee the funds for a
purchase are available, and promises money will be
transferred after a shipment is complete. A letter of
credit is typically provided by the bank of a buyer
and given to the seller of a good or service, and is
often used to decrease the transaction risks during
international trade. Unlike a standard letter of
credit, an evergreen letter does not have a preset
expiration date.

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