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Q. What is the process of communication?

Vertical Communication: Vertical Communications as the name suggests flows vertically

Ans. Communications is a continuous process which mainly involves three elements viz. sender,
upwards or downwards through formal channels. Upward communication refers to the flow of
message, and receiver. The elements involved in the communication process are explained below
communication from a subordinate to a superior whereas downward communication flows from a
in detail: Sender: The sender or the communicator generates the message and conveys it to the
superior to a subordinate. Application for grant of leave, submission of a progress report, request for
receiver. He is the source and the one who starts the communication
loans etc. are some of the examples of upward communication. Sending notice to employees to attend
Message: It is the idea, information, view, fact, feeling, etc. that is generated by the sender and is then
a meeting, delegating work to the subordinates, informing them about the company policies, etc. are
intended to be communicated further.
some examples of downward communication.
Encoding: The message generated by the sender is encoded symbolically such as in the form of
Horizontal Communication: Horizontal or lateral communication takes place between one
words, pictures, gestures, etc. before it is being conveyed.
division and another. For example, a production manager may contact the finance manager to discuss
Media: It is the manner in which the encoded message is transmitted. The message may be
the delivery of raw material or its purchase. Types of communication networks in formal
transmitted orally or in writing. The medium of communication includes telephone, internet, post,
communication:Single chain: In this type of network communications flows from every superior to
fax, e-mail, etc. The choice of medium is decided by the sender. Learn more about Types of
his subordinate through a single chain. Wheel: In this network, all subordinates under one superior
Communication here in detail. Decoding: It is the process of converting the symbols encoded by the
communicate through him only. They are not allowed to talk among themselves. Circular: In this type
sender. After decoding the message is received by the receiver.
of network, the communication moves in a circle. Each person is able to communicate with his
Receiver: He is the person who is last in the chain and for whom the message was sent by the sender.
adjoining two persons only. Free flow: In this network, each person can communicate with any other
Once the receiver receives the message and understands it in proper perspective and acts according
person freely. There is no restriction. Inverted V: In this type of network, a subordinate is allowed to
to the message, only then the purpose of communication is successful.
communicate with his immediate superior as well as his superior’s superior also. However, in the
Feedback: Once the receiver confirms to the sender that he has received the message and
latter case, only ordained communication takes place.
understood it, the process of communication is complete.
Informal Communication: Any communication that takes place without following the formal
Noise: It refers to any obstruction that is caused by the sender, message or receiver during the
channels of communication is said to be informal communication. The Informal communication is
process of communication. For example, bad telephone connection, faulty encoding, faulty decoding,
often referred to as the ‘grapevine’ as it spreads throughout the organization and in all directions
inattentive receiver, poor understanding of message due to prejudice or inappropriate gestures, etc.
without any regard to the levels of authority. The informal communication spreads rapidly, often gets
Communications in Directing: (Source: business jargons) Importance of Communication
distorted and it is very difficult to detect the source of such communication. It also leads to rumors
The Basis of Co-ordination: The manager explains to the employees the organizational goals,
which are not true. People’s behavior is often affected by the rumors and informal discussions which
modes of their achievement and also the interpersonal relationships amongst them. This provides
sometimes may hamper the work environment. However, sometimes these channels may be helpful
coordination between various employees and also departments. Thus, communications act as a basis
as they carry information rapidly and, therefore, may be useful to the manager at times. Informal
for coordination in the organization.
channels are also used by the managers to transmit information in order to know the reactions of
Fluent Working: A manager coordinates the human and physical elements of an organization to
his/her subordinates. Learn more about 7 C’s of Communication here in detail.
run it smoothly and efficiently. This coordination is not possible without proper communication.
The Basis of Decision Making: Proper communication provides information to the manager that
Types of Grapevine network: Single strand: In this network, each person communicates with the
is useful for decision making. No decisions could be taken in the absence of information. Thus,
other in a sequence. Gossip network: In this type of network, each person communicates with all
communication is the basis for taking the right decisions. Learn more about Barriers of
other persons on a non-selective basis. Probability network: In this network, the individual
Communication here in detail.
communicates randomly with other individuals. Cluster Network: In this network, the individual
Increases Managerial Efficiency: The manager conveys the targets and issues instructions and
communicates with only those people whom he trusts. Out of these four types of networks, the
allocates jobs to the subordinates. All of these aspects involve communication. Thus, communication
Cluster network is the most popular in organizations.
is essential for the quick and effective performance of the managers and the entire organization.
