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Genetically modified food is the solution to manage food

supply in the world

E. O. Wilson, an American biologist once said, “There doesn’t seem to be a
way of creating the next green revolution without GMOs”. GMO food are foods
produced from organisms that have had changes introduced into their DNA
sequence through methods of genetic engineering. GM foods gained popularity in
around 1970. In my opinion, genetically modified food is better than normal food in
almost every aspect. Genetically modified food is the solution to manage food supply
in the world as GM food is resistant to disease and droughts, healthier and tastier.

The first reason why genetically modified food is the solution to manage food
supply in the world is that genetically modified plants or crops are disease- and
drought-resistant. For example, in 2013, a drought-resistant strain of the maize plant
was released, allowing the farmers to plant the first drought-resistant plant in the
world. Drought- and disease-resistant plants mean that less of the crops will die due
to droughts and disease, and the farmers will have a bigger harvest. Then, with more
food, the world will have a more stable food supply and so, there will be fewer people
hungry around the world. Thus, it is unquestionable that the drought and disease
resistant GMO food is the solution to manage the world food supply.

The next vital reason why genetically modified food is the solution to manage
food supply in the world that genetically modified food can be modified to grow much
faster. For example, some plants have this gene, where they are smart enough to
pump carbon dioxide into the part of the leaf where most of the photosynthesis
happens. By incorporating this gene into other crops species, scientists can make
crops make more use of sunlight at higher temperatures and need less water
because the pores that let carbon dioxide into their leaves, allowing the leaves not to
have to open so much and thus less water vapour escapes through them. This will
massively increase food production around the world, leading to a greater food
supply throughout the world.

Another significant reason why genetically modified food is the solution to

manage food supply in the world is that genetically modified food is less toxic. GMO
food is more pest-resistant than normal food, so the farmers use less pesticide on
the crops. Based on a study that was conducted by the US Department of
Agriculture, only 1 out of 744 of the tested apples were above acceptable standards
in the amount of pesticides that is used. Farmers will use less pesticides on these
GMO crops, which reduces the amount of pesticides that we consume, which
reduces the chances of us getting nausea, dizziness, diarrhea and even death.
Genetically modified food will definitely cause the world’s food supply to be more
environmentally-friendly and less poisonous.

In conclusion, genetically modified food is the solution to manage food supply

in the world because they are disease- and drought-resistant, they grow faster and
they are less toxic. Let us all show our support for GMO foods. This will encourage
scientists to produce and design the food faster, so that there will be a more stable
and healthy food supply throughout the world.

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