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SAP Implementation for CIP VN
Configuration Document-MM Module

Table of Contents Page SAP CIP VN – SAP Implementation for CIP VN

Configuration document- MM module

Document Control Information

Document Information

Document Identification CIP VN_Configuration Document_MM module_f1.0

Document Name Configuration document – MM module
Project Name SAP Implementation for CIP VN
Client CIP VN

Document Author

Document Version
Document Status

Date Released

Document Edit History

Version Date Additions/Modifications Prepared/Revised by

Document Review/Approval History

Date Name Organization/Title Comments

Distribution of Final Document

The following people are designated recipients of the final version of this document:

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Configuration document Page i SAP CIP VN – SAP Implementation for CIP

Configuration document- MM module

1. General Settings...............................................................................................................................................
1.1. Unit of Measurement...............................................................................................................................6
1.2. Maintain Calendar....................................................................................................................................7
2. Enterprise Structure.........................................................................................................................................
2.1. Define Plant...............................................................................................................................................9
2.2. Assign Plant to Company code.................................................................................................................9
2.3. Maintain Storage location......................................................................................................................10
2.4. Create Purchasing Organization.............................................................................................................11
2.5. Assign Purchasing Org to Company code...............................................................................................11
2.6. Assign Purchasing org to Plant................................................................................................................12
2.7. Create Purchasing Group........................................................................................................................12
2.8. Define Business Place..............................................................................................................................13
2.9. Assign Business Place to Plants..............................................................................................................14
3. Material Master.............................................................................................................................................15
3.1. Maintain Company Code for Material Management.............................................................................15
3.2. Define attribute of Material Types.........................................................................................................15
3.3. Define Industry Sector and Industry-Sector-Specific Field Selection.....................................................24
3.4. Maintain Field Selection for Data Screen...............................................................................................24
3.5. Define Number Ranges for Material Types............................................................................................25
3.6. Define Material Group............................................................................................................................27
4. Cross-Application: Business Partner..............................................................................................................41
4.1. Define BP roles........................................................................................................................................41
1.1. Define Number Ranges...........................................................................................................................41
1.2. Define BP groupings and Assign NR........................................................................................................43
2. Vendor Master:..............................................................................................................................................44
2.1. Define Vendor Account Group with screen layout.................................................................................44
2.2. Create Number Range for Vendor Account Group.................................................................................45
2.3. Assign Number range for Vendor Account Group..................................................................................46
2.4. Synchronization Objects.........................................................................................................................47
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2.5. Activate PPO Requests for Platform Objects in the Dialog....................................................................48

2.6. Activate Synchronization Options..........................................................................................................48
2.7. Set BP Role Category for direction BP to Vendor...................................................................................49
2.8. Define Number Assignment for direction BP to Vendor........................................................................49
3. Purchase Requisition.....................................................................................................................................50
3.1. Define PR types.......................................................................................................................................50
3.2. Define Number Ranges for PR................................................................................................................51
3.3. Define Screen Layout at Document Level...............................................................................................51
3.4. Release Procedures.................................................................................................................................67
3.4.1. Edit Characteristics........................................................................................................................................67
3.4.2. Edit Classes....................................................................................................................................................67
3.4.3. Set up Procedures with classification...........................................................................................................68
4. Purchase Order..............................................................................................................................................72
4.1. Define PO types.......................................................................................................................................73
4.2. Define Number Ranges for Purchasing Document.................................................................................73
4.3. Define Screen Layout at Document Level...............................................................................................74
4.4. Release Procedures.................................................................................................................................92
4.4.1. Edit Characteristics........................................................................................................................................92
4.4.2. Edit Classes....................................................................................................................................................93
4.4.3. Set up Procedures with classification...........................................................................................................94
5. Contract.........................................................................................................................................................99
5.1. Define Contract types.............................................................................................................................99
5.2. Define Number Ranges for Contract.......................................................................................................99
5.3. Define Screen Layout at Document Level...............................................................................................99
5.4. Release Procedures.................................................................................................................................99
5.4.1. Edit Characteristics........................................................................................................................................99
5.4.2. Edit Classes..................................................................................................................................................100
5.4.3. Set up Procedures with classification.........................................................................................................100
6. RFQ...............................................................................................................................................................100
6.1. Define RFQ types...................................................................................................................................100

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7.1. Define NR for RFQ.................................................................................................................................100

8.1. Define Screen Layout at Document Level.............................................................................................100
9. PIR................................................................................................................................................................100
10. Condition......................................................................................................................................................101
10.1. Define the condition types....................................................................................................................101
10.2. Define Pricing Procedure......................................................................................................................102
10.3. Define the schema group......................................................................................................................103
11.1. Define the schema determination........................................................................................................104
12. Inventory Management...............................................................................................................................105
12.1. Plant Parameters..................................................................................................................................105
12.2. Create Storage location automatically.................................................................................................106
12.3. Allow freezing of book inventory balance............................................................................................106
12.4. Copy, Changes Movement type............................................................................................................108
12.5. Batch management...............................................................................................................................108
13. Valuation and Account Assignment............................................................................................................110
13.1. Define price control for material types................................................................................................110
13.2. Account category references................................................................................................................110
13.3. Valuation class......................................................................................................................................110
13.4. Material types / Account category reference......................................................................................113
13.5. Group together valuation areas...........................................................................................................114
13.6. Configure Automatic posting................................................................................................................115
13.7. Set check for Dupplicate Invoice...........................................................................................................140
13.8. Account assignment category...............................................................................................................140
13.9. Set Invoice tolerance limits...................................................................................................................140
13.10. 140

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1. General Settings
1.1. Unit of Measurement

Activity Check Units of Measurement

IMG Path SMIG  ABAP Platform  General Settings  Check Unit of Measurement

Transaction Code CUNI

Unit Dimension ISO Comercial Technical Unit Text Unit Long text
% PROPOR P1 % % % Percentage
ADT AAAADL ZAD ADT ADT Air dry to Air dry to
BDT AAAADL BDT BDT BDT Bone dry t Bone dry ton
CCM VOLUME CMQ CCM cm3 cm3 Cubic centimeter
CD3 VOLUME DMQ CD3 dm3 Cubic dec. Cubic decimeter
CM LENGTH CMT CM cm cm Centimeter
CM2 SURFAC CMK CM2 cm2 cm2 Square centimeter
COP AAAADL _01 COP COP Bản ghi Copies
DM LENGTH DMT DM dm dm Decimeter
FT3 VOLUME FTQ FT3 ft3 Cubic ft Cubic foot
G MASS GRM G g g Gram
°C TEMP CEL °C °C °C Degrees Celsius
GRO AAAADL GRO GRO gro Gross Gross
" LENGTH INH " " Inches Inch
"2 SURFAC INK "2 Inch2 Inch2 Square inch
"3 VOLUME INQ "3 Inch3 Cubic inch Cubic inch
CAN AAAADL CA CAN Can Canister Canister
CAR AAAADL CT CAR Car Carton Carton
KG MASS KGM KG kg kg Kilogram
CRT AAAADL CR CRT Crate Kiện Crate
KM LENGTH KMT KM km km Kilometer

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L VOLUME LTR L l l Liter

LB MASS LBR LB lb Pound Pound
M LENGTH MTR M m m Meter
M2 SURFAC MTK M2 m2 m2 Square meter
M3 VOLUME MTQ M3 m3 m3 Cubic meter
MG MASS MGM MG mg mg Milligram
ML VOLUME MLT ML ml ml Milliliter
MM LENGTH MMT MM mm mm Millimeter
MM3 VOLUME MMQ MM3 mm3 mm3 Cubic millimeter
OZ MASS ONZ OZ oz Ounce Ounce
QT VOLUME QT QT qt US Quart US l Quart (US)
SQM AAAADL SQM SQM SMQ Square.m Square meters
VAL AAAADL VAL val Value Value-Only Material
W2 SURFAC WAK W2 W2 Square Wah Square Wah

1.2. Maintain Calendar

Activity Maintain Calendar

IMG Path SPRO  Time Management  Work Schedules  Define Public Holiday Classes

Transaction Code SCAL

a. Public Holidays

Type Sort key Day/Month Guaranteed Public Short Long Name

holiday Name
Fixed V1 1/1 Sunday 1 Tết Tết Dương lịch
date Move to next day Dương

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Floating V2 Sunday 1 Giỗ tổ Giỗ tổ Hùng Vương

Move to next day
Floating V3 Sunday 1 30 Tết 30 Tết Nguyên Đán
Move to next day
Floating V4 Sunday 1 Mùng 1 01 Tết Nguyên Đán
Move to next day
Floating V5 Sunday 1 Mùng 2 02 Tết Nguyên Đán
Move to next day
Floating V6 Sunday 1 Mùng 3 03 Tết Nguyên Đán
Move to next day
Fixed V7 30/4 Sunday 1 Giải Giải phóng miền
date Move to next day phóng Nam
Fixed V8 1/5 Sunday 1 QT Lao Quốc tế Lao động
date Move to next day động
Fixed V9 2/9 Sunday 1 Quốc Quốc Khánh
date Move to next day Khánh

b. Holiday Calendar

ID Holiday Calendar Valid from Valid to Used in Factory Public Holiday

V1 CIP VN 2020 2120 V1 V1 – Tết dương
V2 – Giỗ tổ
V3 – 30 Tết
V4 – Mùng 1
V5 – Mùng 2
V6 – Mùng 3
V7 – Giải phóng
V8 – QT Lao động
V9 – Quốc Khánh

c. Factory Calendar

ID Description Valid from Valid to Holiday Workdays

Calendar ID
V1 CIP VN 2020 2120 V1 Monday

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2. Enterprise Structure
2.1. Define Plant
Activity Define Plant
IMG Path SPRO  Enterprise Structure  Definition  Logistics General  Define, copy, delete,
check Plant
Transaction Code OX10

Plant Description Calendar Country Language key

I200 Alcamax Packaging (Vietnam)-HO VN EN
I21A Alcamax Packaging (Vietnam) VN EN
I22A [SD] Alcamax Packaging Vietnam VN EN
I23A New Asia Industries (NAI) VN EN
I24A [SD] New Asia Industries VN EN
I21B AP Packaging (Hanoi) (APPH) VN EN
I22B [SD] AP Packaging (Hanoi) VN EN
I23B Packamex (Vietnam) (PV) VN EN
I24B [SD] Packamex (Vietnam) VN EN

2.2. Assign Plant to Company code

Activity Assign Plant to Company Code
IMG Path SPRO  Enterprise Structure  Assignment  Logistics General  Assign Plant to
Company code
Transaction Code OX18

Company code Plant Name of Plant Company code Status

1820 I200 Alcamax Packaging (Vietnam)-HO Alcamax Packaging
I21A Alcamax Packaging (Vietnam) Co.,Ltd
I22A [SD] Alcamax Packaging Vietnam
I23A New Asia Industries (NAI)
I24A [SD] New Asia Industries
I21B AP Packaging (Hanoi) (APPH)
I22B [SD] AP Packaging (Hanoi)
I23B Packamex (Vietnam) (PV)
I24B [SD] Packamex (Vietnam)

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2.3. Maintain Storage location

Activity Maintain Storage location
IMG Path SPRO  Enterprise Structure  Definition  Material Management  Maintain Storage
Transaction Code OX09

Plant Name of Plant Storage location Name of SLoc Status

I200 APV Head Office 1 Primary storage
I21A APV Plant 1 Other RM
2 Paper Roll
N NON Movement
P Production line
Q Quality Inspection
W Waste
R Return to vendor
I22A NAI Plant 1 Other RM
2 Paper Roll
N NON Movement
P Production line
Q Quality Inspection
W Waste
R Return to vendor
I23A APPH Plant 1 Other RM
2 Paper Roll
N NON Movement
P Production line
Q Quality Inspection
W Waste
R Return to vendor
I24A PV Plant 1 Other RM
2 Paper Roll
N NON Movement
P Production line
Q Quality Inspection
W Waste
R Return to vendor
I21B [SD] APV Plant 1 Primary storage
N NON Movement

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Q Quality Inspection
W Waste
I22B [SD] NAI Plant 1 Primary storage
N NON Movement
Q Quality Inspection
W Waste
I23B [SD] APPH Plant 1 Warehouse 1
2 Warehouse 2
N NON Movement
Q Quality Inspection
W Waste
I24B [SD] PV Plant 1 Primary storage
N NON Movement
Q Quality Inspection
W Waste

2.4. Create Purchasing Organization

Activity Create Purchasing Org
IMG Path SPRO  Enterprise Structure  Definition  Material Management  Maintain Purchasing
Transaction Code OX08

I201 APV Purchasing Org

2.5. Assign Purchasing Org to Company code

Activity Assign Purchasing Org to Company code
IMG Path SPRO  Enterprise Structure  Assignment  Material Management  Assign Purchasing
organization to company code
Transaction Code

POrg Description CoCd Company code name Status

I201 APV Purchasing Org 1820 Alcamax Packaging Co.,Ltd

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Configuration document- MM module

2.6. Assign Purchasing org to Plant

Activity Assign Purchasing Org to Plant
IMG Path SPRO  Enterprise Structure  Assignment  Material Management  Assign Purchasing
organization to Plant
Transaction Code

POrg Description Plant Plant Name Status

I201 APV Purchasing Org I200 Alcamax Packaging (Vietnam)-HO
I21A Alcamax Packaging (Vietnam)
I22A [SD] Alcamax Packaging Vietnam
I23A New Asia Industries (NAI)
I24A [SD] New Asia Industries
I21B AP Packaging (Hanoi) (APPH)
I22B [SD] AP Packaging (Hanoi)
I23B Packamex (Vietnam) (PV)
I24B [SD] Packamex (Vietnam)

2.7. Create Purchasing Group

Activity Create Purchasing Group
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Purchasing  Create Purchasing Groups

Transaction Code

Purchasing Groups Description

C01 APV Paper Roll
C02 APV Raw Material
C03 APV Spare Part
C04 APV Trading Goods
C05 APV Service
C21 NAI Paper Roll
C22 NAI Raw Material
C23 NAI Spare Part
C24 NAI Trading Goods

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C25 NAI Service

C31 APPH Paper Roll
C32 APPH Raw Material
C33 APPH Spare Part
C34 APPH Trading Goods
C35 APPH Service
C41 PV Paper Roll
C42 PV Raw Material
C43 PV Spare Part
C44 PV Trading Goods
C45 PV Service