Barriers to Communication: The communication barriers may prevent communication or carry
Increases Cooperation and Organizational Peace: The two-way communication process
incorrect meaning due to which misunderstandings may be created. Therefore, it is essential for a
promotes co-operation and mutual understanding amongst the workers and also between them and
manager to identify such barriers and take appropriate measures to overcome them. The barriers to
the management. This leads to less friction and thus leads to industrial peace in the factory and
communication in organizations can be broadly grouped as follows:
efficient operations.
Semantic Barriers: These are concerned with the problems and obstructions in the process of
Boosts Morale of the Employees: Good communication helps the workers to adjust to the
encoding and decoding of a message into words or impressions. Normally, such barriers result due
physical and social aspect of work. It also improves good human relations in the industry. An efficient
to use of wrong words, faulty translations, different interpretations, etc. For example, a manager has
system of communication enables the management to motivate, influence and satisfies the
to communicate with workers who have no knowledge of the English language and on the other side;
subordinates who in turn boost their morale and keeps them motivated.
he is not well conversant with the Hindi language. Here, language is a barrier to communication as
Types of Communication the manager may not be able to communicate properly with the workers.
Psychological Barriers: Emotional or psychological factors also act as barriers to communication.
Formal Communication: Formal communications are the one which flows through the official
The state of mind of both sender and receiver of communication reflects in effective communication.
channels designed in the organizational chart. It may take place between a superior and a
A worried person cannot communicate properly and an angry recipient cannot understand the
subordinate, a subordinate and a superior or among the same cadre employees or managers. These
message properly. Thus, at the time of communication, both the sender and the receiver need to be
communications can be oral or in writing and are generally recorded and filed in the office. Formal
psychologically sound. Also, they should trust each other. If they do not believe each other, they
communication may be further classified as Vertical communication and Horizontal communication.
cannot understand each other’s message in its original sense.
Organizational Barriers: The factors related to organizational structure, rules and regulations they can be motivated in learning language. Technology has always been an important part of
authority relationships, etc. may sometimes act as barriers to effective communication. In an teaching and learning environment. It is an essential part of the teachers’ profession through which
organization with a highly centralized pattern, people may not be encouraged to have free they can use it to facilitate learners’ learning. When we talk about technology in teaching and learning,
communication. Also, rigid rules and regulations and cumbersome procedures may also become a the word ‘integration’ is used. With technology being part of our everyday lives, it is time to rethink
hurdle to communication. the idea of integrating technology into the curriculum and aim to embed technology into teaching to
Personal Barriers: The personal factors of both sender and receiver may act as a barrier to effective support the learning process. That is to say, technology becomes an integral part of the learning
communication. If a superior thinks that a particular communication may adversely affect his authority, experience and a significant issue for teachers, from the beginning of preparing learning experiences
he may suppress such communication. Also, if the superiors do not have confidence in the competency of through to teaching and learning process (Eady & Lockyer, 2013). Solanki and Shyamlee1 (2012) and
their subordinates, they may not ask for their advice. The subordinates may not be willing to offer useful Pourhosein Gilakjani (2017) supported the view that language teaching method has been changed
suggestions in the absence of any reward or appreciation for a good suggestion due to technology. The researchers continued that the application of technology helps learners learn
on the basis of their interests. It also satisfies both visual and auditory senses of the learners.
According to Lam and Lawrence (2002) and Pourhosein Gilakjani (2017), technology assists learners
in adjusting their own learning process and they can have access to a lot of information that their
Q. What is the significance of language and new technologies? teachers are not able to provide. According to Pourhosein Gilakjani (2013), the use of technologies
Ans. Coming to writing, today the “short messaging service” or sms is reshaping written English has the great potential to change the existing language teaching methods. Pourhosein Gilakjani and
(because of the time and space requirements imposed by this medium) in ways that some of us find Sabouri (2014) emphasized that Downloaded from ijreeonline. com at 13:02 +0330 on Saturday
strange. But we should remember that the medium has always shaped the message. Writing systems January 18th 2020 [DOI: 10. 29252/ijree.
