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Are you tired of struggling with your homework?

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So everyone will have to pay him lots of money for their kids to go to Brickhouse instead. Personal
Development All Kinds of Families Celebrating Grandparents Fantastic Females First Experiences
Mental Health Positively Me. Introducing Upgrade your experience with unlimited, ad-free searches,
API access, custom playlists and more! helps you find the BPM and Key for any
song. I must have said please 52 million times and he won't budge. I thought we were supposed to be
coming up with a plan to get back into the talent contest, Henry. Mummy, Henry insists on watching
2 Cool 4 School and I want to watch Business For Boys. Sid comes in and applauds for the music,
Miss Battle-Axe strongly appreciates it. Horrid Henry’s cheeky antics will delight your child as they
move from picture books to solo reading. Go Giddiantus! - They're all girls! - That's right, dear. Miss
Lovely and I will have a chat while you tour the school. I'm one of your biggest fans. - It's just
amazing. - Really? Really. Yeah. I was actually looking for the washroom. Of course. Allow me, sir.
This way, if you please. Which I am, Jimmy. I'm sorry, what did you say your name was? Erm.
Beowulf. Beowulf Battering-Ram. Ha-ha. Oh, Boudicca. You do know I can't offer you your old job
back. You're only the second contestant ever to win 2 Cool 4 School. No, don't panic- We'll be good
to go, Zero Zombies beat, we'll be trying to show We're gonna jam all night, we'll be getting em.
Here at Brickhouse, we pride ourselves on tradition and accomplishment. Non-Fiction by Subject
Biographies Narrative Non-Fiction Popular Science Student Cookbooks True Crime UK Politics
Student Essentials Careers Managing Exam Stress Money Matters Ready for Uni - Reading Lists
Study Skills View More. And get down from there right now, you. horrid boy. Miss Oddbod doesn't
believe in rock stars. And when I'm king, I'll do my thing And then my life will be so SWEET. I
know you're down here. Right. Hello, sir. Ah. Hello, there, Brian. The evil headmaster of paying the school inspectors lots of money to make sure Ashton Primary gets closed
down. The school inspectors are here to see you, Miss Oddbod. Henry rejects, but Miss Battle-Axe
won't take 'no' for an answer. Must go now. Have to welcome new pupils from Ashton Primary. I'm
here to do my. snake-charming act. Oh. Would you like to see my snake, sir? Er. No. No, thank you.
I've just er..something to. Actually..on second thoughts. maybe I will. Oh, sorry. Sorry. Excuse me.
Here, I know you. You're one of them Killer Boy Rats unless I'm mistaken. Miss Lovely wrote it
down in her notebook. Look. Maybe we should tell a grown-up about this. No. Miss Lovely said we
shouldn't. Listen. I have to get real evidence. Two secs, guys, I'll let you in. (hums to hersel) Yes.
Yeah, we were. Eureka! That's it! - That's what, Henry? - That's it. Oh, how I wish I could call Miss
Oddbod to tell her that you're all OK. You leave that bit to me, Lord High Majesty ofthe Purple
Hand Gang. Yeah. Go Zero Zombies! - All clear, Brian. - Oh, good. Good luck, Brian. Thank you.
Brian's in. Amazing. In we go. That's it. Show your tickets. Sid? - Oh, no. - What's wrong? It's
Soggy Sid. It won't be long before the parents of all those children will be paying me lots of money
for them to come here.
Look! - Go, Vicious Vicky. - Yeah, go, Vicious Vicky. Miss Oddbod. We won! So, Henry, you won
the Ashton talent contest. - Yes, Miss Oddbod. - And you disobeyed my orders, running rings around
Mr Soggington. Well, you're going to be on - Tomorrow? - And you'll win the big cash prize. The
school inspectors are greedy but I, Vic Van Wrinkle, am even more greedy. She blows on her
instrument and makes music, which makes Henry scream ' Noooo!!! ', opening the title card. Health
and Medicine Biomedical Science Dentistry Medicine Midwifery Nursing (Adult) View More. Be
honest, no, don't! - You were going too fast. - No, I wasn't. - You were way too slow. - I don't care!
What's wrong with you. There's no lack of discipline in my classroom..out of control pupils. Settle
down, everybody. Thank you. That's lovely, Henry. You're only the second contestant ever to win 2
Cool 4 School. I'm going back to my nice warm bed. Wait. Listen. Miss Lovely discovered that Vic
Van Wrinkle. The only thing you'll be inspecting is a prison cell. Singing Soraya. Sour Susan. - Guess
who? - Me! And Moody Margaret, my number one enemy. Don't do it, Henry. I'll give you all the
pocket money in the world if you don't do it. Can't we get the money from somewhere else? - It's
impossible to win 2 Cool 4 School. - Henry. We're from Ashton Primary School. Later, loser. - Enter
at your peril, boy. - Yeah, watch out. Stuck in a girls' school. My favourite cousin. Not. Did someone
say, Polly put the kettle on. How strange. We haven't advertised it yet. - Show them in, Sidmouth. -
Right. I understand you have an opening for a very fine teacher. Miss Lovely and I will have a chat
while you tour the school. I thought we were supposed to be coming up with a plan to get back into
the talent contest, Henry. Great Aunt Greta? She thinks I'm a girl. Yes, yes. Henrietta is fine. See?
