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You are discussing about drink for the party next week. One suggests freshly squeezed orange
juice while the other recommends concentrated orange juice. Make an argument and then come
to a final decision.
(Suggestion: you may talk about benefits of orange juice in general, the advantages and
disadvantages of each kind, etc.)
Bạn đang thảo luận về đồ uống cho bữa tiệc vào tuần tới. Một người gợi ý nước cam mới vắt
trong khi người kia khuyên dùng nước cam cô đặc. Hãy tranh luận và sau đó đi đến quyết định
cuối cùng.
(Gợi ý: bạn có thể nói về lợi ích chung của nước cam, ưu nhược điểm của từng loại, v.v.)

Tiên: Hey Thảo, next week we have a big party, will have a lot of people to attend. I have
prepared enough food, there will be cakes, fruits, seafood… but have not prepared drinks. Do
you have any suggestions?
Thảo: About ORANGE JUICE? Why I choose it? Because I think freshly squeezed orange juice
will be suitable for the party. Moreover, it has many benefits:
- Firstly, to make fresh orange juice it’s very easy, we just need to squeezed the fresh
oranges with a juicer, so that we can make it in bulk (số lượng lớn) and enough for all the
- Secondly, fresh orange juice will retain (giữ lại) all the originality (sự độc đáo) of the
orange, so nutrients (chất dinh dưỡng). It has an excellent source of vitamin C and it will
be higher than concentrated orange juice. As you know, vitamin C is very essential for our
health. It helps to boost (tăng) the immune system (hệ miễn dịch) to protect the body from
viruses and bacteria (vi khuẩn) that invade (xâm nhập) the body, keep your body healthy.
Tiên: I think CONCENTRATED ORANGE JUICE is faster.
- You say fresh orange juice we have to squeeze that means we have to use our hands to act
on the orange to create water, but for concentrated orange juice, we don’t need to do
anything because it is already available, we can buy it at store, so it will be easier than we
have to do it manually (thủ công).
- In addition, concentrated orange juice is produced under an extremely strict (nghiêm ngặt)
and clean process (quy trình). The juice is out of the fruit, most of water is removed from
the juice. In other words, the juice is concentrated. After that the concentrated juice is
transported to factories. At these factories, the juice is reconstituted (được hoàn nguyên)
which mean the water is put back in (đưa trở lại). Next, the juice is pasteurized (thanh
trùng), this means it is heated quickly in order to kill any bacteria that can make people
sick. In the end, the juice is put in bottles and shipped to stores to sell. Therefore, we can
be completely assured (yên tâm) about the benignity (lành tính) and cleanliness of
concentrated orange juice.
- You say that fresh orange juice has a lot of vitamin C, which is good for health, I totally
agree, but in addition, fresh orange juice also contains a large amount of sugar, so when we
drink a lot of orange juice. It is harmful to health such as high blood pressure (huyết áp)
leading to elevated (tăng) cholesterol.
Thảo: Oh, I think what you said is very reasonable, I agree with your opinion. So let's choose
concentrated orange juice as the drink for next week's party.
You are writing an assignment on Ultimate memory, but do not have many ideas to write about.
Ask a friend/classmate for help?
(Suggestion: kinds of ultimate memory with examples, reasons why people ‘d love to have
ultimate memory? Techniques/mnemonics to help people memorize information longer, etc)
Bạn đang viết một bài tập về Trí nhớ tối thượng nhưng không có nhiều ý tưởng để viết. Nhờ một
người bạn/bạn cùng lớp giúp đỡ?
(Gợi ý: các loại trí nhớ tối thượng kèm ví dụ, lý do tại sao con người muốn có trí nhớ tối
thượng? Các kỹ thuật/thuật ghi nhớ giúp mọi người ghi nhớ thông tin lâu hơn, v.v.)

Tiên: Hey Thảo, what do you do?

Thảo: I am doing the homework that my teacher gave me. The topic is about Ultimate memory
but I don’t know where to start. Can you help me, Tiên?
Tiên: Sure, I’m willing.
Thảo: Do you know how many types of Ultimate memory there are?
Tiên: I remember 2 types of Ultimate memory. This is event memorizer and super memorizer.
Thảo: You can distinguish 2 types in order to I can understand better.
Tiên: Sure. EVENT MEMORY is the ability to recall (nhớ lại) specific (cụ thể) details (chi tiết)
about past events or experiences, such as where and when they occurred, what happened, and
the people involved (có liên quan). SUPER MEMORY is an outstanding ability to remember
large amounts of information quickly and accurately (chính xác). Do you remember who has
event memorizer or super memorizer?
- Oh, with event memo, I remember Brad William, who sometimes called the “human
google TM”. He can tell all of the main news event that happened on any given day in the
last 40 years with perfect accuracy.
