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Micro project report On

“Stoplight graphics”


For the Award of


Roll No Name of Student Enrollment No

04 Neha Hanmant Ronge 2110740073

01 Priyanka Vijay Godase 2110740070

03 Dhanashi Prabhakar Bhojane 2110740072
05 Sakshi Kalleshwar Hembade 2110740072



SVERI’s College of Engineering (Polytechnic), Pandharpur

Gopalpur Pandharpur-413304

Evolution sheet for Micro Project

Academic Year:- 2022-23 Name of Faculty:-Ms.T.B.Lokhande

Course:- Information Technology Course code:- IF4I

Subject:- GUI Application Subject Code:-22034
Semester:- 4 Scheme:- I

Title of “Stoplight graphics”

COs addressed by the Micro Project:

CO 1

Marks out of 6 Marks out of 4 Total

for for mars
Roll No Name of students performance in performance out
group activity in oral/ of 10

04 Neha Hanmant Ronge

01 Priyanka Vijaj Godase
03 Dhanashi Prabhakar Bhojane
05 Sakshi Kalleshwar Hembade

Name and
of faculty

This is to certify that the Project report entitled


“Stoplight Graphics”
Submitted by

Roll no Name of Student Enrollment no

04 Neha Hanmant Ronge 2110740073
01 Priyanka Vijaj Godase 2110740070
03 Dhanashi Prabhakar Bhojane 2110740072
05 Sakshi Kalleshwar Hembade 2110740072

is a bonafide work carried out by above students, under the guidance of Ms. T.B.Lokhade and it is
submitted towards the fulfillment of requirement of MSBTE, Mumbai for the award of Diploma in
Information Technology at SVERI’s COE (Polytechnic), Pandharpur during the academic year 2022-2023

(Mrs.G.S.Misal) (Dr. Misal N. D.)
HOD Principal

Place: Pandharpur

Date: / /

“Stoplight graphics ” has been developed successfully with a great contribution of two students
in a period of two months. We like to appreciate their guidance, encouragement and willingness since
without their support the project would not have been a success. We would like to give our heartfelt
gratitude to Principal Dr. N. D. Misal , Guide Ms.T.B.Lokhande & HOD Mrs.G.S.Misal, who is the
supervisor of our project for helping and encouraging us in many ways to make our project a success. We
would never been able to finish our work without great support and enthusiasm from friends and support
from our family. We would like to thank the department of Information Technology, for giving us
permission to initiate this project and successfully finish it.

I his is a tíaffic light simulatoí that woíks like the actual tíaffic lights. It can be
píogíammed faiíly easily using Visual Basic 6. In this píogíam, you have to inseít one timeí and
set its inteíval to any figuíe. Heíe we set it to 3000, which is equivalent to 3 seconds. Next you
inseít thíee shapes and set theií shape píopeíties to ciícle and fill them with thíee coloís, gíeen,
ambeí (oí yellow) and íed. Use the following code to set one coloí on and the otheí two coloís
off .
If you want moíe latest VB píojects heíe. his is simple and basic level small píoject
foí leaíning puípose. Also you can modified this system as peí youí íequíiments and
develop a peífect advance level píoject. Zip file containing the source code that can be
extíacted and then impoíted into vb. his Souíce code foí BE, Bľech, MCA, BCA,
Engineeíing, Bs.CS, Iľ, Softwaíe Engineeíing final yeaí students can submit in college.his
scíipt developed by madansingh chouhan. his desktop application 100% woíking smooth
without any bug. It is developed using vb and Database no. his softwaíe code helpful in
academic píojects foí final yeaí students. We have a gíeat collection of VB píojects.
How to create traffic signal in visual basic 6.0

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
If PictureBox1.Visible Then
PictureBox2.Visible = True
PictureBox1.Visible = False
PictureBox3.Visible = False

ElseIf PictureBox2.Visible Then

PictureBox3.Visible = True
PictureBox2.Visible = False
PictureBox1.Visible = False

ElseIf PictureBox3.Visible Then

PictureBox1.Visible = True
PictureBox2.Visible = False
PictureBox3.Visible = False

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Timer1.Start() 'start the timer'
Timer1.Interval = 3000

End Sub

Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

Timer1.Stop() 'stop the timer'

End Sub
End Class
Traffic signal program in visual basic this task is very easy in visual basic but many times
student are confused to solve this task, basically, this program is useful for every BCA, MCA,
BE and other IT students.A lot of students can try to solve the traffic light system in visual
basic but many times they can’t Solve the program of traffic signal visual basic 6.0. Here we
will see how to create traffic light program in visual basic 6.0. if you have already some idea
about the traffic signal in vb 6.0 then you can properly understand this program if you have not
any type of idea about the program of traffic light in visual basic then don’t worry because will
give a very easy solution for the visual basic traffic signal program. And any student has any
type the problem then comment me immediately due that I will give the better solution for the
traffic light program in visual basic
Here I have provided the solution as well as source code for traffic light in visual basic 6.0
program. By using this source code you can get your solution and create a traffic signal
program in vb 6.0. so without wasting time start to the task of a traffic signal in vb .

Steps to create a traffic signal in visual basic

1. Open visual basic 6.0.

2. Add a new form.
3. Draw three circles as per your requirements for traffic lights.
4. Draw the timer for manages the loops.
5. Then double click on the timer and type the following traffic light source code.
Why Traffic light program require to us?

The traffic light programs are increasing your logical skills. Here we have used the Boolean
data type true and false due to that you can handle the logical task and create more your own
ideas. Traffic light program is very useful to you because this program used anywhere, for
example, you want to create the traffic management system project then this source code very
useful to you. By using traffic signal source code in vb you can create an attractive design for
your software or software. If you are confused about how to create traffic signal in visual basic
6.0 then you can directly contact our experts they will provide the best solution for the traffic
light program in vb.

How to work traffic signal in visual basic 6.0

The main purpose of this program is creating the best logical performance. This program
works like the loop. If you want to give the specific timing for the vb traffic light then you
have give the timing in the source code. If you want to that traffic light source code then
comment me in the comment box. Many times you had seen the traffic lights in our real life
that lights manage the road traffics and manage the vehicles. In that traffic lights also applied
for some program due to that the traffic signal performs properly, without any program they
cannot work. Now here as like that traffic

lights, we can create the traffic signal system in vb 6.0 or mini-project of traffic signal
management system. If you create the new system or any type of project in visual basic and
you want to need the progress bar in vb for flash screen then we have provided that source
code also you can get that code. Visit our other post easy coding for number is even or odd in

Visual Basic provides a huge number of graphics tools that you can use to solve all sorts of
problems. By using Graphics objects, pens, and brushes, you can draw and fill all sorts of
shapes. You can use stock pens and brushes or create your own with hatch patterns, gradient
fills, textures, custom dash patterns and end caps, and longitudinal stripes.

The Graphics class’s DrawString method lets you draw text formatted and wrapped to fit a
particular area, optionally with ellipses. The Bitmap class provides methods for getting and
setting the values of every pixel in an image.

Transformations add a whole new level of power to any graphics code. By using
transformations, you can stretch, rotate, and translate images to reuse code

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