2.8. Define Business Place

Activity Define Business Place
IMG Path SPRO  Cross-Application Components  General Application Function  Business Place
 Define Business Place
Transaction Code

Business Name Address Telephone

0001 APV Head Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park, 7 Street 6, Thuan 0274 3743 031
Office An District, Thuận Giao, Thuận An, Bình Dương
0011 APV Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park, 7 Street 6, Thuan 0274 3743 031
An District, Thuận Giao, Thuận An, Bình Dương
0012 NAI Lô B, Khu công nghiệp Bình Chiểu, Đường 2, Phường 028 3729 4160
Bình Chiểu TP Hồ Chí Minh, Thủ Đức
0013 APPH QL5 KCN, Aí Quốc, Nam Sách, Hải Dương 0220 3752 862
0014 PV Lô số 20a - 20b, Khu công nghiệp trong Khu chế xuất 0302 377 323
Linh Trung II, Phường Bình Chiểu, Thành phố Thủ
Đức, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam

2.9. Assign Business Place to Plants

Configuration document Page xii SAP CIP VN – SAP Implementation for CIP
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Activity Define Business Place

IMG Path SPRO  Cross-Application Components  General Application Function  Business Place
 Define Business Place
Transaction Code

Plant Name Country Company code Business Place

I200 APV Head Office VN 1820 0001
I21A APV Plant VN 1820 0011
I22A NAI Plant VN 1820 0012
I23A APPH Plant VN 1820 0013
I24A PV Plant VN 1820 0014
I21B [SD] APV Plant VN 1820 0011
I22B [SD] NAI Plant VN 1820 0012
I23B [SD] APPH Plant VN 1820 0013
I24B [SD] PV Plant VN 1820 0014

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3. Material Master
3.1. Maintain Company Code for Material Management
Activity Maintain Company code for Material Management
IMG Path SPRO  Logistics General  Material Master  Basic Settings  Maintain Company code
for Material Management
Transaction Code OMSY

CoCd Company Name Year Current Period Forward

1820 Alcamax Packaging Co.,Ltd 2021 01 2020

3.2. Define attribute of Material Types

Activity Define attribute of Material Types
IMG Path SPRO  Logistics General  Material Master  Basic Settings  Material Type  Define
attribute of Material Types
Transaction Code OMS2

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Internal/External Purchase
General Data
Material Type order
Mtyp Item category
Description Authorization Ext. Purchase Int. Purchase
Field Reference Sref: Material type group
group order order
03 Electrical Spare Parts Z00 ROH 10 2 0

05 Major Spare Parts Z00 ROH 05 2 0

06 Mechanical Spare Parts Z00 ROH 06 2 0

Instrument / Quarry Spare
07 Z00 ROH 07 2 0
10 Raw Material Z00 ROH 10 2 0

21 Semi Finished Product Z21 ROH 21 2 2

25 By Product Z25 ROH 25 2 0

28 WIP - Short - Term Bio Asset Z21 ROH 28 2 2

29 WIP - Long - Term Bio Asset Z21 ROH 29 2 2

31 General Supplies Z30 ROH 31 2 0

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32 Production Supplies Z30 ROH 32 2 0

33 Main Fuel Z30 ROH 33 2 0

34 Packaging Supplies Z30 ROH 34 2 0

35 Quarry Supplies Z30 ROH 35 2 0

36 Electrical Supplies Z30 ROH 36 2 0

37 Chemical Supplies Z30 ROH 37 2 0

38 Utilities Z38 ROH 38 2 0

40 NON - Stock Spare Part Z40 ROH 40 2 2

41 NON - Stock Raw Material Z40 ROH 41 2 2

42 NON - Stock Service HALB ROH 2 2

43 NON - Stock Supplies Z40 ROH 43 2 2

49 NON - Valuated Material Z49 ROH 49 2 2

81 Finished Goods Z81 ROH 81 1 2

82 Trading Goods Z82 ROH 82 2 0

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NON - Valued Material (FG |

84 Z84 ROH 84 2 2
85 Services Z85 ROH 85 2 0

87 Sheet board Z87 ROH 87 2 0

A3 Electrical Assembly Z00 ROH A3 2 0

A6 Mechanical Assembly Z00 ROH A6 2 0

Instrument /
A7 Z00 ROH A7 2 0
Quarry Assembly

Material Type Work Basic Plant
Mtyp Accounting Classification MRP Purchasing resources/ Costing Storage Forecasting Sales
Description Scheduling data stocks

03 Electrical Spare Parts x x x x x x x x x

05 Major Spare Parts x x x x x x x x x

Mechanical Spare
06 x x x x x x x x x

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Instrument / Quarry
07 x x x x x x x x x
Spare Part

10 Raw Material x x x x x x x x x

21 Semi Finished Product x x x x x x x x x

25 By Product x x x x x x x x x

WIP - Short - Term Bio

28 x x x x x x x x x

WIP - Long - Term Bio

29 x x x x x x x x x

31 General Supplies x x x x x x x x x

32 Production Supplies x x x x x x x x x

33 Main Fuel x x x x x x x x x

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34 Packaging Supplies x x x x x x x x x

35 Quarry Supplies x x x x x x x x x

36 Electrical Supplies x x x x x x x x x

37 Chemical Supplies x x x x x x x x x

38 Utilities x x x x x x x x x

NON - Stock Spare

40 x x x x

NON - Stock Raw

41 x x x X

42 NON - Stock Service X x x x

43 NON - Stock Supplies x x x X

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NON - Valuated
49 x x x x X

81 Finished Goods x x x x x x x x x

82 Trading Goods x x x x x x x x x

NON - Valued
84 x x x x x x x x
Material ( FG | TG )

85 Services x x x x x

87 Sheet board x x x x x x x x x

A3 Electrical Assembly X

A6 Mechanical Assembly X

Instrument /
A7 X
Quarry Assembly

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Configuration document- MM module

Quantity/value updating Rentail-Specific fields

Material Type Price Acct
Mtyp Price ctr mandatory
Description Control cat.reference
Quantity Value Material type Display Print
updating updating ID material price
Electrical Spare General
03 V Z00 X X X
Parts material type
05 Major Spare Parts V Z05 X X X
material type
Mechanical Spare General
06 V Z00 X X X
Parts material type
Instrument / General
07 V Z00 X X X
Quarry Spare Part material type
10 Raw Material V Z10 X X X
material type
Semi Finished General
21 S Z21 X X X
Product material type
25 By Product V Z25 X X X
material type
WIP - Short - Term General
28 S Z21 X X X
Bio Asset material type
WIP - Long - Term General
29 S Z21 X X X
Bio Asset material type
31 General Supplies V Z30 X X X
material type
32 Production V Z30 X X X General

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Supplies material type

33 Main Fuel V Z30 X X X
material type
34 Packaging Supplies V Z30 X X X
material type
35 Quarry Supplies V Z30 X X X
material type
36 Electrical Supplies V Z30 X X X
material type
37 Chemical Supplies V Z30 X X X
material type
38 Utilities V Z38 X X X
material type
NON - Stock Spare
40 Z40
NON - Stock Raw
41 Z40
NON - Stock General
Service material type
NON - Stock General
43 Z40 X X
Supplies material type
NON - Valuated
49 V Z49
81 Finished Goods S Z81

82 Trading Goods V Z82

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NON - Valued
84 Z84
Material (FG | TG)
85 Services Z85

87 Sheet board S Z87

A3 Z00
A6 Z00
Instrument /
A7 Z00
Quarry Assembly

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3.3. Define Industry Sector and Industry-Sector-Specific Field Selection

Activity Define Industry Sector
IMG Path SPRO  Logistics General  Material Master  Field selection  Define Industry Sectors
and Industry-Sector-Specific Field Selection
Transaction Code OMS3

Industry Sector Description Field Reference

1 Retail A
A Plant engin./construction A
C Chemical industry C
M Mechanical engineering M
P Pharmaceuticals P
S Siam Cement Group S

3.4. Maintain Field Selection for Data Screen

Activity Maintain Field Selection for Data Screen
IMG Path SPRO  Logistics General  Material Master  Field selection  Maintain Field
Selection for Data Screen
Transaction Code OMS9

3.5. Define Number Ranges for Material Types

Activity Define Number Ranges for Material Types
IMG Path SPRO  Logistics General  Material Master  Basic Settings  Define Number
Ranges for Each Material Type
Transaction Code MMNR

Material Type Number Range

Mtyp Groups Number Range To External
Description From
03 Electrical Spare Parts X

05 Major Spare Parts 01 000000000000001 YZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ X

06 Mechanical Spare Parts X

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Instrument / Quarry
07 X
Spare Part
10 Raw Material X

21 Semi Finished Product X

25 By Product X
WIP - Short - Term Bio
28 X
WIP - Long - Term Bio
29 X
31 General Supplies X

32 Production Supplies X

33 Main Fuel X

34 Packaging Supplies X

35 Quarry Supplies X

36 Electrical Supplies X

37 Chemical Supplies X

38 Utilities X

40 NON - Stock Spare Part X

NON - Stock Raw
41 X
42 NON - Stock Service X

43 NON - Stock Supplies X

49 NON - Valuated Material X

A3 Electrical Assembly X

A6 Mechanical Assembly X
Instrument /
A7 X
Quarry Assembly
81 Finished Goods 02 Z00000000000000 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ X

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82 Trading Goods X
NON - Valued Material
84 X
(FG | TG)
85 Services X

87 Sheet board X

3.6. Define Material Group

Material Group Material group desc.

AS00 Asset, AUC

FG00 Finished Goods

FL00 Fuel

MJ00 Major Spare Parts

NM00 Non-Stock Material

NS00 Non-Stock Service

NV00 Non-Valued Material

PK00 Packaging Material

RM00 Raw Material

SM00 Supply

SP00 Spare Parts

TG00 Trading Goods

WP00 Work IN Process

3.7. External Material Group

Activity Maintain External Material Groups
IMG Path SPRO  Logistics General  Material Master  Setting for Key Fields  Maintain External
Material Groups
Transaction Code

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Ext.Material Group Ext.Material Group

RM00PL Phụ liệu

RM00PT Phụ tùng

RM00RL Giấy cuộn

3.8. Material Groups for SD

Activity Define Material Groups
IMG Path SPRO  Logistics General  Material Master  Setting for Key Fields  Data Relevant to
Sales and Distribution  Define Material Groups / Define Reserve Fields in Material Master
Transaction Code SSCUI_SD_MAT_GROUP1/2/3/4/5

a. Material Group 1
Material Group 1 Description

A01 PPW Roll

A02 PPW Ream

A03 PPW Ream ( Unconvertible )

A99 PPW Others

b. Material Group 2
Material Group 2 Description
P03 APV Sheet Board
T01 Beer - Bottle
T02 Beer - Can
T03 Whiskey
T04 White Spirits
T05 Wine
T06 Wine Cooler
T07 Sparkling Wine
T08 Carbonated - Bottle

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T09 Carbonated - Can

T10 Carbonated - Bag in box
T11 Ready to Drink (RTD) - Bottle
T12 Ready to Drink (RTD) - Can
T13 Instant Coffee - Bottle
T14 Instant Coffee - Sachet
T15 Roasted Coffee - Pouch
T16 Other Coffee
T17 Energy drink
T18 Sports drink
T19 Functional drink - Bottle
T20 Functional drink - Can
T21 Healthy Drink
T22 Other Functional drink
T23 Coconut Juice - Brick
T24 Coconut Juice - Bottle
T25 Other Juice - Brick
T26 Other Juice - Bottle
T27 Juice - Pouch
T28 Instant Juice powder
T29 Other Juice
T30 Syrup - Bottle
T31 Syrup - Pouch
T32 Other Syrup
T33 Green tea - Bottle
T34 Green tea - Brick
T35 Herbal tea - Bottle
T36 Herbal tea - Brick
T37 Premium tea - Bottle
T38 Premium tea - Brick
T39 Other tea - Bottle
T40 Other tea - Brick
T41 Drinking Water
T42 Mineral Water
T43 Soda Water

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T44 Sparkling Water

T45 Other Water
T46 Sanitary Ware
T47 Sanitary Fitting
T48 Bolt, Nut, Screw
T49 Floor tiles
T50 Wall tiles
T51 Mosaic
T52 Other Ceramic tiles
T53 Other tiles
T54 Wooden Furniture
T55 Fitting
T56 Other Furniture
T57 Cement grout
T58 Paint
T59 Pipe
T60 Other Accessory
T61 Sweetened condensed milk - Can
T62 Sweetened condensed milk - Pouch
T63 Sweetened condensed milk - Tube
T64 Evaporated milk - Can
T65 Evaporated milk - Pouch
T66 Condensed milk - Others
T67 Cow's milk - Can
T68 Cow's milk - Bottle
T69 Cow's milk - Brick
T70 School milk - Brick
T71 Cow's Milk - Others
T72 Powder Milk - Can
T73 Powder Milk - Pouch
T74 Powder Milk - Others
T75 Soy Milk - Bottle
T76 Soy Milk - Brick
T77 Soy Milk - Pouch
T78 Soy Milk - Others

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Configuration document- MM module

T79 RNGS Milk - Brick

T80 RNGS Milk - Others
T81 Other Milk - Bottle
T82 Other Milk - Brick
T83 Other Milk - Pouch
T84 Other Milk - Can
T85 Other Milk - Others
T86 Butter
T87 Cheese
T88 Cream
T89 Coffee whitener - Can
T90 Coffee whitener - Pouch
T91 Coffee whitener - Bottle
T92 Coffee whitener - Others
T93 Ice cream
T94 Yogurt - Bottle
T95 Yogurt - Cup
T96 Yogurt - Brick
T97 Other Processed Milk
T98 Cigarette-RSC
T99 Other Cigarette
TAA Farmer box
TAB Big box
TAC Other Tobacco
TAD Air freshener - gel
TAE Air freshener - spray
TAF Bathroom cleaner
TAG Dishwashing liquid - bottle
TAH Dishwashing liquid - bag
TAI Floor cleaner
TAJ Household Insecticide
TAK Disinfectant Liquid
TAL Dettol / Alcohol
TAM Surface cleaner
TAN Detergent - powder

