Ro, Oae: Human and

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wh(ther lhe pulse IS hOI, heavy, J1ght.

or var• IS i)UShmg
pitt• or pitt• is blocking vir• . . difficult 10 rq,rcsent
gn,phically. To havc a machinc will Sllisfy some pcoplc.
but we should program our highly devcloped human com-
pul<r, which is our bnin. and impovc lhe JCIISitivil)' o(


lhcsc bealiliful elecvodes ia lhe fingerôps. Whcn oae ,.....

íeeling • IMndlib gai. 1,..,,. g•ri or jal•llb gari. a mcm•
ory is slorcd in lhe finge, as well as in lhe bnin (scc illustra-
lioo on poge 16). Through lhe rocepcors in lhe fingenips one
can pcroeivc 1hese cbaracleristics o( difremll pulses Once
one knows how IO paceivc. onc will begin 10 pin insighc
anel ffllSlaJI OY<r lhe pulse.
Practice lhcsc llaoe basic pulses on íriends anel íamily
and li)' to become aw. . o( lhe subtle dirra.nces o( each

v..,.. (R«,,}
1'heR ... sevenl qualities o( lhe pulse which .......
1ively gross, easy IO read and yet importanl. One o( lhcsc
qualities. pncticed bolh in Ayurveda anel in modem allo-

numbet or bealS per . . - . v,,,

pathic medicine. is wg,. 11 means lhe rate or lhe pulse. lhe
varies due ,o ucn:ise.
an.tidy « e>eitltioo. To gel III accurate ruting pulse, 111:e
lhe pulse in lhe ...ty moming in a rutíul condilioo. l'eg• is
normally high in viu, moderate in pitta anel low in bp/u.
F<el lhe pulse ro, oae minu1e and count lhe oumbet or pul-
Vlt• 8().9S beaa: per ll'lillUle
Pitt• 70-80 bem per minute
X.pM 50-60 beats per ll'liaute
The pulse 111e is bigb ia, pathological conditioas.
For eumple, in _,,,;,, lhe blood volume is low and lhe lis•
sues need more oxygen, so lhe hwt increases ilS rlft IO pro-
vide optimwn oxygen 10 lhe tissues. l'tg• is also incttased
ia canliac íailure, thyrotoxicosis or hypendive thyroid
gJand. ibyroloxicosis is c:oolinned by reading lhe pulse
while lhe person is asleep. ln this disease, lhe pulse is lligh
even in a dcep sleep. Tall pcople have slower hwt,.... and
shon pcople have ,....,. heal1 llleS. Oúklren liso llave
higherllleS.-90-100. Themoreheight. lheslowerlhe
rate: lhe lower lhe hei&N, the gre,ter lhe rale. So rale is
inYersely proportional lo heighl. ln pkler pcople lbe - is
slower. Old age is lhe age o( viu and mold ap vlta is
túed. The lighl 11111, rougJ, qualities o( viu ....... the



Slrength oí p,I.. vl1" and vyl.. vly,,, ieadÍllg 1D a slow

plrysiological puloe.

loúacy a o d - 1bp/u is predonl- io 111e .,..._


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