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Fill-in-the-blank with preposition :

1. The thief hid the jewels _______ the floorboards.

2. The aroma of coffee wafted _______ the kitchen.
3. He sat _______ his brother and sister at the table.
4. We arrived _______ the airport just before the flight departed.
5. The children played _______ the sandcastles they built on the beach.
6. She disagreed _______ the teacher's assessment of her paper.
7. The house stood _______ the top of a hill overlooking the valley.
8. The train journey took us _______ several mountains and valleys.
9. The scientist experimented _______ different chemicals in the lab.
10. He confessed _______ his crime to the police officer.
11. The book is based _______ a true story.
12. The climbers reached the summit _______ sunrise.
13. She excelled _______ music and dance from a young age.
14. They argued _______ the best way to solve the problem.
15. The doctor prescribed medication _______ her allergies.
16. The dog chased the ball _______ the park.
17. He spoke _______ a calm and confident voice.
18. The painting was hung _______ the wall opposite the window.
19. They waited _______ their turn in the long queue.
20. The deadline for the project is _______ two weeks.
21. The company invested _______ renewable energy sources.
22. She apologized _______ her rude behavior.
23. The news spread quickly _______ social media.
24. The children were excited _______ going on vacation.
25. He relied _______ his friends for support during difficult times.
26. The musician played _______ a passionate and skillful manner.
27. The thief broke _______ the window to enter the house.
28. The meeting was postponed _______ unforeseen circumstances.
29. He dreamt _______ winning the lottery.
30. The concert was held _______ a large outdoor venue.

Change into Passive Voice

1. The artist painted a vibrant mural on the city wall.

2. The scientist conducted a groundbreaking experiment in the lab.
3. The children played happily in the park all afternoon.
4. The detective solved the mysterious case with remarkable skill.
5. The politician delivered a passionate speech at the rally.
6. The chef baked a delicious cake for the birthday party.
7. The audience listened attentively to the speaker's presentation.
8. The gardener planted beautiful flowers in the garden.
9. The students studied diligently for the upcoming exam.
10. The journalist wrote a compelling article about the local community.
11. The musician composed a beautiful piece of music.
12. The athlete won the gold medal in the competition.
13. The teacher explained the concept clearly to the students.
14. The author published a bestselling novel last year.
15. The doctor diagnosed the patient with a rare illness.
16. The company invested in renewable energy sources.
17. The government implemented new policies to address the crisis.
18. The inventor created a revolutionary new product.
19. The artist sculpted a life-size statue of the historical figure.
20. The designer developed a user-friendly website.
21. The activists protested against the unfair treatment.
22. The volunteers cleaned up the beach after the storm.
23. The actor performed a captivating monologue on stage.
24. The writer edited the manuscript carefully before submitting it.
25. The traveler explored the ancient ruins of the city.
26. The photographer captured a stunning image of the sunset.
27. The chef learned new culinary techniques from a renowned chef.
28. The engineer built a magnificent bridge over the river.
29. The scientist analyzed the data from the experiment.
30. The artist expressed their emotions through their paintings.

Change Direct to Indirect Speech

1. "Do you like this movie?" Sarah asked Ben.

2. "I'm going to the library later today," John told Mary.
3. "We won't be able to finish this project on time," they announced.
4. "Don't forget to call me when you arrive," she reminded him.
5. "Can you help me with this math problem?" she asked her brother.
6. "I wish I could travel around the world," he said dreamily.
7. "Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?" they invited us.
8. "The teacher said we had to read this book by next week," she informed me.
9. "He promised to fix the car as soon as possible," she reported.
10. "She wondered if you were coming to the party," he asked curiously.
11. "They warned us not to go swimming in the lake," he recalled.
12. "I asked if they could wait a few more minutes," she admitted.
13. "He suggested we take the scenic route instead," she remembered.
14. "The doctor advised me to get more rest," she shared.
15. "She exclaimed that she had finally found the perfect gift," he said excitedly.
16. "They complained that the food was cold," he mentioned.
17. "He inquired if I knew where the library was," she explained.
18. "She boasted that she had won the competition," he told me.
19. "They begged us not to leave," she confided.
20. "He apologized for being late," she said gently.
21. "The news reported that the president would resign," he informed us.
22. "She wondered if anyone would believe her story," he pondered.
23. "They questioned whether the new plan would be successful," she said doubtfully.
24. "He ordered them to stay silent," she said sternly.
25. "She offered to help me with my homework," he admitted gratefully.
26. "They threatened to call the police if he didn't stop," she warned.
27. "He advised me not to take the job," she revealed.
28. "She inquired if I had seen her keys," he asked hopefully.
29. "They promised to visit us soon," she said happily.
30. "He asked if I would like to join him for lunch," she replied with a smile.

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate conjunction to complete the

1. The cat chased the mouse, ______ it couldn't catch it.

2. They enjoyed the movie ______ it had some bad reviews.
3. He studied hard, ______ he passed the exam with flying colors.
4. She went to the store ______ she needed milk and eggs.
5. They chose pizza for dinner ______ everyone loved it.
6. He could go to the party ______ he finished his homework first.
7. They argued ______ they couldn't agree.
8. I like both chocolate and vanilla ice cream, ______ I can't decide which one to get.
9. The book was interesting, ______ it was a bit too long.
10. He left early ______ he could avoid the traffic.
11. The team won the game, ______ they played very well.
12. He wanted to go to the beach, ______ it was raining heavily.
13. She worked hard ______ she didn't get the promotion.
14. They can choose coffee ______ tea.
15. I'm tired, ______ I'm going to bed early.
16. I couldn't sleep ______ the storm was raging outside.
17. She was happy ______ she received a good grade.
18. They waited patiently ______ the bus arrived.
19. We can go for a walk ______ the weather is nice.
20. I'll help you ______ you ask nicely.
21. We can go to the movies ______ stay home and watch TV.
22. He likes ______ pizza ______ pasta.
23. I don't know ______ he will come to the party.
24. The cake was ______ delicious ______ beautiful.
25. You can choose ______ the red shirt ______ the blue one.
26. He can speak ______ English ______ French fluently.
27. I haven't seen ______ him ______ her in a long time.
28. We can go hiking ______ go swimming.
29. The restaurant was ______ crowded ______ noisy.

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