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TAO Detergent - liquid

TAP Fabric softener
TAQ bleach (ฟอกขาว / เติมสี)
TAR Stain remover
TAS Others Home care Products
TAT Soap - bar
TAU Soap - liquid
TAV Hand soap - bar
TAW Hand soap - liquid
TAX Alcohol - gel
TAY Alcohol - Spray
TAZ Deodorant - stick
TBA Deodorant - spray
TBB Lotion
TBC Powder
TBD Cosmetics
TBE Facial Mask
TBF Facial Cream
TBG Cleanser
TBH Moisturizer
TBI Shaving
TBJ Conditioner / treatment
TBK Shampoo
TBL Hair Color
TBM Condoms
TBN Feminine Hygiene
TBO Lubricant - bottle
TBP Lubricant - tube
TBQ Mouthwash
TBR Teeth whitening
TBS Toothbrush
TBT Toothpaste
TBU Others Personal care Products
TBV Baby Diapers
TBW Adult Diapers

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TBX Sanitary Napkins

TBY Tissue Paper - bag
TBZ Tissue Paper - box
TCA Tissue Paper - roll
TCB Wet wipes
TCC Stationery
TCD Medical tools (อุปกรณ์ทางการแพทย์)
TCE Medical supplies(น้ำเกลือ หน้ากากอนามัย)
TCF External use drug - cream
TCG General drug - tablet
TCH General drug - syrup
TCI Vitamin - tablet
TCJ Vitamin - powder
TCK Canned Longan
TCL Canned Lychee
TCM Canned Mango
TCN Canned Mixed Fruit
TCO Canned Orange
TCP Canned Peach
TCQ Canned Pineapple
TCR Canned Rambutan
TCS Canned Tamarine
TCT Canned Coconut Juice
TCU Canned Coconut Milk
TCV Canned Fruit - Others
TCW Fruit bowl
TCX Canned Aloevera
TCY Canned Asparagus
TCZ Canned Baby corn
TDA Canned Mushroom
TDB Canned Pickles Veg&Fruit (ผัก ผลไม้ ดอง)
TDC Canned Sweet corn
TDD Canned Vegetable - Others
TDE Canned - Human foods - Tuna
TDF Canned - Human foods - Sardine

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TDG Canned - Human foods - Mackerel

TDH Canned - Human foods - Clam/Shell
TDI Canned - Human foods - Crab
TDJ Canned - Human foods - Mixed
TDK Canned - Human foods - Ready to eat
TDL Pouch - Human foods - Tuna
TDM Pouch - Human foods - Sardine
TDN Pouch - Human foods - Mackerel
TDO Pouch - Human foods - Clam/Shell
TDP Pouch - Human foods - Crab
TDQ Pouch - Human foods - Mixed
TDR Pouch - Human foods - Ready to eat
TDS Plastics Cup - Human foods - Tuna
TDT Plastics Cup - Human foods - Sardine
TDU Plastics Cup - Human foods - Mackerel
TDV Plastics Cup - Human foods - Clam/Shell
TDW Plastics Cup - Human foods - Crab
TDX Plastics Cup - Human foods - Mixed
TDY Plastics Cup - Human foods - RTE
TDZ Canned - Pet foods - Dog - Tuna Mixed
TEA Canned Food-Dog-Other Mixed(Not Tuna)
TEB Canned - Pet foods - Cat - Tuna Mixed
TEC Canned Food-Cat-Other Mixed(Not Tuna)
TED Canned - Pet foods - Other Animal
TEE Pouch - Pet foods - Dog - Tuna Mixed
TEF Pouch Food-Dog-Other Mixed(Not Tuna)
TEG Pouch - Pet foods - Cat - Tuna Mixed
TEH Pouch Food-Cat-Other Mixed(Not Tuna)
TEI Pouch - Pet foods - Other Animal
TEJ Plastics Cup-Dog-Tuna Mixed
TEK Plastics Cup-Dog-Other Mixed (Not Tuna)
TEL Plastics Cup-Cat-Tuna Mixed
TEM Plastics Cup-Cat-Other Mixed(Not Tuna)
TEN Plastics Cup - Pet foods - Other Animal
TEO Fresh Fruit - Banana

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TEP Fresh Fruit - Coconut

TEQ Fresh Fruit - Durian
TER Fresh Fruit - Longan
TES Fresh Fruit - Lychee
TET Fresh Fruit - Mango
TEU Fresh Fruit - Mangosteen
TEV Fresh Fruit - Pineapple
TEW Fresh Fruit - Pomelo
TEX Fresh Fruit - Strawberry
TEY Fresh Fruit - Longong
TEZ Fresh Fruit - Tamarine
TFA Fresh Fruit - Orange
TFB Fresh Fruit - Malon
TFC Fresh Fruit - Watermalon
TFD Fresh Fruit - Corn
TFE Fresh Fruit - Ginger
TFF Fresh Fruit - Other
TFG Fresh Vegetable - Other
TFH Dried Fruit - Longan
TFI Dried Fruit - Other
TFJ Dried Fruit - Pineapple
TFK Dried Fruit - Strawberry
TFL Dried Fruit - Mango
TFM Dried Fruit - Durian
TFN Dried Fruit - Banana
TFO Dried Fruit - Tamarine
TFP Frozen - Chicken - Frozen
TFQ Frozen - Chicken - Process
TFR Frozen - Chicken - Ready to Cook
TFS Frozen - Chicken - Ready to Eat
TFT Frozen - Duck - Frozen
TFU Frozen - Duck - Process
TFV Frozen - Duck - Ready to Cook

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Configuration document- MM module

4. Cross-Application: Business Partner

4.1. Define BP roles
Activity Define BP Roles
IMG Path SPRO  Cross-Application  Business Partner  Basic Settings  Business Partner
Roles  Define BP Roles
Transaction Code

BP Role Description Std Assignment BP Role -> BP Role Cat BP View

FLCU00 Customer (Com. Data) FLCU00 FLCU00

FLCU01 Customer (Sales Data) FLCU01 FLCU01

FLVN00 Vendor (Com. Data) FLVN00 FLVN00

FLVN01 Vendor (Purc. Data) FLVN01 FLVN01

UKM000 SAP Credit Management UKM000 UKM000

1.1. Define Number Ranges

Activity Define BP Number range
IMG Path SPRO  Cross-Application  Business Partner  Basic Settings  Number Ranges
and Grouping  Define Number ranges
Transaction Code BUCF

Number Range No From No To No External

A2 9999001 9999999
A3 S0000 SZZZZ X
A4 0010 9999 X
A5 B00000001 B99999999 X
A6 A001 AZZZ X
A7 Z000000001 ZZZZZZZZZZ X

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A9 94001 99997
B2 50000001 59999999 X
B3 99998 99999 X
V2 1000000 1999999 X
V3 300000 399999 X
V4 91999 93999 X
Z1 0008000000 0008999999

1.2. Define BP groupings and Assign NR

Activity Define Grouping and Assign Number Ranges
IMG Path SPRO  Cross-Application  Business Partner  Basic Settings  Number Ragnes
and Groupings  Define Groupings and Assign Number Ranges
Transaction Code

BP Group Description Number Ranges

BEMP Employee Group B2

BREB Branch Related Party Group A5

BREO Related Parties –Outside SCG A6

BREP Related Party Group A4

BSTO Stock transport order A3

DFIN Financial Institution A8

DINF Interface Sales Group A7

DNTB Bill-To Non-Trading Group A5

DNTD Non-Trading Group A9

DOTN One-Time Non-Trading Group B3

DOTT One-Time Trading Group A2

KNTD Vendor Non Trade V3

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Configuration document- MM module

KOTA One-time vendor V4

KTRD Vendor Trade V2

PCPA Petty cashier for payment PCPA

PCSH Petty cashier PCSH

ZP01 TCB Sold-to party Z1

ZP02 TCB Ship-to party Z1

ZP03 TCB Bill to Z1

ZP04 TCB Payer Z1

2. Vendor Master:
2.1. Define Vendor Account Group with screen layout
Activity Define Vendor Account Group with screen layout
IMG Path SPRO  Financial Accounting  Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable 
Supplier Accounts  Master Data Preparations for Creating Supplier Master Data
 Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Vendors)
Transaction Code

Group Name One-time account

KREP Related Parties
KREO Related Parties Out of SCG
KREB Related Parties - Branch
KEMP Employee
KSTO Stock Transfer Order
KTRD Vendor Trade
KNTD Vendor Non Trade
KOTA Onetime Account x
PCPA Petty Cashier for Payment
PCSH Petty Cashier

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2.2. Create Number Range for Vendor Account Group

Activity Create Number Ranges for Vendor Accounts
IMG Path SPRO  Financial Accounting  Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable 
Supplier Accounts  Master Data Preparations for Creating Supplier Master Data
 Create Number Ranges for Vendor Accounts
Transaction Code XKN1

Number Range No From No To No External

A4 0010 9999 X
A3 S0000 SZZZZ X
A5 B00000001 B99999999 X
A6 A001 AZZZ X
B2 50000001 59999999 X
V2 1000000 1999999 X
V3 300000 399999 X
V4 91999 93999 X

2.3. Assign Number range for Vendor Account Group

Activity Assign Number range for Vendor Account Group
IMG Path SPRO  Financial Accounting  Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable 
Supplier Accounts  Master Data Preparations for Creating Supplier Master Data
 Assign Number range for Vendor Account Group
Transaction Code

Grouping Description Number Range

KREP Related Party Group A4
KREB Branch Related Party Group A5
KREO Related Parties –Outside SCG A6

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KSTO Stock Transfer Order A3

BEMP Employee Group B2
PCSH Petty cashier C1
PCPA Petty cashier for payment C2
KTRD Vendor Trade V2
KNTD Vendor Non Trade V3
KOTA One-time Vendor V4

2.4. Synchronization Objects

Activity Synchronization Objects
IMG Path SPRO  Cross-Application Components  Master Data Synchronization 
Synchronization Control  Synchronization Control  Synchronization Objects
Transaction Code

Syc Object Sync.Mode Extractor Class Description Platform

1 For Synchronous Comparison and Business

Master data Loads Partner

1 For Synchronous Comparison and

Master data Loads

1 For Synchronous Comparison and

Master data Loads

2.5. Activate PPO Requests for Platform Objects in the Dialog

Activity Synchronization Objects
IMG Path SPRO  Cross-Application Components  Master Data Synchronization 
Synchronization Control  Synchronization Control  Activate PPO Requests for
Platform Objects in the Dialog
Transaction Code

Syc Object PPO Actve


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2.6. Activate Synchronization Options

Activity Active Synchonization Options
IMG Path SPRO  Cross-Application Components  Master Data Synchronization 
Synchronization Control  Synchronization Control  Activate Synchonization
Transaction Code

Source Object Target Object Active Ind





2.7. Set BP Role Category for direction BP to Vendor

2.8. Define Number Assignment for direction BP to Vendor
Activity Define Number Assignment for direction BP to Vendor
IMG Path SPRO  Cross-Application Components  Master Data Synchronization 
Customer/Vendor Integration  Business Partner Settings  Settings for Vendor
Integration  Field Assignment for Vendor Integration  Assign Keys  Define
Number Assignment for Direction BP to Vendor
Transaction Code

Same Flex
BP Grp Short Name Vendor Grp Meaning
Nos Gr
BEMP Employee Group KEMP Employee Group X
BREB Branch Related KREB Related Parties - Branch X
BREO Related Parties KREO Related Parties – Outside SCG X
KNTD Vendor Non Trad KNTD Vendor Non Trade X
KOTA One-time vendor KOTA Onetime Account X
KTRD Vendor Trade KTRD Vendor Trade X
PCPA PC for payment PCPA Petty Cashier for Payment X
PCSH Petty cashier PCSH Petty Cashier X

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Configuration document- MM module

KNTD Vendor Non Trad KNTD Vendor Non Trade X

3. Purchase Requisition
3.1. Define PR types
Activity Define document types for Purhcase Requisitions
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Purchasing  Purchase Requisition  Define
document types for Purchase Requisitions
Transaction Code

Doc.Type NoRge NoRge

Type Itm.Itn FieldSel Control OvRelReq Layout Doctype
Description Int Ext
I201 CIP VN-MRP 10 11 I201 X
I202 10 12 CIP_VN X
I203 CIP VN-SP NonStock 10 13 CIP_VN X
I204 CIP VN- Service 10 14 CIP_VN X
I205 CIP VN- Normal 10 15 CIP_VN X
I206 CIP VN – Trading 10 16 ZPR6 X

3.2. Define Number Ranges for PR

Activity Define Number Ranges
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Purchasing  Purchase Requisition  Define
Number Ranges
Transaction Code OMH7
Number Range No From No. To No. External
11 1100000000 1199999999
12 1200000000 1299999999
13 1300000000 1399999999
14 1400000000 1499999999
15 1500000000 1599999999
16 1600000000 1699999999

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Configuration document- MM module

3.3. Define Screen Layout at Document Level

Activity Define Screen layout at Document Level
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Purchasing  Purchase Requisition  Define
Number Ranges
Transaction Code OMH7

Field Sel.Group Field Label Req Opt Disp
Basic Data, Item Plant X
Item category X
Storage location X
Account assignment category X
Indicator: "Texts exist" X
Purchasing group X
Short Text X
Material group X
Material description X
External service fields X
Supplying Plant Supplying Plant X
Quantity and Price Order unit (Purchasing) X
Quantity X
Unit of measure X
Price and price unit X
Expect. Value of Overall Limit X
Deadline Monitoring Requisition (request) date X
Delivery date X
Release date X
Reminder control X

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Configuration document- MM module

Indicator: requisition closed X

GR/IR Control Valuation type X
Tax code X
GR/IR indicator X
Distr./partial inv. Indicator X
Batch X
Vendor batch X
Reference data, item Purchase requisition X
Info record X
Requisitioner X
Outline agreement X
Purchasing organization X
Fixed vendor X
Materials planner X
Order statistics X
Requirement tracking number X
Vendor material X
"Fixed" indicator X
Texts X
Administrative data, item Promotion X
Promotion X
Deletion indicator X
Revision level X
Administration Data Material data (Brazil) x
NBM code X
Good manufactured in-house X
Enjoy fields Document Type X
Blocking indicator X

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Configuration document- MM module

Material X

b. I201
Field Sel.Group Field Label Req Opt Disp
Basic Data, Item Plant X
Item category X
Storage location X
Account assignment category X
Indicator: "Texts exist" X
Purchasing group X
Short Text X
Material group X
Material description X
Manufacturer part number X
Advice Code X
Status Code X
Requirement Urgency X
Supplying Plant Supplying Plant X
Quantity and Price Order unit (Purchasing) X
Quantity X
Unit of measure X
Price and price unit X
Deadline Monitoring Requisition (request) date X
Delivery date X
Release date X
Reminder control X
Indicator: requisition closed X
GR/IR Control Valuation type X
Tax code X

