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Everyone has a different view of about what an ideal society should be like,
and to me, an ideal society is the one in which everyone living in it treats
each other with altruism respect. To achieve that, we must pay more
attention to the education that young children receive both at home and at
school. Diễn đạt câu đầu tiên phức tạp không cần thiết.
People are facing environmental and economic crises, and unfortunately,
most of them stem from the selfishness of each person in society. When
people truly care about the lives of the next generation, they will be more
conscious of protecting everything they have. Or when people become
aware of the suffering of people living in extremely poor conditions, in
dilapidated houses, they will want to help and their charity will also
increase. Everyone can help the society they live in become an more ideal
society through altruism and charity.
In fact, creating an ideal society where everyone is happy is very far-
fetched. However, people can change slowly by educating children's
thinking from preschool, so that they are exposed to good qualities from a
young age. Children's altruism and charity can be developed through the
years of preschool and family life. Parents and grandparents can educate
children by educating them about giving and sharing with others. Education
from a young age can influence a child's personality for the rest of their life,
and these qualities can then be reinforced in the school environment. If
parents in every family try to set an example and have an effective
educational method of altruism and charity for their children, the next
generation of society will move closer to the notion of an ideal society
where people know how to share and love each other more.
In conclusion, I think believe that the an ideal society is a place where there
is altruism, sharing and love. In my opinion, if people want to have such a
society, they parents should focus on educating children about good
virtues from an early age so that they can become decent people citizens
who love and share with people around them. Idea bài này không tốt, khá
lan man, mơ hồ.
Mai Vũ
Opinion is divided as to how an ideal society should be. Many people tried
in vain to create it so this essay will show my own opinion about this
phenomenon and give some possible approaches to create a great
Personally, i believe the an ideal society is a place that people can live in
good condition and there are fewer and fewer animals being
unscrupulously killed. Unfortunately, there is no panacea for these
problems. Firstly, comfort is a nebulous identification idea because most
people have tendency to wanting to crave to be wealthier and wealthier. It
is really hard to satisfy all of them at the same time. When it comes to
killing animals, there are some reasons for this such as food, fashion and
other purposes. Some trends including mukbang or luxury goods such as
leathers and feather items result in animal overkill. Body 1 này off topic
hoàn toàn
In my opinion, there are some posible ways to slowly attain create a better
and better community. Firstly, people should try their best to repair
individual’s individuals’ behaviour and cognition. In order to achieve this,
the government should apply new better methods for future generation so
that they can be developed during years of schooling so that people can
change their habit slowly ans slowly. In addition, the government should
launch campaigns to help the poor and the old to make their lives better
and develop the community as a whole. Body này chung chung, mơ mộng,
ko thực tế
In conclusion, i believe that an ideal community is a place where both
people and animals can live in comfort. The government should therefore
launch campaigns to change future generation’s spending habits and help
the disadvantaged people to promote the society as a whole.
Vũ Tất Thắng
It is true that although people usually come up with an ideal society, they
fail to make it work in reality. In my opinion, an ideal society is a place
where people treat others with kindness and honesty, and we can create a
better society by taking responsibility and being honest. Idea của em hơi
mơ hồ, ko thực tế
From my viewpoint, a high standard society is a place where people treat
others with kindness and honesty. In the world today, many people have
trust issues as there are lots of many frauds on the Internet and in real life.
Many cyber crimes take advantage of people’s kindness and deceive steal
a colossal amount of money. Therefore, if people do not trick others for
their own profit, society may become a much worth-living place.
Furthermore, an ideal society is achievable when people treat others with
love. Sometimes, helping an elderly cross the road, feeding a pet, or
showing kindness to neighbors can make a significant difference to the
community. Idea thiếu thực tế
There are two important solutions to create a high standard society,
including they are taking responsibility and being honest in every action.
When people take charge of their actions, they can admit their mistakes
and make progress afterward. For example, Park Hang Seo - the head
coach of the Vietnamese national football team in 2022, after losing against
Thailand in the AFF CUP 2022 tournament, never blamed the sub-standard
players’ performance for failure and took all the responsibility for himself.
Therefore, he could realize his mistake and try to improve next time.
Secondly, honesty also needs to be given lots of credit. When people do
not deceive others, it can build trust and enhance their relationship
stronger, which can create a better community.
