EEU07302 2223S1 Handouts L2

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• Power diode acts as a switch to perform various functions:

▶ switches in rectiers,
▶ freewheeling in switching regulators,
▶ charge reversal of capacitor and energy transfer between
▶ voltage isolation,
▶ energy feedback from the load to the power source, and
▶ trapped energy recovery.
• Can be assumed as ideal switches for most applications
Topic: Power Diodes
Module Name: Power Electronics
• Power diode is uncontrollable semiconductor switch
Module Code: EEU 07302 • The diode allows a unidirectional current ow
Module Leader: Dr. G. G. Moshi
November 17, 2022

Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 2 / 43 Arusha Technical College

Diode Characteristics Diode Characteristics (cont.)

• A power diode is a two-terminal pn-junction device

• When the anode potential is positive with respect
formed by alloying, diusion, and epitaxial growth.
to the cathode, the diode is said to be forward
biased and the diode conducts.
• A conducting diode has a relatively small forward
voltage drop across it; the magnitude of this drop
depends on the manufacturing process and junc-
tion temperature.
Figure 1: pn-junction and diode symbol. • When the cathode potential is positive with re-
spect to the anode, the diode is said to be reverse

Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 3 / 43 Arusha Technical College Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 4 / 43 Arusha Technical College
Diode Characteristics (cont.) Diode Characteristics (cont.)

• Under reverse-biased conditions, a small reverse

current (also known as leakage current) in the range
of micro- or milliampere ows and this leakage
current increases slowly in magnitude with the re-
verse voltage until the avalanche or zener voltage
is reached.

Figure 2: v-i characteristics of a diode

Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 5 / 43 Arusha Technical College Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 6 / 43 Arusha Technical College

Diode Characteristics (cont.) Diode Characteristics (cont.)

• The v-i characteristics shown in Figure 2a can be IS = leakage (or reverse saturation) current, typi-
expressed by an equation known as Schockley diode cally in the range 10−6 to 10−15 A;
equation, which is given under DC steady-state op- n = empirical constant known as emission coe-
eration by: cient, or ideality factor, 1 to 2.
• The voltage VT in Eq. (1) is a constant called
ID = IS (e VD /nVT − 1) (1)
thermal voltage and it is given by:
ID = current through the diode, A; VT = kT
q (2)
VD = diode voltage with anode positive with re-
spect to cathode, V; Where
q = electron charge: 1.6022 × 10−19 coulomb (C);
Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 7 / 43 Arusha Technical College Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 8 / 43 Arusha Technical College
Diode Characteristics (cont.) Diode Characteristics (cont.)

T = absolute temperature in Kelvin (1K = 273+◦ • The diode characteristic of Figure 2a can be di-
C ); vided into three regions:
where VD > 0: The diode current
k = Boltzmann's constant: 1.3806 × 10−23 J /K . ▶ Forward-biased region,
ID is very small if the diode voltage VD is less than a specic
• At a junction temperature of 25 ◦ C , Eq.(2) gives value VTD (typically 0.7 V). The diode conducts fully if VD is
higher than this value VTD , which is referred to as the threshold
−23 voltage, cut-in voltage, or turn-on voltage. Thus, the threshold
VT = 1.3806 1×.6022
10 × (273 + 25)
× 10−19
≈ 25.7 mV voltage is a voltage at which the diode conducts fully.

• At a specied temperature, the leakage current IS
is a constant for a given diode.

Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 9 / 43 Arusha Technical College Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 10 / 43 Arusha Technical College

Diode Characteristics (cont.) Diode Characteristics (cont.)

▶ Reverse-biased region, where VD < 0: If VD is negative and ▶ Breakdown region, where VD < −VBR : High reverse voltage
|VD | < VT , which occurs for VD < −0.1 V , the exponential usually with a magnitude greater than 1000 V. The magnitude of
term in Eq.(1) becomes negligibly small compared with unity the reverse voltage may exceed a specied voltage known as the
and the diode current ID becomes breakdown voltage VBR . The operation in the breakdown region
will not be destructive, provided that the power dissipation is
ID = IS (e VD /nVT − 1) ≈ IS (4) within a "safe level" that is specied in the manufacturer's data
sheet. However, it is often necessary to limit the reverse current
which indicates that the diode current ID in the reverse direction
in the breakdown region to limit the power dissipation within a
is constant and equals IS .
permissible value.

Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 11 / 43 Arusha Technical College Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 12 / 43 Arusha Technical College
Reverse Recovery Characteristics Reverse Recovery Characteristics

• IF is due to the net eect of majority and minority

• Once a diode is in a forward conduction mode and
then its forward current is reduced to zero the
diode continues to conduct due to minority car-
riers that remain stored in the pn-junction and the
bulk semiconductor material.
• Reverse recovery time: time required by
the minority carriers to recombine with Figure 3: Reverse recovery characteristics.
opposite charges and to be neutralized.

Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 13 / 43 Arusha Technical College Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 14 / 43 Arusha Technical College

Reverse Recovery Characteristics Reverse Recovery Characteristics

• Note: Figure is not to scaled I

• F falls to zero at t = t1 ,
just to indicate the shape and then continues to ow
in the reverse direction be-
• The tailing of the recovery
cause the diode is inactive
period is expanded to illus-
and not capable of blocking
trate the nature of recovery
the reverse current ow.
• In reality ta > tb .
• At t = t2 , the reverse cur-
• At t = to the diode current rent reaches a value of IRR
starts to fall from the on- and the diode voltage starts
state current IF at a rate of to reverse.
di −IF
dt = (t1 −t0 ) . • After the recovery process is
• The diode is still conducting completed at t = t3 , the re-
with a forward voltage drop verse diode voltage reaches
of VF . a peak of VRMS .
Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 15 / 43 Arusha Technical College Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 16 / 43 Arusha Technical College
Reverse Recovery Characteristics Reverse Recovery Parameters
• The reverse recovery time I
• The peak reverse current RR can be expressed as:
trr , from the initial zero
crossing of the diode current di
IRR = ta dt (7)
to 25% of IRR .
• Reverse recovery time trr may be dened as the time
trr = ta + tb (5) interval between the instant the current passes through
zero during the changeover from forward conduction to
• a due to charge storage in
reverse blocking condition and the moment the reverse
the depletion region of the
current has decayed to 25% of its peak reverse value IRR .
• Variable trr is dependent on the junction temperature, rate of
• tb due to charge storage in
fall of forward current, and forward current prior to commuta-
the bulk semiconductor ma-
tion, IF .
• Softness factor (SF)
SF = tb /ta (6)
Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 17 / 43 Arusha Technical College Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 18 / 43 Arusha Technical College

Reverse Recovery Parameters (cont.) Reverse Recovery Parameters (cont.)

• Reverse recovery charge QRR is the amount of charge I

• Substituting RR from Eq.(7)
carriers that ows across the diode in the reverse direction
due to changeover from forward conduction to reverse
QRR = 12 trr ta dt (12)
blocking condition.
• Value of reverse recovery charge is determined from the area t t t t
• Since b is negligible as compared to a , the rr ≈ a , and
enclosed by the curve of the reverse recovery current. Eq.(12) becomes
QRR = 12 trr2 dt (13)
QRR = Q1 + Q2 (8)
• Thus
QRR ≈ 21 IRR ta + 12 IRR tb
trr ≈ 2diQ/RR
QRR ≈ 21 IRR (ta + tb ) (10)
• Thus
QRR = 21 IRR trr (11) di
IRR ≈ Q dt
2 RR (15)

Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 19 / 43 Arusha Technical College Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 20 / 43 Arusha Technical College
Reverse Recovery Parameters (cont.) Reverse Recovery Parameters (cont.)