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Configuration document- MM module

GR/IR indicator X
Distr./partial inv. Indicator X
Batch X
Vendor batch X
Reference data, item Purchase requisition X
Info record X
Requisitioner X
Outline agreement X
Purchasing organization X
Fixed vendor X
Materials planner X
Order statistics X
Requirement tracking number X
Vendor material X
"Fixed" indicator X
Texts X
Administrative data, item Promotion X
Promotion X
Deletion indicator X
Revision level X
Administration Data Material data (Brazil) x
NBM code X
Good manufactured in-house X
Enjoy fields Document Type X
Blocking indicator X
Material X

c. ZPR6
Field Sel.Group Field Label Req Opt Disp

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Configuration document- MM module

Basic Data, Item Plant X

Item category X
Storage location X
Account assignment category X
Indicator: "Texts exist" X
Purchasing group X
Short Text X
Material group X
Material description X
External service fields X
Terms of delivery and
Terms of payt. (days, percent) X
Terms of payment X
Incoterms part 1 X
Currency X
Exchange rate X
Incoterms part 2 X
Incoterms, item X
Incoterms part 2 item X
Payment Retention X
Reference data, header Collective RFQ X
Reference, salesperson etc. X
Quotation no., date X
Supplying vendor X
Vendor X
Vendor address X
Invoicing party X
Logical system for ALE X
Administrative data, header Target Value X

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Configuration document- MM module

Purchasing group X
GR message X
Language X
Item number interval X
Binding period for quotations X
Deadline subm. of quotations X
Closing date for applications X
Start of validity period X
Validity period end X
Complete delivery X
Country for VAT reg. number X
Sub-item interval X
Reason for rejection X
Warranty date X
Supplying Plant Supplying Plant X
Source Stock Type X
Returns Data Return Reason X
Follow-Up Activity X
Reason for Rejection X
Next Plant X
Transshipment Plant X
Vendor X
Vendor RMA Number X
Vendor RMA Number Required X
Reference Document X
Quantity and Price Qualification for discount X
Order unit (Purchasing) X
Quantity X

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Configuration document- MM module

Target quantity X
Unit of measure X
Settlement group X
Price and price unit
Price printout indicator X
Price date X
Standard release order qty. X
Order price unit (purchasing) X
Weights X
Condition group X
Vendor sub-range X
Pricing date control X
Order price unit (purchasing) X
Weights X
Condition group X
Vendor sub-range X
Pricing date control X
Deadline Monitoring Requisition (request) date X
Delivery date X
Statistics-relev. deliv. date X
Order acknowledgment reqt. X
Schedule line time spot X
Release date X
Order acknowledgment X
Reminder control X
Shipping dates/supplying plant X
Route schedule X
Goods receipt processing time X

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Configuration document- MM module

Confirmation control key X

Indicator: requisition closed X
GR/IR Control Valuation type X
Tax code X
"Delivery completed" indicato X
Quality inspection X
Underdelivery tolerance X
Overdelivery tolerance X
Unlimited overdelivery X
Final invoice indicator X
GR-based invoice verification X
GR-based settlement X
GR/IR control X
"Delivery completed" indicato X
Ind.: partial deliv. (st. tfr X
Returns indicator X
GR/IR indicator X
Distr./partial inv. indicator X
Shipping instructions X
Batch X
Vendor batch X
LE-Related Invoice Verificatn X
Acceptance At Origin X
Down Payments X
Reference data, item Purchase requisition X
Info record X
Request for quotation X
Requisitioner X

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Configuration document- MM module

Outline agreement X
Purchasing organization X
Desired vendor X
Fixed vendor X
Materials planner X
Order statistics X
Delivery address X
Customer number X
Requirement tracking number X
Vendor material X
"Fixed" indicator X
Texts X
Address X
Vendor number X
Subcontracting vendor X
RFX Document Number X
Administrative data, item Release fields X
Quotation date, item X
Points X
Promotion X
Deletion indicator X
Rounding profile X
Info update X
Rejection, internal comment X
Indicator: estimated price X
Prior vendor X
Kanban indicator X

Configuration document Page l SAP CIP VN – SAP Implementation for CIP

Configuration document- MM module

Season X
Control key QM X
Reason for ordering X
Exclusion indicator X
Revision level X
External planning X
Scheduling Control Reconciliation date, cum. qty. x
JIT indicator X
Scheduling control X
Firm/trade-off zones X
Issued quantity X
Administration Data Material data (Brazil) x
NBM code X
Good manufactured in-house X
Delivery monitoring Planned delivery time X
Latest GR date X
Remaining shelf life X
Enjoy fields Document Type X
Blocking indicator X
Shipping Data X
Material X
Vendor X
Supplying Plant X

3.4. Release Procedures

3.4.1. Edit Characteristics
Activity Edit Characteristics
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Purchasing  Purchase Requisition  Release
Procedure  Procedure with Classification  Edit Characteristics

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Configuration document- MM module

Transaction Code CT04

Value Value
Characteristic Desctiprion Table-Field
Z_PR_TYPE Purchase Requisition Document Multiple CEBAN – BSART
Z_PR_PLANT Purchase Requisition Document Multiple CEBAN – WERKS
Z_PR_VALUE Total Value of Item Multiple CEBAN – GSWRT

3.4.2. Edit Classes

Activity Edit Classes
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Purchasing  Purchase Requisition  Release
Procedure  Procedure with Classification  Edit Classes
Transaction Code CL02
Class Class types Description Characteristics
Z_PR_RELEASE 032 Purchase Requisition Release Strategy Z_PR_PLANT

3.4.3. Set up Procedures with classification

Activity Edit Classes
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Purchasing  Purchase Requisition  Release
Procedure  Procedure with Classification  Edit Classes
Transaction Code CL02

a. Release Group
Rel.Grp Rel.Obj OvRelPReq Class Description
I0 X Z_PR_RELEASE PR Release strategy

b. Release Code
Grp Code Workflow Description
I0 PM Department Manager
I0 AA Asset Accountant

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Configuration document- MM module

I0 DM Division Manager
I0 DR Director
I0 MD Managing Director
I0 PR PR Creator for Appro
I0 PS President
I0 SM Section Manager
I0 SP Sub Dep.Manager

c. Release Indicator
Release ID Description
C Asset Accountant Approved
D Section Manager Approved
E Sub Dep.Manager Approved
F Department Manager Approved
G Division Manager Approved
H Director Approved
I Managing Director Approved
J President Approved
N PR not Approved
O PR Creator Released
P PR already Approved
X Blocked
Z Abnormal Case

d. Relsase Strategy
Rel.Grp Rel.Strategy Release Code Classification
I0 R1 SR Plant APV Head Office
APV Plant

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Configuration document- MM module

[SD] APV Plant

CIP VN- Normal
Total value > 0.00 USD
Plant APV Head Office
APV Plant
I0 R2 DR [SD] APV Plant
PR type CIP VN-RM NonStock
Total value >= 0.00 USD
Plant APV Head Office
APV Plant
I0 R3 SM [SD] APV Plant
PR type CIP VN-SP NonStock
Total value <= 2000.00 USD
Plant APV Head Office
APV Plant
I0 R4 PM [SD] APV Plant
PR type CIP VN-SP NonStock
Total value <= 20000.00 USD
Plant APV Head Office
APV Plant
I0 R5 DM [SD] APV Plant
PR type CIP VN-SP NonStock
Total value > 20000.00 USD
I0 R6 SM Plant APV Head Office
APV Plant

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[SD] APV Plant

PR tpe CIP VN- Service
Total value <= 2000.00 USD
Plant APV Head Office
APV Plant
I0 R7 PM [SD] APV Plant
PR type CIP VN- Service
Total value <= 20000.00 USD
Plant APV Head Office
APV Plant
I0 R8 DM [SD] APV Plant
PR type CIP VN- Service
Total value > 20000.00 USD

4. Purchase Order
4.1. Define PO types
Activity Define document types for Purhcase Order
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Purchasing  Purchase Requisition  Define
document types for Purchase Order
Transaction Code

Doc.Type Itm.I NoRge NoRge Doctyp

Type FieldSel Control OvRelReq Layout
Description tn Int Ext e
I201 CIP VN PO-Normal
10 71 NBF
I202 CIP VN PO-Normal
10 72 NBF
RM, Chem, Fuel
I203 CIP VN PO-Special
10 73 NBF
Related Aff.
I204 CIP VN PO-Special
10 74 NBF

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Configuration document- MM module

I205 CIP VN PO-Special

10 75 NBF
I206 CIP VN PO Return
10 76 I206

4.2. Define Number Ranges for Purchasing Document

Activity Define Number Ranges for Purchasing Documents
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Purchasing  Purchase Order  Define Number
Transaction Code OMH6
Number Range No From No. To No. External
71 7100000000 7199999999
72 7200000000 7299999999
73 7300000000 7399999999
74 7400000000 7499999999
75 7500000000 7599999999
76 7600000000 7699999999

4.3. Define Screen Layout at Document Level

Activity Define Screen layout at Document Level
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Purchasing  Purchase Order  Define Screen
Layput at Document Level
Transaction Code

a. NBF
Field Sel.Group Field Label Req Opt Disp
Basic Data, Item Plant X
Item category X
Storage location X
Account assignment category X
Indicator: "Texts exist" X

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Configuration document- MM module

Purchasing group X
Short Text X
Material group X
Material description X
External service fields
Value limit fields
Manufacturer part number X
Advice Code X
Requirement Urgency X
Terms of delivery and
Terms of payt. (days, percent) X
Terms of payment X
Incoterms part 1 X
Currency X
Exchange rate X
Incoterms part 2 X
Incoterms, item X
Incoterms part 2 item X
Payment Retention X
Reference data, header Collective RFQ X
Reference, salesperson etc. X
Quotation no., date X
Supplying vendor X
Vendor X
Vendor address X
Invoicing party X
Logical system for ALE X
Administrative data, header Target Value X
Purchasing group X

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Configuration document- MM module

GR message X
Language X
Item number interval X
Binding period for quotations X
Deadline subm. of quotations X
Closing date for applications X
Start of validity period
Validity period end
Complete delivery X
Country for VAT reg. number X
Sub-item interval X
Reason for rejection X
Warranty date X
Supplying Plant Supplying Plant X
Source Stock Type X
Returns Data Return Reason X
Follow-Up Activity X
Reason for Rejection X
Next Plant X
Transshipment Plant X
Vendor X
Vendor RMA Number X
Vendor RMA Number Required X
Reference Document X
Quantity and Price Qualification for discount X
Order unit (Purchasing) X
Quantity X
Target quantity X

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Configuration document- MM module

Unit of measure X
Settlement group X
Price and price unit X
Price printout indicator X
Price date X
Standard release order qty. X
Order price unit (purchasing) X
Weights X
Condition group X
Vendor sub-range X
Pricing date control X
Order price unit (purchasing) X
Weights X
Condition group X
Vendor sub-range X
Pricing date control X
Deadline Monitoring Requisition (request) date X
Delivery date X
Statistics-relev. deliv. date X
Order acknowledgment reqt. X
Schedule line time spot X
Release date X
Order acknowledgment X
Reminder control X
Shipping dates/supplying plant X
Route schedule X
Goods receipt processing time X
Confirmation control key X

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Configuration document- MM module

Indicator: requisition closed X

GR/IR Control Valuation type X
Tax code X
"Delivery completed" indicato X
Quality inspection X
Underdelivery tolerance X
Overdelivery tolerance X
Unlimited overdelivery X
Final invoice indicator X
GR-based invoice verification X
GR-based settlement X
GR/IR control X
"Delivery completed" indicato X
Ind.: partial deliv. (st. tfr X
Returns indicator X
GR/IR indicator X
Distr./partial inv. indicator X
Shipping instructions X
Batch X
Vendor batch X
LE-Related Invoice Verificatn X
Acceptance At Origin X
Down Payments X
Reference data, item Purchase requisition X
Info record X
Request for quotation X
Requisitioner X
Outline agreement X

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Configuration document- MM module

Purchasing organization X
Desired vendor X
Fixed vendor X
Materials planner X
Order statistics X
Delivery address X
Customer number X
Requirement tracking number X
Vendor material X
"Fixed" indicator X
Texts X
Address X
Vendor number X
Subcontracting vendor X
RFX Document Number X
Administrative data, item Release fields X
Quotation date, item X
Points X
Promotion X
Deletion indicator X
Rounding profile X
Info update X
Rejection, internal comment X
Indicator: estimated price X
Prior vendor X
Kanban indicator X
Season X

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Configuration document- MM module

Control key QM X
Reason for ordering X
Exclusion indicator X
Revision level X
External planning X
Scheduling Control Issued quantity X
Administration Data Material data (Brazil) X
NBM code X
Good manufactured in-house X
Delivery monitoring Planned delivery time X
Latest GR date X
Remaining shelf life X
Enjoy fields Document Type X
Blocking indicator X
Shipping Data X
Material X
Vendor X
Supplying Plant X

b. I206
Field Sel.Group Field Label Req Opt Disp
Basic Data, Item Plant X
Item category X
Storage location X
Account assignment category X
Indicator: "Texts exist" X
Purchasing group X
Short Text X
Material group X

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Configuration document- MM module

Material description X
Terms of delivery and
Terms of payt. (days, percent) X
Terms of payment X
Incoterms part 1 X
Currency X
Exchange rate X
Incoterms part 2 X
Incoterms, item X
Incoterms part 2 item X
Payment Retention X
Reference data, header Collective RFQ X
Reference, salesperson etc. X
Quotation no., date X
Supplying vendor X
Vendor X
Vendor address X
Invoicing party X
Logical system for ALE X
Administrative data, header Target Value X
Purchasing group X
GR message X
Language X
Item number interval X
Binding period for quotations X
Deadline subm. of quotations X
Closing date for applications X
Start of validity period
Validity period end

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Configuration document- MM module

Complete delivery X
Country for VAT reg. number X
Sub-item interval X
Reason for rejection
Warranty date
Supplying Plant Supplying Plant X
Source Stock Type X
Returns Data Return Reason X
Follow-Up Activity X
Reason for Rejection X
Next Plant X
Transshipment Plant X
Vendor X
Vendor RMA Number X
Vendor RMA Number Required X
Reference Document X
Quantity and Price Qualification for discount X
Order unit (Purchasing) X
Quantity X
Target quantity X
Unit of measure X
Settlement group X
Price and price unit X
Price printout indicator X
Price date X
Standard release order qty. X
Order price unit (purchasing) X
Weights X