In conclusion, an ideal society can be achieved if each individual makes
small changes in their behaviors such as being responsible and honest to
others. Kết bài 2 câu
Quang Huy Nguyễn Mậu
It is true that people always find out the best way to create an ideal society,
but always fail in making this happen too. An ideal society is the one where
there is equality, justice, opportunity, peace, and harmony among its
members. Câu 2 thiếu gắn kết với câu 1, và cũng chưa trả lời câu hỏi số 2
của đề bài. Hơn nữa em bị nhiều ý quá
In my opinion, an ideal society is the one that values diversity and
inclusivity. It is a society where people from all walks of life, regardless of
their race, ethnicity, gender, or background, have equal opportunities to
thrive and contribute to the collective well-being. In an ideal society, there is
a strong emphasis on justice and fairness, and institutions are designed to
protect the rights of all individuals. Additionally, an ideal society promotes
sustainable practices and environmental stewardship, ensuring that future
generations can also enjoy a high quality of life. Body này ý hơi mơ hồ,
thiếu thực tế
Creating an ideal society requires a multi-faceted approach that involves
changes at the individual, societal, and institutional levels. At the individual
level, fostering empathy, compassion, and respect for others is crucial. It is
important for people to confront their biases and prejudices, and to actively
work towards understanding and appreciating the perspectives of others.
Education plays a significant role in shaping attitudes and beliefs, and
promoting values of tolerance and acceptance from an early age can lay
the foundation for a more harmonious society. bài này lan man quá em, khá
mơ hồ.
In conclusion, to have an Ideal ideal society requires the contribution and
sense of responsibility of each individual. Kết bài cần 2 câu, và phải tóm tắt
lại các ý đã giới thiệu trong bài, bao gồm cả định nghĩa của em về xã hội
hoàn hảo và cách tạo ra nó
Trung Đặng
Everyone has a different view of what an ideal society would look like. In
my opinion, an ideal society is a society in which everyone living in it
behaves properly, has no social evils, and has a better quality of life. To
achieve that, we must pay more attention to the education that young
children receive both at home and at school.
We are facing many crises, whether it be poverty, and unfortunately, most
of them arise due to our selfishness. When we truly care about future
generations, there will be less damage to the environment to justify
economic progress. When we become aware of the suffering of people
living in poor conditions. We can solve our problems and build an ideal
society if our actions are altruistic. Em xem comment bài Tú nhé
In addition, I think believe that the an ideal society is a place where people
feel comfortable and it is a living environment that gives them enough
opportunities to enjoy life. First, there is no clear meaning of comfort, as it
may mean for some people a preference for equal circumstances for the
entire population, while for others comfort is where they can relax and rest.
I maintain that abundant social services and generous health care from the
states are among the most important aspects of a perfect community.
In conclusion, I believe that the most important element of an ideal society
is altruism, and we must focus on cultivating altruistic behavior in our
children from an early age and we need to improve the quality of life if you
want to build an ideal society chấm câu. Bài viết mắc nhiều lỗi mình đã chỉ
ra trên lớp; bao gồm việc sử dụng you we, việc tổ chức bài viết ko trả lời
trực diện vào câu hỏi của đề bài
Minh Hiếu
It is true that people always try to create a perfect society but it seems that
all efforts are in vain. In my opinion, an ideal society is a place where
people live in it and treat each other with friendliness, without lies or deceit,
thus being able to create a better society by being responsible and honest.
Em nên tập trung 1 ý chính, đừng tham nhiều ý rồi lại lan man khi giải thích
There are a myriad of reasons leading to the failure to form an ideal
society. First, it is impossible to truly describe a utopia that works for
everyone. Due to differences in the concept of a utopian society, when two
opposing views of the an ideal society conflict with each other, the use of
force is inevitable. For example, while one person may image an ideal
society as the one where they can do business as they please, many
others may see a utopia as one where private property and businesses are
abolished and where people don't have to work. Failure is simply not being
able to agree with each other. Body này off topic
Some A possible way to create a perfect community is by paying more
attention to the system of education and environmental problems. Firstly, a
paradigm change to our today's society can be made through innovation.
Children will be able to develop themselves thoroughly, if they are taught
both academic and moral lessons. From that, they can become excellent
individuals that can change their society in a positive way. Secondly,
solving the problems of the environment must be our priority. Governments
need to impose some strict rules to raise the awareness of people about
the dangers of these problems with a view to guaranteeing people's safety
and happiness.
In conclusion, while it seems difficult to create an ideal society, people still
can do this by focusing on children's education and protecting the
environment. It is predicted that a perfect society will be achieved due to
with the determination of individuals. Bài viết ko trả lời vào câu hỏi đề bài
Nguyễn Trần Quang Minh
Everyone has different opinions on what they consider as an ideal society,
and it is true that most have failed to turn their idea into reality. In my
opinion, a perfect society is a place with complete balance, justice and
The concept of a utopia is controversial, as there is no exact definition of a
perfect society. However, as mentioned above, I believe that an ideal
society is one that brings justice and equality to its people. In today’s world,
there are still a various of problems that are currently existing exist, such as
racism, conflicts, discriminations, and more. These has have been causing
problems, traumas and suffering for a certain amount of many people in the
world. An ideal society would be a place where all of humanity’s problems
no longer has its presence exist, and only harmony and peace remains
Now that the idea of a perfect society is presented, how do humanity
actually create it and bring it into reality? This is quite the difficult question
to find a solution, since changing society itself requires a massive amount
of finances, time, and effort. The first step would probably be educating
people’s mindset and encourage them to work and live in a meaningful
way, for a better society in the future. After that, governmnets in the world
should start working on problems that has have been causing damage to
everyone, such as the ones mentioned in the previous paragraph. Tổ chức
bài ko tốt. Em cần chọn idea thực tế hơn, và cũng đưa ra giải pháp rõ ràng,
cụ thể để viết bài.