Well, yes, it does seem as though Ashton Primary School is in trouble. Oh. Oh. Right. OK. Goodbye,
then. Bad news? No. Rather good news, actually. I've come to see the headmaster. - About getting a
job here? - Well, yes. But only if you give up the chance to go to the Terrible Teacher's Office. OK.
Hang on. What about the big cash prize? Oh. Oh, yes. You also have to give up the chance to win the
big cash prize. And it’s all thanks to Hot-Foot Henry, the greatest soccer star who’s ever lived! -
Horrid Henry. However, Henry is stopped by Miss Battle-Axe who plays another song to him much
for his depression. It won't be long before the parents of all those children will be paying me lots of
money for them to come here. He's here to make sure the Zero Zombies don't get sneaked in. And
that's why I know you did not write this note, Henry. What I mean, my lovely Miss Lovely, is that
even as we speak, Miss Oddbod is signing the papers that will close Ashton Primary forever. Oh, yes.
Forever. Forever. Forever. Would you kindly turn that racket down.
Miss Battle-Axe. has been. sacked? Ah, Miss Battle-Axe. No-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o! So spirited, just like
in my day. We'll think about it, Ruby. I promise. I'm not going to that mouldy old Brickhouse. I
haven't got my homework. - So what's new, Henry? - OK. Oh, please, Miss. What is it, Henry? I
haven't got my homework, Miss. Why am I not surprised, Henry. Because work is spelt correctly in
this note and I know you'd never be able to spell it correctly. Ah. Enter! Boudicca, I just wanted to
remind you the school inspectors will be here again today and we don't want any more. Where does
Miss Oddbod keep the key to the Confiscation Cupboard. Thank you, Sidmouth. OK. Without
practice, we won't be ready for the talent contest. - But we've no instruments. - Who needs
instruments. Henry, any idea who this week's Terrible Teacher might be? Ooh. Yeah, it's ours. It may
be all the things you said and way more, too, but it's our school and we can't let anyone take that
away from us. He's right. Remember our school motto? Ad. If you used the excuse, the cat ate your
homework,.how many times did you use the excuse that you lost it down the back of the sofa?
Hmm? Erm. but. that question doesn't make any sense. Precisely. We still need an answer, Henry. A
red Early Reader is the next step on your reading journey. Well, it does seem as though they're losing
a lot of teachers. Om you go, Henrietta, and show them what you're made of. Ooh, look at that. Our
Henry on TV. Who'd have thought it. Of course, sir. It's empty. Oh, no! It's empty! My snakes have
escaped. I'm going back to my nice warm bed. Wait. Listen. Miss Lovely discovered that Vic Van
Wrinkle. The big cash prize is within your reach. And now. it's time for you to meet. Oh, hi, I'm
Henry, and this is my world. - First off, my Dad. - Henry! He says the same thing to me every day.
I'll be back. Wait for me! Er. actually. er, yes, just up here. This is my best mate. Fang. He can climb
steep walls. Come on, Henry. H. O. Come on, Henry. I dunno..erm. I am waiting..M. E. All those
spelling tests. Must go now. Have to welcome new pupils from Ashton Primary. A-Level: Wider
Reading Art Economics Music Philosophy Shakespeare View More. Soon everyone plays their
instrument, joins him and start their special music together. I still don't understand how this is going
to save the school. Horrid Henry’s cheeky antics will delight your child as they move from picture
books to solo reading. Margaret stated they were arguing about what was the best song ever.
Complete this phrase. - Now you see it. - Now you don't. Is the right answer. It won't be long before
the parents of all those children will be paying me lots of money for them to come here.
Brickhouse School. Because. there won't be an Ashton Primary School for them to go to anymore.
Now..let's see if we can make this boy Henry even more horrid, shall we. Where does Miss Oddbod
keep the key to the Confiscation Cupboard. This is my best mate. Fang. He can climb steep walls.
Personal Development All Kinds of Families Celebrating Grandparents Fantastic Females First
Experiences Mental Health Positively Me. I'm here to do my. snake-charming act. Oh. Would you
like to see my snake, sir? Er. No. No, thank you. I've just er..something to. Actually..on second
thoughts. maybe I will. Oh, sorry. Sorry. Excuse me. Here, I know you. You're one of them Killer
Boy Rats unless I'm mistaken. Rockstar's homework. - Mum! - Don't just go tell on me, you know! -
Yes, I do. - Yeah, why? Henry's not doing his homework. Don't get too excited, worm. Oh, shush.