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Configuration document- MM module

Condition group X
Vendor sub-range X
Pricing date control X
Order price unit (purchasing) X
Weights X
Condition group X
Vendor sub-range X
Pricing date control X
Deadline Monitoring Requisition (request) date X
Delivery date X
Statistics-relev. deliv. date X
Order acknowledgment reqt. X
Schedule line time spot X
Release date X
Order acknowledgment X
Reminder control X
Shipping dates/supplying plant X
Route schedule X
Goods receipt processing time X
Confirmation control key X
Indicator: requisition closed X
GR/IR Control Valuation type X
Tax code X
"Delivery completed" indicato X
Quality inspection X
Underdelivery tolerance X
Overdelivery tolerance X
Unlimited overdelivery X

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Configuration document- MM module

Final invoice indicator X

GR-based invoice verification X
GR-based settlement X
GR/IR control X
"Delivery completed" indicato X
Ind.: partial deliv. (st. tfr X
Returns indicator X
GR/IR indicator X
Distr./partial inv. indicator
Shipping instructions
Batch X
Vendor batch X
LE-Related Invoice Verificatn
Acceptance At Origin
Down Payments X
Reference data, item Purchase requisition X
Info record X
Request for quotation X
Requisitioner X
Outline agreement X
Purchasing organization X
Desired vendor X
Fixed vendor X
Materials planner X
Order statistics X
Delivery address X
Customer number X

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Configuration document- MM module

Requirement tracking number X

Vendor material X
"Fixed" indicator X
Texts X
Address X
Vendor number X
Subcontracting vendor X
RFX Document Number X
Administrative data, item Release fields X
Quotation date, item X
Points X
Promotion X
Deletion indicator X
Rounding profile X
Info update X
Rejection, internal comment X
Indicator: estimated price X
Prior vendor X
Kanban indicator X
Season X
Control key QM X
Reason for ordering X
Exclusion indicator X
Revision level X
External planning X
Scheduling Control Issued quantity X
Administration Data Material data (Brazil) x
NBM code X

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Configuration document- MM module

Good manufactured in-house X

Delivery monitoring Planned delivery time X
Latest GR date X
Remaining shelf life X
Enjoy fields Document Type X
Blocking indicator X
Shipping Data X
Material X
Vendor X
Supplying Plant X

4.4. Release Procedures

4.4.1. Edit Characteristics
Activity Edit Characteristics
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Purchasing  Purchase Orders  Release
Procedure  Procedure with Classification  Edit Characteristics
Transaction Code CT04
Characteristic Desctiprion Table-Field Value
Order Type
Purchasing I201 – APV Purchasing
Organization Org
Z_PO_PLANT Plant Multiple CEKKO - WERKS I200 - AVP Head Office
I21A - APV
I22A - NAI
I24A - PV
I21B - [SD] APV

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Configuration document- MM module

I22B - [SD] NAI

I23B - [SD] APPH
I24B - [SD] PV
Z_PO_VALUE Total net order value Multiple CEKKO - GNETW

4.4.2. Edit Classes

Activity Edit Classes
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Purchasing  Purchase Order  Release
Procedure  Procedure with Classification  Edit Classes
Transaction Code CL02
Class Class types Description Characteristics
Z_PO_RELEASE 032 Purchase Order Strategy Z_PO_PLANT

4.4.3. Set up Procedures with classification

Activity Edit Classes
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Purchasing  Purchase Order  Release
Procedure  Procedure with Classification  Edit Classes
Transaction Code CL02

a. Release Group
Rel.Grp Rel.Obj OvRelPReq Class Description
I1 X Z_PO_RELEASE PO Release strategy

b. Release Code
Grp Code Workflow Description
I1 PM Department Manager
I1 AA Asset Accountant
I1 DM Division Manager

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Configuration document- MM module

I1 DR Director
I1 MD Managing Director
I1 PR PR Creator for Appro
I1 PS President
I1 SM Section Manager
I1 SP Sub Dep.Manager

c. Release Indicator
Release ID Released Changeble Value Change Description
A 1 PO Creator Released
B 1 General Director Approved
C 1 Section Manager Approved
D 1 Sub Dep.Manager Approved
E 1 Department Manager Approved
F 1 Division Manager Approved
G 1 Director Approved
H 1 Managing Director Approved
I 1 President Approved
J 1 Vice President Approved
N 4 PO (Contract) not Approved
O X 1 PO (Contract) already Approved
V 1 Mil Director Approved

d. Relsase Strategy
Rel.Grp Rel.Strategy Release Code Classification Value
I1 A1 SM Order Type (Purchasing) CIPVN Spec Rela Aff

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Configuration document- MM module

Purchasing organization APV Purchasing Org

Plant APV Plant
Total net order value <= 15000.00 USD
I1 A2 PM Order Type (Purchasing) CIPVN Spec Rela Aff
Purchasing organization APV Purchasing Org
Plant APV Plant
Total net order value <= 30000.00 USD
I1 A3 DM Order Type (Purchasing) CIPVN Spec Rela Aff
Purchasing organization APV Purchasing Org
Plant APV Plant
Total net order value > 30000.00 USD
I1 M1 SM Order Type (Purchasing) CIPVN Nor RM, CH, FU
Purchasing organization APV Purchasing Org
Plant APV Plant
Total net order value <= 20000.00 USD
I1 M2 PM Order Type (Purchasing) CIPVN Nor RM, CH, FU
Purchasing organization APV Purchasing Org
Plant APV Plant
Total net order value <= 100000.00 USD
I1 M3 DM Order Type (Purchasing) CIPVN Nor RM, CH, FU
Purchasing organization APV Purchasing Org
Plant APV Plant
Total net order value > 100000.00 USD
I1 O1 SM Order Type (Purchasing) CIPVN Nor FA, SP, SV
Purchasing organization APV Purchasing Org
Plant APV Plant

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Configuration document- MM module

Total net order value <= 3000.00 USD

I1 O2 PM Order Type (Purchasing) CIPVN Nor FA, SP, SV
Purchasing organization APV Purchasing Org
Plant APV Plant
Total net order value <= 30000.00 USD
I1 O3 DM Order Type (Purchasing) CIPVN Nor FA, SP, SV
Purchasing organization APV Purchasing Org
Plant APV Plant
Total net order value > 30000.00 USD
Order Type (Purchasing) CIPVN Nor FA, SP, SV
I1 P1 SM Order Type (Purchasing) CIPVN Spec Project
Purchasing organization APV Purchasing Org
Plant APV Plant
Total net order value <= 6000.00 USD
Order Type (Purchasing) CIPVN Spec Project
I1 P2 PM Order Type (Purchasing) CIPVN Spec Project
Purchasing organization APV Purchasing Org
Plant APV Plant
Total net order value <= 100000.00 USD
I1 P3 DM Order Type (Purchasing) CIPVN Spec Project
Purchasing organization APV Purchasing Org
Plant APV Plant
Total net order value > 100000.00 USD

5. Contract
5.1. Define Contract types
5.2. Define Number Ranges for Contract
5.3. Define Screen Layout at Document Level

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Configuration document- MM module

5.4. Release Procedures

5.4.1. Edit Characteristics
5.4.2. Edit Classes
5.4.3. Set up Procedures with classification
6. RFQ
6.1. Define RFQ types
7. Activity Define RFQ type
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Purchasing  RFQ/Quotation  Define
Document Types
Transaction Code

Type Doc.Type Description NoRge Int NoRge Ext FieldSel


7.1. Define NR for RFQ

8. Activity Define NR for RFQ
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Purchasing  RFQ/Quotation  Define Number
Transaction Code OMH6
Number Range No From No. To No. External
I0 2101000000 2101999999

8.1. Define Screen Layout at Document Level

9. PIR
Activity Edit Classes
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Purchasing  Purchase Info Record  RDefine
Number Ranges
Transaction Code OMEO
Number Range No From No To No External
03 5300000000 5399999999 X

10. Condition
10.1. Define the condition types

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Configuration document- MM module

Activity Define Condition types

IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Purchasing  Condition  Define Price
Determination Process  Define Condition types
Transaction Code

Condition type Description

PB00 Gross Price (PO)
PBXX Gross Price (PIR)

ZOA1 Import Duty %

ZOB1 Import Duty (Value)
ZOC1 Import Duty/Quantity
FRA1 Freight %
FRB1 Freight (Value)
FRC1 Freight/Quantity
10.2. Define Pricing Procedure
Activity Set Calculation Schema – Purchasing
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Purchasing  Condition  Define Price
Determination Process  Set Calculation Schema – Purchasing
Transaction Code M/08
Procedure Description

Con.type Description Manual Required Statistic Print type Subtotal Accrual

PB00 Gross Price X 9
PBXX Gross Price X 9
FRB1 Freight (Value) X X FR1
FRC1 Freight/Quantity X X FR1
FRA1 Freight % X X FR1
ZA00 Surcharge % on Net X X
ZA01 Surcharge % on Gross X X

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Configuration document- MM module

ZB00 Surcharge (Value) X X

ZOA1 Import Duty % X X
ZOB1 Import Duty (Value) X X
ZOC1 Import Duty/Quantity X X
MWVS Input tax manually X
Actual Price

10.3. Define the schema group

Activity Define Schema Groups
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Purchasing  Condition  Define Price
Determination Process  Define Schema Groups
Transaction Code OMFN

a. Define Schema Groups for Suppliers

Sch.Grp.Supp Description
Standard Schema vendor
b. Define Schema Groups for Purchasing Organizations

Schema GrpPOrg Description

Standard Schema

c. Assign Schema Groups to Purchasing Organizations

POrg Description Pur Org
I201 APV Purchasing Org

10.4. Maintain Condition Table

Activity Maintain Condiiton Table
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Purchasing  Condition  Define Price
Determination Process  Maintain Condition Table
Transaction Code M/05

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Configuration document- MM module

Table Number Selected Field Technical Name Global Field Name

708 Departure Ctry/Reg. ALAND Departure Country

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Configuration document- MM module

11. Inventory Management

10.4. Plant Parameters
Activity Plant Parameters
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Inventory Management and Physical Inventory 
Plant Parameters
Transaction Code OMEO

Goods Movement Physical Inventory Reservations

Pl Del.C Sto Batch Move Rete
Descriptio Create M BOM Tran Alterna Days
an omp. ck in ment ntion
n Sloc Us Applic s/Ev tetive mvt.all
t Defau typ Backgr Allow Perio
Auto ag ation Type Unit owed
lt e ound ed d
I2 APV Head
X X 1 BEST WV 1 X X X 10 30
00 Office
I2 APV Plant
X X 1 BEST WV 1 X X X 10 30
X X 1 BEST WV 1 X X X 10 30
1B Plant
I2 NAI Plant
X X 1 BEST WV 1 X X X 10 30
X X 1 BEST WV 1 X X X 10 30
2B Plant
I2 APPH Plant
X X 1 BEST WV 1 X X X 10 30
X X 1 BEST WV 1 X X X 10 30
3B Plant
I2 PV Plant
X X 1 BEST WV 1 X X X 10 30
I2 [SD] PV
X X 1 BEST WV 1 X X X 10 30
4B Plant

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Configuration document- MM module

10.5. Create Storage location automatically

Activity Create Storage location automatically
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Inventory Management and Physical Inventory
 Automatic Movements Create Storage Location Automatically
Transaction Code OMJ8
Plant Name 1 Cre.Sloc.automat.
I200 APV Head Office X
I21A APV Plant X
I21B [SD] APV Plant X
I22A NAI Plant X
I22B [SD] NAI Plant X
I23A APPH Plant X
I23B [SD] APPH Plant X
I24A PV Plant X
I24B [SD] PV Plant X

10.6. Allow freezing of book inventory balance

Activity Create Storage location automatically
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Inventory Management and Physical Inventory
 Physical Inventory Allow Freezing of Book Inventory Balance in Storage
Transaction Code

Plant Description SLoc Description Freeze book inv.Sloc

I200 APV Head Office 1 Primary Storage X
1 OtherRawMaterial X
2 Paper Roll X
N NON Movement X
I21A APV Plant P Production Line X
Q Quality Inspect X
R Return To Vendor X
W Waste X

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SAP Implementation for CIP VN
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1 Primary Storage X
N NON Movement X
Q Quality Inspect X
W Waste X
1 OtherRawMaterial X
2 Paper Roll X
N NON Movement X
I22A NAI P Production Line X
Q Quality Inspect X
R Return To Vendor X
W Waste X
1 Primary Storage X
N NON Movement X
Q Quality Inspect X
W Waste X
1 OtherRawMaterial X
2 Paper Roll X
N NON Movement X
I23A APPH P Production Line X
Q Quality Inspect X
R Return To Vendor X
W Waste X
1 Warehouse 1 X
2 Warehouse 2 X
R Return To Vendor X
N NON Movement X
Q Quality Inspect X
W Waste X

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Configuration document- MM module

1 OtherRawMaterial X
2 Paper Roll X
N NON Movement X
I24A PV P Production Line X
Q Quality Inspect X
R Return To Vendor X
W Waste X
1 Primary Storage X
I24B [SD] PV N NON Movement X
Q Quality Inspect X
W Waste X

10.7. Copy, Changes Movement type

10.8. Batch management
a. Define Characteristics
Characteristics Description Value type Table - Field
YB_BATCH Batch Number Single MCH1 – CHARG

b. Define Class
Class Class type Description Characteristics

c. Stock Determination
Activity Stock Determination
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Inventory Management and Physical Inventory
 Stock Determination  Define Strategies for Stock Determination
Transaction Code OSPX
Plant Stock Determination Group Description
I200 I200 Stock Determination
I21A I200 Stock Determination

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Configuration document- MM module

I21B I200 Stock Determination

I22A I200 Stock Determination
I22B I200 Stock Determination
I23A I200 Stock Determination
I23B I200 Stock Determination
I24A I200 Stock Determination
I24B I200 Stock Determination

Plant Description SDG SDR Sorting Priority

Item table
I200 APV Head Office I200 I200 Price A 2
Quantity A 1
Item table
I21A APV Plant I200 I200 Price A 2
Quantity A 1

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Configuration document- MM module