have arisen in response to the need of communication (on the one hand), and of the materials 3. 2. 115] Ahmadi International Journal of Research in English Education (2018) 3:2 117 Website:
available for writing (on the other). Thus we find parallels to the sms strategies in the “story of www. ijreeonline. com, Email: info@ijreeonline. com Volume 3, Number 2, June 2018 through using
writing”, of how writing began and changed to the system we know today. Early writing systems had technology, learners can control their own learning process and have access to many information over
a primitive writing technology (the material on which they wrote, and the stylus with which they which their teachers cannot control. Technology has an important role in promoting activities for
wrote). So it was important to them that the written message be brief and economical, just as it is to learners and has a significant effect on teachers’ teaching methods. If teachers do not use technologies
the sms message writer today. The Semitic languages left out vowels in their writing, because these in their teaching they will never be able to keep up with these technologies. Thus, it is very important
were predictable from the context; we now find sms messages doing the same. Pls for please, bk for for teachers to have a full knowledge of these technologies in teaching language skills (Pourhosein
back, snd for send, are examples where the vowel sound has been left out: Pls snd bk immdtly. Before Gilakjani, 2017; Solanki & Shyamlee1, 2012). Developing learners’ knowledge and skills pertinent to
the invention of the “alphabet,” which assigned sounds to symbols uniquely (that is, there is computer technology provides equity of opportunity, regardless of learners’ background. Although
approximately one spelling for each sound), there was a stage of writing called “rebus writing. ” Rebus learners have been born into a technologically rich world, they may not be skilful users of technology
writing made use of “homophony” in language, that is, words that sound similar but mean different (Bennett, Maton & Kervin, 2008). In addition, just providing access to technology is not adequate.
things. (For example, sun and son in English; also knot, not, nought; be and bee, and so on. ) The Meaningful development of technology- based knowledge is significant for all learners in order to
Sumerians, who invented writing, used the symbol of an arrow, the word for which was pronounced maximize their learning (OECD, 2010). In this review paper, the researcher will review some of the
“ti,” to denote a word “ti” with the same sound but a very different meaning. As we can now see, the significant issues pertinent to the use of technology in the learning and teaching of English language
use of ‘2’ for ‘to’, or ‘be4’ for ‘before,’ is a kind of rebus writing. So the sms messenger of today is skills. These issues are as follows: definition of technology, the use of technology in the classroom,
actually falling back on strategies for making a message short and easy to write that were used by her previous studies on using technologies in improving English language learning skills, and
forebears, the inventors of writing, some millennia earlier. Indeed, linguists say each generation re- recommendations for using technologies. 2. Definition of Technology and Technology Integration
invents language, although adults think children “imitate” or “copy” them. Language is one of the Technology has been defined by different researchers. According to İŞMAN (2012), it is the practical
significant elements that affect international communication activities. Students utilize different use of knowledge particularly in a specific area and is a way of doing a task especially using technical
parts of English language skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing for their proficiency processes, methods, or knowledge. The usage of technology includes not only machines (computer
and communication (Grabe & Stoller, 2002). In addition, Ahmadi (2017) stated that one of the hardware) and instruments, but also involves structured relations with other humans, machines, and
important elements for learning is the method that instructors use in their classes to facilitate the environment (İŞMAN, 2012). According to Hennessy, Ruthven, and Brindley (2005) and
language learning process. According to Becker (2000), computers are regarded as an important Pourhosein Gilakjani (2017), technology integration is defined in terms of how teachers use
instructional instrument in language classes in which teachers have convenient access, are sufficiently technology to perform familiar activities more effectively and how this usage can re-shape these
prepared, and have some freedom in the curriculum. Computer technology is regarded by a lot of activities. Dockstader (2008) defined technology integration as the use of technology to improve the
teachers to be a significant part of providing a high-quality education. According to Bull and Ma educational environment. It supports the classroom teaching through creating opportunities for
(2001), technology provides offers unlimited resources to language learners. Harmer (2007) and learners to complete assignments on the computer rather than the normal pencil and paper. 3. Use
Genç lter (2015) emphasized and teachers should encourage learners to find appropriate activities of Technology in English Language Class Technology is an effective tool for learners. Learners must
through using computer technology in order to be successful in language learning. Clements and use technology as a significant part of their learning process. Teachers should model the use of