In conclusion, the possibility of an ideal society is indeed possible.
Therefore, everyone should try and put effort on making changes in their
behaviors and mindset for a better society in life.
Minh Phạm
Each person hold a different view on how an ideal society should be. In my
opinion, an ideal society it is a society where people co-exist in perfect
harmony and equality, and to achieve such a thing, having appropriate
leaders and educating children are two essential factors.
An ideal society, from my perspective, is characterized by a commitment to
equality, justice and inclusivity. It is a society where every individual has
access to basic necessities, is afforded the same opportunities, and is able
to participate in civic life without fear of discrimination. With such a society,
people would have a harmony harmoninous life with altruism and free of
envy. Body này quá ngắn
To create a society, there are two vital factors should not be forgotten.
Firstly is the selection of appropriate authorities. Definitely, without having a
proper leadership leader, nations cannot succeed in critical situations. For
example, in 2020, based on suitable policies and effective epidemic
prevention measures by the leaders authorities, Vietnam has become
became one of the few countries that have well controlled contained the
Covid-19 epidemic. In addition, educating children is extremely important.
Besides Apart from knowledge, virtues such as courage, fairness, and
respect can be developed through years of schooling. Parents and schools
can nurture cultivate such virtues in their children at an early age by
educating them about kindness and altruism. As a result, children are likely
to become moral and savvy individuals to contribute benefit to society when
they reach adulthood. Idea chung chung, ko rõ ràng
In conclusion, the pursuit of an ideal society demands a multifaceted
approach such as leadership and education. While the road ahead is
complex and challenging, in my opinion, the realization of an ideal society
still can be possible with these two factors. Cần dành thời gian
brainstorming, chọn ý tốt hơn để viết bài.
Hoang Anh Nguyen
It is true that people often try to create an ideal society, but always fail in
making this happen. In my opinion, an ideal society is a place where
everyone has equality and justice. Giải pháp đâu? Về mặt ý tưởng thì idea
của em bị chung chung
An ideal society, from my viewpoint, is a place where people have equal
opportunities, the ability to do whatever they like and to be treated fairly. In
that place, they can enjoy being themselves, without having to worry or be
wary of bad words and gossip from people around them. For example,
people with low-paying jobs are still respected and not looked down upon
just because of the job they are doing. In an ideal society, people in the
LGBT community can come out and freely confess their feelings to people
of the same gender. Ý tưởng thiếu hiện thực
Everyone can build an ideal society with altruistic and by respecting those
around them. The first thing to do is to focus on educating children with
empathy and compassion. Children are the future of the country, so that
they are can be educated and become good and upright citizens will make
it easier to realize the an ideal society. Children should be taught from a
young age that everyone has the same rights and that everyone is treated
equally. In addition, proper and standard leadership is needed. Leaders
should be people of integrity, not greedy for profit and do things that make
others suffer in silence. Idea chung chung quá
In conclusion, the pursuit of an ideal society is possible. Therefore, people
should make an effort to change their mindset and learn to sympathize and
respect everyone around them chấm câu
Nhi Hoai
People are desirable by nature, making them the building blocks of the
perfect life. Even though every attempt at execution failed, people still
dream of it frequently. In the essay that follows, I will outline the various
strategies for creating the ideal community as well as my personal thoughts
on this subject.
Generally speaking Personally, I believe that an ideal society is the one in
which everyone feels comfortable and have has enough opportunity to
enjoy life. First of all, the term "comfortability" has no precise definition; for
some, it refers to having equal living conditions for all people, while for
others, comfort is a place where they may unwind and rest. Furthermore,
one of the most important components of the ideal community, in my
opinion, is the generous provision of social services and state-funded
healthcare. Body này thiếu chiều sâu. Em chỉ đơn thuần đưa ra 2 khái
niệm nhưng chưa phân tích chi tiết từng cái một
There are numerous methods and choices for achieving to achieve the
perfect society. To begin with, it is evident that these goals cannot be
accomplished without the assistance of the government. For example, all
remote workers need financial assistance, and states that permit change
are also required. Changing a person's mindset and behavior is another
way to create the an ideal community. For the community to function
flawlessly properly, their attitudes toward each other are crucial. The so-
called ideal society will collapse, for instance, if someone harms others by
intimidating or psychologically abusing them.
In summary, I believe that the essential components of a great society are
people's comfort zone and a supplement to their basic needs. Government
support and mental reform are the means by which this can be
accomplished. Bài viết cơ bản là khó hiểu

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