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or 1ympnosarcom.a 4.00 ,.n oc 1en unoc:r uu: upn.

a 1mgc:r
(lhe ring fmger).
Under lhe bp/16 r...., oae migbl abo find • ,,,.t,u
g11i, 1 lolUs pulse. JUSI as lhe lolUs moves 111d flolls ia lhe
.._, lhe pulse u..ier lhe r...., ·..,... 10 and rro. Thll
klllls g,ti is • v,ry saa<d pulse, indicalillg 1h11 lhe penon is
ealigbleaed. Tbe 1housand pclll loeus is opcn. The pulse is
brold bul ..,... 10 and ÍIO, as if OOGSIUI "so-bwn, bum-s,"
is moviag ia lhe bralh. Tbis pulse is presem duriag detJ)
meditalionand indialesea~1 Inda blissful swe.


Feeling lhe pul« i, IR art. Aw....,.._, <hculd he p,.w~

One should lei 1hat awllffl:>S act upun the mind. Use lhe
ti)JO oC tio: fongc" tu íec:I tbc ,,...,,, or g,ri of the pulse.
Sa,,,. Rlfi (lhe cobra pulse) is a normal vll1 pulse.
Mindlib glfi (lhe rrog pulse) is • normal pitll pulse.
Ham:u g,ri (lhe swlR pulse) is a normal bph• pulse. The,c
.,. lhe thrcc ba.<ic pulses lhal ORO should bear in mind.
1 p y


1111111 Gaó ~wu) 11Mb Gaá (F,'I) !arpa Gaó (Cân) 1
llasli Gaá (E""1ur) Ttainb Gaá ( ~ ) jalaob Gaá (laô)
Iam 6ali (l,an) Db Gaá (Crw) 1nai Gaá (Wn)
1Mb Gaá (e- Qail}
..... ---••lolo--~ ....
......................, ....

Ayurveda is• subjeclive IS wcll as IR objectivo science.

A computeriud machinc 10 SIUdy lhe nldi has bec:n
dcvised. To use·1 machinc IS• diognoslic lool is Ili righl 10
QIIIRlil'y ptlteplion bul 10 qualify pe,cepliOR "'!UÍtes lhe
sensi1ivi1y or lhe human finsen. Ctttain subde1ies aboul
whctller lhe pulse is boi, hcavy, lighl, or vlll is .,...rung
pirr• or pill• is blocking vll• are difíocull 10 represent
graphicllly. To have • machme will satisfy sorne pooplc,
but we should progt1111 our highly developcd bwnan com-
puicr, which is our bnin, and improve lhe sensitivicy o(



lhcse heauliful • ~ the fingertips. Whcn ooe suru
lecUng a maJJ7?,U,.s, g,ti or j:,J:,llb g1ti, a mcm-

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