Sarama (2003) declare that the use of suitable technological materials can be useful for learners. technology to support the curriculum so that learners can increase the true use of technology in
According to Harmer (2007), using computer-based language activities improve cooperative learning their language skills (Costley, 2014; Murphy, DePasquale, & McNamara, 2003). Learners’
learning in learners. Furthermore, Tomlison (2009) and Genç lter (2015) say that computer-based cooperation can be increased through technology. Cooperation is one of the important tools for
activities provide learners rapid information and appropriate materials. They continue that internet learning. Learners cooperatively work together to create tasks and learn from each other through
materials motivate learners to learn more. In addition, Larsen-Freeman and Anderson (2011) reading their peers’ work (Keser, Huseyin, & Ozdamli, 2011). Downloaded from ijreeonline. com at
supported the view that technology provides teaching resources and brings learning experience to the 13:02 +0330 on Saturday January 18th 2020 Number 2, June 2018 Bennett, Culp, Honey, Tally, and
learners’ world. Through using technology, many authentic materials can be provided to learners and Spielvogel (2000) asserted that the use of computer technology leads to the improvement of teachers’
teaching and learners’ learn in the classes. The use of computer technology helps teachers meet their interactions to practice real life skills. This objective can be obtained through the collaboration of
learners’ educational needs. According to Branford, Brown, and Cocking (2000), the application learners in real activities. Eaton (2010) told that computer-based communication is a useful feature
of computer technology enables teachers and learners to make local and global societies that connect for language learning. Computer-assisted discussion features more equal participation than face to-
them with the people and expand opportunities for their learning. They continued that the positive face discussion. Zhao (2013) supported the above view and said that access to authentic materials in
effect of computer technology does not come automatically; it depends on how teachers use it in their the target language is critical for successful language learning. According to Rodinadze and Zarbazoia
language classrooms. According to Susikaran (2013), basic changes have come in classes beside the (2012), technology helps learners and teachers in studying the course materials owing to its fast
teaching methods because chalk and talk teaching method is not sufficient to effectively teach access. Advancements in technology have a key role in preparing learners to use what they learn in
English. Raihan and Lock (2012) state that with a well-planned classroom setting, learners learn how any subject matter to finding their place in the world labor-force. Technology facilitates learners’
to learn efficiently. Technology-enhanced teaching environment is more effective than lecture-based learning and serves as a real educational tool that allows learning to occur. Baytak, Tarman, and
class. Teachers should find methods of applying technology as a useful learning instrument for their Ayas (2011) carried out a on the role of technology in language learning. The results revealed learners’
learners although they have not learnt technology and are not able to use it like a computer expert. learning was improved by integrating technology into the classroom. Learners stated that the use of
The application of technology has considerably changed English teaching methods. It provides so technology in school makes learning enjoyable and helps them learn more. Learners also said that
many alternatives as making teaching interesting and more productive in terms of advancement technology makes learning interesting, enjoyable, and interactive. The other outcome of this research
(Patel, 2013). In traditional classrooms, teachers stand in front of learners and give lecture, was that the use of technology increases learners’ motivation, social interactions, learning and
explanation, and instruction through using blackboard or whiteboard. These method must be engagement. Downloaded from ijreeonline. com at 13:02 +0330 on Saturday January 18th 2020
changed concerning the development of technology. The usage of multimedia texts in classroom Number 2, June 2018 Mouza (2008) and Sabzian, Pourhossein Gilakjani, and Sodouri (2013)
assists learners in become familiar with vocabulary and language structures. The application of asserted that one of the impacts of using technology in the language classes is the increase in
multimedia also makes use of print texts, film, and internet to enhance learners’ linguistic knowledge. cooperation among teachers and learners. When teachers allow learners to become assistants in the
The use of print, film, and internet gives learners the chance to collect information and offers them teaching process, this can increase learners’ confidence. Learners are granted the chance to reinforce
different materials for the analysis and interpretation of both language and contexts (Arifah, 2014). opinions and abilities already learnt. Learners can help teachers in technology integration because
Dawson, Cavanaugh, and Ritzhaupt (2008) and Pourhosein Gilakjani (2014) maintained that using learners have had abundant time to master technology while teachers work on directing the
technology can create a learning atmosphere centered on the learner rather than the teacher that in instruction. Drayton, Falk, Hobbs, Hammerman, and Stroud (2010) also emphasized that the use of
turn creates positive changes. They emphasized that by using computer technology, language class computerbased classroom shows a real learning experience that increases learners’ responsibility.
