Homeroom Guidance Quarter 2 Module 4

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You Can Do It!

Copy the following activity sheet on a clean sheet of paper. Write down your decisions
based on the given situations:

I will accept the role as a group

leader and take on the
responsibilities that come with
it, such as organizing tasks,
facilitating communication, and
ensuring the group's success.

My decision would be to prioritize

the safety and well-being of
myself and others by following my
parents' expectations and staying
at home during the pandemic,
rather than attending a birthday
party and potentially risking the
spread of the virus.

I will remind them about the

importance of following safety
guidelines during the pandemic, such
as practicing social distancing and
wearing masks, in order to protect
themselves and others from the
spread of the virus.

What are your

considerations in
coming up with the
ons in the given situations were based on considerations of health and safety, respect for
decisions in given
responsibility, personal growth, and the bond to rules and regulations.
Let’s Explore This
On a separate sheet of paper, draw a tree just like the one presented here.

compliance Reduce
from some pollution and
individuals environmental
Clean Increased
and cost for
pleasing implemen-

Use Promote
proper recycling

Adequate Waste
Community Infrastracture



ssing Questions:

o you notice with your answers?

ovide helpful and relevant answers to the best of my abilities.

he tree chart helpful to you?

hart helps me organize information and understand the relationships between different
or ideas.

t important to understand well any decision that you make?

nding a decision well is important because it helps ensure informed choices and increases the
achieving desired outcomes.
What I have learned
Write a short essay on “The Importance of Making Decisions Following Correct
Procedures”. Relate it to your own personal experience.
The Importance of Making decisions Following Correct Procedures is to ensures a
systematic and well-informed approach to problem-solving. In my personal experience,
I have learned that rushing into decisions without proper consideration can lead to
unfavorable outcomes. By following correct procedures, such as gathering relevant
information and analyzing options, I have been able to make more effective and
thoughtful decisions. This approach not only minimizes the chances of making mistakes
but also enhances the likelihood of achieving desired results.

Share Your Thoughts and Feelings

On a short bond paper, draw the things that you can associate with decision-
making. These things would serve as your reminder that you are doing the
decision-making process properly. Draw as many as you can and color them
as desired. At the back, explain your drawings.

Explanation: The drawing represents decision-making through various elements.

The crossroads symbolize the choices and options available, while the scales of justice
represent the need for fairness and impartiality. The lightbulb signifies the moment of
clarity and inspiration, while the puzzle pieces represent gathering information and
making informed decisions. The signpost reminds us to consider different options, and
the thought bubbles represent internal contemplation. Finally, the compass symbolizes
guidance and staying true to one's values and goals during the decision-making
process. Together, these elements serve as a visual reminder of the complexity and
importance of decision-making.
Let’s Try
If you are going to have the power to create a law in the country, what would it be,
and why? Answer it by making a poster using a short bond paper and coloring
materials. At the back of the paper, write your answers to the processing questions.

Explanation: This law would aim to address climate change, promote sustainable
practices, and protect natural resources. By prioritizing environmental conservation, we
can safeguard the planet for future generations and ensure a sustainable and healthy
future for all living beings.
Processing Questions:
1. What did you consider in making the law?
-In making laws, various factors are considered such as societal needs, legal principles,
public opinion, expert advice, and the overall impact on individuals and society.

2. What would happen in this country if the law will be implemented?

-If the law will be implemented, its impact would depend on the specific provisions
and objectives of the law. It could lead to changes in behavior, enforcement of
regulations, protection of rights, and overall improvement in the functioning of the
country's legal system.

3. Were you able to weigh the pros and cons of the law? Please explain.
-Yes. In the process of lawmaking, it is important for policymakers to consider and
evaluate the potential benefits and drawbacks of a law to ensure its effectiveness and
minimize unintended consequences.

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