11. Valuation and Account Assignment

11.1. Define price control for material types
11.2. Account category references
Activity Material types / Account category reference
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Valuation and Account Assignment  Account
Determination  Account Determination Without Wizard  Define Valuation
Transaction Code OMSK
Account Reference Description
Z00 Ref. for SparePart (03,06,07)
Z05 Ref. for Major SparePart (05)
Z10 Ref. for Raw Material (10)
Z21 Ref. for Semifinished (21)
Z25 Ref. for ByProduct (25)
Z28 Ref. for WIP-ShortTerm Bio(28)
Z29 Ref. for WIP-LongTerm Bio(29)
Z30 Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
Z42 Ref. for Non-Stock Service (42)
Z81 Ref. for FG (81)
Z82 Ref. for TG (82)
Z85 Ref. for Services (85)
Z87 Ref. for Variant Conf. (87)

11.3. Valuation class

Activity Material types / Account category reference
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Valuation and Account Assignment  Account
Determination  Account Determination Without Wizard  Define Valuation
Transaction Code OMSK
ValCl ARef Description Description

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Configuration document- MM module

0001 Z30 Main Fuel Ref. for Supplies (31-38)

1001 Z00 Mechanical Sp. Ref. for SparePart (03,06,07)
1002 Z00 Electrical Sp. Ref. for SparePart (03,06,07)
1005 Z00 Instrument / Quarry Spare Ref. for SparePart (03,06,07)
1006 Z30 Forklift, truck and vehic Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
1101 Z30 Repair and maintenance-ma Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
1102 Z30 Repair and maintenance-bu Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
1103 Z30 Repair and maintenance-fu Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
1104 Z30 Repair and maintenance-In Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
1106 Z30 Repair and maintenance- f Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
1603 Z30 Structures preparation ex Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
1999 Z30 Other repair & maintenanc Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
2003 Z30 Electrical tools and equi Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
2008 Z30 Mechanical tools and equi Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
2010 Z30 Safety tools and equipmen Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
2999 Z30 Other tools and equipment Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
3005 Z30 Slitter/blade/knife Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
3037 Z30 Safety supplies (FC) Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
3043 Z30 Pallet Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
3072 Z30 Mechanical supplies Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
3073 Z30 Electrical supplies Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
3135 Z30 Bearing (VC) Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
3152 Z30 Lubrication oil,motor oil Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
3192 Z30 Welding rod, electrode (V Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
3254 Z30 Stell,stainless,aluminium Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
3255 Z30 Steel,stainless,brass wir Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
3262 Z30 Belt - conveyor belt, v-b Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
3263 Z30 Fork lift,truck and vehic Ref. for Supplies (31-38)

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Configuration document- MM module

3281 Z30 Nut, nail & bolt,screw,so Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
3282 Z30 O-ring, gasket, seal, shi Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
3813 Z30 Polythelene Tape Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
3814 Z30 PE Film Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
3817 Z30 Sub materials-other Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
3818 Z30 Nylon string Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
4007 Z30 Glue tape Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
4008 Z30 Pallet for packaging (VC) Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
7001 Z21 Semi Finished Product Ref. for Semifinished (21)
7999 Z30 Other production and stor Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
8101 Z81 Finished Goods Ref. for FG (81)
8110 Z81 SO stock Finished Goods Ref. for FG (81)
8210 Z82 Trading Goods-Intercom Ref. for TG (82)
8220 Z82 Trading Goods-Outside Ref. for TG (82)
8250 Z82 SO stock TrG - Intercom Ref. for TG (82)
8260 Z82 SO stock TrG - Outside Ref. for TG (82)
8701 Z87 Sheet Boards Ref. for Variant Conf. (87)
8710 Z87 SO stock Sheet Boards Ref. for Variant Conf. (87)
A001 Z10 White Top Liner Ref. for Raw Material (10)
A002 Z10 Duplex Ref. for Raw Material (10)
A003 Z10 Kraft Liner Ref. for Raw Material (10)
A004 Z10 Pulp Top Liner Ref. for Raw Material (10)
A005 Z10 Test Liner Ref. for Raw Material (10)
A006 Z10 Medium Ref. for Raw Material (10)
A007 Z10 Preprint Ref. for Raw Material (10)
A008 Z10 Purchase S/B Ref. for Raw Material (10)
A009 Z10 Core Ref. for Raw Material (10)
A010 Z10 Starch Ref. for Raw Material (10)

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A011 Z10 Starch Resin Ref. for Raw Material (10)

A012 Z10 Coal Ref. for Raw Material (10)
A013 Z10 Chip wood Ref. for Raw Material (10)
A014 Z10 Caustic Soda Ref. for Raw Material (10)
A015 Z10 Borax Ref. for Raw Material (10)
A016 Z10 Ink Ref. for Raw Material (10)
A017 Z10 Glue-Making Carton Ref. for Raw Material (10)
A018 Z10 Stiching Wire Ref. for Raw Material (10)
A019 Z10 Waste Ref. for Raw Material (10)

11.4. Material types / Account category reference

Activity Material types / Account category reference
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Valuation and Account Assignment  Account
Determination  Account Determination Without Wizard  Define Valuation
Transaction Code OMSK
Mat.Type Description ARef Description
03 Electrical Spare Parts Z00 Ref. for SparePart (03,06,07)
05 Major Spare Parts Z05 Ref. for Major SparePart (05)
06 Mechanical Spare Parts Z00 Ref. for SparePart (03,06,07)
07 Instrument/Quarry SprPart Z00 Ref. for SparePart (03,06,07)
10 Raw material Z10 Ref. for Raw Material (10)
21 Semi Finished Product Z21 Ref. for Semifinished (21)
25 By Product Z25 Ref. for ByProduct (25)
28 WIP-Short-term Bio Asset Z28 Ref. for WIP-ShortTerm Bio(28)
29 WIP-Long-term Bio Asset Z29 Ref. for WIP-LongTerm Bio(29)
31 General Supplies Z30 Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
32 Production Supplies Z30 Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
33 Main Fuel Z30 Ref. for Supplies (31-38)

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34 Packaging Supplies Z30 Ref. for Supplies (31-38)

35 Quarry Supplies Z30 Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
36 Electrical Supplies Z30 Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
37 Chemical Supplies Z30 Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
38 Utilities Z30 Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
40 NON - Stock Spare Part Z00 Ref. for SparePart (03,06,07)
41 NON - Stock Raw Material Z10 Ref. for Raw Material (10)
42 NON - Stock Service Z42 Ref. for Non-Stock Service (42
43 NON - Stock Supplies Z30 Ref. for Supplies (31-38)
49 NON - Valuated Material
81 Finished Goods Z81 Ref. for FG (81)
82 Trading Goods Z82 Ref. for TG (82)
84 NON-ValuedMaterial(FG-TG) Z81 Ref. for FG (81)
85 Services Z85 Ref. for Services (85)
87 Sheet board Z87 Ref. for Variant Conf. (87)
A3 Electrical Assembly
A6 Mechanical Assembly A6 Mechanical Assembly
A7 Instrument/QuarryAssembly A7 Instrument/QuarryAssembly

11.5. Group together valuation areas

Activity Group together valuation areas
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Valuation and Account Assignment  Account
Determination  Account Determination Without Wizard  Group Together
Valuation Areas
Transaction Code OMWD
Val.area CoCode Company Name Chrt/Accts Val.Grps Code
I200 1820 Alcamax Packaging Co.,Ltd VAS 1820
I21A 1820 Alcamax Packaging Co.,Ltd VAS 1820
I21B 1820 Alcamax Packaging Co.,Ltd VAS 1820

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I22A 1820 Alcamax Packaging Co.,Ltd VAS 1820

I22B 1820 Alcamax Packaging Co.,Ltd VAS 1820
I23A 1820 Alcamax Packaging Co.,Ltd VAS 1820
I23B 1820 Alcamax Packaging Co.,Ltd VAS 1820
I24A 1820 Alcamax Packaging Co.,Ltd VAS 1820
I24B 1820 Alcamax Packaging Co.,Ltd VAS 1820
I200 1820 Alcamax Packaging Co.,Ltd VAS 1820

11.6. Configure Automatic posting

Activity Configure Automatic Posting
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Valuation and Account Assignment  Account
Determination  Account Determination Without Wizard  Configure Automatic
Transaction Code OBYC

a. BSX
Valuation modification Valuation Class Account
1820 0001 15311000
1001 15310000
1002 15310000
1005 15310000
1006 15311000
1101 15311000
1102 15310000
1103 15310000
1104 15310000
1106 15310000
1603 15311000
1999 15311000
2003 15311000
2008 15311000
2010 15311000
2999 15311000
3005 15311000
3037 15311000

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3043 15311000
3072 15310000
3073 15310000
3135 15311000
3152 15311000
3192 15311000
3254 15311000
3255 15311000
3262 15311000
3263 15311000
3281 15311000
3282 15311000
3813 15311000
3814 15311000
3817 15311000
3818 15311000
4007 15311000
4008 15311000
7001 15420000
7999 15311000
8101 15510000
8110 15100010
8210 15610000
8220 15610000
8250 15100000
8260 15100000
8701 15510000
8710 15100010
A001 15200000
A002 15200000
A003 15200000
A004 15200000
A005 15200000
A006 15200000
A007 15200000
A008 15200000
A009 15200000
A010 15200000
A011 15200000
A012 15200000
A013 15200000

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A014 15200000
A015 15200000
A016 15200000
A017 15200000
A018 15200000
A019 15200000

b. GBB
Val.Modification Gen.Modification Valuation Class Debit Credit
1820 291 0001 63101001 63101001
1820 291 1001 64181399 64181399
1820 291 1002 64181399 64181399
1820 291 1005 64181399 64181399
1820 291 1006 64181399 64181399
1820 291 1101 64181399 64181399
1820 291 1102 64181399 64181399
1820 291 1103 64181399 64181399
1820 291 1104 64181399 64181399
1820 291 1106 64181399 64181399
1820 291 1603 64181399 64181399
1820 291 1999 64181399 64181399
1820 291 2003 64181399 64181399
1820 291 2008 64181399 64181399
1820 291 2010 64181399 64181399
1820 291 2999 64181399 64181399
1820 291 3005 64181399 64181399
1820 291 3037 64181399 64181399
1820 291 3043 64181399 64181399
1820 291 3072 64181399 64181399
1820 291 3073 64181399 64181399
1820 291 3135 64181399 64181399
1820 291 3152 64181399 64181399
1820 291 3192 64181399 64181399
1820 291 3254 64181399 64181399
1820 291 3255 64181399 64181399
1820 291 3262 64181399 64181399
1820 291 3263 64181399 64181399
1820 291 3281 64181399 64181399
1820 291 3282 64181399 64181399
1820 291 3813 64181399 64181399

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1820 291 3814 64181399 64181399

1820 291 3817 64181399 64181399
1820 291 3818 64181399 64181399
1820 291 4007 64181399 64181399
1820 291 4008 64181399 64181399
1820 291 7001 64181399 64181399
1820 291 7999 64181399 64181399
1820 291 8101 64181399 64181399
1820 291 8110 63101001 63101001
1820 291 8210 63101001 63101001
1820 291 8220 64181399 64181399
1820 291 8250 64181399 64181399
1820 291 8260 64181399 64181399
1820 291 8701 64181399 64181399
1820 291 8710 63101001 63101001
1820 291 A001 64181399 64181399
1820 291 A006 64181399 64181399
1820 291 A007 64181399 64181399
1820 291 A008 64181399 64181399
1820 291 A009 64181399 64181399
1820 291 A010 64181399 64181399
1820 291 A011 64181399 64181399
1820 291 A012 64181399 64181399
1820 291 A013 64181399 64181399
1820 291 A014 64181399 64181399
1820 291 A015 64181399 64181399
1820 291 A016 64181399 64181399
1820 291 A017 64181399 64181399
1820 291 A018 64181399 64181399
1820 291 A019 64181399 64181399
1820 903 8101 63205190 63205190
1820 903 8110 63205190 63205190
1820 903 8210 63203210 63203210
1820 903 8220 63203220 63203220
1820 903 8250 63203210 63203210
1820 903 8260 63203220 63203220
1820 903 8701 63205190 63205190
1820 903 8710 63205190 63205190
1820 905 8101 63205190 63205190
1820 905 8110 63205190 63205190
1820 905 8210 63203210 63203210

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Configuration document- MM module

1820 905 8220 63203220 63203220

1820 905 8250 63203210 63203210
1820 905 8260 63203220 63203220
1820 905 8701 63205190 63205190
1820 905 8710 63205190 63205190
1820 907 8101 15510090 15510090
1820 907 8110 15510090 15510090
1820 907 8210 15610090 15610090
1820 907 8220 15610090 15610090
1820 907 8250 15610090 15610090
1820 907 8260 15610090 15610090
1820 907 8701 15510090 15510090
1820 907 8710 15510090 15510090
1820 909 8101 15510090 15510090
1820 909 8210 15610090 15610090
1820 909 8220 15610090 15610090
1820 909 8250 15610090 15610090
1820 909 8260 15610090 15610090
1820 909 8701 15510090 15510090
1820 909 8710 15510090 15510090
1820 969 8101 63202290 63202290
1820 969 8110 63202290 63202290
1820 969 8210 63201210 63201210
1820 969 8220 63201220 63201220
1820 969 8250 63201210 63201210
1820 969 8260 63201220 63201220
1820 969 8701 63202290 63202290
1820 969 8710 63202290 63202290
1820 971 8101 63202290 63202290
1820 971 8110 63202290 63202290
1820 971 8210 63201210 63201210
1820 971 8220 63201220 63201220
1820 971 8250 63201210 63201210
1820 971 8260 63201220 63201220
1820 971 8701 63202290 63202290
1820 971 8710 63202290 63202290
1820 BSA 0001 500 500
1820 BSA 1001 500 500
1820 BSA 1002 500 500
1820 BSA 1005 500 500
1820 BSA 1006 500 500

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1820 BSA 1101 500 500

1820 BSA 1102 500 500
1820 BSA 1103 500 500
1820 BSA 1104 500 500
1820 BSA 1106 500 500
1820 BSA 1603 500 500
1820 BSA 1999 500 500
1820 BSA 2003 500 500
1820 BSA 2008 500 500
1820 BSA 2010 500 500
1820 BSA 2999 500 500
1820 BSA 3005 500 500
1820 BSA 3043 500 500
1820 BSA 3072 500 500
1820 BSA 3073 500 500
1820 BSA 3135 500 500
1820 BSA 3152 500 500
1820 BSA 3192 500 500
1820 BSA 3254 500 500
1820 BSA 3255 500 500
1820 BSA 3262 500 500
1820 BSA 3263 500 500
1820 BSA 3281 500 500
1820 BSA 3282 500 500
1820 BSA 3807 500 500
1820 BSA 3808 500 500
1820 BSA 3809 500 500
1820 BSA 3813 500 500
1820 BSA 3814 500 500
1820 BSA 3817 500 500
1820 BSA 3818 500 500
1820 BSA 4007 500 500
1820 BSA 4008 500 500
1820 BSA 7001 500 500
1820 BSA 7999 500 500
1820 BSA 8101 500 500
1820 BSA 8110 500 500
1820 BSA 8210 500 500
1820 BSA 8220 500 500
1820 BSA 8250 500 500
1820 BSA 8260 500 500