becomes an active place full of meaningful tasks where the learners are responsible for their learning. Teachers said that the use of Internet and e-mail urges learner-centered learning. Warschauer (2000)
Drayton, Falk, Stroud, Hobbs, and Hammer man (2010) argued that using computer technology and Parvin and Salam (2015) carried out a study and declared that by using technology, learners get
indicates a true learning experience that enhances learners’ responsibilities. Technology encourages the chance to increase their exposure to language in a meaningful context and make their own
learners to learn individually and to acquire responsible behaviors. The independent use of knowledge. Learners should have opportunities for social interactions to practice real life skills. This
technologies gives learners self-direction. According to Arifah (2014), the use of internet increases is achieved through learners’ cooperation in real activities.
learners’ motivation. The use of film in teaching helps learners to realize the topic with enthusiasm
and develop their knowledge. Learners can learn meaningfully when technology is used in the process
of learning through using computer and internet. When learners learn with technology, it assists Q. Explain greetings.
them in developing their higher order thinking skills. It can be concluded that the true combination Ans. Let us first look at a sample taken from a novel of a conversation between two old friends
of multimedia and teaching methodology is very important to attract learners’ attention towards meeting after a long interval of time: 'Hello!' is a common form of greeting among friends. There can
English language learning. Downloaded from ijreeonline. com at 13:02 +0330 on Saturday January be variations in the tone in which it is said, depending upon the emotional state of the speaker and
18th 2020 Number 2, June 2018 4. Previous Studies on the Benefits of Technology in Improving the degree of intimacy between the people eniaged in the conversation. In this case we can see that
Language Skills Some studies have been done on the advantages of using technology in English the two friends are overjoyed at meeting each other. The comment on physical appearance reflects
language teaching and learning. Hennessy (2005) stated the use of ICT acts as a catalyst in motivating the degree of intimacy bemdn the two. There is also a reference to Raj's feelings of nostalgia about
teachers and learners to work in new ways. The researcher understood that as learners become more the days he spent in Mumbai. The next move in the conversation is the offering of a drink. Notice &at
autonomous, teachers feel that they should urge and support their learners to act and think thick is not a full sentence: "but first, tea or coffee?” Expanded it means "will you have d tea or coffee?'
independently. The application of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) changes learners’ Informal speech usually has half- sentences and phrases but because the speaker and the listener are
learning attitudes and enhances their self-confidence (Lee, 2001). Information and communication face-to-face, much of the conversation is understood through facial expression and gestures. Here is
technologies (ICTs) have some benefits for teaching and learning. First, learners play an active role, an exchange of greetings between a librarian and a library member: Notice the respectful tone of the
which can help them retain more information. Next, follow-up discussions involve more information librarian and the politeness of the member's response to it without being overfriendly. "How are you?"
where learners can become more independent. Finally, learners can process new learner-based is responded to with "All right thank you". Or more commonly, "Fine, thank you". This could be
educational materials and their language learning skills can increase (Costley, 2014; Tutkun, 2011). followed by "and how are you?' Let’s now look at a slightly more formal exchange of greetings between
The use of technology has changed the methods from teacher- centered to learner-centered ones. two r' ' neighbours, a "How do you do?' is a common greeting, especially among the British. "How do
Teachers should be facilitators and guide their learners’ learning and this change is very useful for you do?' is not a question. It is a greeting. The response to "How do you do?' is "How do you do?"
learners to increase their learning (Riasati, Allahyar, & Tan, 2012). Gillespie (2006) said that the use example shows the kind of exchange that could take place between two neighbours used to seeing
of technology increases learners’ cooperation in learning tasks. It assists them in gathering each other regularly. It also reflects concern felt by one for the other. a Notice how the effusive
information and interacting with resources such as videos. Warschauer (2000a) described two greeting "Hi!" by the first speaker is responded to with a stiff
different views about how to integrate technology into the class. First, in the cognitive approach,
learners get the opportunity to increase their exposure to language meaningfully and make their own
• "Hello" by the second. Notice that the exchange is not open. The second speaker
obviously is not in a mood to talk okay.
knowledge. Second, in the social approach, learners must be given opportunities for authentic social
• A "Hello" is less informal than "Hi!. ” We use "Hi" with very close friends, not generally • I hesitated. Should I confess to a stranger?
with older people or people who are superiors at work.
• The exaltation about the environment compelled me to drop my guard.
• A word "Hello" is also the most frequent greeting with which one receives a telephone call.