- Example of super memorization is Tatiana Cooley, American champion of the mental
Olympic. She can memorize a 40 lines poem perfectly in 10 minutes.
Tiên: Amazing. I don’t think humans have such a great memory, so admiring (ngưỡng mộ).
Thảo: Do you think human want to have Ultimate memory?
Tiên: Sure. The ability to recall information with ease and accuracy is a significant advantage
(lợi thế đáng kể) in many aspects (các khía cạnh) of life. People who have Ultimate memory can
excel (vượt trội) in their academic (học thuật) and professional careers (sự nghiệp chuyên
nghiệp) as they can learn and remember information faster and more efficiently (hiệu quả).
Additionally, Ultimate memory allows people to recall important details about their personal
lives, such as birthday, anniversaries, and significant events.
Tiên: So are there any techniques for quick memorization?
Thảo: I will share some techniques I know.
- The first technique is the method of loci, also known as memory palace. This technique
involves associating information with specific locations, allowing people to recall
information by visualizing the location.
- The second technique is the peg system, which involves creating a list of pegs and
associating information with each peg.
Tiên: Ok. Wishing you a high score in this assignment.
In conclusion, Ultimate memory is a remarkable ability that provides numerous advantages.
People with ultimate memory can recall important personal details, and improve their quality of
life. Techniques such as the memory palace, peg system can help people memorize information
longer. With the right techniques, anyone can improve their memory and achieve ultimate
You are reading some tips on how to take great photos, but are not quite clear about these
aspects: the number of subjects, the location of the main subject, how to give the picture some
depth, shooting angle, etc.). Your older brother accidentally knows the situation and comes to
give you some help with explanations.
Bạn đang đọc một số thủ thuật về cách chụp những bức ảnh đẹp nhưng chưa hiểu rõ về các khía
cạnh này: số lượng đối tượng, vị trí của đối tượng chính, cách tạo độ sâu cho bức ảnh, góc
chụp, v.v.). Anh trai của bạn vô tình biết được tình hình và đến giúp bạn giải thích.
Tiên: Hey Thảo, what do you do?
Thảo: Hello Tiên, I am reading some tips on how to take great photo. But I’m not very clear on
some aspects of these tips. Oh, I remember you seem to be very good at photography, can you
explain to me some of these tips?
Tiên: Of course I’m willing.
Thảo: First, I want to ask you about the number of subjects because I read it in the book but I
don’t understand it very well.
Tiên: Ok. One common mistake that many photographers make is trying to fit (đưa) too many
subjects into one shot. While it can be tempting (hấp dẫn) to try to capture (chụp) everything in
one frame, but this can actually make the photo feel cluttered (lộn xộn) and busy. Instead, try to
focus on one main subject and let everything else in the background complement (bổ sung) it.
Thảo: What about the location of the main subject? I usually shoot the main subject in the left
corner of the photo. Is that the right way to shoot?
Tiên: You’re wrong. Once (một khi) you have identified your main subject. Placing it in the
center can create a more formal (trang trọng) or static (tĩnh) feel, while skewing it to the side
(nghiêng nó sang 1 bên) can make the photo feel more dynamic. Don’t be afraid to experiment
with different positions to see which works best for your particular shot.
Thảo: Ok. Do you know how to make photos more depth? I mean when I take a photo, I think
having depth will make the photo more appealing. do you think so?
Tiên: I agree with you. I have one way to make your photo more interesting is to give it some
depth. You can do this by including elements (các yếu tố) in the foreground, middle ground, and
background. This can help create a sense of perspective (phối cảnh) and make the photo feel
more three-dimensional (ba chiều).
Thảo: As for the shooting angle, how should the angel be beautiful? For me, I usually shoot
from the bottom up. In your opinion, is it suitable?
Tiên: I think that’s the angel everyone can take. Because shooting from a low angel can make
your subject look stronger or more prominent (nổi bật), while shooting from a high angel can
make the subject look weak or insignificant (không đáng kể). Experimenting with different
angels can help you find the one that best suits your vision of the photo.
Tiên: By keeping these tips in mind, you’ll be well in your way to capturing the perfect shot.
Remember to focus on one main subject, experiment with different placements and angels, and
try to give your photo some depth. With a little practice and patience (kiên nhẫn), you’ll be
taking great photos in no time.
Thảo: Thank you very much.
Your younger brother wants to take an online English course, but you think that conventional
classes are much more suitable for him. So, try to persuade him not to register for such a course.
Make an argument and then come to a final decision.
Em trai của bạn muốn tham gia một khóa học tiếng Anh trực tuyến, nhưng bạn nghĩ rằng các
lớp học thông thường phù hợp hơn với em trai. Vì vậy, hãy cố gắng thuyết phục anh ấy không
đăng ký một khóa học như vậy. Hãy tranh luận và sau đó đi đến quyết định cuối cùng.