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1820 BSA 8701 500 500

1820 BSA 8710 500 500
1820 BSA A001 500 500
1820 BSA A002 500 500
1820 BSA A003 500 500
1820 BSA A004 500 500
1820 BSA A005 500 500
1820 BSA A006 500 500
1820 BSA A007 500 500
1820 BSA A008 500 500
1820 BSA A009 500 500
1820 BSA A010 500 500
1820 BSA A011 500 500
1820 BSA A012 500 500
1820 BSA A013 500 500
1820 BSA A014 500 500
1820 BSA A015 500 500
1820 BSA A016 500 500
1820 BSA A017 500 500
1820 BSA A018 500 500
1820 BSA A019 500 500
1820 INV 0001 62720001 62720001
1820 INV 1001 62730001 62730001
1820 INV 1002 62730002 62730002
1820 INV 1005 62730005 62730005
1820 INV 1006 62730006 62730006
1820 INV 1101 62731001 62731001
1820 INV 1102 62731002 62731002
1820 INV 1103 62731003 62731003
1820 INV 1104 62731004 62731004
1820 INV 1106 62731006 62731006
1820 INV 1603 62770603 62770603
1820 INV 1999 62733099 62733099
1820 INV 2003 62734003 62734003
1820 INV 2008 62734008 62734008
1820 INV 2010 62734010 62734010
1820 INV 2999 62734099 62734099
1820 INV 3005 62735005 62735005
1820 INV 3037 62735037 62735037
1820 INV 3043 62735043 62735043
1820 INV 3072 62735072 62735072

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1820 INV 3073 62735073 62735073

1820 INV 3135 62735135 62735135
1820 INV 3152 62735152 62735152
1820 INV 3192 62735192 62735192
1820 INV 3254 62735254 62735254
1820 INV 3255 62735255 62735255
1820 INV 3262 62735262 62735262
1820 INV 3263 62735263 62735263
1820 INV 3281 62735281 62735281
1820 INV 3282 62735282 62735282
1820 INV 3813 62720020 62720020
1820 INV 3814 62720021 62720021
1820 INV 3817 62720023 62720023
1820 INV 3818 62720022 62720022
1820 INV 4007 62736007 62736007
1820 INV 4008 62736008 62736008
1820 INV 7001 62781009 62781009
1820 INV 7999 62735999 62735999
1820 INV A001 62116801 62116801
1820 INV A002 62116802 62116802
1820 INV A003 62116803 62116803
1820 INV A004 62116804 62116804
1820 INV A005 62116805 62116805
1820 INV A006 62116806 62116806
1820 INV A007 62116807 62116807
1820 INV A008 62116808 62116808
1820 INV A009 62116809 62116809
1820 INV A010 62126801 62126801
1820 INV A011 62126802 62126802
1820 INV A012 62126803 62126803
1820 INV A013 62126804 62126804
1820 INV A014 62126805 62126805
1820 INV A015 62126806 62126806
1820 INV A016 62126807 62126807
1820 INV A017 62126808 62126808
1820 INV A018 62126809 62126809
1820 INV A019 62126815 62126815
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 1001 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 1002 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 1005 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 1006 81103160 81103160

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1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 1101 81103160 81103160

1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 1102 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 1103 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 1104 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 1106 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 1603 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 1999 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 2003 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 2008 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 2010 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 2999 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 3005 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 3043 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 3072 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 3073 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 3135 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 3152 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 3192 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 3254 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 3255 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 3262 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 3263 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 3281 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 3282 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 3813 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 3814 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 3817 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 3818 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 4007 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 4008 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 7999 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 8101 63202190 63202190
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 8110 63202190 63202190
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 8210 63200210 63200210
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 8220 63200220 63200220
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 8250 63200210 63200210
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 8260 63200220 63200220
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 8701 63202190 63202190
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA 8710 63202190 63202190
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA A001 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA A002 81103160 81103160

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1820 VAX, VAY, VKA A003 81103160 81103160

1820 VAX, VAY, VKA A004 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA A005 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA A006 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA A007 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA A008 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA A009 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA A010 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA A011 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA A012 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA A013 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA A014 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA A015 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA A016 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA A017 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA A018 81103160 81103160
1820 VAX, VAY, VKA A019 81103160 81103160
1820 VBR 0001 62720001 62720001
1820 VBR 1001 62730001 62730001
1820 VBR 1002 62730002 62730002
1820 VBR 1005 62730005 62730005
1820 VBR 1006 62730006 62730006
1820 VBR 1101 62731001 62731001
1820 VBR 1102 62731002 62731002
1820 VBR 1103 62731003 62731003
1820 VBR 1104 62731004 62731004
1820 VBR 1106 62731006 62731006
1820 VBR 1603 62770603 62770603
1820 VBR 1999 62733099 62733099
1820 VBR 2003 62734003 62734003
1820 VBR 2008 62734008 62734008
1820 VBR 2010 62734010 62734010
1820 VBR 2999 62734099 62734099
1820 VBR 3005 62735005 62735005
1820 VBR 3043 62735037 62735037
1820 VBR 3072 62735043 62735043
1820 VBR 3073 62735072 62735072
1820 VBR 3135 62735073 62735073
1820 VBR 3152 62735135 62735135
1820 VBR 3192 62735152 62735152
1820 VBR 3254 62735192 62735192

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1820 VBR 3255 62735254 62735254

1820 VBR 3262 62735255 62735255
1820 VBR 3263 62735262 62735262
1820 VBR 3281 62735263 62735263
1820 VBR 3282 62735281 62735281
1820 VBR 3813 62720020 62720020
1820 VBR 3814 62720021 62720021
1820 VBR 3817 62720023 62720023
1820 VBR 3818 62720022 62720022
1820 VBR 4007 62736007 62736007
1820 VBR 4008 62736008 62736008
1820 VBR 7001 63100003 63100003
1820 VBR 7999 62735999 62735999
1820 VBR 8101 63100003 63100003
1820 VBR 8110 63100003 63100003
1820 VBR 8210 62781101 62781101
1820 VBR 8220 62781101 62781101
1820 VBR 8250 62781101 62781101
1820 VBR 8260 62781101 62781101
1820 VBR 8701 62781101 62781101
1820 VBR 8710 62781101 62781101
1820 VBR A001 62116801 62116801
1820 VBR A002 62116802 62116802
1820 VBR A003 62116803 62116803
1820 VBR A004 62116804 62116804
1820 VBR A005 62116805 62116805
1820 VBR A006 62116806 62116806
1820 VBR A007 62116807 62116807
1820 VBR A008 62116808 62116808
1820 VBR A009 62116809 62116809
1820 VBR A010 62126801 62126801
1820 VBR A011 62126802 62126802
1820 VBR A012 62126805 62126805
1820 VBR A013 62126806 62126806
1820 VBR A014 62126807 62126807
1820 VBR A015 62126808 62126808
1820 VBR A016 62126809 62126809
1820 VBR A017 62126810 62126810
1820 VBR A018 62126811 62126811
1820 VBR A019 62126815 62126815
1820 VNG 0001 62720001 62720001

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1820 VNG 1001 62730001 62730001

1820 VNG 1002 62730002 62730002
1820 VNG 1005 62730005 62730005
1820 VNG 1006 62730006 62730006
1820 VNG 1101 62731001 62731001
1820 VNG 1102 62731002 62731002
1820 VNG 1103 62731003 62731003
1820 VNG 1104 62731004 62731004
1820 VNG 1106 62731006 62731006
1820 VNG 1603 62770603 62770603
1820 VNG 1999 62733099 62733099
1820 VNG 2003 62734003 62734003
1820 VNG 2008 62734008 62734008
1820 VNG 2010 62734010 62734010
1820 VNG 2999 62734099 62734099
1820 VNG 3005 62735005 62735005
1820 VNG 3043 62735037 62735037
1820 VNG 3072 62735043 62735043
1820 VNG 3073 62735072 62735072
1820 VNG 3135 62735073 62735073
1820 VNG 3152 62735135 62735135
1820 VNG 3192 62735152 62735152
1820 VNG 3254 62735192 62735192
1820 VNG 3255 62735254 62735254
1820 VNG 3262 62735255 62735255
1820 VNG 3263 62735262 62735262
1820 VNG 3281 62735263 62735263
1820 VNG 3282 62735281 62735281
1820 VNG 3813 62720020 62720020
1820 VNG 3814 62720021 62720021
1820 VNG 3817 62720023 62720023
1820 VNG 3818 62720022 62720022
1820 VNG 4007 62736007 62736007
1820 VNG 4008 62736008 62736008
1820 VNG 7001 62781102 62781102
1820 VNG 7999 62735999 62735999
1820 VNG 8101 62781002 62781002
1820 VNG 8110 62781002 62781002
1820 VNG 8210 62781002 62781002
1820 VNG 8220 62781002 62781002
1820 VNG 8250 62781002 62781002

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1820 VNG 8260 62781002 62781002

1820 VNG 8701 62781002 62781002
1820 VNG 8710 62781002 62781002
1820 VNG A001 62116801 62116801
1820 VNG A002 62116802 62116802
1820 VNG A003 62116803 62116803
1820 VNG A004 62116804 62116804
1820 VNG A005 62116805 62116805
1820 VNG A006 62116806 62116806
1820 VNG A007 62116807 62116807
1820 VNG A008 62116808 62116808
1820 VNG A009 62116809 62116809
1820 VNG A010 62126801 62126801
1820 VNG A011 62126802 62126802
1820 VNG A012 62126803 62126803
1820 VNG A013 62126804 62126804
1820 VNG A014 62126805 62126805
1820 VNG A015 62126806 62126806
1820 VNG A016 62126807 62126807
1820 VNG A017 62126808 62126808
1820 VNG A018 62126809 62126809
1820 VNG A019 62126815 62126815
1820 Z01 0001 62720001 62720001
1820 Z01 1001 62730001 62730001
1820 Z01 1002 62730002 62730002
1820 Z01 1005 62730005 62730005
1820 Z01 1006 62730006 62730006
1820 Z01 1101 62731001 62731001
1820 Z01 1102 62731002 62731002
1820 Z01 1103 62731003 62731003
1820 Z01 1104 62731004 62731004
1820 Z01 1106 62731006 62731006
1820 Z01 1603 62770603 62770603
1820 Z01 1999 62733099 62733099
1820 Z01 2003 62734003 62734003
1820 Z01 2008 62734008 62734008
1820 Z01 2010 62734010 62734010
1820 Z01 2999 62734099 62734099
1820 Z01 3005 62735005 62735005
1820 Z01 3043 62735037 62735037
1820 Z01 3072 62735043 62735043

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1820 Z01 3073 62735072 62735072

1820 Z01 3135 62735073 62735073
1820 Z01 3152 62735135 62735135
1820 Z01 3192 62735152 62735152
1820 Z01 3254 62735192 62735192
1820 Z01 3255 62735254 62735254
1820 Z01 3262 62735255 62735255
1820 Z01 3263 62735262 62735262
1820 Z01 3281 62735263 62735263
1820 Z01 3282 62735281 62735281
1820 Z01 3813 62720020 62720020
1820 Z01 3814 62720021 62720021
1820 Z01 3817 62720023 62720023
1820 Z01 3818 62720022 62720022
1820 Z01 4007 62736007 62736007
1820 Z01 4008 62736008 62736008
1820 Z01 7001 63100001 63100001
1820 Z01 7999 62735999 62735999
1820 Z01 A001 62116801 62116801
1820 Z01 A002 62116802 62116802
1820 Z01 A003 62116803 62116803
1820 Z01 A004 62116804 62116804
1820 Z01 A005 62116805 62116805
1820 Z01 A006 62116806 62116806
1820 Z01 A007 62116807 62116807
1820 Z01 A008 62116808 62116808
1820 Z01 A009 62116809 62116809
1820 Z01 A010 62126801 62126801
1820 Z01 A011 62126802 62126802
1820 Z01 A012 62126803 62126803
1820 Z01 A013 62126804 62126804
1820 Z01 A014 62126805 62126805
1820 Z01 A015 62126806 62126806
1820 Z01 A016 62126807 62126807
1820 Z01 A017 62126808 62126808
1820 Z01 A018 62126809 62126809
1820 Z01 A019 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 1006 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 1101 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 1102 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 1103 62126815 62126815

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1820 Z03 1104 62126815 62126815

1820 Z03 1106 62126815 62126815
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1820 Z03 1999 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 2003 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 2008 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 2010 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 2999 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 3005 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 3043 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 3135 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 3152 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 3192 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 3254 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 3255 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 3262 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 3263 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 3281 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 3282 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 3813 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 3814 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 3817 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 3818 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 4007 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 4008 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 7999 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 A001 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 A002 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 A003 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 A004 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 A005 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 A006 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 A007 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 A008 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 A009 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 A010 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 A011 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 A012 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 A013 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 A014 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 A015 62126815 62126815

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1820 Z03 A016 62126815 62126815

1820 Z03 A017 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 A018 62126815 62126815
1820 Z03 A019 62126815 62126815
1820 Z09 0001 62720001 62720001
1820 Z09 1001 62730001 62730001
1820 Z09 1002 62730002 62730002
1820 Z09 1005 62730005 62730005
1820 Z09 1006 62730006 62730006
1820 Z09 1101 62731001 62731001
1820 Z09 1102 62731002 62731002
1820 Z09 1103 62731003 62731003
1820 Z09 1104 62731004 62731004
1820 Z09 1106 62731006 62731006
1820 Z09 1603 62770603 62770603
1820 Z09 1999 62733099 62733099
1820 Z09 2003 62734003 62734003
1820 Z09 2008 62734008 62734008
1820 Z09 2010 62734010 62734010
1820 Z09 2999 62734099 62734099
1820 Z09 3005 62735005 62735005
1820 Z09 3043 62735037 62735037
1820 Z09 3072 62735043 62735043
1820 Z09 3073 62735072 62735072
1820 Z09 3135 62735073 62735073
1820 Z09 3152 62735135 62735135
1820 Z09 3192 62735152 62735152
1820 Z09 3254 62735192 62735192
1820 Z09 3255 62735254 62735254
1820 Z09 3262 62735255 62735255
1820 Z09 3263 62735262 62735262
1820 Z09 3281 62735263 62735263
1820 Z09 3282 62735281 62735281
1820 Z09 3813 62720020 62720020
1820 Z09 3814 62720021 62720021
1820 Z09 3817 62720023 62720023
1820 Z09 3818 62720022 62720022
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1820 Z09 7001 63100001 63100001
1820 Z09 7999 62735999 62735999

