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Chemical Equations


Burette, pipette, conical flask, beaker stand, tripod stand, burner

Chemical Required ;


KMnO4 is a self-indicator.

End Point;

Colourless to permanent pink colour (KMnO4 in burette).


Prepared 500 ml of M/50 oxalic acid solution by dissolving 1.260 g of oxalic acid crystals in
distilled water. Rinsed the pipette with the M/50 oxalic acid solution and pipette out 20 ml of
it in a washed titration flask.

Rinsed and filled the burette with M/100 KMnO4 solution.

Added one test-tube (~ 20 ml) full of dilute sulphuric acid (~ 2 M) to the solution in titration

Noted the initial reading of the burette.

Heated the flask to 60-70 and added KMnO4 solution from the burette till a permanent light
pink colour is imparted to the solution in the titration flask on addition of last single drop of
KMnO4 solution.
Noted the final reading of the burette.

Repeated the above steps 3 times to get a set of three concordant readings.

Weight of watch glass =16.20 gm
Weight of watch glass + Oxalic Acid =17.460 gm
Weight of Oxalic Acid = 1.260 g
Volume of solution prepared = 500 ml
Volume of Oxalic Acid solution taken for each titration = 20 ml
Molarity of KMnO4 solution =M/50


Experiment -6

Separate the Coloured Components Present in the Mixture of Red
and Blue Inks by Ascending Paper Chromatography and Find their
Rf Values
Gas jar, glass rod, filter paper strip (What man No. 1 filter paper), jar
cover, fine capillary tube.

A mixture of red and blue inks, alcohol and distilled water.

We take a What man filter paper strip (20 x 2 cm) and draw a line with pencil above
4 cm from one end. Draw another line lengthwise from the centre of the paper.

With the help of fine capillary tube, put a drop of the mixture of red and blue inks at
the point P. Let it dry in air. Put another drop on the same spot and dry again.
Repeated 2-3 times, so that the spot is rich in mixture.

Suspended the filter paper vertically in a gas jar containing the solvent (eluent) with
the help of a glass rod in such a way that the pencil line (and the spot) remains about
2 cm .above the solvent level (50% alcohol + distilled water).

Cover the jar and keep it undisturbed. Notice the rising solvent along with the mixture
of red and blue inks. After the solvent has risen about 15 cm you will notice two
different spots of blue and red colours on the filter paper.

Taken the filter paper out of the jar and mark the distance that the solvent has risen
on the paper with a pencil. This is called the solvent front.

Dry the paper. Put pencil marks in the centre of the blue and red spots.

Measured the distance of the two spots from the original line and the distance of the
solvent from the original line.
Calculated the Rf Values of the blue and red inks by using the formula:

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