Call yourselves school inspectors. And get down from there right now, you. horrid boy. Miss Oddbod
doesn't believe in rock stars. Me! - Got any sweets, Henry? Er. yeah. Henry, can you tell me what
Frere Jacques means. We simply cannot allow this sort of behaviour to continue. The big cash prize is
within your reach. And now. it's time for you to meet. Mr Vic Van Wrinkle, the headmaster of
Brickhouse School, Hey, Ralph, wait up. Yesterday, I put a red crayon in the yellow crayon box,
Miss Lovely. Oh. - And I took it out again, Miss Lovely. - OK. And I wiped it clean with a cloth,
Miss Lovely. Margaret replies yes and also tells that Henry is having some private time. I'm going
back to my nice warm bed. Wait. Listen. Miss Lovely discovered that Vic Van Wrinkle. The evil
headmaster of paying the school inspectors lots of money to make sure Ashton
Primary gets closed down. Here, Miss Battle-Axe. seems you have done your homework,
Henry. Wait. There seems to be a subject missing. While going to school, Henry asks Bert which song
is better. Complete this phrase. - Now you see it. - Now you don't. Is the right answer. OK, here we
are. Right. Ready to go, then, Peter? Yes, Dad. It looks. very big, though. Don't worry. You'll be OK
once you get in there. OK. Miss Lovely! Peter. What a lovely surprise. L- i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-it's..Henry!
Tell me, how cool is. Horrid Henry is far too busy to bother with his stupid, boring spelling
homework. Aaaaagh! I am never, ever going to that school, even if my dad pays double for them to
have me. I mean. Er. Henry. You can let go of my hand now. Does that mean Ashton Primary is not
gonna get closed down? No. A-Level: Wider Reading Art Economics Music Philosophy Shakespeare
View More. If you're 2 Cool 4 School. You're. Nobody's fool! Now, please put your hands
together..for today's specially invited guest. Introducing Upgrade your experience with unlimited,
ad-free searches, API access, custom playlists and more! helps you find the BPM
and Key for any song. Miss Battle-Axe wants Henry to share his good mood with everyone. She's
with me. Unfortunately. Hold up, snot face. I won that money, after all. Looking forward to the
show? Yes, sir. I dunno. Oi! Oi! Come back here.
Normally I would be. Very happy. Exactly. Cos Ashton Primary's mega-horrible. I dunno. Miss
Oddbod confiscates everything in sight. Well, well, Peter, you seem to have impressed us all.
Aaaaagh! I am never, ever going to that school, even if my dad pays double for them to have me. I
mean. Er. Henry. You can let go of my hand now. I've been told I have to make an example of
somebody. A-Level: Wider Reading Art Economics Music Philosophy Shakespeare View More.
Don't get too excited, worm. Oh, shush. Call yourselves school inspectors. Brainy Brian. And Beefy
Bert. - I dunno. I dunno! With miends like these, school's not all bad. Miss Battle-Axe comes in and
is glad to see the ones in a good mood, she draws a smiley face. We don't know the meaning of the
word. impossible. Thanks, worm. And what will you two be doing while I'm off winning 2 Cool 4
School. And it’s all thanks to Hot-Foot Henry, the greatest soccer star who’s ever lived! -Horrid
Henry. Introducing Upgrade your experience with unlimited, ad-free searches, API access, custom
playlists and more! helps you find the BPM and Key for any song. Yes, of course,
school inspectors, I've got all your money. You'll find it in the cupboard across the hall. Thank you.
Hello, Police? This is Ashton Primary School. We simply cannot allow this sort of behaviour to
continue. Oh, Henry, not going to be a pop star after all? - Get used to it. - Yeah, get used to it. No, I
can't do it. Are you sure, Henry? Hmm? Yeah. I'm sure. That boy is stupid as well as horrid. Oh.
Congratulations, Henry. She's with me. Unfortunately. Hold up, snot face. I won that money, after
all. The big cash prize is within your reach. And now. it's time for you to meet. If you used the
excuse, the cat ate your homework,.how many times did you use the excuse that you lost it down the
back of the sofa? Hmm? Erm. but. that question doesn't make any sense. Precisely. We still need an
answer, Henry. Complete this phrase. - Now you see it. - Now you don't. Is the right answer. Nicola
thinks they're both rubbish, Andrew says Eggs on the Brain then Thrash Hornets. Om you go,
Henrietta, and show them what you're made of. Is he now? How exactly is he going to do that? -
Boy at the end? - He'll win the cash prize. - Next. - So he can give it to Miss Oddbod. How do you
spell work? W..E. R-K? No, no, no, no. W-O-R-K. That is how you spell work. Yes, Miss Battle-
Axe. Oh. Not so fast, Henry. Now, where's your homework? Oh. Which means it's time for..the Bog.
of..Do-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-om! - Agh! - Agh. I know! So why do you wanna save it, then, Henry?
Because..because..because. it's not Brickhouse or Our Lady Giddiantus. It gets worse. - She
discovered something terrible. - Terrible. And what was that terrible thing, Peter. Aagh! Oh, dear.
Whatever happened? I tied his shoelaces together, Miss Lovely. Singing Soraya. Sour Susan. - Guess
who? - Me! And Moody Margaret, my number one enemy.

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