• "I lost my job. Three weeks ago. "
• A "Hello", "Hullo", "Hallow, are
• "Ha!" he snorted, as if he had heard a joke.
variations of the same word. Other ways of
greeting are: "So that's the problem? Don't worry. After the war, I thought I had lost everythmg. A couple of years
later, I was back on my feet, hale and hearty* When my wife Rose . . . Rosemary died, I thought I was
• "Good Morning" "Morning!" In the second instance the word 'good' is not uttered a goner. I roamed here and there. But I am okay now. Thyme is the greatest healer. Thyme will pass
aloud but is, understood. you will get a new job and you will. Forget you were out of one. " "None of my business, but why did
• "Good Evening" you lose your job?" he continued, slurping the lemonade. Shrugged “They told me I couldn't relate to
the youngsters. The new generation. I was a disciplinarian, an ogre to-this generation's junkies. I
• "Nice to see you!" couldn't stand their corning late, their Clothes, their flirtations. So I got tough. It was a question of
• "Hello, seeing you after a long time. ” them or me. The management decided to gets rid of me. " "Ha!" he snorted again. Much to my
consternation. I could see no humour here. "The thymes, they are a changin7? He sang merrily.
• "Nice to see you after so long"
"Mister, you got a change too. Can't remain the same. Don't worry. You will, you will. It will just take
• "Hi, it seems ages since we met! How are you?" some thyme. " "What do I do till I get a new job?" He scratched his beard. "You know what?
Confronting thyme - pure, uncommitted, unoccupied thyme - is a defying experience for a human
• "Delighted to see you!"
being. But once you learn it, it does well for the soul. Imagine no TV, no movies, no pubs, no theatre,
no distractions at all. For example, being out in a place like this. What can you do but stand and stare?
Q. What do understand short conversation?
At the water, at the geese and the ducks. Sometimes nothing moves for hours. That's what I am trying
Ans. In the sections below we will discuss how conversation is carried on about topics like the
to do. Confront thyme. It does well for the soul. It tells us worrying isn't any good. " Another favourite
weather, food, entertainment etc. Weather is a very easy subject with which to start a conversation.
topic that lends itself to small talk is food, whether it be took about -the new or popular eating places
This is because all participants in a conversation share knowledge about the weather. The weather is
in town or the fruits of the season. In the following piece of conversation, an offer of fruit leads to a
ever-changing, and so can direct the course of the conversation for a brief while at least. The topic is, conversation about personal tastes and nostalgic memories that the fruit evokes in the participants
moreover, neutral in nature - there is no danger of getting too personal, or of holding offensively
"Fresh guavas from our orchard. " "Really! They seem to be just ripe". "Yes with guavas you want
strong opinions about this topic. The British are legendary for making remarks about the weather,
them just right; not too raw nor too ripe. " "Here's some salt and pepper. Sprinkle some. " "Reminds
and are the subject of many jokes in this regard! Now read . this sample of a conversation about the
mi of times back in the village. We would perch ourselves on the, branches and merrily munch away,
story book in one hand. " Listening and Speaking in Informal Contexts “Glorious days. You don't
'Tumble hot isn't it?"
really get that natural taste now, with all these artificial manures and pesticide sprays". "Mmm
• "The temperature has touched 42 degrees according to the weather report today. " Anyway from your orchard . . . That makes it special. " Notice the turns in comment and response.
Each comment links itself up to the next in a chain generating a cluster of ideas triggered off by the
• 'We are just in the middle of May. More than a month to go. "
first offer of fruit. z, The subject of the first sentence: is guavas. The exclamation "Really" is a response
• "But the news reports say the monsoon will be early this year. It's expected to hit the to the first statement, an expression of wonder and acknowledgement. "They" is a pronoun
Kerala coast around the 28" of May. " substituting 'guavas' in the first statement. The last word 'just ripe' is taken on for comment in
• "Hope that's true!" sentence 3. Sentence 6 "glorious days' refers to the times .back in the village" The last utterance links
up with the first rounding up the exchange. The word that links it to the first is "orchard". The
Notice that the shared information of the two interrupters makes it easy for them to take turns. A
conversation might have ended in two utterances, if the second speaker had accepted the fruit with
Turn- taking is very important for the smooth flow of conversation. As a response to what one speaker
just a "Thank you". It is part of the art of conversation to find something to say that pleases the other
has said the second speaker continues or adds i information. This implies that good listening is
person, here, a comment on the fruits being just ripe enough to be at their most tasty. Again, the other
important to maintain the flow of 1 conversation. If one of the participants is abstracted - if (s)he
person keeps the conversation going by agreeing. If learning to disagree and to pick weaknesses in
is not listening, the flow of conversation will be disturbed and uneven, because (s)he will not be able
the opposition's argument is the art of debate, the art of conversation would appear to be learning to
to respond. Similarly, a person who doesn't allow the others to "get in a word 1 edgeways" in a
be pleasant and agreeable.
