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Organizational Behavior, 14e (Robbins/Judge)

Chapter 4 Emotions and Moods

1) Which of the following is a generic term that covers a broad range of feelings that people
A) Affect
B) Emotions
C) Moods
D) Emotional labor
2) What term is used for intense feelings that are directed at someone or something?
A) Affect
B) Cognition
C) Moods
D) Emotions
3) Julia works as a receptionist at a real estate company. Her boss just came in the door and
yelled at her, telling her that the front office was a mess and that she needed to get up and clean it
immediately. After her boss left the room Julia grabbed three magazines and violently slammed
them into the trash can. Which of the following best describes Julia's action?
A) An affect
B) A thought
C) A mood
D) An emotion
4) When the team he supports wins the World Cup, John feels a surge of joy, which turns into
a feeling of satisfaction that lasts for days. What is one of the reasons that the feeling of
satisfaction might be categorized as a mood and not an emotion?
A) It is a very strong feeling.
B) It is brought about by a specific event.
C) It has a lengthy duration.
D) It is a positive feeling
5) When Ariana's mom tells her that her dog has been killed by a car, her eyes widen in disbelief
and tears begin to stream down her face. Later that day she is able to laugh and talk about the fun
times she had with her dog. What is one of the reasons that Ariana's reaction can be categorized
as an emotion?
A) It is a general, unambiguous feeling.
B) It is accompanied by facial expressions.
C) It has a lengthy duration.
D) It is a positive feeling.
6) Individualistic values are usually present in ________
A. North America
B. Middle East
C. Africa
D. Asia
7) ________ is a term that describes countries where people see themselves as interdependent
and seek community and group goals.
A. Individualistic
B. Collectivistic
C. Pessimistic
8) Showing sympathy for the suffering of others evokes a feeling and an instant judgment that
we make due to our ________.
A. Affect
B. Emotions
C. Moods
D. Moral Emotions
9) A ________ means that when nothing is going on, people are generally in a good mood.
A) Low-positive affect
B) Positivity offset
C) High-positive affect
D) Negativity offset
10) Positivity offset means ________.
A. The conflict between rationality and emotions
B. When people experience same emotions with different intensities
C. At zero input, most individuals experience a mildly positive mood.
D. Shows a relationship between emotions and ethicality
11) Sources of emotions and moods includes all of the below, except ________
A. Weather
B. Time of the day
C. Exercise
D. Minutes of a certain hour
12) Ben is very prone to experiencing emotions in a much stronger manner than most other
people. Things that wouldn't provoke any significant emotional response in the average person
often send him into fits of happiness, anger, or depression. Ben has a high level of which of the
A) Introversion
B) Affect Intensity
C) Extroversion
D) Positive affect
13) On which of the following days do people tend to be in their best moods?
A) Monday
B) Tuesday
C) Wednesday
D) Friday
14) “I really hate stormy, rainy weather. I feel very sleepy and unproductive and my mood
switches off.” This statement is described as ________.
A. Emotion
B. Mood
C. Affect Intensity
D. Illusory Correlation
15) ________ is the tendency of people to associate two events, when in reality there is no
connection between the two.
A. Affect Intensity
B. Positivity Offset
C. Illusory Correlation
D. Anxiety
16) What effect does stress typically have on mood?
A) Short-term positive
B) Long-term positive
C) Short term positive but long term negative
D) Negative
17) Which of the following statements is not true about the difference between men and women
when it comes to emotional reactions?
A) Women show greater emotional expression.
B) Men express emotions more intensely.
C) Men express anger more frequently.
D) Women tend to hold on to emotions longer
18) Alejandro is constantly annoying people in the office. He speaks his mind freely, doesn't try
to smile when he's in a bad mood, and can't understand why other people are upset with him.
Alejandro's inability to be self-aware indicates that he has a very low ________.
A) Cognitive intelligence
B) Self-esteem
C) Negative affect
D) Emotional intelligence
19) Emotional Intelligence describes the ability to ________.
A) Perceive emotions in one’s self and in others
B) Understand the meaning of the emotions felt
C) Regulate one’s self emotions accordingly
D) All answers are true
True or False:
1. Affect is a broad range of feelings that people experience.
2. Emotions are intense feelings directed at someone or something.
3. When a person is experiencing a bad mood, it might last for several days.
4. When there is a zero input within a person’s situation, most individuals experience a mildly
positive mood.
4. Individualistic and collectivistic values are usually present in the Asian countries.
5. In Japan, positive affect is higher on weekends than on Mondays.
6. Age is considered a source of emotions and moods.
7. People usually interpret emotions from vocalization (sighs, screams) the same way across
8. When an event happens, the second stage in emotional intelligence is when the person begins
understanding the meaning of the emotions perceived.
Objective 3.1 What are Emotions and Moods?

Emotions Moods
Causes Specific Event General & Unclear
Duration Brief in Duration Longer than emotions
Nature Specific & Numerous More General
Facial Expression Distinct Facial Expression Not indicated by distinct
Orientation Action Oriented Cognitive

Objective 3.2 Sources of Emotions and Moods

• Personality: People experience the same emotions with different intensities; the degree to
which they experience them is called their Affect Intensity.
• Time of the Day: Moods vary by the time of day.
• Day of the Week: In most cultures people are in a better mood on the weekend—This isn’t the
case in all cultures, however. In Japan, positive affect is higher on Monday than on either Friday
or Saturday.
• Weather: Many people believe their mood is tied to the weather yet weather has little effect on
mood. This is: Illusory correlation, which occurs when we associate two events that in reality
have no connection.
• Stress: Stressful events at work a negatively affect moods.
• Sleep: Sleep quality affects moods and decision making, and increased fatigue puts workers at
risk of disease, injury, and depression.
• Exercise: Exercise enhances people’s positive moods.
• Age: Positive moods increased with age.
• Sex: women experience emotions more intensely, they tend to “hold onto” emotions longer
than men.

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