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Term of Women Director

A woman director can hold the position of Director until her next Annual General
Meeting from the date of appointment. She is also entitled to seek for reappointment at the
general meeting. The tenure of women director is liable to retirement by rotation similar to
other directors. Like any other director, a Woman Director can also tender her resignation
any time before the expiry of her term by giving a notice to the company.

Membership in a Company
By definition, the term “Member” in relation to a company means, one who has agreed to
become the member of the company by entering his name into the ‘Register of Members’.
Every person who has agreed in writing to become a part of the company and also holds
shares of the company is considered the ‘Member of the Company’ and is said to hold
membership in a company. The name of the member of the company is entered as
‘Beneficial owner in the record of depository’.

In order to acquire the membership of the company, the following two elements must be

 An Agreement to become a member.

 Entry of the name of the person so agreeing, in the Register of members of the

The enlisted person should be in a capable of entering into a contract with the company.
But a bearer of share warrant is not a member of the company. Finally, to become the
registered member of the company the person should be satisfactory as an asset to the

Role of Company Secretary under Companies Act

Role of Company Secretary is to make sure to execute and

implement the decisions take by the higher authorities like the board
of directors of the company, chairman, CEOs, etc. The responsibility
of Company Secretary to ensure the effective management and
administration of the organization and meeting the regulatory and
statutory expectation and requirements. Attending general
meetings, managing legal documents, advises the board if required.
The role of the company secretary is not secretarial. Company
Secretaries works with professionals and leaders in an organization.

Major Roles of Company Secretary according to Companies Act,

1. Firstly, to assist the Board in the conduct of the affairs of the
2. Secondly, to provide guidance to the directors about their duties.
3. Ensuring and Complying with Corporate Governance.
4. Ensuring that the company complies with secretarial standards.
5. To take the required permissions from the board and various
government bodies. Hence, he also has to follow the provisions
regarding the permission acquisition.
6. Lastly, to facilitate the convening of meetings.

Major Rights of Company Secretary

1. Firstly, he can supervise, control and he can direct subordinate
officers and employee.
2. Secondly, he can sign and authenticate the proceeding of meetings.
3. He has a right to blow the whistle whenever he finds necessary.
4. He can attend the meetings of the shareholders and the Board of
5. He can sign any contract/agreement on behalf of the company.
6. Lastly, at the time of liquidation, he can claim his dues like a

Restrictions on Company Secretary

1. Firstly, he cannot acknowledge a debt against a suit against the
2. Secondly, he cannot register, transfer shares without the authority
of the Board of Directors.
3. Thirdly, he cannot enter into a contract on behalf of the company
(unless specifically authorized by the BOD).
4. Lastly, he cannot borrow money in the name of the company.

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