conversation is a bore! Here are some of the common words used to talk about the weather: People
and what they do are interesting topics for conversation too. While the word 'gossip' does have a
Q. What is the importance of group discussions and meetings?
derogatory sense, it would be a very drab life indeed if we didn't talk about others and ourselves. Most
encounters begin with enquiring about the welfare of one's family members. If we are among friends, Ans. A group, in the context of organizational communication, is defined as a collection of
it is also quite usual to talk about the activities of other common friends. This is also one way in which individuals who interact with each other, accept expectations and obligations as members of the
people keep up with others who have moved away. We might also happen to meet strangers. While group and share a common identity. Group activities have certain advantages and disadvantages.
some people may find personal questions embarrassing, they often serve to forge a friendly bond What Is a Discussion? A discussion is understood as an activity of sitting and talking about a specific
subject. The word ‘discuss’ has been derived from the latin root ‘discutere’, which means to shake or
between two human beings: Read this conversation from a short story. Here we see two strangers
strike. Thus ‘discussion’ refers to thoroughly shaking up the subject, that is, examining it thoroughly to
exchanging not only personal information, but also their views on life, and the changing ti. mes: reach a conclusion.
• "You seem sad. What's the matter?" What is a Group Discussion?
Group discussions are a very important aspect of group communication. Group discussions are a
creative and dynamic activity which stimulates reflective thinking among the members. Group
discussions may be defined as an activity in which a small number of persons meet face to face and
exchange and share ideas freely or attempt to reach a decision on a common issue. Group discussions
are unstructured and less formal compared to meetings or conferences wherein specific roles are
assigned to the participants. In a group discussion, an individual’s thought process is influenced by
the views and opinions of the other members. It also depends on where and in which direction the
mood of the discussion moves. In a group discussion, each participant is free to speak his views. A
successful discussion involves both listening and speaking
Characteristics of Group Discussions: Some of the salient features common to all group
discussions are as follows:
Interface: A basic feature of group discussions is the interaction among the various members of the
group. They see, hear and communicate with each other orally by paying attention to each other.
Leader and Members: Group discussions are effective only when there is a group of members and
a leader. The leader has to summarize facts and information, integrate them, stimulate thinking and
agree to a unanimous solution of the problem. The members of the group become actively related to
each other in their respective roles.
Participation: The effectiveness and efficiency of a group discussion depend, to a large extent, upon
the active participation of the members.
Interpersonal Attraction: Another characteristic feature of a group discussion is interpersonal
attraction. As long as interaction continues, the likes, dislikes, behavior and temperament of
members are known to each other. Among them, empathy develops and as such they share each
other’s problems.
Pressure to Conform: In a group discussion, there is always an element of pressure to conform to
norms. The pre-defined and established standards are always enforced and followed.
Conflict: A conflict is a difference or disagreement among the members of the group, which often
arise during deliberations and discussions. A conflict is inevitable and usually develops when
alternative solutions are present. It can stimulate the members to find new solutions to the problem.
Thus, conflict is not necessarily bad. But if it arises due to the political behavior of the members it
will have dysfunctional consequences.
Purpose of Group Discussions: Group discussions may serve various purposes. Some of them are:
• To reach a solution on an issue of concern
• To generate new ideas or new approaches to solving a problem
• For selecting candidates after the written test for employment or for admission to
educational institutes
• To provide us with an avenue to train ourselves in various interpersonal skills
Advantages of Group Discussions: The advantages of group discussions are as follows:
• It provides a deeper understanding of the subject.
• It improves the ability to think critically.
• It provides different approaches to solving a problem.
• It helps the group in taking a decision.
• It gives an opportunity to hear the opinions of other persons.
• It enables a participant to put across his/her viewpoint.
• It enhances confidence in speaking.
It can change your opinion and show you things from a different perspective.

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