• Forward recovery time FR is the time required for the diode • The forward recovery time limits the rate of the rise of the
voltage to drop to a particular value after the forward current forward current and the switching speed.
starts to ow. •
• The application of forward voltage would force the diode to carry
current in the forward direction.
• However, it requires a certain time known as forward recovery
(or turn-on) time before all the majority carriers over the whole
junction can contribute to the current ow.
• If the rate of rise of the forward current is high and the forward
current is concentrated to a small area of the junction, the diode
may fail.

Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 21 / 43 Arusha Technical College Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 22 / 43 Arusha Technical College

General-Purpose Diodes 1. General-Purpose Diodes

• Ideally, a diode should have no reverse recovery time. • Have relatively high reverse recovery time, typically 25 µ ; s
• Manufacturing cost of such a diode is high. • Are used in low-speed applications, where recovery time is not
• In many applications, the eects of reverse recovery time is not critical (e.g., diode rectiers and converters for a low-input fre-
signicant, thus inexpensive diodes can be used. quency up to 1-kHz applications and line-commutated convert-
• Power diodes can be classied into three categories depending ers).
on the recovery characteristics and manufacturing techniques: • Current ratings from less than 1 A to several thousands of am-
1. Standard or general-purpose diodes peres, with voltage ratings from 50 V to around 5 kV.
2. Fast-recovery diodes • Are generally manufactured by diusion.
3. Schottky diodes
• Congurations of general-purpose diodes basically fall into two
types: a stud, or stud-mounted type; and a disk, press pack, or
hockey-puck type.
• NB: In a stud-mounted type, either the anode or the cathode
could be the stud.

Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 23 / 43 Arusha Technical College Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 24 / 43 Arusha Technical College
2. Fast-Recovery Diodes 3. Schottky Diodes

• The fast-recovery diodes have low recovery time, normally less • To eliminated (or minimized) charge storage problem of a pn-
than 5 µ . junction
• Used in DC-DC and DC-AC converter circuits, where the speed • Setting up a "barrier potential" with a contact between a metal
of recovery is often of critical importance. and a semiconductor.
• Current ratings from less than 1 A to hundreds of amperes and • A layer of metal is deposited on a thin epitaxial layer of n-type
voltage from 50 V to around 3 kV silicon.
• Made by epitaxial and diusion processes.

Figure 4: Structure of Schottky diode.

Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 25 / 43 Arusha Technical College Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 26 / 43 Arusha Technical College

3. Schottky Diodes (cont.) 3. Schottky Diodes (cont.)

Figure 5: Schottky diode and its symbol

• The potential barrier simulates the behavior of a pn-junction.

• The rectifying action depends on the majority carriers only, and
as a result there are no excess minority carriers to recombine.
• The recovery eect is due solely to the self capacitance of the
semiconductor junction.
• The recovered charge of a Schottky diode is much less than that
of an equivalent pnjunction diode.
• Because it is due only to the junction capacitance, it is largely
independent of the reverse di/dt.

Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 27 / 43 Arusha Technical College Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 28 / 43 Arusha Technical College
3. Schottky Diodes (cont.) Silicon Carbide Diodes

• Silicon carbide (SiC) is a new material for power electronics.

• A Schottky diode has a relatively low forward voltage drop. • Its physical properties outperform Si and GaAs by far.
• The leakage current of a Schottky diode is higher than that of • They have the following features:
a pn-junction diode. ▶ ultra low power losses
• A Schottky diode with relatively low-conduction voltage has rel- ▶ No reverse recovery time;
atively high leakage current, and vice versa. ▶ Ultrafast switching behavior;
▶ No temperature inuence on the switching behavior.
• As a result, the maximum allowable voltage of this diode is
generally limited to 100 V.
• The current ratings of Schottky diodes vary from 1 to 400 A.
• The Schottky diodes are ideal for high-current and low-voltage
dc power supplies.
• However, these diodes are also used in low-current power sup-
plies for increased eciency.

Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 29 / 43 Arusha Technical College Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 30 / 43 Arusha Technical College

Silicon Carbide Diodes (cont.) Silicon Carbide Schottky Diodes

• The SiC Schottky diodes have the following features:
▶ Lowest switching losses due to low reverse recovery charge;
▶ Fully surge-current stable, high reliability, and ruggedness;
▶ Lower system costs due to reduced cooling requirements;
▶ Higher frequency designs and increased power density
• These devices also have low device capacitance that enhances
Figure 6: Comparison of reverse recovery time. overall system eciency, especially at higher switching frequen-

Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 31 / 43 Arusha Technical College Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 32 / 43 Arusha Technical College
Silicon Carbide Schottky Diodes (cont.) Series-Connected Diodes

• Applicable in many high-voltage applications (e.g., high-voltage

direct current [HVDC] transmission lines), where one commer-
cially available diode cannot meet the required voltage rating.
• Diodes are connected in series to increase the reverse blocking

Figure 7: 2017 Wolfspeed Datasheet

Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 33 / 43 Arusha Technical College Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 34 / 43 Arusha Technical College

Series-Connected Diodes (cont.) Series-Connected Diodes (cont.)

Figure 8: Two series-connected diodes with reverse bias.

• Practically, the v-i characteristics for the same type of diodes

dier due to tolerances in their production process.
• In the forward-biased condition, both diodes conduct the same
amount of current, and the forward voltage drop of each diode
would be almost equal.
Figure 9: Series-connected diodes with steady-state voltage-sharing
• However, in the reverse blocking condition, each diode has to characteristics.
carry the same leakage current, and as a result the blocking
voltages may dier signicantly.
• Due to equal voltage sharing, the leakage current of each diode
• Solution: Voltage sharing networks are needed to equalize the
voltage sharing. would be dierent.

Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 35 / 43 Arusha Technical College Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 36 / 43 Arusha Technical College
Series-Connected Diodes (cont.) Series-Connected Diodes (cont.)

• Since the total leakage current must be shared by a diode and • The voltage sharings under transient conditions (e.g., due to
its resistor, then switching loads, the initial applications of the input voltage) are
accomplished by connecting capacitors across each diode.
Is = IS 1 + IR1 = IS 2 + IR2 (16)
• From which we have

IS 1 + VRD 1 = IS 2 + VRD 2 (17)

1 2

• If the resistances are equal R = R1 = R2, then

IS 1 + VRD 1 = IS 2 + VRD 2
Figure 10: Series diodes with voltage-sharing networks under steady-state
(18) and transient conditions.
VD 1 + VD 2 = Vs (19)

Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 37 / 43 Arusha Technical College Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 38 / 43 Arusha Technical College

Series-Connected Diodes (cont.) Parallel-Connected Diodes

• To increase the current carrying capability in high-power appli-

• Resistor Rs limits the rate of rise of the blocking voltage. cations.
• Parallel diodes of the same type do not share the same on-state
current due to mismatches in their forward v-i characteristics.
• The reverse blocking voltages of each diode would be the same.
• Sharing networks are needed to equalize the current sharing.
• Uniform current sharing can be achieved by providing equal in-
ductances (Figure 11b) or by connecting current-sharing resis-
tors (Figure 11a)
• The current-sharing resistors may not be practical due to power
losses which may be very high.

Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 39 / 43 Arusha Technical College Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 40 / 43 Arusha Technical College
Parallel-Connected Diodes (cont.) Parallel-Connected Diodes (cont.)

• If the current through D1 rises, the voltage Ldi /dt across L1

increases, and a corresponding voltage of opposite polarity is
induced across inductor L2 .
• The result is a low-impedance path through diode D2 and the
current is shifted to D2 .
• The inductors may generate voltage spikes and they may be
expensive and bulky, especially at high currents.

Figure 11: Parallel-connected diodes.

• The approach of Figure 11b is more ecient and enables current

sharing under dynamic conditions.

Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 41 / 43 Arusha Technical College Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 42 / 43 Arusha Technical College

Study Power Diode Datasheets
*** END ***

Dr. G. G. Moshi ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 43 / 43 Arusha Technical College

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