Thảo: Good morning Tiên, I just found out about the online course, I plan to join it.
Tiên: Why do you like taking online courses? I think the traditional course will be more
Thảo: I think online course have a lot of benefits.
- Convenience and flexibility.
When studying online you can study anytime, anywhere. You can study at home or at a
coffee shop, in general anywhere that is convenient for you. You just need a device with
enough battery connection to study.
- Good price.
One of the benefits of online learning is saving money. Tuition for an online course will be
cheaper than a traditional course. You will not have to pay for service fees at the place
your teachers teach you, or parking fees. You will save on travel costs such as gasoline.
- Save time.
You will have to spend a lot of time if your home is far from where you register to study
directly. You can go to school late and miss class if the road is stuck in traffic or your
motorbike breaks down. Choosing to study online will overcome that situation.
Additionally, you will have more time to relax and sleep.
- Online learning is probably safer.
By studying online you can reduce the possibility of dangers such as falling from a
motorbike, street robberies or perverts.
Tiên: You know what, one of the most significant (đáng kể) disadvantages of online learning is
the lack of personal interaction (thiếu sự tương tác cá nhân). In a traditional classroom, students
have the opportunity to engage with their teacher and peers, ask question and receive immediate
feedback. They can also participate in group activities, which can help to develop social skills
and build relationships.
Tiên: On the other hand, learning online will have many disadvantages.
- First, for example, loss of network connection. When we study online, we have to access
the network but if we lose the connection, we have lost the lesson of the day, leads to waste
of time, money and knowledge.
- Secondly, online learning is easy to distract (đánh lạc hướng) learners because there is no
one to supervise (giám sát) learners, leading to learners becoming lazy, unfocused and
reducing the quality of learners.
Thảo: I don’t think so, I think it’s up to each person because not everyone is lazy when learning
online. You shouldn’t equate (đánh đồng) everyone. Thank you for your sharing but I think
maybe I’ll try an online course.
Two friends are discussing about their jobs in the future (including what they’d like to do and
why they choose that job, factors affecting their choice of work…)
Hai người bạn đang thảo luận về công việc tương lai của họ (bao gồm những gì họ muốn làm
và lý do họ chọn công việc đó, các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến việc lựa chọn công việc của họ…)
Tiên: What are you looking at on Facebook?
Thảo: I’m watching the news about careers that are trending right now.
Tiên: Oh so, what job do you wish to do in the future?
Thảo: I hope in the future I can be a MC (Master of Ceremonies), someone who leads the
audience in a performance or some events.
I realy love this job. Because when I often join in in reality shows and watch TV, I see
those MCs are very beautiful, wear neat clothes, and their way of talking is very
attractive to viewers. They flexibly handle situations on stage. Sometimes, they still make
some unexpected mistakes but they are still confident to lead the rest.
Tiên: Can you say some mistakes that MCs often make?
Thảo: Ok, on a certain show, I often see the MC make mistakes such as stumbling over words,
misreading guest names, making mistakes in costumes or falling on stage. You know, no one
wants those things to happen, but they can still happen.
Some factors that make me want to do this profession in the future are: first of all, I have
a passion for this profession. When I was in high school, I tried my hand at hosting
cultural shows at school, opening ceremonies, and other events. Although those programs
are not too big, I find them very fun and interesting. Second, the working environment is
dynamic, I will be able to learn communication and creativity skills. I will be able to
interact with talented artists.
Thảo: How about you? What is your dream job?
Tiên: My ideal (lý tưởng) job is teacher. When I was a student, I used to dream of becoming a
teacher because teacher are the persons that I always love and respect. They helped me very
much not only in my learning but also in my life. It's a job that not easy to do because teacher is
a holy (thiêng liêng) job. Therefore, I wish I can become a good English teacher in the future.
Despite being a teacher will earn less money than other jobs but become a teacher I can help
many people. It makes my life meaningful (có ý nghĩa). I will try my best to do that. And I hope
that my dream will become true.
Thảo: So what skills do you think are necessary when becoming a teacher?
Tiên: Some necessary skills include excellent communication skills, the ability to manage (quản
lý) a classroom, knowledge of the subject matter, patience (tính kiên nhẫn), and empathy (sự
đồng cảm). Additionally, a teacher should be adaptable (có thể thích nghi) and able to adjust
(điều chỉnh) their teaching style to meet the needs of their students (để đáp ứng nhu cầu của sv
của họ).
Thảo: What factors do you think are important when choosing a job?
Tiên: When choosing a job, important factors to consider (cân nhắc) may include job security,
salary, location, work-life balance, opportunities (cơ hội) for growth and advancement (thăng
tiến), and company culture. It is essential to find a job that aligns (sắp xếp với) with one's
personal values (giá trị) and goals.
Thảo: Wish your dream job will come true.

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