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1820 Z09 8101 63101001 63101001

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1820 Z09 8710 63101001 63101001
1820 Z09 A001 62116801 62116801
1820 Z09 A002 62116802 62116802
1820 Z09 A003 62116803 62116803
1820 Z09 A004 62116804 62116804
1820 Z09 A005 62116805 62116805
1820 Z09 A006 62116806 62116806
1820 Z09 A007 62116807 62116807
1820 Z09 A008 62116808 62116808
1820 Z09 A009 62116809 62116809
1820 Z09 A010 62126801 62126801
1820 Z09 A011 62126802 62126802
1820 Z09 A012 62126803 62126803
1820 Z09 A013 62126804 62126804
1820 Z09 A014 62126805 62126805
1820 Z09 A015 62126806 62126806
1820 Z09 A016 62126807 62126807
1820 Z09 A017 62126808 62126808
1820 Z09 A018 62126809 62126809
1820 Z09 A019 62126815 62126815
1820 ZOB 0001 62720001 62720001
1820 ZOB 1001 62730001 62730001
1820 ZOB 1002 62730002 62730002
1820 ZOB 1005 62730005 62730005
1820 ZOB 1006 62730006 62730006
1820 ZOB 1101 62731001 62731001
1820 ZOB 1102 62731002 62731002
1820 ZOB 1103 62731003 62731003
1820 ZOB 1104 62731004 62731004
1820 ZOB 1106 62731006 62731006
1820 ZOB 1603 62770603 62770603
1820 ZOB 1999 62733099 62733099
1820 ZOB 2003 62734003 62734003
1820 ZOB 2008 62734008 62734008
1820 ZOB 2010 62734010 62734010
1820 ZOB 2999 62734099 62734099
1820 ZOB 3005 62735005 62735005
1820 ZOB 3037 62735037 62735037

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1820 ZOB 3043 62735043 62735043

1820 ZOB 3072 62735072 62735072
1820 ZOB 3073 62735073 62735073
1820 ZOB 3135 62735135 62735135
1820 ZOB 3152 62735152 62735152
1820 ZOB 3192 62735192 62735192
1820 ZOB 3254 62735254 62735254
1820 ZOB 3255 62735255 62735255
1820 ZOB 3262 62735262 62735262
1820 ZOB 3263 62735263 62735263
1820 ZOB 3281 62735281 62735281
1820 ZOB 3282 62735282 62735282
1820 ZOB 3813 62720020 62720020
1820 ZOB 3814 62720021 62720021
1820 ZOB 3817 62720023 62720023
1820 ZOB 3818 62720022 62720022
1820 ZOB 4007 62736007 62736007
1820 ZOB 4008 62736008 62736008
1820 ZOB 7001 63100001 63100001
1820 ZOB 7999 62735999 62735999
1820 ZOB A001 62116801 62116801
1820 ZOB A002 62116802 62116802
1820 ZOB A003 62116803 62116803
1820 ZOB A004 62116804 62116804
1820 ZOB A005 62116805 62116805
1820 ZOB A006 62116806 62116806
1820 ZOB A007 62116807 62116807
1820 ZOB A008 62116808 62116808
1820 ZOB A009 62116809 62116809
1820 ZOB A010 62126801 62126801
1820 ZOB A011 62126802 62126802
1820 ZOB A012 62126803 62126803
1820 ZOB A013 62126804 62126804
1820 ZOB A014 62126805 62126805
1820 ZOB A015 62126806 62126806
1820 ZOB A016 62126807 62126807
1820 ZOB A017 62126808 62126808
1820 ZOB A018 62126809 62126809
1820 ZOB A019 62126815 62126815
1820 ZOF 7001 63100001 63100001
1820 ZOF 8101 63101001 63101001

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Configuration document- MM module

1820 ZOF 8110 63101001 63101001

1820 ZOF 8701 63101001 63101001
1820 ZOF 8710 63101001 63101001

c. FR1
Val.Modification Debit Credit
1820 33500110 33500110

e. KDM
Val.Modification Valuation Class Debit Credit
1820 0001 63101003 63101003
1001 62720001 62720001
1002 62730001 62730001
1005 62730002 62730002
1006 62730005 62730005
1101 62730006 62730006
1102 62731001 62731001
1103 62731002 62731002
1104 62731003 62731003
1106 62731004 62731004
1603 62731006 62731006
1999 62770603 62770603
2003 62733099 62733099
2008 62734003 62734003
2010 62734008 62734008
2999 62734010 62734010
3005 62734099 62734099
3037 62735005 62735005
3043 62735037 62735037
3072 62735043 62735043
3073 62735072 62735072
3135 62735073 62735073
3152 62735135 62735135
3192 62735152 62735152
3254 62735192 62735192
3255 62735254 62735254
3262 62735255 62735255
3263 62735262 62735262

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3281 62735263 62735263

3282 62735281 62735281
3813 62735282 62735282
3814 62720020 62720020
3817 62720021 62720021
3818 62720023 62720023
4007 62720022 62720022
4008 62736007 62736007
7001 62736008 62736008
7999 63100001 63100001
8101 62735999 62735999
8110 63101003 63101003
8210 63101003 63101003
8220 63200210 63200210
8250 63200220 63200220
8260 63200210 63200210
8701 63200220 63200220
8710 63101003 63101003
A001 62116801 62116801
A006 62116806 62116806
A007 62116807 62116807
A008 62116808 62116808
A009 62116809 62116809
A010 62126801 62126801
A011 62126802 62126802
A012 62126803 62126803
A013 62126804 62126804
A014 62126805 62126805
A015 62126806 62126806
A016 62126807 62126807
A017 62126808 62126808
A018 62126809 62126809
A019 62126815 62126815

f. PRD
Val.Modification Valuation Class Debit Credit
1820 0001 62720001 62720001
1001 62730001 62730001
1002 62730002 62730002
1005 62730005 62730005
1006 62730006 62730006

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Configuration document- MM module

1101 62731001 62731001

1102 62731002 62731002
1103 62731003 62731003
1104 62731004 62731004
1106 62731006 62731006
1603 62770603 62770603
1999 62733099 62733099
2003 62734003 62734003
2008 62734008 62734008
2010 62734010 62734010
2999 62734099 62734099
3005 62735005 62735005
3037 62735037 62735037
3043 62735043 62735043
3072 62735072 62735072
3073 62735073 62735073
3135 62735135 62735135
3152 62735152 62735152
3192 62735192 62735192
3254 62735254 62735254
3255 62735255 62735255
3262 62735262 62735262
3263 62735263 62735263
3281 62735281 62735281
3282 62735282 62735282
3813 62720020 62720020
3814 62720021 62720021
3817 62720023 62720023
3818 62720022 62720022
4007 62736007 62736007
4008 62736008 62736008
7001 63100001 63100001
7999 62735999 62735999
8210 63200210 63200210
8220 63200220 63200220
A001 62116801 62116801
A002 62116802 62116802
A003 62116803 62116803
A004 62116804 62116804
A005 62116805 62116805

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A006 62116806 62116806

A007 62116807 62116807
A008 62116808 62116808
A009 62116809 62116809
A010 62126801 62126801
A011 62126802 62126802
A012 62126803 62126803
A013 62126804 62126804
A014 62126805 62126805
A015 62126806 62126806
A016 62126807 62126807
A017 62126808 62126808
A018 62126809 62126809
A019 62126815 62126815

Val.Modification Gen.Modification Valuation Class Debit Credit
1820 PRU 0001 62720001 62720001
1820 PRU 1001 62730001 62730001
1820 PRU 1002 62730002 62730002
1820 PRU 1005 62730005 62730005
1820 PRU 1006 62730006 62730006
1820 PRU 1101 62731001 62731001
1820 PRU 1102 62731002 62731002
1820 PRU 1103 62731003 62731003
1820 PRU 1104 62731004 62731004
1820 PRU 1106 62731006 62731006
1820 PRU 1603 62770603 62770603
1820 PRU 1999 62733099 62733099
1820 PRU 2003 62734003 62734003
1820 PRU 2008 62734008 62734008
1820 PRU 2010 62734010 62734010
1820 PRU 2999 62734099 62734099

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1820 PRU 3005 62735005 62735005

1820 PRU 3037 62735037 62735037
1820 PRU 3043 62735043 62735043
1820 PRU 3072 62735072 62735072
1820 PRU 3073 62735073 62735073
1820 PRU 3135 62735135 62735135
1820 PRU 3152 62735152 62735152
1820 PRU 3192 62735192 62735192
1820 PRU 3254 62735254 62735254
1820 PRU 3255 62735255 62735255
1820 PRU 3262 62735262 62735262
1820 PRU 3263 62735263 62735263
1820 PRU 3281 62735281 62735281
1820 PRU 3282 62735282 62735282
1820 PRU 4007 62736007 62736007
1820 PRU 4008 62736008 62736008
1820 PRU 7001 63102003 63102003
1820 PRU 7999 62735999 62735999
1820 PRU 8101 63102004 63102004
1820 PRU 8110 63102004 63102004
1820 PRU 8701 63102004 63102004
1820 PRU 8710 63102004 63102004
1820 PRU A001 62116801 62116801
1820 PRU A002 62116802 62116802
1820 PRU A003 62116803 62116803
1820 PRU A004 62116804 62116804
1820 PRU A005 62116805 62116805
1820 PRU A006 62116806 62116806

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1820 PRU A007 62116807 62116807

1820 PRU A008 62116808 62116808
1820 PRU A009 62116809 62116809
1820 PRU A010 62126801 62126801
1820 PRU A011 62126802 62126802
1820 PRU A012 62126803 62126803
1820 PRU A013 62126804 62126804
1820 PRU A014 62126805 62126805
1820 PRU A015 62126806 62126806
1820 PRU A016 62126807 62126807
1820 PRU A017 62126808 62126808
1820 PRU A018 62126809 62126809
1820 PRU A019 62126815 62126815

Val.Modification Gen.Modification Valuation Class Debit Credit
PRF 7001 63100001 63100001
PRF 8101 63102002 63102002

1820 PRF 8110 63102002 63102002

PRF 8701 63102002 63102002
PRF 8710 63102002 63102002

Val.Modification Gen.Modification Valuation Class Debit Credit
1820 PRA 0001 62720001 62720001

1820 PRA 1001 62730001 62730001

1820 PRA 1002 62730002 62730002

1820 PRA 1005 62730005 62730005

1820 PRA 1006 62730006 62730006

1820 PRA 1101 62731001 62731001

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Configuration document- MM module

1820 PRA 1102 62731002 62731002

1820 PRA 1103 62731003 62731003

1820 PRA 1104 62731004 62731004

1820 PRA 1106 62731006 62731006

1820 PRA 1603 62770603 62770603

1820 PRA 1999 62733099 62733099

1820 PRA 2003 62734003 62734003

1820 PRA 2008 62734008 62734008

1820 PRA 2010 62734010 62734010

1820 PRA 2999 62734099 62734099

1820 PRA 3005 62735005 62735005

1820 PRA 3037 62735037 62735037

1820 PRA 3043 62735043 62735043

1820 PRA 3072 62735072 62735072

1820 PRA 3073 62735073 62735073

1820 PRA 3135 62735135 62735135

1820 PRA 3152 62735152 62735152

1820 PRA 3192 62735192 62735192

1820 PRA 3254 62735254 62735254

1820 PRA 3255 62735255 62735255

1820 PRA 3262 62735262 62735262

1820 PRA 3263 62735263 62735263

1820 PRA 3281 62735281 62735281

1820 PRA 3282 62735282 62735282

1820 PRA 4007 62736007 62736007

1820 PRA 4008 62736008 62736008

1820 PRA 7001 63102003 63102003

1820 PRA 7999 62735999 62735999

Configuration document Page cxi SAP CIP VN – SAP Implementation for CIP
Configuration document- MM module

1820 PRA 8101 63102004 63102004

1820 PRA 8110 63102004 63102004

1820 PRA 8701 63102004 63102004

1820 PRA 8710 63102004 63102004

1820 PRA A001 62116801 62116801

1820 PRA A002 62116802 62116802

1820 PRA A003 62116803 62116803

1820 PRA A004 62116804 62116804

1820 PRA A005 62116805 62116805

1820 PRA A006 62116806 62116806

1820 PRA A007 62116807 62116807

1820 PRA A008 62116808 62116808

1820 PRA A009 62116809 62116809

1820 PRA A010 62126801 62126801

1820 PRA A011 62126802 62126802

1820 PRA A012 62126803 62126803

1820 PRA A013 62126804 62126804

1820 PRA A014 62126805 62126805

1820 PRA A015 62126806 62126806

1820 PRA A016 62126807 62126807

1820 PRA A017 62126808 62126808

1820 PRA A018 62126809 62126809

1820 PRA A019 62126815 62126815

j. UMB
Val.Modification Valuation Class Debit Credit
0001 62720014 62720014
1820 1001 62730001 62730001
1002 62730002 62730002

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Configuration document- MM module

1005 62730005 62730005

3072 62730001 62730001
3073 62730002 62730002
3808 62736007 62736007
7001 63100001 63100001
8101 15510010 15510010
8110 15510010 15510010
8210 63200210 63200210
8220 63200220 63200220
8250 63200220 63200220
8701 15510010 15510010
8710 15510010 15510010

k. WRX
Val.Modification Debit Credit
1820 33100010 33100010

11.7. Set check for Dupplicate Invoice

Activity Set check for Dupplicate Invoice
IMG Path SPRO  Material Management  Logistics Invoice Verification  Incoming Invoice
 Set Check for Duplicate Invoices
Transaction Code

CoCode Name Check Co.Code Check Reference Check

1820 Alcamax Packaging Co.,Ltd X X X

11.8. Set Invoice tolerance limits

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Configuration document- MM module

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