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llv1b, 1iuirab and Ub. U,·1b is a ,rommon quail. A
IIVIU pulse indicales lhe possibility oí~itis~a·a nw,




nr cenici1i~ in a wl"MTWI. nm,~u i1 a partridge. Wi1h a tini•

r,b pulse, lhe pwidgc hops and lhen Slops. This pulse
shows a sharp spike undc1 lhe middle finger indicating gu-
tric ulccr. Klb means crow and this pulse hu a higher
spikc than tittiraJ:a and dcllOICS an cxccss pi1ta disordcr in
lhe small intestine (cllleritis). This kind o( obsetvllion is
called d,r,li,n, o( lhe pulse, which lcacls to antar Jtu.
sluwi, inncr vision or insighl. Practicing this kind or oôscr-
vatioo, onc opcns ncw doors or pc~ion througl, lhe til"
or lhe fingc,s.
The peacock pulse is called N}'lira g11i. The pcacock
gJti is íull and bounding but the distal phase is sp,eading
"'7in G&ó (P- Ns,J likt lhe ran ora pcacock. Pucock g11i is common in anerial
hypcncnsioo. This pulse may oçcur in bpli,-pitll poople.
Anothcr intercsting dual pulse undcr the VIII or pi111
finger is lhe camd pulse, which hu a hump. Lift lhe finger
anda JitUc nolch will bc fck. which lhen drops down. This
is called 1Uh1r1 g11i (carncl pulse). A camcl pulse indicaics
acnic s1enosis with 1hickening or narrowing oí lhe aonic
Undcr bpli,, lhe ring fingcr, which_movcs likt a swan,
onc can observe an cltphlnl pulse. The elephant walks
slowly, and lhe elephanl pulse moves decply and slowly.
The clephant pulse íccls likt lhe head or an clephant
with a little nol<h. F<d lhe clephant moving undcr the ring
fingcr, letting intuition and awaroncss work. li is slow, decp
and hcavy, with a no1<b bcíon: it collapses. This pulse is
called g1j1 g11i and it shows cxtr<mcly high bpli, blockcd
ia lhe lymphatic tissuc. This pulse may indicate clephantitis
or lymphosarcoma and can bc íclt undcr the bpM finger
(lhe ring finger).
Under the b{IM fingcr onc mighl also find a p,dlM
g,ri, a J01us pulse. Just as lhe l01us moves and OOOIS ia lhe
wattr, lhe pulse under lhe fingcr ·moves to and íro. Thal
locusg11i is a vcry sacr<d pulse. indicating tbatthe pcnon is
cnligbttncd. The thousand peta! IOlus is opcn. The pulse is
broad but moves to and íro. as if constant "so•hum, hum•sa·
is mo•ing in lhe breath. This pulse is pr<scnt during dccp
mcdilatioo and indiCll<s cnligbknmcnt anda blissful sutc.


Ftcling the pul« i< an ort. Aw.,.,,.._, should bc i-•i•·c.

Onc should let thot awm:ncss act upoo lhe minJ. Use lhe
tips uí lhe fiuacc:1~ tu íc:cl thc natwe or gati of lhe: pulse.
S.riM ~•ti (lhe cobra pulse) is a normal ,•Jr, pulse.
Mimdúb g,ri (lhe (rog pulse) is a normtl piu, pulse.
11,,ms.1 g.,ri (lhe swan pul,c) is a nonn,l• pulse. Thcsc
.,. lhe lhr<c ba.,ic pulses lho! onc should bcar in mind.
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